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Ambulas Reborn Recap


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I'm only proposing to DE the revision of games played during the event. If they has to penalize cheating players, then they should penalize ALL of them, those at the beginning and those at the end.

Don't continue quoting only the part that interests you, read the entire paragraph. And please stop twist my message. I got tired of repeating it.

On 2017-5-17 at 10:37 PM, FOVZERO said:

How can you cope with this?
Very simple. They only have to check the host migration log for a single given game.
If it is a game with one or no migration there is no problem, but if there has been a host migration after another, caused by "ALL members of the squad", you have already identified some suspected cheaters.
Being also in the top in the table of classifications the presumption disappears. They are clearly cheaters and should be punished in an exemplary, immediate and forceful way.

At the beginning of the operation measures were taken against it, but it is more than evident that shortly after they repeated the same strategy. There is nothing more to see the statistics of those players present in those games to see clearly.

As you can see I only speak about users and games, you are the only ones who have interpreted that I speak about clans, and also that I specifically pointing to your own, being totally false. When I talk about top of the table I'm talking of the whole ranking, not specifying ciphers. The Top 10000 for example is still a top.


"Edited Wednesday at 10:42 PM by FOVZERO"
I edited it 5 minutes after publishing it, long before any of you answered, and obviously to correct translation errors in my text since as you may have guessed, my native language isn't English. What do you mean? That I changed something after your answer? In addition to poor reading comprehension now you also have vision problems.

I can't acting like a victim, I have nothing to hide. I simply respond to your insistence on attacking me directly and bravely, talking about eggs, courage and nonsense as your partner did with salt and fries when no one is blaming you for anything. Moreover, your profile appears to be legitimate, I don't understand your insistence if you have not done anything.
You have to think that if they remove the cheaters, you as users will climb even higher in the ranking.


Right, light the candles and pray that DE does not see anything strange in your games, they can understand my nonsense and spouting you something.
Rookie is not an insult, it's a classification. 1000-Hour-Draco-Rookie neither isn't, it's just who you are in the game. Feel proud of it or if you don't like, play more Warframe instead of chatter so much and change it.
You are the one who said that I have no head, so I just praise how privileged you are to have one. Enjoy it before it gets rotten it starts to smell bad. Welcome to the real world.


You are the responsible for your members, and no one else. But the continued and unjustified attack on a totally lawful request leaves you in very bad place. You should set example and support the proposing and penalization of xploiters, be they one of you, one of mine, or one from another place.


Waiting for DE's comment, I leave it here.

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You have no idea what you are talking about, and you are putting so much emphasis on defending the indefensible and that gives a lot to think about you, especially coming from anybody from your clan.

Explain to me how THIS is not a clear insult to the entire clan . I dare you.

Edited by --RV--HawkiKill
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You're very tedious, let's see what bothers you now.
Dare? Are you kidding? You still triying to create a flame as a kind of game, a challenge?
Explain to me WHICH of those 29 different words is an insult. WHERE is the clear insult? I dare you too. That you don't like it doesn't make it an insult.


Do you like to decontextualize everything, right? That phrase isn't part of my original message, is a fragment of my response to your friend's unjustified attack to me.

I'm telling your friend is that he is a member of a huge clan, one of the Top1 in this event as you well say, and as such he must set an example of righteousness.
If he attacks a proposal like the one I mentioned, he doesn't do his comrades any good, since other people may come to suppose that it's a inconvenient for him because there is something murky in the matter.  I'm not saying that, you both are saying it with your exaggerated reactions in this thread. As simple as that.


Do you want to challenge me? I could think about it if at least you were overtaking me in points, but with such an uninspiring score I couldn´t even bother. Sorry but it does not make any sense. Your points are legal, it's obvious.

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30 minutes ago, FOVZERO said:

You're very tedious, let's see what bothers you now.
Dare? Are you kidding? You still triying to create a flame as a kind of game, a challenge?
Explain to me WHICH of those 29 different words is an insult. WHERE is the clear insult? I dare you too. That you don't like it doesn't make it an insult.


Do you like to decontextualize everything, right? That phrase isn't part of my original message, is a fragment of my response to your friend's unjustified attack to me.

I'm telling your friend is that he is a member of a huge clan, one of the Top1 in this event as you well say, and as such he must set an example of righteousness.
If he attacks a proposal like the one I mentioned, he doesn't do his comrades any good, since other people may come to suppose that it's a inconvenient for him because there is something murky in the matter.  I'm not saying that, you both are saying it with your exaggerated reactions in this thread. As simple as that.


Do you want to challenge me? I could think about it if at least you were overtaking me in points, but with such an uninspiring score I couldn´t even bother. Sorry but it does not make any sense. Your points are legal, it's obvious.

I agreed on making a stand on exploited scores right on my first post and they should start punishing players. 

I merely explained that the scores got removed and the migration explotation had no real effect on the event even though you and your mates seem to think it did. 

I never atacked you in any way, give my opinion and gave you facts. Your the one calling me and others rookies, somehow trying to downgrade our points by number of hours ingame or whatever system you found that somehow rates you above us in a pve game with no skill attached to it. The worst thing I did was saying your salty, which clearly you are by the way you posting about.

You also draging peoples names on the mud.

-If we dont agree with you, we are cheaters.

-if we are top of the leaderboards we are cheaters.

On 2017-5-17 at 9:37 PM, FOVZERO said:

How can you cope with this?
Very simple. They only have to check the host migration log for a single given game.
If it is a game with one or no migration there is no problem, but if there has been a host migration after another, caused by "ALL members of the squad", you have already identified some suspected cheaters.
Being also in the top in the table of classifications the presumption disappears. They are clearly cheaters and should be punished in an exemplary, immediate and forceful way.

hows this decontextualizing, unless you phrased it wrong. You clearly said on the last sentence top of classification the presumption disappears. Unless you said something among the lines "if they have and multiple host migrations and are on top of the leaderboards they are glitchers" but even then it's still shady and why would only the top get punished? Makes no sense.

-If the warlord of the clan acts suspiciously or again doesn't agree with you (in this case me) the entire clan should be looked at.

On 2017-5-19 at 1:40 AM, ---RV---Maniac said:

You have no idea what you are talking about, and you are putting so much emphasis on defending the indefensible and that gives a lot to think about you, especially coming from anybody from your clan.

If DE would go about kicking and punishing players based on your ideias, unfairness wouldn't even begin to describe it.

In the end, no point in keeping this going. We will just disagree. Just don't post in a forum that you think my clan have exploited or cheated or even hint at it. I don't take that kindly.

Since you liked my last image and to prove there is no hard feelings, here's a new one.7e4.jpg


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On 2017-5-19 at 3:52 AM, --RV--HawkiKill said:

an enemy has decided to become unkillable, and we decided to force host swap to fix the issue

The perfect excuse.

On 2017-5-19 at 10:20 AM, --RV--HawkiKill said:

Its a FACT. Then they patched it so people couldn't abuse it further.

The fact is that you're wrong again.

15 hours ago, ---RV---Maniac said:

the migration explotation had no real effect on the event

I will show you that this and everything else you have said it's a LIE.

15 hours ago, ---RV---Maniac said:

-If we dont agree with you, we are cheaters.

-if we are top of the leaderboards we are cheaters.

If you've done a host migration, you know what you are.

15 hours ago, ---RV---Maniac said:

If DE would go about kicking and punishing players

They already started doing it at the beginning of the event. I hope they finish it.


16 hours ago, ---RV---Maniac said:

Just don't post in a forum

Not only I will post it, I'll demonstrate it to you right now.



Dear incredulous lovers of memes and nonsense, thanks to your insistence you have inspired me to investigate the matter, and indeed after a few tests I have found one of the possible problems that you try so hard to defend.
Thank you very much. Without your constant provocation, I would never have taken the time to investigate it.


Here you have the advantage by host migration that I discovered:


I hope that all those who have benefited from this receives the true score that they deserve.


A cordial greeting.
PS: this video is dedicated to all Warframe passionate players who got their score worthily.

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I do agree that exploitation should be punished. 

I run an xbox clan with one of the best event leaderboard histories on xbox. I understand many exploits are worked on between u having the event n us getting it, but that really doesnt factor into this.

Unfortunately, this is warframe so its not as simple as "host migration = cheating" 

Host migration is used by players to fix glitches just as much as to make them.

Example, you happen to be 7 hours into a run and find an enemy who simply wont take damage. What do you do? Fail simply because you cant kill him so no matter what you cant advance? No. The normal first thing people try is having the host leave and try to rejoin to see if it fixed it.

Which, in alot of cases, it does. You cant punish everyone who host migrates if thats a go to fix for warframes existing and well known issues. Also, from a console players prespective, our consoles dont always have the memory to efficiently handle the game which seems to have memory leak and slowly get more and more lagged. If a host lags out and can rejoin, that team didnt exploit anything, they dealt with an issue.

That said, exploitation of this is still wrong, but its a whole lot harder to decide who is and isnt exploiting it.

Edited by (XB1)ashes of suvius
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si hicistes migración tus puntos son ilegales, argumentes lo que argumentes.


If you did migration your points are illegal, you argue what you argue.

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39 minutes ago, FOVZERO said:

The perfect excuse.

The fact is that you're wrong again.

I will show you that this and everything else you have said it's a LIE.

If you've done a host migration, you know what you are.

They already started doing it at the beginning of the event. I hope they finish it.


Not only I will post it, I'll demonstrate it to you right now.



Dear incredulous lovers of memes and nonsense, thanks to your insistence you have inspired me to investigate the matter, and indeed after a few tests I have found one of the possible problems that you try so hard to defend.
Thank you very much. Without your constant provocation, I would never have taken the time to investigate it.


Here you have the advantage by host migration that I discovered:


I hope that all those who have benefited from this receives the true score that they deserve.


A cordial greeting.
PS: this video is dedicated to all Warframe passionate players who got their score worthily.

I dont disagree with most of your points but think about this, youre a event leaderboard squad who thanks to proper team build is still one shotting ambulas at high level, what does it matter what level he is?

Theres set ups out there that can hit damage cap everytime or at least close, thus negating the importance of ambulas's level. Id be more upset at that.

But in essense, even though i agree with most of your points, the person who said migrations didnt affect the event is kinda right, at least when it comes to those leaberboard ppl that know what they are doing.

I did an eleven hour run on xbox for this event and i can honestly tell you that we had that ambulas dead before he got dropped from the ship almost 4 out 5 rounds, just not right after an extraction vote.

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Si hicistes migración tus puntos son ilegales, argumentes lo que argumentes.

ejemplo: Si usted quieres correr carrera de coches, lo más normal que compita en un coche rápido y seguro.

Si quieres batir un record, buscate un buen host, y reporte antes los problemas, pero no se esconda para obtener ventajas en lo problemas del juego.

Veo que también usted consiguio puntos así, con un ambulas para niños. Por eso defiende lo indefendible. Con un ambulas a nivel 500 me cuentas ahora el cuento del lobo.


If you did migration your points are illegal, you argue what you argue.

Example: If you want to race car, the most normal thing to compete in a fast and safe car.

If you want to beat a record, look for a good host, and report problems before, but do not hide to gain advantages in the problems of the game.

I see that you also got points like that, with a children's ambula. That is why he defends the indefensible. With an ambula at level 500 you tell me now the tale of the wolf.

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11 minutes ago, JARVII said:

Si hicistes migración tus puntos son ilegales, argumentes lo que argumentes.

ejemplo: Si usted quieres correr carrera de coches, lo más normal que compita en un coche rápido y seguro.

Si quieres batir un record, buscate un buen host, y reporte antes los problemas, pero no se esconda para obtener ventajas en lo problemas del juego.

Veo que también usted consiguio puntos así, con un ambulas para niños. Por eso defiende lo indefendible. Con un ambulas a nivel 500 me cuentas ahora el cuento del lobo.


If you did migration your points are illegal, you argue what you argue.

Example: If you want to race car, the most normal thing to compete in a fast and safe car.

If you want to beat a record, look for a good host, and report problems before, but do not hide to gain advantages in the problems of the game.

I see that you also got points like that, with a children's ambula. That is why he defends the indefensible. With an ambula at level 500 you tell me now the tale of the wolf.

A level 5 ambulas is a one shot kill.

A level 500 ambulas is a one shot kill.

A level 1500 ambulas is a one shot kill.

If you dont know what im talking about, learn how to build frames that boost dmg output and then learn how to put them in a coherent team.

No one needs to reset the level of ambulas to be on top of the leaderboard.

Saying that you dont know what ur talking about is not the same thing as saying "i host migrated but im not guilty"

i have personally killed lvl 9999 enemies. Dont assume what you dont know.

Edited by (XB1)ashes of suvius
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Me encantaría ver lo que dices, muestranoslo¡¡¡¡

Como se ha mostrado las demas cosas en el video.....


I would love to see what you say, show us!

As has shown the other things in the video .....


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3 minutes ago, JARVII said:

Me encantaría ver lo que dices, muestranoslo¡¡¡¡

Como se ha mostrado las demas cosas en el video.....


I would love to see what you say, show us!

As has shown the other things in the video .....


Proof of killing lvl 9999 enemies or hitting dmg cap? I can find u proof of both. I can also very easily explain. I just need to know which point u want proof of

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34 minutes ago, JARVII said:

Centrate en el ambulas


Focus on the ambulas

It doesnt specifically need to be the ambulas if i can prove you can easily do the amount of dmg required to kill an ambulas. Im not spending hours doing another long run in this event just to record a clip for you. 

Simply put, you can do over 2 billion damage in a single shot. I will find you a clip and edit it on to the bottom of this post.

Regardless, if you dont know how to deal that kind of damage, its just as easy for people to assume that your blaming cheating for not ranking well in the event when you never would have anyways as it is for you to assume someone else cheated.

Also i dont know PC players, im not defending anyone, but id say its fairly safe to assume that if you dont know about scaling up your damage for end game, some of the scores u think are cheats, played legitimately on level u just dont understand.

Clip to prove dmg:

Heres a clip of someone hitting high numbers (2 billion) with just a banshee, imagine if it were boosted by other frames in a match.


Edited by (XB1)ashes of suvius
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Como te dije centrate en el ambulas, y nos muestras lo tranquilo que matas el ambulas en esos niveles, esperando estoy.


As I told you to focus on the ambulas, and you show us how quiet you kill the ambulas in those levels, waiting for me.

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6 minutes ago, JARVII said:

Como te dije centrate en el ambulas, y nos muestras lo tranquilo que matas el ambulas en esos niveles, esperando estoy.


As I told you to focus on the ambulas, and you show us how quiet you kill the ambulas in those levels, waiting for me.

Im not doing a long run to show you on ambulas, ambulas doesn't matter. Its the fact that you dont understand damage. Look at the clip in my last post

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2 minutes ago, JARVII said:

fui muy claro, disparale al ambulas


I was very clear, shoot the ambula

Once again, i will not do another run just to record a clip for you.

This event was not challenging. It was boring and easy. It requires no skill, just patience and basic knowledge which u did not have and i was trying to share with you. I could rack up thousands of beacons if my whole team could stay awake longer. Its not hard. Regardless of the ambulas's level.

Im done speaking with you because i dont want to become rude and toxic to the thread and you are being too stubborn to understand my point.

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ves como no demuestras lo que  hablas, porque NO puedes


You see how you do not show what you're talking about, because you can not

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)leduanjohan said:

sonar is pretty effective. If a lvl 145 ambulas is killed easily after a few sonars even before stripping armor, a lvl 500 should be no problem.

Exactly. A banshee can reach damage cap alone with the right builds and weapon. Put her with a nova, each shot is doubled. Put her with a day form equinox that boosts her power or a roar rhino that boosts, an octavia, the list goes on. Hell put her with another banshee, thats how we beat the heck out of mutalist incursions.

To think that host migration is key to being the top of the leaderboard, without knowing how frames work together, is proof that that person wouldve never been near the top to begin with. They heard glitching happened so everyone that did better then them must have glitched it and they wanna blame glitching for why they had no chance.

Its rediculous. Yes, exploits should be handled, exploiters should be punished. I agree hands down. But to assume someone host migrated because they did well is asanine. And to believe that a host migration immediately means exploitation, especially in a game that has the issues warframe does, is thinking in black&white on a more complex issue that has at least a shade or two of grey if not full color.

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