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Vote to have a dedicated augment slot like now


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4 hours ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

I love how people are okay with melee rivens being a thing but having 1 augment slot is such a sin 

And I love people who think that the people liking melee rivens are the same that dislike the idea of augment slots.

4 hours ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

Looks like majority of the people voted disagree with you . But sadly it seems de doesn't . Which is a shame,

Noone voted disagree because that´s not possible in this forum.

2 hours ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

What I am asking for is not limited customisation (which you probably don't see it as) but a bit more diversity we can bring. Though I suppose you could debate this the other way round. 

If there are 4 augments than having for example 1 or 2, there is still that element of "sacrifice" but there is still that level of choice. 

Putting every mod in 1 build is not diversity, like giving every companion vacuum won´t benefit diversity.

Edited by Kuestenjung
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1 hour ago, Dante130666 said:

Exilus slots are for utility.   We need augment slots so we dont ruin our builds. And id like to have riven slots separate as well ;p


looks like you didn't read any of my explanations, ignoring the main reason that exist people that dislike extra augment slots or even alternative routes, like changing the ability itself or just allow place some of them in exilus slot...


i will stop bothering you, since you won't explain... the reason... the players need that power without breaking the mod system

after all, by one way or another, you are acting just like an character from Devil May Cry after seeing the last devstream:

Dante: What are you gonna do with all that power, huh? No matter how hard you try, you're never gonna be like father!
Vergil: You're wasting time!
Dante: We are the sons of Sparda, and within each of us flows his blood, but more importantly, his SOUL! And now, my soul is saying that it wants to stop you!
Vergil: (evil laugh) Unfortunately, our souls are at odds, brother. I need more power!
Dante: And we're supposed to be twins...
Vergil: Twins, right...

Power without a purpose, and especially without restraints, is meaningless and worthless

but even then, you are searching for it

Edited by Zeyez
Doing the same actions, over and over again, expecting the results to change... damn RNG, i'm insane
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What if we have a augment slot that changed the frames playstyle all together? So a stealth frame like loki won't go completely tank but he would gain more survivability without the need of his abilities. So we could slightly alter our chosen frame to fit our chosen playstyle at the moment.

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52 minutes ago, Zeyez said:


looks like you didn't read any of my explanations, ignoring the main reason that exist people that dislike extra augment slots or even alternative routes, like changing the ability itself or just allow place some of them in exilus slot...


i will stop bothering you, since you won't explain... the reason... the players need that power without breaking the mod system

after all, by one way or another, you are acting just like an character from Devil May Cry after seeing the last devstream:

Power without a purpose, and especially without restraints, is meaningless and worthless

but even then, you are searching for it

There's a lot of folks whose response to the question "Should player characters be more powerful?" will always be "Yes!" No matter what. Regardless of context, regardless of balance, no matter what.


I've actually gone through this sort of permutation before. You eventually get to the point where the hypothetical has become "Would you even want a 'frame that was literally invincible and unbeatable who just killed everything no matter what with no real effort or tactical choice from the player?" to which the answer is something like "That sounds awesome, really badass!" or "Sure, that sounds like it would be hella fun!", which then leads to "And then what? The game's balance and investment and any remaining challenge or anything that prevents the game from being a walking simulator with randomly generated loot would be gone," which then allows us to come full circle with "lol then just make the enemies tougher so that some enemies can withstand the super badass frames so that we can go fifty hours in Survivals!"



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On 4/14/2017 at 10:39 AM, DSpite said:

I've been here more or less since the start, and every year someone suggests "more slots" in something. It's not a sustainable concept.

The whole point is to force players to make a decision to make one thing better at the cost of another. If you can just fit "everything you need" you just get bigger balance issues down the line.

modding volt  is a prime example

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1 hour ago, Zeyez said:


looks like you didn't read any of my explanations, ignoring the main reason that exist people that dislike extra augment slots or even alternative routes, like changing the ability itself or just allow place some of them in exilus slot...


i will stop bothering you, since you won't explain... the reason... the players need that power without breaking the mod system

after all, by one way or another, you are acting just like an character from Devil May Cry after seeing the last devstream:

Power without a purpose, and especially without restraints, is meaningless and worthless

but even then, you are searching for it

Its not power without purpose. its called progresion. Theres no real reason to get high MR exept getting more reputation and few extra loadout slots. I want power because its natural way of progression. I want power and more options with higher Mastery. If you think you dont need power just play with escal and mk 1 gear and have fun m8.

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Can't people post ideas or thoughts without being attacked? I mean honestly it's an idea someone came up with and we were all thinking of something simular to it. Cause in all honesty some things like ash's teleport augment were bull cause the ability should be like that from the start 

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6 hours ago, Kuestenjung said:

And I love people who think that the people liking melee rivens are the same that dislike the idea of augment slots.

Noone voted disagree because that´s not possible in this forum.


difference of opinion m8 . But eventually something going to happen regarding augment mods , also regarding money. There's too much buzz about it for DE to ignore forever. Just like everything else that was "never going to happen"

Edited by (PS4)Akuma_Asura_
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There should be frame 2.0

When you level up you can spend your capacity point's to level up your Power Duration,Power Efficiency,Power Range and Power Strenght. And put augument's in the mod slot's.


There would be a - and + button's next to them to increase and decrease the capacity you put in it. You can change it anytime you like.


Edited by TheUnknownM
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20 hours ago, Dante130666 said:

Its not power without purpose. its called progresion. Theres no real reason to get high MR exept getting more reputation and few extra loadout slots. I want power because its natural way of progression. I want power and more options with higher Mastery. If you think you dont need power just play with escal and mk 1 gear and have fun m8.

- There's any challenge that can't be done with our actual slot limits? i don't think so, the greatest challenge that they created was limiting our mods with conclave rating at 400 and meele only, when Tempo Royale stance did come on the Tactical Alert

- Exist any sense of progress when you earn more power to do the same actions that you already can do before? for me, i felt it against sentients, when i could use my operator to remove their adaptation entirely, unlike on Second Dream, which some focus passives are a bit too powerful for normal gameplay

- How the game will create any adjustment/balance on warframe/weapons if they doesn't know where's the ceiling and the floor? without metrics, DE won't know that Limbo's Cataclysm is game-breaking or Oberon's Renewal is too bad as healing ability

- Waframes that doesn't have augments (especially newfound ones like octavia) will have an empty slot, waiting for months? Ballas and Margulis weren't an bad designers to create such Idle space, especially on imminent war against Sentients and Ballas fearing warframes because of their instincts, revealed on Valkyr Prime Trailer


by changing weapons, finding new mods and upgrade them, finding new ways to play with the same warframe or weapons... these are the ways of the progress on Warframe, but the game needs a ceiling as a limit to allow newer players reaching us, veterans



Remember: Warframe wasn't maded to be played beyond level 100 without put the fun away (or against augmented armor modifier)

on that, this is not playing the game, instead, you are breaking the mechanics behind it, looking as an program


and if you are asking if i should use mk1 weapons on starchart... well, my Vasto Prime, Braton Prime and Prisma Skana are doing greatly on it... i'm not obligated to use beginner weapons, but if the game ask me to use the normal and/or low mr ones as an challenge, like they did with Tempo Royale Tactical Alert, at least, but i could do this with Strun, Kunai/Despair and Serro/Gram (mr 2 set) just fine, even without primed mods, on starchart, i just need to buy Strun again, since the others are on my inventory already

Edited by Zeyez
Doing the same actions, over and over again, expecting the results to change... damn RNG, i'm insane
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On 4/15/2017 at 0:29 AM, Dante130666 said:

actually id like having 2 augment slots. Frame should have augment for all 4 abilities, so ability to equip half 2 out of 4 augments should be fair in my opinion ;p 

2 augment slots. Frame should have augment for all 4 abilities. (I'm not sure you know how maths works:satisfied:)

I want 5 augment slots, 1 for each ability; and another for 300% increased movement distance. (Current movement is a tad lame,) I want to Titania, but not as Titania mkay. ((And by a tad I mean gigantic/awful.))

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14 hours ago, Zeyez said:

- There's any challenge that can't be done with our actual slot limits? i don't think so, the greatest challenge that they created was limiting our mods with conclave rating at 400 and meele only, when Tempo Royale stance did come on the Tactical Alert

- Exist any sense of progress when you earn more power to do the same actions that you already can do before? for me, i felt it against sentients, when i could use my operator to remove their adaptation entirely, unlike on Second Dream, which some focus passives are a bit too powerful for normal gameplay

- How the game will create any adjustment/balance on warframe/weapons if they doesn't know where's the ceiling and the floor? without metrics, DE won't know that Limbo's Cataclysm is game-breaking or Oberon's Renewal is too bad as healing ability

- Waframes that doesn't have augments (especially newfound ones like octavia) will have an empty slot, waiting for months? Ballas and Margulis weren't an bad designers to create such Idle space, especially on imminent war against Sentients and Ballas fearing warframes because of their instincts, revealed on Valkyr Prime Trailer


by changing weapons, finding new mods and upgrade them, finding new ways to play with the same warframe or weapons... these are the ways of the progress on Warframe, but the game needs a ceiling as a limit to allow newer players reaching us, veterans



Remember: Warframe wasn't maded to be played beyond level 100 without put the fun away (or against augmented armor modifier)

on that, this is not playing the game, instead, you are breaking the mechanics behind it, looking as an program


and if you are asking if i should use mk1 weapons on starchart... well, my Vasto Prime, Braton Prime and Prisma Skana are doing greatly on it... i'm not obligated to use beginner weapons, but if the game ask me to use the normal and/or low mr ones as an challenge, like they did with Tempo Royale Tactical Alert, at least, but i could do this with Strun, Kunai/Despair and Serro/Gram (mr 2 set) just fine, even without primed mods, on starchart, i just need to buy Strun again, since the others are on my inventory already

I see that you like and enjoy warframe same as me. But we may disagree on some things. 1st for years DE are trying to make content for beginners and newcomers. We veterans are left behind. many new gear and mechanics are for new players. Only veteran thing that i can make an example is Zenith 500 day login wep. Sopilers its nothing specail.  Theres no real reason to be mr 23 right now. As a vet i want more benefits. like bringing +1 sentinel in mision for every 10 levels. Equipping more than 3 weapons or something similar. I want more content for veterans. Also i think raids are the top tier that we should have. enemies should stop scaling around lvl 100-200. when enemy reacehs its lvl cap , they should bring more units. more as numbers and as a variety.

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12 hours ago, StabbyTentacles said:

2 augment slots. Frame should have augment for all 4 abilities. (I'm not sure you know how maths works:satisfied:)

I want 5 augment slots, 1 for each ability; and another for 300% increased movement distance. (Current movement is a tad lame,) I want to Titania, but not as Titania mkay. ((And by a tad I mean gigantic/awful.))

Emm your trolling?

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On 4/14/2017 at 10:36 AM, Zeyez said:

if we have an augment slot, the actual good augments should be weakened, after all, the concept itself is "sacrificing something from what could be used to give more functions for this specific ability", like what mods are supposed to be

but some weak augments could use the exilus slot, like  Hysterical Assault (allow Valyr, on Hysteria, to pounce into enemies at 30m with alt-fire) and Escape Velocity (using Nova's Portal increase your movement speed by 50%) already can do right now.

Unlike most other Augment mods, Hysterical Assault is classified as an Exilus mod and can be equipped using a Warframe's Exilus slot.  - Warframe wiki

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6 hours ago, Dante130666 said:

Emm your trolling?

A little. But I do think the movement should be 'evolved'; like the whole operator kuva thing; it really needs work; If you're going to have the ability to fly, why make it a 900 button combo? Sometimes it works and sometimes it simply doesn't.

Black Desert has the speed boost with a timer/cool down, perhaps that? Or some likeness to that. 

Needing to mash so many keys to simply move around; while in a fight is a bad choice no matter how you look at it. 

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14 hours ago, StabbyTentacles said:

A little. But I do think the movement should be 'evolved'; like the whole operator kuva thing; it really needs work; If you're going to have the ability to fly, why make it a 900 button combo? Sometimes it works and sometimes it simply doesn't.

Black Desert has the speed boost with a timer/cool down, perhaps that? Or some likeness to that. 

Needing to mash so many keys to simply move around; while in a fight is a bad choice no matter how you look at it. 

I dont remember saying anything about movement ;p

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On 16/04/2017 at 6:12 AM, StabbyTentacles said:

2 augment slots. Frame should have augment for all 4 abilities. (I'm not sure you know how maths works:satisfied:)

I want 5 augment slots, 1 for each ability; and another for 300% increased movement distance. (Current movement is a tad lame,) I want to Titania, but not as Titania mkay. ((And by a tad I mean gigantic/awful.))


On 15/04/2017 at 7:50 PM, BornWithTeeth said:

There's a lot of folks whose response to the question "Should player characters be more powerful?" will always be "Yes!" No matter what. Regardless of context, regardless of balance, no matter what.


I've actually gone through this sort of permutation before. You eventually get to the point where the hypothetical has become "Would you even want a 'frame that was literally invincible and unbeatable who just killed everything no matter what with no real effort or tactical choice from the player?" to which the answer is something like "That sounds awesome, really badass!" or "Sure, that sounds like it would be hella fun!", which then leads to "And then what? The game's balance and investment and any remaining challenge or anything that prevents the game from being a walking simulator with randomly generated loot would be gone," which then allows us to come full circle with "lol then just make the enemies tougher so that some enemies can withstand the super badass frames so that we can go fifty hours in Survivals!"



Hello there!

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