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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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6 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

Renewal is in a good place with healing and armor. However the easiest way to get rid of the problem with shadows of the dead and other AI minions draining oberon would be to give Renewal a flat cost per second as opposed to dynamic costs per ally being healed. That or reevaluate the cost each ally puts on renewal to stay active

I will say that you have great suggestions, but I would like to add to yours by proposing a range buff to Renewal.

The most bothersome thing about this skill is how you instinctively check your affinity range to see how many allies are nearby and cast Renewal, only to end up reaching 1-2 less players than you anticipated.

While I would be in favor of making Renewal a 50m ranged skill, some might argue that would be too overpowered I disagree. At the very least, Renewal should have its symbol display the number of allies within range, to make healing easier.

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2 minutes ago, MrIrish963 said:

Game play- Warframe continues to be a fun and ever changing fast paced game. With the new style of play that Oberon brings to the table I feel that It completely hinders how the game flows for him and now he drags his team to a halt as well. With the New healing and armor synergy instead of being able to just assist on the go, Oberon has to either call everyone to a spot or get lucky in order to fully assist his team appropriately. Because of this the game play slows down just to get everything back together. This kinda brings me to my personal preference.

Personal- Renewal was the ability that made Oberon, Oberon. Global heals upon use was a way for the player to be engaged in his team and the range less distance was an added bonus. As a healer I find it more fun to keep track of my teams health and be that saving grace when they need it rather than just press a button and leave it at that. Despite how a lot of people like it, the toggle seems to take away from what Oberon was originally supposed to be.

I would actually argue that Oberon is one of the most fluid frames I've played with (so far). While I haven't built *every* frame yet, none of the ones in my arsenal come close to matching Oberon's ability to change roles on a dime. Want to deal damage? Use Smite and Reckoning. Want to lock down an area? Hallowed Ground. Teammates in bad shape? Renewal. This is what makes Oberon so entertaining (to me at least).

I will say that needing allies to be on Hallowed Ground definitely slows down the fast paced nature of this game. That's why I'd like to see SOME change made so that Oberon and his allies don't need to stand on HG all the time to get buffs.

Renewal is a great ability which suffers from range problems. I actually like having Renewal be a toggle ability because it forces you to mind your energy more. For better or for worse, you can't leave Renewal on the entire mission.

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6 minutes ago, Leonix13 said:

At this point I've given up on Oberon... He was my most used frame, but its clear their vision for him is less than focused or in line with my idea of what he should be.

Never gonna give him up, never gonna let him down. No seriously. DE has made a huge amount of changes in every aspect of the game, since I started playing. Most of them were good. They will make changes, some parts of the community won't like them.

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1 minute ago, Hopakkiin said:

Never gonna give him up, never gonna let him down. No seriously. DE has made a huge amount of changes in every aspect of the game, since I started playing. Most of them were good. They will make changes, some parts of the community won't like them.

I don't agree with the path DE has taken with his "rework" which is just bandaids on top of previous bandaids... He is still overshadowed by other frames, now with less fun, and with Harrow out soon I will bet that he will step on oberon's new toes.

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So Oberon, The "Paladin" of tenno, the fairy king.
Smite: I feel like smite is doing pretty good, it carries a decent damage, and the radioactive debuff application seems fair
Hallowed ground: I am loving the CC of hallowed ground, but i have to admit i feel like its damage application is a bit to low
Renewal: I find renewal working really well, it has a nice armor application, even though the majority of players dont know how it works, or just doesnt bother, good work on this one in my oppinion.
Ultimate: So his ultimate ability, i feel like it lacks power in higher levels, it works well around level 30-40, but it feels a bit like a waste of energy on 60+
General: Energy can be a bit hard to maintain, but its not impossible, making it a good frame, i believe he has a good versatality, but could use some minor tweaks.

Visual: Oberon the fairy king, Paladin of tennos, really wish there would be more paladin themed things for him

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21 hours ago, HolicErsa said:

and you are right, valkyr is not a tank frame, she is a berserker frame, the only tanks that come to mind right now are rhino and chroma because their tankiness scale up with the damage they take.(tho i read that ice chroma isnt working as it should or something?)

for qt it is very helpful for frames with high energy pool but i would not call them tanks, i love qt on my nova because it gives me good survivability for the price of 1 slot.

again you are arguing with something ppl agree on, mods affect frames in the same way on every frame im not getting a diffent % if i use qt on excal instead of nova the difference is how efficient are those mods on said frames.

since when tankyness is about having damage that scales up with damage you take? 

and thats the thing. mods dont effect every frame equally. one vitality gives 300 hp on one and 1000 hp on another. how is this same?

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19 hours ago, FelixGrief said:

Oberon is fine, he could be better though. I just want DE to touch him up before they "put him away" so to speak, since it will be a while before he receives any further buffs once they've finished with him.

there are tons of frames that could use slight buffs and changes and in worse conditions than oberon. they've already "put oberon away" this is just beating a dead horse.

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So, I've made myself a decent build. High strength, 100% range and good duration with max efficiency. Emphasis on QT(Quick Thinking) and Rage. Phoenix renewal + Iron renewal will allow you to eat any hits on starchart without even flinching but stuff goes the wrong way real quick in sorties. I was running a corpus defense few days ago and I got oneshot out of nowhere during the Phoenix Renewal cool down; the issue was, it didn't show a pickup timer to my squad mates. I was downed and the only option was revive. I'm assuming this bug is linked to PR's cooldown and QT. To be more precise, when Renewal is active - you get X heals per second. When you lose health, Rage regenerates energy. When you get to 2 health, QT activates. In lower tiers, the lag between QT's activation and Renewal's tick allows you to gain health faster than you lose it. This means, you can just stand there and Oberon will not die for quite a while (As Rage doesn't do 100% return and max efficiency costs are a bit higher than the gains). If they fix this issue, I can probably test Oberon again but to who ever is complaining, Oberon has a higher power pool now. Try him out with QT.


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7 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

Hallowed Ground:
First off, as someone with poor vision, could the visuals please be redone?
As of right now the edges are very hard to figure out and... it looks less like I'm sanctifying a patch of ground and more like I dumped over a sludge barrel (I could make more explicit comparisons to bodily fluids but you get the point I hope.) That is something I dearly hope gets fixed regardless of behavior.

As for said behavior, right now hallowed ground is the tent post everything hangs off of  and as such if you want to maximize Oberon's kit you have to figure the casting time and cost of Hallowed Ground. As you're rather set on renewal and reckoning being dependant on this, how hard would it be to make Oberon be the thing that needs to be on hallowed ground instead of targets the player cannot really control?

Again, given Oberon is 'the pubbie guy' you're working under the assumption public groups won't  take flicking a waypoint to mean 'get here NOW' and as an oberon player I really would love to not bang my head in frustration at squishies like banshee just seeming to dance out of the way of where I'm laying carpets down.
Furthermore can we give it a one or two meter vertical range? That way enemy gets on a box, or ally gets on defense objective and they still count as being on hallowed ground.
Given the costs of Hallowed Ground perhaps lengthening it to eighteen meters would be good? Also adding a damage reduction if you're on hallowed ground would be nice.

Something not stepping on Trinity's feet, so something like Base of 25% and capping at 50% damage reduction. This I feel would compliment Oberon's motif as guardian and give incentive for people to use hallowed ground as more than a glorified landmine, or that brief 'well people need to hop on the carpet.'

I am just spreading out the paragraphs. Sorry, but wall of text is not good on the eyes. 

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On 5/9/2017 at 8:58 AM, AcceI said:

Image result for laughing gif

Unreal. another rework eh?


What did DE do to Oberon to make you do these documentary threads for him?  

He was already crappy last I remember so did DE wet the bed trying to make something productive out of that **** Paladin?


They should let him be one of the starter frames if he isn't already and move on. Keep that PoS just the way he is and give poor ol Obederp his golden upgrade.

There are lots of starter frames that last till end game. Just because you get a frame at the beginning does not mean they shouldn't last throughout the game. 

Some of us actually really like Oberon and we want him to be the best he can be. Shocker I know... 
Oberon is actually pretty decent as long as you know how to play him. Literally how every frame works. 

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I would seriously be fine with the following being the last changes;

1) An increase to Hallowed Grounds range.

2) Hallowed Ground is a circle. DE, stop needlessly over-complicating this ability.

3) Renewal no longer affects allies summoned minions, such as Nekros's Shield of Shadows and Atlas's Rumblers.

4) Reckoning's health orb spawn chance is 'on-hit' as opposed to 'on-kill'. Its damage falls off too fast for the current iteration to be even remotely useful. 

With that, I think I'd be fine. 

Everything else seems good or functional. 



I see a lot of people asking for these changes in one variant or another.

I think these would help, not be overpowered, and would make him work a little better in public lobbies. 

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My honest opinion about Oberon's rework is that he deffinetly needs some readjustments, regardless of what other people think. He will get his prime treatment and remain in this weird state.I understand that dev's aren't intending on making a new nuke cannon out of him, and after that fiasco with Limbo, they might be more tedious about buffing him.

I was left with the impression that peope even wanted a complete rework done on his kit, maybe the way that they've made Excal exciting or more dynamic if you know what I mean, or make a new ability for him to replace others.Even though that is out of the picture obviously, people I think wanted to see him attleast more relevant according to how this game is played and how things work.

All in all Oberon is a litle bit better now, but I think if only numbers and passives are the only thing being changed, attleast maybe do a more noticable job ? 

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Oberons #1: Turn it into a Shotgun.  6 Projectiles by default, but then each of those 6(Increased by pwr str) splits off into 3 more if it hits an enemy.  They have innate punch through as well.  Each of the additional projectiles, bounces around and if it hits an enemy deals damage equal to 10x the initial monster's level, so a lvl 30, will add an additional 300 dmg to the bolt, as well as stripping off 300 armor.  Mobs killed by this skill release 2 more projectiles that are increased in damage by 1.5x their lvl. 

Oberons #2: He lays a large 20x20m circular Radiation carpet(increased by range), this deals damage equal to 2.5x Oberon's power strength per second.  Each enemy killed while on the carpet increases the damage by 2x their level, infinitely scaling the damage dealt, as well as adding 1s to the duration.  Max duration by default is 30s.

Oberons #3: Remains largely as it is, except it adds in the Armor buff.  When cast, any allies that remain within Oberon's Tenno Affinity Range get the buff permanently, those who leave get the buff for an additional 20s.  Those who reenter the TA range, get the buff reapplied and timer reset, so long as Oberon maintains the spell. 

Oberons #4: Remains largely as it is now, except any mobs who are on the Carpet when this spell is cast, receive increased damage equal to the current damage amount of the carpet.  This allows the carpet to really be a seriously deadly dance floor to be on.  Allows Oberon to really hold down the fort and be offensive as hell lol.  He can maintain his energy to keep his #3 up, just basically makes Oberon deadly.  Also, if the range of the carpet and the range of the #4 overlap, then the Carpet also emits a #4 effect, lifting up and slamming all monsters down. 

Can we have this Oberon?  I think basing things off the lvl of the mobs helps with it and the scaling.....esp if you kill a large group on his carpet lol.....jack that carpet up and make it last awhile haha. 

Edited by KnightCole
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On 5/9/2017 at 4:51 PM, MirageKnight said:

Then he should have no business being in charge of balancing things if his ego is THAT fragile and he's THAT stubborn.

As someone that's worked on a couple of mods and that's been in charge of balancing said mods, you have to listen to your fanbase and not take feedback and criticism so personally.

Yeah, for real......

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17 hours ago, Leonix13 said:

I don't agree with the path DE has taken with his "rework" which is just bandaids on top of previous bandaids... He is still overshadowed by other frames, now with less fun, and with Harrow out soon I will bet that he will step on oberon's new toes.

Who is "Harrow"?  A new frame?

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So, I've read largely all of the Oberon feedback posted throughout the forums since the rework. 

I have also commented on many threads.

However, I felt the need to make this post. We, as a community, need to come together and find some middle ground and agree on what changes Oberon should receive. Note that DE will almost assuredly make no further large scale changes, and from here on out we will most likely see only tweaks to his abilities.

I have decided to make this a thread of its own rather than posting it in the Oberon mega-thread since it has become some what... cluttered.  

We were told that our feedback would be looked into, and changes would be made following this.

Oberon got an energy pool buff.

Don't get me wrong, that's a good thing!

However, many people seemed upset that he wasn't buffed/tweaked more, and I believe this is because, unfortunately, our community has conflicting ideas about where Oberon should be and what he should do. 

With regards to his current iteration at the time of this post, I feel that on a scale from zero to one-hundred, Oberon is ninety percent done. 

Yes, I think Oberon is almost done.

Many people would probably disagree with me, and that's fine. But if we keep bickering over the state of Oberon, we might lose the last opportunity to see Oberon receive any changes. 

As his powers stand;

1) Smite - Smite is very powerful for a first ability. It never needed to be on the level of Nidus or Octavia's first ability, and i'm somewhat glad it isn't (for my own personal reasons though, admittedly). It has a guaranteed knockdown, a guaranteed radiation proc, and the orbs it spawns now deal a fair amount of damage. Honestly, I believe (and this also seems to be the consensus or the majority of what I've read) that Smite is in a good place and really needs no further adjustments. 

2) Hallowed Ground - Currently, I feel that it is right on that border line of being perfect. However, it still suffers from some issues that I, and many of the avid Oberon players, have noticed. They would be that; 

  • It is still underwhelming in terms of its range.  
  • The cone like shape with an 'angle' affected by modding for range is needlessly complicated and adds unwanted difficulty in accurately placing it. 
  • Visuals are unfortunately still lack luster and at times difficult to see all together. 

                                     As it stands, Hallowed Ground, even at max range, is rather lame. And the fact that it is a cone with its angle affected my modifications adds unwanted convolution to what honestly should be a simple ability. Finally, even after the alterations to Hallowed Ground's visuals, it can still be difficult, and occasionally almost impossible, to see depending on tile-set and lighting. So, the solutions that I find would be adequate, not overpowered, and that I have seen frequently would be;

  • Buff the base range of Hallowed Ground.
  • Make Hallowed Ground a circle where range modifications simply affect the radius. 
  • Make this ability easier to see in some way or another. (Honestly, at this point, I'm a fan of the idea of bringing the old visuals back. These new ones have just been an annoyance and a pain). 
                                     These are the changes that I believe we, as a community and with the utmost best wishes for Oberon, can all agree would be adequate regarding Hallowed Ground. No major changes, no crazy additions, basically just quality of life improvements. 
3) Renewal - This ability seems to be one that people have trouble agreeing on. Mostly, it seems to be related to the forced synergy between it and Hallowed Ground, the energy cost that comes of it, and how it is unfortunate that we are required to use both abilities to achieve our armor bonus. But, I believe that it is in a good spot. It's now a toggle, gives a very reasonable heal, and provides an adequate armor bonus when used in combination with Oberon's Hallowed Ground. Is it costly at time? Yes. Is the forced synergy somewhat of an irritant? Yes. However, I believe we can all agree that DE will most likely not revert the forced synergy. With that being said, I find that Renewal is actually all right now. It fulfills its purpose and works well. Personally, if anything, the one change that I would like and that I believe we can all agree on is that Renewal should not affect allies' spawned units such as Nekros's Shadows of the Dead and Atlas's Rumblers. I believe we, once again as a community, can agree that Oberon having an energy consumption increase for these spawned units is a little too much, and should probably be removed. 
4) Reckoning - This ability, much like Renewal, seems to be one that people have many conflicting thoughts about what should be done. And I believe this is because it does so dam much. It's a knockdown, radiation proc, blind, health orb spawn, and does marginal damage. I have seen a LOT of suggestions regarding this particular ability, but one consistently comes up. 
                                     Reckoning's chance to spawn health globes should occur when the enemy is hit, not when they die. 
Reckoning's damage drops off fairly fast, even when modded for strength. In Oberon's current form, this part of the ability is almost useless in many, many situations. Making this an 'on-hit' ability as opposed to an 'on-kill' ability would benefit it greatly, and I believe all those who care for Oberon and the state he is in can agree that this would be a great boon, but in no form overpowered. 
Overall, I believe that Oberon needs no further large scale changes. Most of what he needs now are quality of life features to aid him in fulfilling his position and pulling his weight on a team. I believe that the changes here are the ones that we, as a community, can agree would be very beneficial to Oberon, even if they are seemingly minor alterations. Please, if you agree with these changes, comment below. If you disagree, or wish for something else, leave it as well. We need to come to a large consensus regarding what exactly Oberon needs, so that DE can take these ideas, look into them, and possibly implement them. The Oberon mega-thread is great, but unfortunately it has become some what... cluttered with ideas regarding Oberon. 
As a note to DE,
I have posted this in another thread as well, but will reiterate it here.
I will purchase Oberon Prime Access.
But this is not my full approval of the rework.
I will purchase it out of my love for the frame, and a degree of loyalty.
But changes are still needed, even if only minor.
Oberon mostly needs QoL changes now, but we as a community must come to an agreement as to what those changes should be. From what I have read, and my experience, I believe that we can all agree that he needs the following;
  • Hallowed ground range increase, visual improvement, and an alteration to make it a circle with radius affected by range modifications versus a cone with angle affected by range modifications.
  • Renewal no longer affecting allied specter units such as Nekros's Shadows or Atlas's Rumblers.
  • Reckoning's health globe spawn chance should occur 'on-hit' as opposed to 'on-kill'.


Thank you for reading,

~~ KX297 ~~

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At the very least, something MUST be done about oberon's energy consumption in renewal. It's simply unfair that oberon is actually hindered by having allied targets near him, as each one increases the drain of the ability by 150% of its base drain. Not only that, he also stops benefitting from any sort of passive energy regen AND can no longer be given energy by trinity. One of these two, preferably both, should get fixed. Bottom line.

EDIT: I suppose I should specify that I want to see oberon continue to affect allies aside from tenno, including things like rumblers and shadows: if renewal's range is going to stay nerfed to below trinity's range, and if it's going to have a lower healing factor, AND it's going to have less damage reduction than trinity's blessing, it should at least be able to do affect nontenno allies like bless does (I've never played trinity aside from maxing her btw: does her bless heal disposable summons like nekros' shadows? even if not, oberon's still should, just so that trinity isn't technically curbstomping us in every area)

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Just now, redeyedtreefrog said:

At the very least, something MUST be done about oberon's energy consumption in renewal. It's simply unfair that oberon is actually hindered by having allied targets near him, as each one increases the drain of the ability by 150% of its base drain. Not only that, he also stops benefitting from any sort of passive energy regen AND can no longer be given energy by trinity. One of these two, preferably both, should get fixed. Bottom line.

I can get behind this. His energy consumption rate is high indeed, but all of what I have read regarding this has been somewhat conflicting. 

If the community can agree to something, that would be super. I didn't bring it up here due to the lack of consensus regarding what should be done.

I have seen multiple things, including;

  • Make Renewal a constant drain regardless of amount affected by it.
  • A multitude of 'energy refunding' ideas.

I'm all for an increase to how easy it is for him to keep his main supporting ability up, but until we can find some idea that can get a LARGE backing, I think we should stick to the changes that people can mostly all agree on and get behind. 

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