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[Update 20] Limbo Revisited Feedback Megathread


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Just now, Buddhakingpen said:

They do. They can cancel cataclysm, force him out of his bubble, and there comes a time (mind you, i'll keep saying, i only do endurance runs on mot) when going into a bubble will get you killed, because to actually HIT the nully, you have to get out of the rift, and he'll have 10 other enemies in his bubble who can now hit the newly unrifted limbo.

But they cannot cancel rift walk which is my biggest problem with it.

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Just now, (PS4)psycofang said:


Elaborate? He cannot kill them while in the rift thus requiring he makes a gambit like everyone else.

No, my problem in that respect is that limbo IS too OP in that regard, instead of being forced to leave to banish for normal gameplay, he should suffer the same restriction of being nullified like everybody else is.

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2 minutes ago, Frenjo said:

No, my problem in that respect is that limbo IS too OP in that regard, instead of being forced to leave to banish for normal gameplay, he should suffer the same restriction of being nullified like everybody else is.


He does though all his powers sans his passive are nullified and unavaliable unless he leaves the area.


Only difference is he wont get shredded trying to save others. If he wants to kill them he'll need to be in as much danger as everyone else.

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10 minutes ago, Frenjo said:

But they cannot cancel rift walk which is my biggest problem with it.

Ok now youre losing me. 

I said that while he did have a window of vulnerability as does any other frame in the game, his is the smallest, then you mentioned how i said that nullifiers counter him. I explained how nullifiers do counter him, and now its about his dash?  

Personally i find nothing wrong with that interaction, since if you dive into a nully bubble endgame you're dead regardless, but i can understand that. If you're fighting like level 40 enemies thats pretty op. But then again, so is just running up to the nullifier, eating any damage that you take, and one shotting it. 

Edited by Buddhakingpen
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Just now, Buddhakingpen said:

Ok now youre losing me. 

I said that while he did have a window of vulnerability as does any other frame in the game, his is the smallest, then you mentioned how i said that nullifiers counter him. I explained how nullifiers do counter him, and now its about his dash?  

Personally i find nothing wrong with that interaction, since if you dive into a nully bubble endgame you're dead regardless, but i can understand that.

I think we're both horribly confused... I'm trying to say that if DE think Limbo is too OP then they can just make nullifiers affect his rift walk like it always used to, and give us multiplane banish back.

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1 minute ago, Frenjo said:

I think we're both horribly confused... I'm trying to say that if DE think Limbo is too OP then they can just make nullifiers affect his rift walk like it always used to, and give us multiplane banish back.

His banish and his dashes interaction with nullies are the furthest thing from whats making him op though. Its his 2 and free invincibility. 

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Just now, Buddhakingpen said:

His banish and his dashes interaction with nullies are the furthest thing from whats making him op though. Its his 2 and free invincibility. 

Dash = rift walk = free invincibility. If you make that affected by nullifiers then one point of yours is gone. All I really want is multiplane banish back.

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Just now, Frenjo said:

Dash = rift walk = free invincibility. If you make that affected by nullifiers then one point of yours is gone. All I really want is multiplane banish back.

You're missing the point. having free invincibility and it being cancelled by nullifiers have nothing to do with each other. 

It costs no energy, it GIVES him energy and it makes him invincible. A nullifier cancelling that doesnt change that fact. Esp when you can just leave the bubble and do it again, free of charge. 

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1 minute ago, Buddhakingpen said:

You're missing the point. having free invincibility and it being cancelled by nullifiers have nothing to do with each other.

No, but it's a start. DE decided to make these changes for reasons unknown, therefore I want to start with a compromise rather than yelling REVERSE IT ALL NOW!!!!

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i tested a bit limbo today on void going in rift and out its not consistant.. its happen couple times wen i press sift.. limbo make roll insted of banish  dush direct in front of enemies that is fatal in void...that would be even worse if happens in sortie...

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11 minutes ago, lBelhraml said:

When i close cataclysm i get 5k+ dmg that instatly applying for any type of enemies exept so eximuses. Should it be like that ?


Bridging the Rift and Material Planes, Cataclysm creates a sphere of Void Energy that shifts enemies within its radius into the Rift. During its creation and final collapse, enemies stumble and take damage. The sphere’s final collapse deals damage to enemies both in and out of the sphere, and scales based on the health and shields of ALL enemies in the Rift.

I'm gonna go with yes.

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Just now, Frenjo said:

No, but it's a start. DE decided to make these changes for reasons unknown, therefore I want to start with a compromise rather than yelling REVERSE IT ALL NOW!!!!

I never said "reverse it all now" lol. Honestly, imo alll they need is a small cast cost on his dash, that turns into a roll if he doesnt have the energy for it, and put a "power strength= enemy frozen" cap, like vaubans bastille. Boom. balanced. 

Balancing a frame around a single enemy is a super bad idea. 

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39 minutes ago, Buddhakingpen said:

Glaring holes in survivability? From the half second it takes to dash after leaving a cataclysm? Goddamn a half a second of NOT being completely invulnerable counts as a GLARING HOLE... wow... ppl werent lying about these forums lol


28 minutes ago, Frenjo said:

I am starting to think he's actually trolling now... Either that or has never played Limbo.

Sorry if I said something to turn you guys against me. I didn't come here to get into heated arguments or troll. But I know I'm not the only one who has a problem with how Cataclysm/Banish interacts with rift walk. I know a lot of people don't like how squishy warframes get one-shot either. I'm not alone on this side. But mostly, I'm just trying to vent something. It's about my frustrations with the fact that my favorite warframe was reworked at all.

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Just now, (PS4)Jedi_Arts_ said:


Sorry if I said something to turn you guys against me. I didn't come here to get into heated arguments or troll. But I know I'm not the only one who has a problem with how Cataclysm/Banish interacts with rift walk. I know a lot of people don't like how squishy warframes get one-shot either. I'm not alone on this side. But mostly, I'm just trying to vent something. It's about my frustrations with the fact that my favorite warframe was reworked at all.

My quoted comment was not directed at you, at all :) I agree with what you're saying.

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Limbo is still a solo frame unless playing with a full squad of Limbos. It doesn't take a lot of games to notice that the whole rift mechanic is still considered nothing but a nuisance, and the rest of the team don't even get any buffs from him. Stasis is also a bit meh. I know it's meant for taking out big targets but since enemies in warframe have no reaction time, you're already dead by the time you cast the ability. SHRINKING CATACLYSM IS STILL A PAIN EVEN FOR LIMBO HIMSELF, NOT TO MENTION TO THE REST OF THE SQUAD.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Jedi_Arts_ said:

I'm just trying to vent something. It's about my frustrations with the fact that my favorite warframe was reworked at all


I understand your frustration, though think of it as a rebalance much like fighting games go through. A single change to a single attack/skill can drastically alter a play style.


This is in the same vein, adapt and grow from it.

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First of all: I haven't touched Limbo in a fairly long time, but I really enjoyed the concept. When I saw that he was getting a rework I got really excited to play and explore Limbo (again). The new "stopping time in the rift" ability is a great addition. I just have a few ideas for tweaks that could/should be made.

The passive: Implementing the 2nd ability into the movement system seems like a great idea to me. It already works way better than the "old" Limbo. There is just one thing that I don't like: You are forced to dash to be able to go into the rift. It just doesn't seem necessary to me... Just let Limbo do another animation when standing still (maybe just punching the air or slamming the ground).

1st ability: Just remove the AoE part... It just gets annoying after a few minutes and takes away the skill of knowing when to banish strong enemies (maybe make the ground slam I mentioned earlier a 5-10m AoE (NOT affected by power range) that costs energy). And let players banish enemies form inside the rift. This is even more annoying than the AoE thing as you don't even have to spend any energy now to get in/out of the rift and basically just forces the player to press a few more buttons.

2nd ability: Not much to complain about here... maybe remove the projectile cap (might be because of performance though so I dont really mind)...

3rd ability: Pretty good I guess...

4th ability: Still a cool ability, but I would change it into a "stable" (not shriking) bubble, because it makes the ability more predictable => you can play around it better. Maybe make it a little cheaper...

Overall some nice changes that made Limbo a more rounded and more enjoyable Warframe to play for me. These few additions/changes would make him that little bit better :)

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30 minutes ago, lBelhraml said:

When i close cataclysm i get 5k+ dmg that instatly applying for any type of enemies exept so eximuses. Should it be like that ?


22 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:


Doubt it.

It's intended. Cataclsym now scales off total enemy HP+shields inside the rift


more enemies in rift=more damage.

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