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Octavia’s Anthem: Hotfix 20.2.3


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Why people saying RIP Limbo, he can still be a CC support frame, though the damage from cataclysm got nerfed, it still does some damage, unlike before rework. So yah he's not useless. Some people are just still edgy because of the visual effect cataclysm makes on their screen lmao.

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Just now, 1TheOneWhoKnocks said:

y? its a nerf and this game isn't pvp

It's because the augment use to not absorb allied fire but recently they 'fixed' it so it would which lead to a LOT of Nyx being trolled which lead to a fire storm of Nyx mains burning the forums down. They just reverted it back to what it was.

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18 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Removed the settings buttons on the lower right screen when adjusting the HUD margins. This was causing players to think they were setting the HUD margins to ‘Default’ when they were actually changing their settings to ‘Default’.

YES! Thank you! I bit the bullet on that one last week


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TY DE for un-nerfing teh Nyx Strut, Good bye anoying Limbo Nukers now to just deal w/ more spamming stasis making guns go spurt like as if the Guns had ED D:


ok Serious Pants now:

DE has long since been against stupid drooling easy Press 4 to win. Limbo was never a really powerfull frame he's a CC frame and a CC frame shouldnt be able to Nuke everything in a massive area.  you brain dead monkeys  that catabombd got your fun outta it shoulda known this was comming sooner or later.

and he's not Useless at all still has a averaged damage to his 4 but its still usefull for an inplace of a defense when no one wants to or none are in your squad of a Frost (defense/MD) and stasis is perfect for further safegardng a defense objective as long you keep it up and your bubble up.

if all you did was nuke and not your CC Job then please do us actual serious players a favor, Airlock it as your never going to learn how to properly use your limbo.

Edited by CaelThunderwing
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Mandatory reminder that the Hema cost is still bad. Or that mutagen samples are still too rare. Or both.

Good job on the Captura additions though (now remove the camera collisions and we're golden!).


Edited by The_Doc
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19 minutes ago, TekuXIX said:

It's because the augment use to not absorb allied fire but recently they 'fixed' it so it would which lead to a LOT of Nyx being trolled which lead to a fire storm of Nyx mains burning the forums down. They just reverted it back to what it was.

then it's not a fix. it's a revert. Coz srsly, who is the retart who implemented the "fix" before anyways. and on the devstream they even said "we going to do something about it" they should just have said "we're going to revert it" LMAO

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All of you who were using Limbo as a nuker, and are saying you won't use him anymore now. Good. Keep your promise. You were polluting what Limbo is supposed to be even worse than the people who used him to troll people in the rift and lock them away from drops and terminals. 

Limbo has always been good as a thinking mans frame for unique cc and support potential, and he is even better at it after the rework. And that didn't change because his nuke was nerfed. I am so glad to see the wannabe's who didn't like Limbo for who he was move on to the next flavor of the month nuke fest. Limbo is better off without you. 

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6 minutes ago, Feenexe said:

then it's not a fix. it's a revert. Coz srsly, who is the retart who implemented the "fix" before anyways. and on the devstream they even said "we going to do something about it" they should just have said "we're going to revert it" LMAO

Well, while it may be more of a revert now, it originally was a legit fix. They original augment never said anything about friendly fire not affecting it, it wasn't intended that way when they made it, and it was indeed a bug. It is just that DE had no idea just how attached people had already become to it when they fixed the bug. They quickly realized that it would be best to make the bug a feature in this case, so yes, they reverted it lol. 

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1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Well, while it may be more of a revert now, it originally was a legit fix. They original augment never said anything about friendly fire not affecting it, it wasn't intended that way when they made it, and it was indeed a bug. It is just that DE had no idea just how attached people had already become to it when they fixed the bug. They quickly realized that it would be best to make the bug a feature in this case, so yes, they reverted it lol. 

Then in the first place, the augment was "useless" in a sense that why you want the absorb to be half the range, just to let you move slower while inside the absorb. I thought that the feature of that augment was really intend to be like that. If that was a real bug before then they should've fix it sooner. And why revert now it if the really was a bug on that augment.

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7 hours ago, THeMooN85 said:

Chroma review after Oberon review CONFIRMED!

I hope you guys make Chroma epic dragon (slayer) so he will become my absolute main frame :inlove:

*fingers crossed*

ummm you realize ice chroma is already that right? Bombards get their rockets deflected and your almost unkillable and dish out damage for taking damage, And for anyone who wasn't there when chroma was released chromas thing is hes always the one who survives or lasts if I recall what the profile says, damned now I wonder what chroma primes video teaser will say about him..

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Am I the only one who did the math on the limbo change? It seems it would be easier if DE had just come right out and said "we don't want this ability to be used for damage, even against trash mobs".

To understand the change you first have to understand what was happening before. The ability dealt 10% of the total eHP (eHP=effective HP) to all enemies within the bubble when it collapsed, weather that was a collapse by timer or deactivation. This meant that it would, on average take 10 of one type of enemy for all of them to die (10 enemies contributing 10% to the ehp pool= 100% of their ehp gone at once). Now this wasn't as simple as "any 10 enemies means everything dies", many of the enemies you would see would be less powerful (even as low as shield ospreys and rattels) and so it may take closer to 15-20 for all the normal mobs to die in the best conditions without a high level enemy present. Even then the high level mobs would often survive or they would cause other trouble. This also doesn't figure in armor, which meant that grineer and infestation with certain ancients, nor does it count in straight nullification abilities of the corpus. The CURRENT hp mechanic, as opposed to TOTAL hp, also means that mobs that have been hit before and not died contribute less to the total eHP pool, so even high level mobs may contribute like average or low level ones. Even so, needing to hit a max of 20 enemies in a 40 meter radius range to kill off everything but the powerhouse mobs, and sometimes as few as 10? That is crazy. That is broken. That needed to be fixed. We all knew it, no real question there.

In numerical terms if at LV50 a low level mob, average trash mob, and a high level mob can be represented as a prod crewman, corpus tech, and a scrambulus. I picked corpus because they are the best case scenerio for damage, since there is not the straight mitigation of armor or ancients and we can pretend that nulifitaion powers don't come into effect; but the numbers for other factions tend to be less favorable. The total eHP (all defenses combined) would be 3,701hp +950sh =4,651eHP for crewman, 13,405hp +2,518sh =15,923eHP for tech, and 21,065hp +4,030sh =25,095eHP for the scrambulus. As you can see one high level mob can strongly contribute to the damage pool but not enough that by itself everything else would die, not even most of the low level trash mobs. Lets say that one in every 25 mobs is a high level mob and half are the average mobs. Figuring with those numbers you can understand why it might take 20 full ehp enemies to kill off the average mobs, the low level trash just is worth that much less.

At 10% AVERAGE hp the ability has a chance of taking out trash mobs if you have enough high level mobs around to raise the average damage high enough. That is fair and a good way to balance the ability, it means that the ability takes out some of the clutter and allows the players to focus on the more difficult targets without having to focus on as much mass killing at the same time. This means that the number of enemies does not scale the abilities's power, except for high level enemies at which point the more average things are more likely to be viewed as trash rather than serious threats. This method could actually make bows useful in high level missions by allowing the ability to take out low level stuff while allowing the bows to focus on the important targets and making their low killing speed a non-issue. It also creates a relevant scaling that fits in line with the other mass-trash-clearing frames that are already in the game. It would require a lot more interaction then the others but has its own advantages, so a fairly good balance that would only require tweaking rather than a major overhaul.

At 25% of 10% of total current ehp when first used this means that the max bubble size must grab a much higher number of enemies to kill them all. This takes the numbers from around 10ish to kill the average thing in the best case and 15-20ish to kill everything normally up to 40 to insta kill the average thing in the best case and 60-80 to kill everything not more powerful. Generally speaking the only way that will happen (due to spawn caps and spawn rates and such) is if you specifically coordinate with allies to make it happen, and likely not even then will the insta-kill happen. The small bubble size is too small to catch many enemies and if you do have enough to kill within that small size then you are swarmed enough that those outside the small bubble will just kill you right after. Even so, 25% of 10% of total hp, equiling 2.5% of total hp, will still deal good damage against mobs when enough are there to kill off some of the trash; and that is good and well balanced for a large scale ability like that.

Either of those methods would be great and do the job of taking care of the brokenness of the ability without breaking the ability's kill potential completely. Using both, however...

At 25% of 10% of AVERAGE ehp means that the ability deals 2.5% AVERAGE hp when the ability is first used. This means that if a full HALF of the mobs are powerful mobs, then the ability still won't kill off the most basic of trash mobs. And by "most basic of trash mobs" I'm referring to things like ospreys that are less powerful than the numbers I mentioned before. And no, this isn't all just speculation, I tested it in a sortie1 I just failed to kill a mine osprey despite it being one of about 10 enemies including three techs and a bursa after multiple uses of the ability. It took multiple uses to even kill off a shield osprey. The average mob, by numbers, is always a trash mob, so to kill even the lowest power of the trash mob there have to be enough high level stuff to offset the sheer numbers of both the average trash mob and the basic trash mobs and even those things that are more powerful but not enough to be a high level mob yet. Yet, when even the most basic of the trash mobs cannot be killed outright, it kinda proves that the ability isn't useful for damage potential.

My suggestion? Either:

1. Pick one of the two methods of nerfing, but not both. Either one would work. Just not both at the same time.


2. Give something significant back to the ability so that the % scaling can be useful. Scaling with power strength might work, or drasticly increasing the minimum size might do it. Whatever it is, it needs to be significant enough that the ability can actually work to deal relevant damage.


3. Admit to players that the 10% hp scaling is a newb trap for people who don't understand how the ability actually works. In fact, I would rather the %hp be removed completely along with the 25% damage at size, this would at least mean that a high strength build could be used to make the ability useful for damage in low level missions.


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As for the rest of limbo, I'll be honest, he was vying for the spot of "worst warframe in the game" before his rework, so it is hard for him to have gotten anything but better. He actually has a place now in a group and now only has 2 real issues. First, freezing allied projectiles needs to be stopped. That just is too much of an anti-team thing to continue. The second is that allies cannot attack enemies that are in the rift when they are not. That can be sometimes mitigated with abilities, but not always, and the troll potential of a duration limbo who spams his #1 is too high. Perhaps let the opperator's abilities knock enemies back out of the rift? I'm sure there is some way to deal with it.

The damage thing isn't really his main point and never really was, I just don't like newb traps (which this is). Anyone who doesn't understand the numbers would think that the ability can deal relevant scaling damage, which is just a flat out lie.

As for the rest, His new passive is great, allowing him unique movement, not wasting an active ability slot on going into limbo, and lets him be a shadow without limitations. I understand the nerf that allowed him to only push things from the same plane (a rift mechanic, rather than passive) and see how that makes him a lot more interactive then before.

The aoe on his 1 means that spamming his ability is less of a waste of energy then it was before. You can actually put things (plural) into the rift rather than pretend to be an assassin because one at a time was all you could do.

His 2 is a cool ability with lots of flavor, lots of utility, and only a single issue that needs fixxed. The need for the combination of abilities to make it work is an interesting mechanic and the freezing of your own projectiles gives a lot of options that were never there before and are a lot of fun to play with! Perhaps explosive weapons can actually be useful again?

His 3 is an unusual ability that I still haven't figured out yet, but seems to have potential for the CC ability of preventing enemies from exiting the rift and forcing others into it. If the issue with not being able to consistently attack rifted enemies was taken care of then it would be an excellent continuing CC ability with no real downsides.

His 4 is what allows Limbo's allies to consistantly interact with the rift and brings all the other abilities to the forefront and interacts with his other abilities far more than most any other ability in the game.

All in all, a good rework which did a lot of great things. There still is an issue or two that needs addressed, but nothing is perfect and overall the direction taken was a really good one. Good job.

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@EnderDDT his 3rd works likes this.

Using the ability charges enemies. Killing them if they are in the rift will just transport that charge to another enemy no matter what plane the enemy that recieves charge. Is on. Now if the rifted charged enemy leaves the rift. Through the bubble or banish itself. That charge will explode. Causing the charged enemy to go back into the rift and any material planes enemies along with him. In short it a way to gather more enemies into the rift

Edited by BlueTunicLink
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20 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Changed the Kavat icons on Mission Progress, End of Mission and Last Mission results to consistently show your Kavat's face (like the Arsenal); Pablo claims this is because they have personality.

or because previously it only showed the equipment or which gene masking kit you had on.

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Oh, thanks, Limbo isn't a DPS, he should be a nice utility/CC frame, he was good before rework, he's decent now, the only thing i still miss from the old version is ability to banish enemies or allies while being in the rift. He used to be so good at personal face-to-face approach.

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How the hell do you play as Limbo without being pure melee? The frozen projectiles looks cool, but it's useless. You gain nothing from pausing the projectiles. No damage, no flight speed, nothing. AND, there's a projectile maximum for stasis. Shoot too much and it undoes stasis, making all your frozen enemies reanimate and blast you back onto the ground. Like Nyx before this patch, allies can grief you by spamming projectiles to break your stasis in the rift. I would suggest NOT freezing projectiles while under the effects of stasis. Currently, the only viable build for Limbo is AOE lockdown stasis CC, but that FORCES one kind of gameplay: melee. Not fun.

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9 hours ago, Feenexe said:

Why people saying RIP Limbo, he can still be a CC support frame, though the damage from cataclysm got nerfed, it still does some damage, unlike before rework. So yah he's not useless. Some people are just still edgy because of the visual effect cataclysm makes on their screen lmao.

Because his CC (ie 4+2), despite its large range and huge duration, in most scenario, is more annoying than useful and required to either be built with negative range, or be deactivated early to not be a burden to your team (then what's the point of the big range and high duration then?). It's not something you can just thoughtlessly spam like Vauban's Bastille (heck even Vauban bastille got a lot of flak for its color despite being many times less annoying than Limbo) or Rhino's Stomp.

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