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[Update 20] Limbo Revisited Feedback Megathread


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4 hours ago, Evanescent said:


1)allow banishing from rift-plane 

2)a way like ivara and vauban to switch between multi and single banish

3)Rift surge to be an aoe ability that affects enemies in range instead of having to target

And DE, please don't ignore the feedback like ASH.

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1 minute ago, Ta10S said:

And DE, please don't ignore the feedback like ASH.

I really hope they listen to us, because quite a few of us are only still playing because this is their main frame... (Ha, mainframe pun.)

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6 minutes ago, NativeKiller said:

Can't banish someone who is not at the same plane of existence...?


Master of the Rift, my arse.


Big, big, BIG nerf on Limbo, in my books until they fix this one.

It sounds like on balance, his mastery of the Rift was more complete before the rework. 

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4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

It sounds like on balance, his mastery of the Rift was more complete before the rework. 

Like I said earlier, they must've realised that having no rift limitations was op, but seriously, I can do with having to stop for a nullifier but I can't do without banish working properly.

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11 minutes ago, NativeKiller said:

Can't banish someone who is not at the same plane of existence...?


Master of the Rift, my arse.


Big, big, BIG nerf on Limbo, in my books until they fix this one.

Rift surge is now the AoE Banish skill

  • Send an enemy into the rift from the material plane
  • Surge them while in the rift, charging them
  • If you try to banish them while within the rift, they will come back into the Rift as well as banish more nemies into the rift, consuming their charge.

The rework has completely altered his playstyle, you basically have to relearn the ins and outs.

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I honestly feel like limbo is kinda invisible right now tho yea its sad to see that banish kinda useless right now but here is the thing : enter right cast 2nd cast 4th every step in is CCed one of two close combat with sword or short range guns or far a way sniping which is the method i am using right now. Quick thinking or with rage is more than enough time to enter the rift again. Since entering the rift have no duration or energy cost also you are unaffected by eximus you can pretty much replenish your energy and get right back into combat. Limbo downside is endurance because he will not be able to kill as fast i think. 

I think banish at least should be allowed on allies while in the rift to give it some life with the heal augment and for the 3rd ability i am just lost because it was the ability that gave limbo some life and would have kept the old fans kinda happy with the rework or at least not so mad because they can still use the same good rift torrent build but who knows whats going on in DE mind right??!

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44 minutes ago, Frenjo said:

Limbo still consists of me running through missions without interacting with enemies, then the second I decide to interact getting oneshotted by everything at higher levels.

How are you getting one shot in frozen time? Are you trying to go out of the rift so you can Banish them in? That's not how it works anymore. Activate Stasis then Cataclysm the area. Kill all enemies in the room and gain 10 energy for each killed enemy.

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Just now, (PS4)mahoshonenfox said:

How are you getting one shot in frozen time? Are you trying to go out of the rift so you can Banish them in? That's not how it works anymore. Activate Stasis then Cataclysm the area. Kill all enemies in the room and gain 10 energy for each killed enemy.

I'm specifically talking about banish usage, not cataclysm, utilizing banish is now pointless because of cataclysm is what i'm saying.

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I want to say that I really like this rework.

The new Rift-dash that Limbo got makes him much sleeker and nimble to play. Thumbs up.

But I still think there are some things that can be improved on:

- Having Banish be toggle-able between AoE and single target Banish would be a great change that would allow precision power casting

- Allowing us to banish people no matter the plane we are in. This is the only thing that is clunky about his kit and if you at least fix this then he'll be in a great place

- Stasis could give a damage boost per shot/projectile fired, otherwise it's just a CC tool


Overall a great rework, just fix these wrinkles and Limbo'll be a great frame.

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Just now, Frenjo said:

I'm specifically talking about banish usage, not cataclysm, utilizing banish is now pointless because of cataclysm is what i'm saying.

To be fair, nobody uses Ember's Fireball or Trinity's Well of Life. Its just there for when your warframe is at rank 0. Banish still has its uses like for protecting operatives or hostages. Its not for 1v1 anymore.

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Just now, (PS4)mahoshonenfox said:

To be fair, nobody uses Ember's Fireball or Trinity's Well of Life. Its just there for when your warframe is at rank 0. Banish still has its uses like for protecting operatives or hostages. Its not for 1v1 anymore.

Nobody? I do, and always have. To have it work as a precision tool allows precision targeting AND CC, then we have a perfect balance. Provided they allow us to target between planes.

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23 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Banish targets must be in the same Plane as Limbo to be affected. For example, Limbo must be in the Material Plane to Banish Material Plane targets to the Rift and vice versa.

This was the only problematic change, the 1 now feels pointless to use since the enemies you will want to use it against/in the situations you want to use banish having to be in the same plane as the enemies is massively detrimental.

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You really need to let Limbo roll without changing rift states.

Either make it require pressing context button + roll or hold 1 or something.

As it is it sucks that one frame lost a core mechanic. Or at least a core mechanic heavily interferes with the frame's gameplay.

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Biggest reason why i see surge no longer being a damage boost is because it made rift torrent utterly pointless.

Surge became a passive CC/crowd wiper (lightning bolts) at the cost of boosting damage.


Torrent reverses this issue while keeping the crowd control intact. That and cataclysm scaling with enemy hp helps surge.


Only thing i really see as being an issue is banish being same plane only but i can kinda understand why they did that.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)mahoshonenfox said:

How are you getting one shot in frozen time? Are you trying to go out of the rift so you can Banish them in? That's not how it works anymore. Activate Stasis then Cataclysm the area. Kill all enemies in the room and gain 10 energy for each killed enemy.

Without efficiency, I run out of energy before using Cataclysm...

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Why not making the Banish ability switch between Single Target, Multi Target (higher cost) and Self Target (with current Rift Walk animation)? This would give us back the ability to roll and fix issues related to "I only wanted to banish the Operative, and not the Bombard right behind him". And make Banish work from different planes.

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1. Ability: as people have stated before me, this ability should not require you to be on the same plane as the targets. It has become useless because you are at risk of being oneshotted on higher levels. A suggestion: make it like Ash's 4's targeting/brushing/swiping system. This way we still have real control over who we banish and at the same time we can banish more than just one...


2. Ability: pretty awesome and pretty op if you only use melee


3. Ability: kinda neglectable since the damage seems meh at first glance and unbanishing the surged targets to "spread the banishing" only really works with limbo's 4 since the 1 is now useless


4. Ability: feels the same as before, you die on high levels due the long casting animation (the stumbling of the enemy doesn't really feel noticeable and the damage seems mediocre as well). But now it's much more important since it is the only way to banish people. So you usually go: use your 2 so you don't get killed when you banish>use 4 (maybe use 3 as well) and melee everything.

One thing to note is that if you leave or deactivate your 4 and you yourself are in the bubble you also get put back into the material plane (even if you were in the rift plane due to a prior dash and not due to the bubble). I don't know if it's a bug or if it's intentional but it is annoying and got me killed quite a few times...


Edited by Leleat
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As a Limbo main I am extremely satisfied with this rework HOWEVER, the Banish change I feel like was completely unnecesarry. Banish lost it's point with this change. Why would you need to banish someone and than go to the rift, the entier point of it is to ho to the rift and THAN banish your target, not the other way around. I feel like this rework would be perfect if you brought back the old Banish (keep the AoE though)

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