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Share your Mandachord songs!


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Fox_lexib said:

Could someone try to make this song? If it's been made already please show me how to make it.


"Try to" will be the keyword. The manchadord doesn't have a few of the lower notes. Someone did try it already tho, buuut I'll still give it a shot.



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9 hours ago, AVSManfred said:

Alright wanted to make sure if ther wasnt request for it before but i woudl like to request one of thsese songs



No need for Intro, also not sure if any of these is posible to make but would really like someone to try them out

Zero's Theme (Mega Man X3): Mandachord (Original)

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Argh... what i hate about these mandachord covers is everyone can copy the notes people share with each other and can make their own vids and upload them, sometimes such actions get more views and likes than original. For example 3 days ago some russian player made a vid with my latest cover Sweet Dreams. It's getting popular =w= I know, I can't proove, mabbe he made it himself, but gosh... all instruments' notes sound like mine exactly... I don't know if I should be pissed off or not.. :c

UPD: Btw here's a new cover I made: Contra - Jungle Theme


Edited by ShineShield
attaching a video to avoid multiposting
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2 hours ago, ShineShield said:

Argh... what i hate about these mandachord covers is everyone can copy the notes people share with each other and can make their own vids and upload them, sometimes such actions get more views and likes than original. For example 3 days ago some russian player made a vid with my latest cover Sweet Dreams. It's getting popular =w= I know, I can't proove, mabbe he made it himself, but gosh... all instruments' notes sound like mine exactly... I don't know if I should be pissed off or not.. :c

Welcome to the internet, unfortunately.  Without an official way to share and claim writing credit, the time stamp on your YouTube page is the best you can do.  You can't conclusively prove they didn't come up with it themselves, but you can at least prove that you did it first.

This is the reason why I started posting them on YouTube in the first place.  I actually played a mission with someone using one of mine and he tried to claim he spent hours writing it himself, before I called him on it.

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