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Octavia's arrival marks another blow to male warframes


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14 minutes ago, JalakBali said:

If playing a certain gender in a video game is bothering you that much, you need to get that checked instead of asking people to cater to your messed up needs. It's like complaining to the dairy farm your cheese are melting too fast because your house is on fire.

Jeeze thanks for putting me in a psych ward right away man, no im not insane and not asking anyone to "cater to my messed up needs", my post was not a "need" it was an opinion, there is a difference 

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14 minutes ago, (Xbox One)XxSkullz667xX said:

Just wow dude really??? I realize my post may sound a bit rant-ish but ur kinda blowing it outta proportion....for one i am a christian, lutheren to be exact, secondly im not insane as some of these ppl are making me sound....u can take almost anyones text and shed it in a different light, kinda like u get the impression that ppl are angry in text but not in real life, kinda like the same way my post is being perceived 

Your post is being perceived in precisely the way you wrote it:

"It's a girly girl frame, it looks stupid, I don't want to play a girly girl frame because girly girls aren't cool and can't be cool, they can only be girly."

You should be considerably lucky that responses like mine - which are mundane and joking and writing your opinion off as nonsensical because we're allowed to think your opinion is nonsense, just like you're allowed to have that opinion at all - are the only real responses you've gotten. Plenty of people on the internet would be happy to bring out the noose and lynch you for the blatant smack of sexism that comes when you imply a "girly girl" just can't ever be as cool as some "edgelord mandude". 

You can have an opinion, and you can be wrong. They aren't mutually exclusive. Your complaint got out of hand when you started to imply that somehow a female Warframe would be less capable than a male one or that a particularly feminine Warframe has no place in the universe. It's especially nonsense because Octavia is actually quite androgynous and it is her animations that seem somewhat female (and even then I frankly think Frost looks amazing using Octavia's agile animation, personally) and Warframes are technically genderless themselves. They're given a gender based on appearances and some are clearly more female than others. I see you have no complaints about Saryn despite her being the t!ts&butt frame of the game, for instance; is that because she passed enough muster by spewing out spores and being a plague carrier made her cool enough for the boobage not to matter?

I'm not perceiving your post as angry.

I'm just perceiving you as being a little bit petulant and having a terrible opinion.

Edited by Airyllish
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29 minutes ago, (Xbox One)XxSkullz667xX said:

Wasnt trying to piss anyone off dude....yes its my opinion ,...and thats ur opinion, but unlike alot of the ppl in this post im not gonna disrespect ur opinion and ill just leave ya with this that i wasnt aware there was such a huge fanbase of male gammers play as female characters and was not calling said gammers unnatural, i guess me myself feels more at home in a male character thats all 

i can guess you werent trying to piss of anybody, and you didnt do that to me. i just find it annoying when someone speaks, they say it like they speak for the majority when not really knowing it.

ive been playing mmos for more than a decade now, and you can be sure that guys are more likely to play females than males. at least in the ones ive played that was the case. sometimes just cus they got bored of the reality, sometimes cus devs simply design females better. but majority is cus of people wanting to be pervs on their characters by dressing them up accordingly. in cases like tera, undressing would be a better term.

and if you are in a band, you might as well hated octavia. its "music" is too limited to do anything since its all d minor as far as notes go. instruments are a bit lacking imo as well. its a fun addition but it needs to be improved imo.

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17 minutes ago, Zeclem said:

i can guess you werent trying to piss of anybody, and you didnt do that to me. i just find it annoying when someone speaks, they say it like they speak for the majority when not really knowing it.

ive been playing mmos for more than a decade now, and you can be sure that guys are more likely to play females than males. at least in the ones ive played that was the case. sometimes just cus they got bored of the reality, sometimes cus devs simply design females better. but majority is cus of people wanting to be pervs on their characters by dressing them up accordingly. in cases like tera, undressing would be a better term.

and if you are in a band, you might as well hated octavia. its "music" is too limited to do anything since its all d minor as far as notes go. instruments are a bit lacking imo as well. its a fun addition but it needs to be improved imo.

I agree on the musical part, if octavia is that limited then yea i might as well hate her lol....honestly all i heard was we can make our own music and seen her final design....didnt know it was so limited, and i wasnt trying to speak as if we all felt the same way, i re-read my post and realized i did indeed come off as that way and for that i appologize 

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10 minutes ago, (Xbox One)XxSkullz667xX said:

I agree on the musical part, if octavia is that limited then yea i might as well hate her lol....honestly all i heard was we can make our own music and seen her final design....didnt know it was so limited, and i wasnt trying to speak as if we all felt the same way, i re-read my post and realized i did indeed come off as that way and for that i appologize 

it doesnt even have proper guitar in the melody part of its instruments. as a fellow guitarist it made me hate the frame T-T

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25 minutes ago, Airyllish said:

Your post is being perceived in precisely the way you wrote it:

"It's a girly girl frame, it looks stupid, I don't want to play a girly girl frame because girly girls aren't cool and can't be cool, they can only be girly."

You should be considerably lucky that responses like mine - which are mundane and joking and writing your opinion off as nonsensical because we're allowed to think your opinion is nonsense, just like you're allowed to have that opinion at all - are the only real responses you've gotten. Plenty of people on the internet would be happy to bring out the noose and lynch you for the blatant smack of sexism that comes when you imply a "girly girl" just can't ever be as cool as some "edgelord mandude". 

You can have an opinion, and you can be wrong. They aren't mutually exclusive. Your complaint got out of hand when you started to imply that somehow a female Warframe would be less capable than a male one or that a particularly feminine Warframe has no place in the universe. It's especially nonsense because Octavia is actually quite androgynous and it is her animations that seem somewhat female (and even then I frankly think Frost looks amazing using Octavia's agile animation, personally) and Warframes are technically genderless themselves. They're given a gender based on appearances and some are clearly more female than others. I see you have no complaints about Saryn despite her being the t!ts&butt frame of the game, for instance; is that because she passed enough muster by spewing out spores and being a plague carrier made her cool enough for the boobage not to matter?

I'm not perceiving your post as angry.

I'm just perceiving you as being a little bit petulant and having a terrible opinion.

Ok for one thing ive been calm and collective dealing with some of the peoples responses as i did, but for ur comment on myself being lynched was entirely uncalled for and quite franky is a load of horse S#&$......and ur argument in point of that was bull as well.....half my post was consisted of saying how cool the female frames are, quite the opposite of the light u shed it in, and im not some womanizer either, trying to say that female frames have no place in warframe is a complete line of crap as well ......and u say my opinion was horrible....how bout u thinking its fine to say "hey everyone lets lynch this guy for hating on something and having their own opinion"  so piss off 

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6 minutes ago, Zeclem said:

it doesnt even have proper guitar in the melody part of its instruments. as a fellow guitarist it made me hate the frame T-T

Lol i feel ya man, but im actually the lead vocalist of my band, but yes i know how to play guitar as well and i too am sad now


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48 minutes ago, (Xbox One)XxSkullz667xX said:

Jeeze thanks for putting me in a psych ward right away man, no im not insane and not asking anyone to "cater to my messed up needs", my post was not a "need" it was an opinion, there is a difference 

And there's a psychological background why you have that opinion. People don't get opinions out of thin air. This game is not even asking you to roleplay as woman. You're controlling a "robot" which looks like a girl. If that is too much that you're uncomfortable, there's an underlying problem with you.

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Considering many play the game for its aesthetics and DE even makes bank off cosmetics. The look of their warframe - including gender - is a valid concern made by the OP. You cannot deny many of you have based your preferences on looks. Same applies in this case.


But going further.


If it were an offline game. I have no worries playing a female character. Because it's not my character.


Step into the online world and the character you play is - the warframes in this case - is an avatar of yourself. And I don't think I identify as a female. You can argue that warframes are genderless. But slapping breasts on it kind makes that point mute.


Not that I'm demanding that every warframe has a male and female counterpart. But it is a disappointment you cannot appease game play and aesthetics at the same time. Considering how cosmetics is heavily focused and monetized in this game. It's DE loss that they limit player preferences. Just means less money for them.

Edited by AzurePrower
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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)XxSkullz667xX said:

why couldnt DE have made the bard frame an "it" like genderless ya know (no not like a transgender, kinda like how cars dont have a "gender").....idk, i know im gonna get allot of flak for this post but its how i feel on the matter thats all, im still gonna play her, cant be in a band and not play the music frame or at least have it, honestly cant wait to see what tunes i can create (hopefully they put in some heavy guitar as i am in a metalcore band, and also should not exclude that genre of music, cuz metalheads dont wanna run around with some nikki minage crap sounding beats)....

Yep, there have been so many "it" frames in the past, what's one more, eh?

Look, if you don't enjoy the playstyles of male frames, then just play the girls, what's the problem? I understand it's for immersion, but most of the frames look quite genderless anyway, like Ne Zha, Equi, and even Octavia, before her name was released, I honestly didn't know what gender she was.

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21 minutes ago, (Xbox One)XxSkullz667xX said:

Ok for one thing ive been calm and collective dealing with some of the peoples responses as i did, but for ur comment on myself being lynched was entirely uncalled for and quite franky is a load of horse S#&$......and ur argument in point of that was bull as well.....half my post was consisted of saying how cool the female frames are, quite the opposite of the light u shed it in, and im not some womanizer either, trying to say that female frames have no place in warframe is a complete line of crap as well ......and u say my opinion was horrible....how bout u thinking its fine to say "hey everyone lets lynch this guy for hating on something and having their own opinion"  so piss off 

You seem to have read everything I said wrong.

Nowhere did I say it was right or that people should lynch you, what I told you is that plenty of people on the internet would have that sort of response because your post reads precisely how I told you it does. That you didn't intend for it to sound that way? Doesn't matter. The fact you use terms like "girly girl" in the first place is exactly suggestive of just how you feel about feminine things in Warframe.

If you read again, more closely, you'll realise that I told you that you should be grateful most of the responses in this thread have been jokes brushing off your horrible opinion. The way you framed your opinion is awful, and thus makes your opinion sound awful. But go ahead and tell me where I said "we should lynch this guy"? You can't. Because I didn't say that.

Your reading comprehension is as terrible as your writing comprehension is.

Your complaint that you don't like female frames in a game that produces both male and female frames and has given you a wealth of various male frames to choose from is asinine and terrible. The fact that they have released one slightly more feminine frame (and I like the fact you keep ignoring me every time I point out that Octavia is actually androgynous in appearance - do you not know what that word means or are you intentionally ignoring me when I say that to you?) apparently has you so upset that you've decided to complain about, even though we literally just had frames like Nidus and Inaros before her. Which you also seem to wilfully ignore, because man, wouldn't your opinion just seem trite if there was no actual foundation behind it?

Edited by Airyllish
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31 minutes ago, (Xbox One)XxSkullz667xX said:

Ok for one thing ive been calm and collective dealing with some of the peoples responses as i did, but for ur comment on myself being lynched was entirely uncalled for and quite franky is a load of horse S#&$......and ur argument in point of that was bull as well.....half my post was consisted of saying how cool the female frames are, quite the opposite of the light u shed it in, and im not some womanizer either, trying to say that female frames have no place in warframe is a complete line of crap as well ......and u say my opinion was horrible....how bout u thinking its fine to say "hey everyone lets lynch this guy for hating on something and having their own opinion"  so piss off 

First Calm down.

It is your Opinion and ppl criticize that opinion because most ppl don´t care about gender. Accept that.

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If It were the other way round, I would probably think OP was a feminist.

not sure why the Sex/Gender of a Warframe really matters that much, I usually prefer to play as a male character because I can associate with them a bit more, but I'm still privy to playing as females, because, well... two very obvious reasons...

ultimately it depends on the aesthetic, and I'll play as whichever looks better. as long as the frame functions well in the game, I couldn't care less if it were a 300lb fat dude or a female with a body that makes my Longsword unsheathe. your post comes across as rather ranty, and that's why you are receiving equally toxic responses.


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7 minutes ago, Airyllish said:

You seem to have read everything I said wrong.

Nowhere did I say it was right or that people should lynch you, what I told you is that plenty of people on the internet would have that sort of response because your post reads precisely how I told you it does. That you didn't intend for it to sound that way? Doesn't matter. The fact you use terms like "girly girl" in the first place is exactly suggestive of just how you feel about feminine things in Warframe.

If you read again, more closely, you'll realise that I told you that you should be grateful most of the responses in this thread have been jokes brushing off your horrible opinion. The way you framed your opinion is awful, and thus makes your opinion sound awful. But go ahead and tell me where I said "we should lynch this guy"? You can't. Because I didn't say that.

Your reading comprehension is as terrible as your writing comprehension is.

Your complaint that you don't like female frames in a game that produces both male and female frames and has given you a wealth of various male frames to choose from is asinine and terrible. The fact that they have released one slightly more feminine frame (and I like the fact you keep ignoring me every time I point out that Octavia is actually androgynous in appearance - do you not know what that word means or are you intentionally ignoring me when I say that to you?) apparently has you so upset that you've decided to complain about, even though we literally just had frames like Nidus and Inaros before her. Which you also seem to wilfully ignore, because man, wouldn't your opinion just seem trite if there was no actual foundation behind it?

Its not just the fact u even used the phrase lynch man, its the fact that u paint this horrible picture of me as a person, and think me some sort of woman hater or anti-femminist, when in reality im not even close to that as a person....for starters u say im ignoring the fact u point out that octavia is androgynous just like ur ignoring the fact im pointing out that the female frames kick &#! which last i checked was a compliment to said frames....and no i did not know what that one word "androgynous" meant although could tell what it probably meant how u were using it, nor do i even think u have the foot to stand on to call me ignorant or unintelligent to such words as anyone can tell i have a vast vocabulary and understanding of how to use vocabulary properly .....but i was a little pre-occupied trying to defend me as a person rather than defend my post because honestly ur kinda like one of those people who will take judgment of someone's person and character based on a simple opinion of something as harmless as a character in a freaking game, and it was only octavia i was calling a little girly girl because of her movements, it also does not make me against females or think that females are lesser for using such words, we all can tell the difference between a woman who is tough and a woman who is preppy and if u will a "girly girl", not saying tough women cant dress classy or sexy or however they want to either before u drag me through the dirt for that comment, ...in short what im trying to say is must u be such a prick as to make everyone here think im this asshat that thinks women are inferior and have no place, and that i have mental issues and such just for a simple opinion,....cuz honestly that S#&$ hurts man, its one thing to dissagree with someones view on something, its something entirely different to judge their actual personality and character out of said opinion they made, its like saying someone hates all germans cuz they hate hitler which was one (very evil) german 

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14 minutes ago, (Xbox One)XxSkullz667xX said:

Its not just the fact u even used the phrase lynch man, its the fact that u paint this horrible picture of me as a person, and think me some sort of woman hater or anti-femminist, when in reality im not even close to that as a person....for starters u say im ignoring the fact u point out that octavia is androgynous just like ur ignoring the fact im pointing out that the female frames kick &#! which last i checked was a compliment to said frames....and no i did not know what that one word "androgynous" meant although could tell what it probably meant how u were using it, nor do i even think u have the foot to stand on to call me ignorant or unintelligent to such words as anyone can tell i have a vast vocabulary and understanding of how to use vocabulary properly .....but i was a little pre-occupied trying to defend me as a person rather than defend my post because honestly ur kinda like one of those people who will take judgment of someone's person and character based on a simple opinion of something as harmless as a character in a freaking game, and it was only octavia i was calling a little girly girl because of her movements, it also does not make me against females or think that females are lesser for using such words, we all can tell the difference between a woman who is tough and a woman who is preppy and if u will a "girly girl", not saying tough women cant dress classy or sexy or however they want to either before u drag me through the dirt for that comment, ...in short what im trying to say is must u be such a prick as to make everyone here think im this asshat that thinks women are inferior and have no place, and that i have mental issues and such just for a simple opinion,....cuz honestly that S#&$ hurts man, its one thing to dissagree with someones view on something, its something entirely different to judge their actual personality and character out of said opinion they made, its like saying someone hates all germans cuz they hate hitler which was one (very evil) german 

Hitler was not german.

Now to the point.

I think most ppl are unsure where are you going with this you say that male frames are mostly bad but on the other hand you say you don´t want to play as a female but in same you say you want to so use clear language ffs.

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1 minute ago, Genesis7000 said:

Hitler was not german.

Now to the point.

I think most ppl are unsure where are you going with this you say that male frames are mostly bad but on the other hand you say you don´t want to play as a female but in same you say you want to so use clear language ffs.

I know Hitler wasnt entirely german, he had %!& in him too, or was he all %!&?,.....anyway onto my response... this wasnt really about my post anymore it was more trying to tackle the issue i have with him making me out to be against women or thinking women are lesser than men, cuz trust me in the real world there are many women in my life who i swear could hold up mountains because they are such strong willed people and i admire them for it...i just dont take kindly to being called something im not, especially something as horrible as being called someone who thinks women have no place in things, because honestly in real life im one of the nicest people u can meet and i think everyone is equal,....as for my post it might sound contridictiary to that, but as a very few others have mentioned some people get immersed when they play games and want to play as the character that best fits their "online identity" gender and all, and i fit in that small group thats all 

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33 minutes ago, (Xbox One)XxSkullz667xX said:

if octavia is that limited then yea i might as well hate her lol....honestly all i heard was we can make our own music and seen her final design

Wait, you do not own Octavia yet? You have not worked with the tools that she have? You just seen her design and heard that you can make your own music?

It's one thing to like/dislike a Warframe based on your own preferences and tastes, its something entirely different to judge that they are cool because they have a skill-set you MAY like and start a topic on the unfairness of the said frame being female.

You do realize that this is not a way to get a serious conversation going?

Why you do not get her first and then decide if a Singing Bird is indeed a “blow against all male frames”? Considering that you like horror frames, you may actually change your mind.

I was thinking that DE accidentally unleashed a menace bigger then Spamulor and was not disappointed both in game and on forums, but this reaction is totally unexpected.

P.S. Oh, and that dance animations? My Loki is definitely getting in touch with his feminine side and likes it :satisfied:

Edited by rand0mname
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Just now, (Xbox One)XxSkullz667xX said:

I know Hitler wasnt entirely german, he had %!& in him too, or was he all %!&?,.....anyway onto my response... this wasnt really about my post anymore it was more trying to tackle the issue i have with him making me out to be against women or thinking women are lesser than men, cuz trust me in the real world there are many women in my life who i swear could hold up mountains because they are such strong willed people and i admire them for it...i just dont take kindly to being called something im not, especially something as horrible as being called someone who thinks women have no place in things, because honestly in real life im one of the nicest people u can meet and i think everyone is equal,....as for my post it might sound contridictiary to that, but as a very few others have mentioned some people get immersed when they play games and want to play as the character that best fits their "online identity" gender and all, and i fit in that small group thats all 

Really they bleeped the word jewish? 

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