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In Regards To Clan Scoring In Ambulas Event


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What I am thrown off about is how there was a differentiation between a solo, clanless player and ghost clans. One man clans are not uncommon and I count myself amongst them; however, one man clans had to do double the amount of work that a solo player would do. To be honest, I never finished the event because I was so busy during the event. I will suggest some things to do about clan scoring in a moment, but let me explain why I, personally, am in a one man clan so that some perspective is established.


Firstly, I used to run a storm clan with my best friend. Once he left the game, I ran it on my own. Then people started dropping out and the multiplied costs for storm clan research became too much to fund on my own. So, I started my own ghost clan and became a one man clan. On the other hand, I could just join a well established clan that plays enough, but I will admit that I have extended times of inactivity (I'm in one now, actually), and I fear that I'd be kicked out of the clan due to that. So, I have remained in a one man clan for the longest time. Now, why don't I just drop to a completely solo player with no clan? Clan tech, pure and simple. I won't have access to certain equipment without a dojo, so I need to be in a clan.


So, now that I have established my reasoning, allow me to suggest to DE what to consider for future clan events and clans in general.


1. Don't differentiate solo players and ghost clans for scoring. In most cases, solo people who are like me are more likely to make a one man clan for the clan tech rather than stay clanless. There is no need to force them to do extra work (such as the 200 vs 400 animo for this event) because they needed a base of operations for research.


2. Create a subtier of clan rank for solo players who just need the dojo. Something like a wolf clan; give a solo player access to a dojo and tech without going into the clan system in full while also differentiating for future events.


3. Scale scores based on number of players in the clan rather than clan tier. Ghost clans can range from one player to ten, and higher clan tiers can have even more inconsistent numbers of active members, as made evident by the introduction of Hema research. This personalizes goals for each clan.


The event was fun, but having to do double the work because of my particular style of play was a bit disappointing. I hope in the future something is adjusted to avoid something like this in the future.

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My only complaint about this event was that I got 800 beacons for my clan and we didn't get a trophy because of the stupid scoring system that is based on the amount gathered in one run instead of the amount gathered in total.

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I didn't see the 200 or 400 requirement to unlock Hades as a problem since you would need over 800 to get all the rewards that were available anyway. 

I think the costs were maybe a bit too high or the drop numbers a little too low but overall I was fairly happy and got enough myself to get all but three mods which I'll get from syndicates eventually. 

The scores required for trophies (and Clan XP too) were more of an issue for me.

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2 hours ago, R34LM said:

One man clans

Are an oxymoron and DE needs to quit catering to people who act like they can't find a small group of 10 players to associate with.

Look, I'm fine with the idea that clan events need to scale with clan population (instead of clan tier), but the fact that people are making a fuss because, "muh solo clan," is really annoying and has been going on for a while now. Invite 9 normies to your clan. Make it obvious that you don't really care to talk much, just want to mutually benefit from research and clan events. You will be amazed at how much easier your life is and how quickly you end up making friends with those people, regardless.

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3 hours ago, Chipputer said:

Are an oxymoron and DE needs to quit catering to people who act like they can't find a small group of 10 players to associate with.

Look, I'm fine with the idea that clan events need to scale with clan population (instead of clan tier), but the fact that people are making a fuss because, "muh solo clan," is really annoying and has been going on for a while now. Invite 9 normies to your clan. Make it obvious that you don't really care to talk much, just want to mutually benefit from research and clan events. You will be amazed at how much easier your life is and how quickly you end up making friends with those people, regardless.

You'll be surprised as to how many people aren't amused or interested in the prospect. I'd appreciate it if you didn't criticize people's style of interaction.

Edited by R34LM
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3 hours ago, Chipputer said:

Are an oxymoron and DE needs to quit catering to people who act like they can't find a small group of 10 players to associate with.

Look, I'm fine with the idea that clan events need to scale with clan population (instead of clan tier), but the fact that people are making a fuss because, "muh solo clan," is really annoying and has been going on for a while now. Invite 9 normies to your clan. Make it obvious that you don't really care to talk much, just want to mutually benefit from research and clan events. You will be amazed at how much easier your life is and how quickly you end up making friends with those people, regardless.

Great suggestion, invite random people and don't talk to them?!? DE could make things fair for everyone by just requiring every player to get the same "points" for rewards. Clan participation is for trophies and leader boards. DE almost got this event right...almost.

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5 hours ago, Chipputer said:

Are an oxymoron and DE needs to quit catering to people who act like they can't find a small group of 10 players to associate with.

The problem remains the same as described by the OP. Too many clans end up with too few people too easily.

I started out in a clan that upgraded to a Shadow clan. We had enough at one stage to justify that uptick. People however, stopped playing, including the clan leader who started it. The clan leader build almost all of the Dojo, but I think I did about 75% or more of the clan research. That's with the x3 multiplier. I couldn't add to or change the dojo.  So I left.

I now have a solo clan. If I want to play with others, I PUB games.

I've seen other games I loved suffer the same way. It's not something exclusive to Warframe. The commitment to time and resources some people put in here however makes it a bigger issue with Warframe than elsewhere.

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Or DE could just make it a sum off of total people in your clan, instead of clan rank, something reasonable, like the requirement for a solo player multiplied by the people in your clan,l it's easy and already exists, so why do we keep this tiered system that doesn't always truly apply?

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2 hours ago, R34LM said:

You'll be surprised as to how many people aren't amused or interested in the prospect. I'd appreciate it if you didn't criticize people's style of interaction.

If only you try any interaction.

I miss your point. Why exactly DE must work around people who want solo clan but dont want actually put any affort?


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8 hours ago, Katinka said:

I didn't see the 200 or 400 requirement to unlock Hades as a problem since you would need over 800 to get all the rewards that were available anyway. 

I think the costs were maybe a bit too high or the drop numbers a little too low but overall I was fairly happy and got enough myself to get all but three mods which I'll get from syndicates eventually. 

The scores required for trophies (and Clan XP too) were more of an issue for me.


I'm in a ghost clan with 2 other friend and before they even got on, I've already finished 455/400 and all they had to do was get 40 to fight the boss for Supra Vandal. That's actually bad for me but not really since I would have to farm it anyways to buy stuffs using animo beacons. Bad for them because now they will feel lazy since all the work is done for Supra Vandal. If you knew how to efficiently run/farm these, 200 vs 400 is not a big difference.

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14 hours ago, -JT-_-R3W1ND said:

If only you try any interaction.

I miss your point. Why exactly DE must work around people who want solo clan but dont want actually put any affort?


Then perhaps my second proposed option would appeal to you. We just want the dojo without having to do any clan interaction. If we go completely solo, we lose out on all clan tech. 

As for trying interaction, you make it sound like I'm a hermit. I interact just fine in missions; I'd just prefer not to work around people's chances of inactivity as well as my own for the sake of clan events. I have already done that (as mentioned when I was in my storm clan) and I am not interested in dealing with it again, even if it means only worrying about 10 people. Besides, if you find any people who aren't in a clan who want to join a casual ghost clan, let me know....it's unlikely.

And please, it isn't like they are breaking legs trying to accommodate, and it is hardly affecting you; there's no need to make it sound like we are getting golden treatment. The kingpin system is hardly favorable to solo people, and that has been stated by DE, and you don't see me complaining about it.

Edited by R34LM
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14 hours ago, Soribada said:


I'm in a ghost clan with 2 other friend and before they even got on, I've already finished 455/400 and all they had to do was get 40 to fight the boss for Supra Vandal. That's actually bad for me but not really since I would have to farm it anyways to buy stuffs using animo beacons. Bad for them because now they will feel lazy since all the work is done for Supra Vandal. If you knew how to efficiently run/farm these, 200 vs 400 is not a big difference.

Efficiency aside, you still had to do 200 extra simply because you have a dojo to yourself.

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22 hours ago, DSkycroft said:

My only complaint about this event was that I got 800 beacons for my clan and we didn't get a trophy because of the stupid scoring system that is based on the amount gathered in one run instead of the amount gathered in total.

i also did not like the math used for the scoring. 

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What irritates me about the event is that the collective Clan score was used to determine individual rewards.  I racked up a total of 480 points on my lonesome during the course of the event, but none of my clannies participated, so no Supra Vandal for me.  

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