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Tips from a Limbo player, how to avoid problems when encountering other Limbo players


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So I have been seeing many people complain how it is annoying to play with a Limbo player in a squad because of certain reasons. I will tell you how to avoid this and show you that it is just a mental block that people have resulting in them just making problems for both the Limbo player and themselves.


1. Limbo Banished me, what do I do ?

Roll... That is all you need to do, just roll out. It is easy to know whether you are Banished or not, you can both hear and see it. It is just one press of the button.

2. Limbo used stasis and it annoys me.

Ok, this is something easily avoidable. In fact it isn't even a real problem. But to understand this you have to know what Limbos purpose is.

Limbos purpose and job is to isolate a group of enemies so that his teammates can take care of the rest of the enemies easier. Essentially he will take a group of enemies with his 4 (sometimes 1) and he will make sure to kill those enemies without them being problems for the rest of his teammates. Stasis makes this job for him a lot easier. Why do you need to know this ? Because when you see a Limbo use Stasis, you can just simply walk out of his Cataclysm and focus on killing other enemies. It is as simple as just walking out of a room. By interrupting him you are making problems for both you and the Limbo player.

Of course you can always use the strongest weapon type in the game aka melee help him out that way or change your play style to a bit more strategic one and place your projectiles in a smart and effective way. If you still just want to press and hold W and your left mouse button than do as I said and avoid going into the Cataclysm and kill enemies around it.

3. There are sometimes enemies that are left Banished and I can't kill them.

Again, it is Limbos job to take care of them. You are not the one who can access the Rift, Limbo is and his job is to kill those rifted enemies. The enemies do no harm to you anyways since they can't interact with you. If anything it is only going to be a nuisance to Limbo himself not you. Some enemies are also dead but just frozen so keep this in mind so that you don't think the enemy is alive still.


By interrupting Limbo you create problems for both you and the Limbo player. If there is something else that effects your gameplay because of him tell it in the comments and I'll try and address them.

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2 minutes ago, ChameleonBro said:

1. Limbo Banished me, what do I do ?

Roll... That is all you need to do, just roll out. It is easy to know whether you are Banished or not, you can both hear and see it. It is just one press of the button.

2. Limbo used stasis and it annoys me.

Ok, this is something easily avoidable. In fact it isn't even a real problem. But to understand this you have to know what Limbos purpose is.

Limbos purpose and job is to isolate a group of enemies so that his teammates can take care of the rest of the enemies easier. Essentially he will take a group of enemies with his 4 (sometimes 1) and he will make sure to kill those enemies without them being problems for the rest of his teammates. Stasis makes this job for him a lot easier. Why do you need to know this ? Because when you see a Limbo use Stasis, you can just simply walk out of his Cataclysm and focus on killing other enemies. It is as simple as just walking out of a room. By interrupting him you are making problems for both you and the Limbo player.

Of course you can always use the strongest weapon type in the game aka melee help him out that way or change your play style to a bit more strategic one and place your projectiles in a smart and effective way. If you still just want to press and hold W and your left mouse button than do as I said and avoid going into the Cataclysm and kill enemies around it.

3. There are sometimes enemies that are left Banished and I can't kill them.

Again, it is Limbos job to take care of them. You are not the one who can access the Rift, Limbo is and his job is to kill those rifted enemies. The enemies do no harm to you anyways since they can't interact with you. If anything it is only going to be a nuisance to Limbo himself not you. Some enemies are also dead but just frozen so keep this in mind so that you don't think the enemy is alive still.


By interrupting Limbo you create problems for both you and the Limbo player. If there is something else that effects your gameplay because of him tell it in the comments and I'll try and address them.

Okay so what is your tip on what to do when Limbo surged the entire battlefield and stasised them without giving others access to the rift? Its damn painful to see a bunch of trashmobs frozen in the rift while limbo carefully headshots all of them when you could do that much faster.

I had a run in a defense sortie, i was told to not use stasis, surge and cata and only use banish on the operator because it interrupts gameplay and i agree with it. 

Limbo is excellent if you use a premade group and go to high level mission (sortie, kuva or endurance runs), in a pug run he is the worst frame you could find because no matter how skilled the player is he can unintedly screw up someones gameplay.

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You forgot What if the Limbo player sucks? Because the only Limbo player I've seen so far just ran around like a chicken without its head. Every frame takes a certain kind of mentality to properly play, so it should be a Limbo players job to take out high profile enemies like Napalms, Bombards, Gunners, Techs, etc. since they can just freeze them with Stasis, or to defend the objective if the enemy gets close. I do want to like Limbo, especially if he does great target control

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8 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Limbo is excellent if you use a premade group and go to high level mission (sortie, kuva or endurance runs), in a pug run he is the worst frame you could find because no matter how skilled the player is he can unintedly screw up someones gameplay.

Pretty much this

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31 minutes ago, ChameleonBro said:

Limbos purpose and job is to isolate a group of enemies so that his teammates can take care of the rest of the enemies easier.

When Cataclysm engulfs the entire room, literally, and everything within freezes, there aren't any "rest of" to take care of easier.

Not arguing, just saying, be more precise with your phrasing.  With banish, yeah, a few enemies, cataclysm, entire room.  Big difference.  


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As limbo in sortie def, I was asked to stop using stasis as it was slowing things down i agreed reluctantly. 2 seconds after team and def target was in bleedout. I then revived them with stasis up then undid it, about 5 seconds later they where both down again. In the end 2 members aborted, and i and another did remaining 4 waves with stasis up.

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As a Limbo player myself I can say it can be frustrating for others use Cataclysm and banish you, but on the bright side you are regaining energy and you're all going to get experience anyway, if you're complaining about the lack of enemies to kill, bear with it until the next game, Limbo is there to slow down and control enemies so his teammates don't need to worry, If he's killing all the enemies he's doing a good job. Limbo isn't there to take hit's to protect his team, he's there to make it easier for the team to stay alive and take out enemies!

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Shaun-T-Wilson said:

As limbo in sortie def, I was asked to stop using stasis as it was slowing things down i agreed reluctantly. 2 seconds after team and def target was in bleedout. I then revived them with stasis up then undid it, about 5 seconds later they where both down again. In the end 2 members aborted, and i and another did remaining 4 waves with stasis up.

I've experienced this with my friends we were trying to get Exp and they asked me to stop killing so they could get kills, 15 seconds later, help us use cataclysm, to which I responded, "Oh no, you need kills, I don't want to interfere." Limbo is there to help, don't complain when you end up in a bad situation because you asked limbo to stop helping.

Edited by NeedWagonForSpeedWagon
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Turning off every players primary and secondary fire so that you can fart around in the rift is never going to go down well. That's why I asked for a no Limbo option in the game's menu because he's basically a solo frame thrown into a group dynamic. And players who bring him to pugs are either trolling or blind to the fact that they're just not wanted.

Edited by MudShadow
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Limbo doesn't turn off your guns. He just delays them.

Learn to retarget, or just use melee if it bugs you that much. (Or bring a shotgun/fast firing primary and overload his stasis.)


I don't like WoF or Soundquake (especially in lower-level stuff when I want to get affinity) but you don't see me asking for a "No Ember" toggle.

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3 hours ago, NeedWagonForSpeedWagon said:

I've experienced this with my friends we were trying to get Exp and they asked me to stop killing so they could get kills, 15 seconds later, help us use cataclysm, to which I responded, "Oh no, you need kills, I don't want to interfere." Limbo is there to help, don't complain when you end up in a bad situation because you asked limbo to stop helping.

A good limbo would analyse the situation and only use cata stasis when its needed.

Its one of the most annoying skills this game has and should be only used as last resort help.

2 hours ago, MudShadow said:

Turning off every players primary and secondary fire so that you can fart around in the rift is never going to go down well. That's why I asked for a no Limbo option in the game's menu because he's basically a solo frame thrown into a group dynamic. And players who bring him to pugs are either trolling or blind to the fact that they're just not wanted.

The best way limbo can be used in pug is as a backline supporter.

No cata stasis unless the team is dying.

Only banish 2-3 quickly dispatchable enemies, so the team wont get annoyed.

Absolutely no rift surge!

Always revive while inside rift.

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PUG + Limbo = instant abort for me.  While I'm sure there are some decent limbo players out there, it's simply far, far too easy for the average limbo to absolutely wreck my enjoyment of the mission.  It's so much simpler, faster, and less frustrating for me to restart the mission with a new team than is it to do the mission around how the limbo decides they want it to be played.

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)R3d P01nt said:

Sounds a lot like the way to deal with Limbo is to get out of his way and let him do what he wants?

Yeah, often when I see a Cataclysm, I go "nope, not gonna deal with that" and head in the opposite direction.

Jolly cooperation, what's that?


2 hours ago, MudShadow said:

he's basically a solo frame thrown into a group dynamic


16 minutes ago, Yhonix said:

I don't like WoF or Soundquake (especially in lower-level stuff when I want to get affinity)

But you can just stay within Affinity sharing range (kinda easy with Sound Quake) and get the full amount. *shrug*

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8 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

But you can just stay within Affinity sharing range (kinda easy with Sound Quake) and get the full amount. *shrug*

You mean 30% to the weapon, as if your frame killed them.

Banshee is easier to stick next to than Ember, it's still killing my affinity gain for that weapon by a good 50-66%. So no, I'm not getting the affinity rate I'm looking for.


Limbo is, quite frankly, one of the strongest and nearly outright broken CC frames in a good team. You are doing yourself a disservice by refusing to learn how to play with one.

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Limbo is fine in pre-made groups where everyone knows what's going on.  Otherwise all he does is slow down the mission for no good reason.

I will never stay in a match where there is a limbo using stasis.  If they want to solo enemies with an unranked prova, that's fine but they can do it without me.  I do dislike that they set the match setting to public though and wasting my time since they wanted to play solo in the first place.

Outside of premade groups I have never seen a limbo actually 'doing their job' as you put it.  Limbo is not a DPS frame, but that is how you are describing him.  People who understand that and make reasonable target choices also don't take limbo to PUGS.

The true and only option is just to allow everyone to opt out of limbo's powers completely.  Limbo can play the mission solo like he wants and the other three people can get the job done.

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1 minute ago, Yhonix said:

You mean 30% to the weapon, as if your frame killed them.

That's not quite how Affinity works.

If you kill something with a Frame ability, 100% of the Affinity goes to the Frame.
If you kill something with a weapon, 50% goes to that weapon and 50% to the Frame.
If another player kills something (and you're within range), your Frame gets 25% and your weapons get 75% split equally.

So, if you're, say, ranking up / have only brought one specific weapon, that weapon will get the full 75% all for itself,
meaning it'll rank up faster than if you would've done all the killing yourself with it.

7 minutes ago, Yhonix said:

Limbo is, quite frankly, one of the strongest and nearly outright broken CC frames

Eh, you could just e.g. use Frost to freeze enemies instead
- while also granting allies quasi-Iron Skin, love that Aug -
without hampering gun use for anyone.
(Plus of course there's good ol' Snow Globe to protect stuff while allowing allies inside to shoot enemies outside.)

I'm not saying Limbo isn't powerful.
It's just, other Frames can manage well enough without causing headaches of that caliber :P

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13 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

Eh, you could just e.g. use Frost to freeze enemies instead
- while also granting allies quasi-Iron Skin, love that Aug -
without hampering gun use for anyone.
(Plus of course there's good ol' Snow Globe to protect stuff while allowing allies inside to shoot enemies outside.)

I'm not saying Limbo isn't powerful.
It's just, other Frames can manage well enough without causing headaches of that caliber :P

And lets not forget that frost will strip down enemy armor too, making it easier for the squad.

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