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The Euphona Prime is terrible!


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On 4/1/2017 at 8:42 AM, RS219 said:

Tigris Prime, Synoid Simulor, Akstilleto Prime, Javlok, Ferrox, Dread, Vaykor Marelok, Secura Penta, Hek and Vaykor Hek, Zarr, Kulstar, Brakk, the list goes on. All these hit like trucks and they're all far easier to use.

I did not read all of the pages, so apologies if this has been addressed but...

You realize that most of the weapons in this list are all Primaries? I would be quite annoyed with DE if they gave us a secondary as strong as the Tigris Prime... It would be needlessly overpowered.

Innate punch through would be nice though.

I do encourage you to post, but when you do, please think and formulate your topic. I see that most of what happened here is that you are trying to compare Apples to Cars, and people are calling you out on it.

Have fun =).

Also, NEVER underestimate utility mods. I have a utility Opticor Riven (One damage stat, three utility - I got -zoom =D).. It outperforms my raw damage rivens hands down. This is because I can fire 3x the shots in the same amount of time, and reload twice as fast.

Edited by RacerDelux
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I suggest you put a full leveled suppress on the Euphona, take Ivara, and go to Draco with a Dread and an Atterax, and try just camping out in a condensed place where you can keep the enemies contained and coming. This weapon is fine the way it is, it takes more skill to use, specifically with which fire mode and your ammo consumption. This is a great weapon for frames with stealth or stun mechanics, because of its insane burst dps. And hey, if it really just is not your favorite thing in the world, go back to Lex Prime, Aklex Prime, or give the Pandero a try. 

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9 minutes ago, RacerDelux said:

I did not read all of the pages, so apologies if this has been addressed but...

You realize that most of the weapons in this list are all Primaries? I would be quite annoyed with DE if they gave us a secondary as strong as the Tigris Prime... It would be needlessly overpowered.

Innate punch through would be nice though.

I do encourage you to post, but when you do, please think and formulate your topic. I see that most of what happened here is that you are trying to compare Apples to Cars, and people are calling you out on it.

Have fun =).

Also, NEVER underestimate utility mods. I have a utility Opticor Riven (One damage stat, three utility - I got -zoom =D).. It outperforms my raw damage rivens hands down. This is because I can fire 3x the shots in the same amount of time, and reload twice as fast.


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  • 3 months later...

this weapon is bad the slug mod drop like you're throwing a rock (thx realism) the shot gun mod have immense fall of + firing only iin a 30degree to the right (try it) i could apreciate a damage nerf but just reduce (not remove) the drop on the slug mode and just fix the spread on the shotgun mode the fire rate is solved with lethal torrent but that's not the probleme more fire rate won't do sh*t with 5 rounds in the magazine but ffs this weapon mechanic is bad

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With how hard it can hit, it can miss some damage mods. I would not call Lethal Torrent a mandatory mod. I would rather take Seeker over Lethal Torrent. You may be able to blast a single target into oblivion whereas it takes me an extra shot, but I am murdering 2 to 3 targets for every one you kill. Damage on its own will always lose out to Damage + Effiency. That's why Hybrid builds outshine straight critical builds.

Though, I do agree the buckshot alt fire needs further fall off range. Cant even make use of its 100% status chance with correct modding because I have to literally put the gun in a grineers mouth. Better off just laying the enemy down with slug mode wrecking them. Only thing I see that needs fixing if the Euphona Prime but eh, I prefer my Aklex Prime and Dual Toxocyst anyways. Better crowd control capabilities.

Edited by (PS4)FunyFlyBoy
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It doesn't even do that much damage! I mean, compared to damage 1.0 Acrid /s

But on the real, it sounds like you just don't like the weapon. That's why there are so many. It's not going to be the fastest room clearing weapon in most situations - just because of how the game works, Soma Prime is the best weapon for all content (up to and including third sortie missions, not counting people who like to stay in Survival for 4 hours maybe) and no sniper rifle or bow can do a better job than the MK1 Braton. Automatic rifles just mechanically beat everything, and automatic sidearms mostly beat everything too. If you want maximum efficiency stick with Soma and Vaykor Marelok, or Naramon and a melee weapon. 

Edited by xveganrox
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9 hours ago, xveganrox said:

It doesn't even do that much damage! I mean, compared to damage 1.0 Acrid /s

But on the real, it sounds like you just don't like the weapon. That's why there are so many. It's not going to be the fastest room clearing weapon in most situations - just because of how the game works, Soma Prime is the best weapon for all content (up to and including third sortie missions, not counting people who like to stay in Survival for 4 hours maybe) and no sniper rifle or bow can do a better job than the MK1 Braton. Automatic rifles just mechanically beat everything, and automatic sidearms mostly beat everything too. If you want maximum efficiency stick with Soma and Vaykor Marelok, or Naramon and a melee weapon. 

Yeah, honestly the whole argument is "I don't like how it works, make it work like other pistols", meanwhile it completely ignores how it has one of the highest damage per shot and highest burst DPS in the game that you can actually use. It has drawbacks sure, but that's to balance how ridiculous it is, plus the slow fire rate isn't a bad thing since it's meant to be a 1 banger, not a spam that button mindlessly, it rewards accuracy, but yes, armoured targets at long distances can be a pain but that's for any slow RoF semi auto in the game, that kind of weapon isn't good for status and armor at high level is broken in some enemies.

The weapon has it's own niche, changing it to be a carbon copy of pandero or Lex is just silly and kills variety.

Weapons like the Brakk are easier to use because you can just spam that button, the sad fact is that you will rarely deal it's max burst DPS in practice, most of the stats you see on paper for weapons like that are wasted because of the fire rate. Brakk modded with Lethal Torrent gets a fire rate of 8, that means that to reach the DPS that you see on paper you need to click every and at precisely 0.125 seconds, that's extremely fast, too fast even. All that fast fire rate does is make the weapon more forgiving when you miss, but that's not the point of Euphona Prime, it's otherwise, it rewards skill with the hardest hitting pistol in the game. The only reason Pandero can be nearly as strong is due to how it has very high status for a crit gun, still it can only be as strong with many bullets, not with single bullets.


If at the level you are playing the weapon is doing overkill damage, perhaps the issue isn't the gun, but your choice of weapons. An example that only counts with enemies that die to 10 damage isn't a good argument and misses the whole point of the gun itself, kill, even strong enemies, with 1 bullet. If you already have alternatives to other scenarios there's no point in changing a perfectly fine gun to be a carbon copy.

PLUS, Primaries exist, we have access to 2, TWO, ranged weapons and 1 melee weapon, as far as variety and choice goes, bringing weapons that complement each other will reward itself (holster speed really could use a buff though).

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12 hours ago, xveganrox said:

Soma Prime is the best weapon for all content (up to and including third sortie missions, not counting people who like to stay in Survival for 4 hours maybe) and no sniper rifle or bow can do a better job than the MK1 Braton. Automatic rifles just mechanically beat everything, and automatic sidearms mostly beat everything too.

Heh, nah. Rakta Cernos, Lanka, Daikyu, Opticor, Ferrox, Javlok, Zarr, Tonkor, Dex Sybaris/Prime, Sancti Tigris/Prime, Vaykor Hek, and probably quite a few others can outperform Soma Prime when used properly. Even in the realm of automatic primaries, Tenora and Zenith prove their worth with status performance and semi-auto alternate fire modes that beat Soma Prime in DPS, ammo efficiency, or both. Attica and Zhuge both beat Soma Prime in these areas as well, and the latter has 100% status potential. Soma Prime is overrated. Automatic weapons are easy to use. That doesn't mean they're better.

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On 02/08/2017 at 5:30 PM, DreamsmithJane said:

Heh, nah. Rakta Cernos, Lanka, Daikyu, Opticor, Ferrox, Javlok, Zarr, Tonkor, Dex Sybaris/Prime, Sancti Tigris/Prime, Vaykor Hek, and probably quite a few others can outperform Soma Prime when used properly. Even in the realm of automatic primaries, Tenora and Zenith prove their worth with status performance and semi-auto alternate fire modes that beat Soma Prime in DPS, ammo efficiency, or both. Attica and Zhuge both beat Soma Prime in these areas as well, and the latter has 100% status potential. Soma Prime is overrated. Automatic weapons are easy to use. That doesn't mean they're better.

Sure, but I just said that Soma Prime is the best weapon for clearing all game content quicker. Opticor or whatever is cool but it's really slow, just like sniper rifles or bows - maybe a Mutalist Cernos with a perfect Riven would come close in pre-Sortie content. You just can't kill things as quickly with non-automatic weapons. You might be able to with explosive weapons but mechanically they're less convenient because of self-damage. Soma Prime kills heavies instantly at 100 or below, reloads after 200 rounds, is accurate enough for headshots at medium range with Heavy Caliber, and is def the most efficient weapon. It's not nearly as much fun as the more gimmicky weapons though, and like I said even MK1 Beaton is viable if make it viable.

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An un-ironic, contemptibly absurd thread started on April 1st, that's been heavily necroed... jebus, what a trainwreck...


But I'll bite :) Euphona is a very powerful weapon, with a lot of downsides, just as it should be.

Also word of advice, drop lethal torrent and make a 100% status/crit build, fun and rewarding as hell being able to effectively use both modes, and still more than enough for 99% of the game's content.

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1 hour ago, xveganrox said:

Sure, but I just said that Soma Prime is the best weapon for clearing all game content quicker. Opticor or whatever is cool but it's really slow, just like sniper rifles or bows - maybe a Mutalist Cernos with a perfect Riven would come close in pre-Sortie content. You just can't kill things as quickly with non-automatic weapons. You might be able to with explosive weapons but mechanically they're less convenient because of self-damage. Soma Prime kills heavies instantly at 100 or below, reloads after 200 rounds, is accurate enough for headshots at medium range with Heavy Caliber, and is def the most efficient weapon. It's not nearly as much fun as the more gimmicky weapons though, and like I said even MK1 Beaton is viable if make it viable.

But it's not. There are many weapons with higher net DPS and shorter down time.

Opticor may be slow, but it has innate punchthrough (so you can use a better fire rate mod than Shred), significant AoE damage, and good status chance. It doesn't even have to be slow. With a good Riven, or in the hands of Harrow, it has truly monstrous output. Its little sister (Ferrox) is quite fast, still has punchthrough, crits better, and is actually one of the highest DPS weapons in the game, either burst or sustained. Bonus: it dissolves bodies, so it's good for stealth.

Rakta Cernos is fast, and can also one-shot heavies in sorties (but actually, unlike Soma Prime's "instant" kills) as well as kill multiple enemies in a line, cut every enemy's health in half (helping your teammate's Soma), and feed any powers you may be using to increase damage. It doesn't spend significant time reloading after any number of shots, is accurate enough for headshots across the map, and doesn't tend to run out of ammo (Soma Prime's ammo economy is horrible, so calling it the most efficient weapon is strange). Honorable mention for bows: fire Daikyu into a crowd at head level, and watch the multi-head-crit gas proc fireworks. That crowd will be GONE in moments. Lenz probably has something to say as well.

And then there are shotguns. Tigris Prime is one of the most popular weapons for a reason, and Vaykor Hek is going strong even after the damage falloff nerf. Both are agile and have high damage output, and again, can actually one-shot things, unlike automatic weapons that aren't named Tenora or Zenith. Also, Sobek has Acid Shells, and can reach 100% status with the Justice mod and a good riven.

Self-damage is honestly way overblown and not an obstacle to the efficiency and performance of explosive weapons. Even if it were, Lenz and now Javlok at least warn you before you blow yourself up, and won't explode against teammates. Zarr has a shotgun mode that rivals Vaykor Hek (minus Justice), Tonkor won't explode until it's traveled beyond its blast radius, Penta is manually detonated and very visible — they all have ways to help you avoid killing yourself, except for Ogris.

Lots of melee weapons outperform Soma Prime. I can kill far faster with any of the blade & whip weapons at medium range, and they don't need to reload at all.

Tenora just got an ammo buff to 150/900 (compare Soma Prime: 200/800), so it is mathematically the best automatic rifle/LMG. If you can get used to its quirks, it will outperform Soma Prime in both fire modes consistently, with more accuracy and status in the primary and raw sniping power in the alt fire, and better ammo economy either way. Oh, and it has a 3/5 riven disposition to Soma's 1/5. And it's not in the Prime Vault.

Among secondaries, some of the most popular are (Ak)Lex Prime and Vaykor Marelok, both of which focus on high damage per shot and high crit and/or status performance. The existence of Aksomati and Akstiletto Prime (both better than Soma Prime) hasn't undone them, because one-shotting things has value outside of simply churning out bullets.

All this is to say, of course, that Euphona Prime is not inferior merely by virtue of not being Soma Prime (or a secondary automatic weapon counterpart), partly because Soma Prime isn't even the best, and partly because Euphona has many merits of its own (some of which it shares with above weapons). There is more than one way to play Warframe, and automatic weapons aren't actually objectively better/more efficient in all situations.

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