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Octavia's "Music"


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22 minutes ago, Othergrunty said:

So while i can understand you wish a similar level of customization here. There is likely a good reason they left it more limited here.

While you are totally right on this subject, I would like to have something inbetween a full dedicated 20 instrument multilayer midi editor and something barely more complicated than a Triola. The way they did the mandachord is cool, but it could be a bit more pleasing for the creative people in WF and all our nerves and ears. :)

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16 minutes ago, Ultrahorst said:

While you are totally right on this subject, I would like to have something inbetween a full dedicated 20 instrument multilayer midi editor and something barely more complicated than a Triola. The way they did the mandachord is cool, but it could be a bit more pleasing for the creative people in WF and all our nerves and ears. :)

Well time will tell if they are willing to go that mile. I wouldn't rule it out.

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On 3/29/2017 at 7:18 AM, Fallen_Echo said:

I cant create music, i just dont have the akills to do that.

So instead of making someone suffer from hearing my horrid creation, i made it silent. The beat is simple, i have filled every collum so if someone mashes m1 or e he can get bonuses.

I like this idea, but how did you make the notes silent? I absolutely despise the sound of endless music repeating endlessly, no matter how cool it is, and would really love to understand this better.

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3 hours ago, Lunarwolf76 said:

I like this idea, but how did you make the notes silent? I absolutely despise the sound of endless music repeating endlessly, no matter how cool it is, and would really love to understand this better.


Just turn down the volume mixer, at this level the noise of this lovely abonimation creates is unhearable.

The notes dont have any space inbetween them so anybody can get bonuses too.

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On ‎29‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 1:58 AM, Nezha_Rose said:

I have faith this mechanic will get more options as optimizations and feedback continues, Octavia herself is highly experimental at the moment, and anyone can tell.

Nah, it wont be more than this, at least for a few years.

Just like Archwing, the mechanic was made, dumped live and will be dead on arrival for years (in terms of dev support)

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On 3/28/2017 at 8:39 PM, leumane said:

To my utter disappointment, You have a stunningly wide variety of THREE NOTES. No half steps, no sharps or flats, just this goddamn pentatonic D scale. 

That's because 90% of the tenno playing Octavia don't give a damn about that.  They want to play her and that's it.  9.9% will make their own music and they still don't give a damn about all of that.  .1% care about that and there is no good economic reason why DE should build a professional composition tool for .1% of the players playing Octavia (keep in mind not .1% of tenno, but just the players who play Octavia) and that play in a mission that last 4 minutes, just so someone could code 10 seconds of "Never Gonna Give You Up."

That would be stupid.

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On 3/29/2017 at 1:39 AM, leumane said:

Octavia's music making tool absolutely sucks. Let me start off by saying, I've been farming all god damn week to get her, and I finally did, and I waited 3 whole days for her to build. The main reason I got her was to play with the music, but then I actually go to try it out. To my utter disappointment, You have a stunningly wide variety of THREE NOTES. No half steps, no sharps or flats, just this goddamn pentatonic D scale. While other things frustrated me, such as lack of power of time signature, this absolute failure of a promise of creative freedom is an insult to many. Especially myself, as a musician. This is an outrage.

I was thinking maybe they did it to avoid creating a noise when you have a mission of more than one octavia to reduce the bum note dilemma of different keys so that songs would at some level blend with each other, and not make a noise cuasing distress where players tern off their sound or quit a mission because they could not handle a mission of clashing notes making an awful sound. 

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Jeez.....wants the whole band when we just got the composer.

This reminds me of the time in this card game that we called Yu-Gi-Oh and these certain cards came out in a set. They were just the beginning of the new Archtype but people complained and crymoaned that they were getting a useless card in their packs. This went on for a few more sets until the full line was released and it stomped all over the other decks out there. It was so bad that they had to ban and limit the cards because that was all people were using.

Do you all recall how Octavia effects looked before she was released? That wheel of sounds was bigger than what she came with. In due time, she will probably get all the things you want update by update. This is a business and they cannot just give everything out at the first dropping. Relax....breathe....and go back to slicediceshootexplode. DanceDanceTenno will show up sooner or later.

I wonder how most of you make it through 24 hours without banging on the table demanding another 24 hours in the last hours. Took a week to get her and 3 days to build her.......and now your whole Warframe experience has been tarnished? Kids today.....

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 29.03.2017 at 3:39 AM, leumane said:

While other things frustrated me, such as lack of power of time signature, this absolute failure of a promise of creative freedom is an insult to many. Especially myself, as a musician. This is an outrage.

As a programmer i can tell you it is already a huge ton of work to implement what we have already.

Your expectations would make it overcomplicated for most of people and also would push release time away by several month minimum.

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On 29/03/2017 at 1:18 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

I cant create music, i just dont have the akills to do that.

So instead of making someone suffer from hearing my horrid creation, i made it silent. The beat is simple, i have filled every collum so if someone mashes m1 or e he can get bonuses.

Your lack is my gain my friend.

I'm personally getting sick and tired of listening to Mario music while I'm killin' **** ( insert popular slang derived term to describe excrement )

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