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Relics are the most toxic thing about this game


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I and 3 other players spent god knows how long farming for an Axi G1 Relic and making it radiant tier but you know what? I can forgive ALL that, if we actually got The god damn Galatine Prime blueprint. But when we go through a lagfest and having to restart the mission, Only for our Efforts to come up with FORMA!! Effing FORMA!! WHEN NOT JUST ME BUT "3" OTHER PEOPLE PUT A RADIANT RELIC IN A FISSURE RUN, I EFFING EXPECT THE GALATINE PRIME BLUEPRINT TO DROP!! NOT SOME STUPID UPGRADE MATERIAL THAT I HAVE 25 OF ALREADY!! 

I don't want any kids or keyboard warriors to talk to me on this. I want a god damn DEVELOPER to tell me how a Radiant Axi G1 relic (x4!!) Comes up with FORMA!!!

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Ch1b1N1njaGam1ng said:

I and 3 other players spent god knows how long farming for an Axi G1 Relic and making it radiant tier but you know what? I can forgive ALL that, if we actually got The god damn Galatine Prime blueprint. But when we go through a lagfest and having to restart the mission, Only for our Efforts to come up with FORMA!! Effing FORMA!! WHEN NOT JUST ME BUT "3" OTHER PEOPLE PUT A RADIANT RELIC IN A FISSURE RUN, I EFFING EXPECT THE GALATINE PRIME BLUEPRINT TO DROP!! NOT SOME STUPID UPGRADE MATERIAL THAT I HAVE 25 OF ALREADY!! 

I don't want any kids or keyboard warriors to talk to me on this. I want a god damn DEVELOPER to tell me how a Radiant Axi G1 relic (x4!!) Comes up with FORMA!!!

I may not be a dev but. There is a chance... Lik the time i went in with 3 others.. we where trying for Nekros Bp... 4 bps ....   4 bps 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Ch1b1N1njaGam1ng said:

The thing is, forma should be REMOVED from relics in general. 

if it was removed where'd you farm it easily? only spy missions? anyways, with 4 radiants in, you have somewhat 30% chance for 1 rare item (out of 4 rads), basically you need around 3-4 rads each to get the thing you want. 

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1 minute ago, Retrijeuj said:

I have no problem with the relic system atm. You can't have what you're looking for just in a few hours, it always was this way in Warframe.

At least you're farming Ducats while you don't get your bp.

That'd actually sweeten the salt spewing from my mouth if i could actually sell this god damn forma for ducats...

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3 minutes ago, --RV--D4VE- said:

if it was removed where'd you farm it easily? only spy missions? anyways, with 4 radiants in, you have somewhat 30% chance for 1 rare item (out of 4 rads), basically you need around 3-4 rads each to get the thing you want. 

Yes. I'd say put it where Orokin Catalysts and reactors are. In alerts and gifts of the lotus (theyre already in sorties so wont gloss over them being there)

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Ch1b1N1njaGam1ng said:

That'd actually sweeten the salt spewing from my mouth if i could actually sell this god damn forma for ducats...

So you rolled 4 formas, or you just didn't pay attention to the other loot ?

If you rolled 4 times the same thing, you should have taken a screenshot (F6 by default) because this is hillarious.

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Just now, (PS4)Ch1b1N1njaGam1ng said:

Yes. I'd say put it where Orokin Catalysts and reactors are. In alerts and gifts of the lotus (theyre already in sorties so wont gloss over them being there)

Ok, so, no. I often end up using 5 formas a day because I have all my loadout to upgrade, so having one forma per month wouldn't do it.

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)Ch1b1N1njaGam1ng said:

Well wouldnt YOU be if your hard work came up with NOTHING!? I have a right to talk to a developer on this because this is just criminal

Well, let's speak RNGesus here.

Even with a Radiant Relic, the chance of a rare item is at 10%. With a full Radiant relic cell, that's still less than a 50% chance. 

It's not criminal. You're just unlucky and salty. 


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19 minutes ago, MartianGHunter said:

You don't know what's toxic old void 2hr survival t4 and it rained forma on that day. This is miles better 

Or doing over 100 T4Def Rotation C's to try and get a Vauban piece.


18 minutes ago, (PS4)Ch1b1N1njaGam1ng said:

Well wouldnt YOU be if your hard work came up with NOTHING!? I have a right to talk to a developer on this because this is just criminal

No, you don't have the right, and no it is not criminal.  I suggest you suck it up, get some more relics, upgrade them to radiant, and try again.  The Axi G1 relic is not difficult to obtain, traces take you a couple runs (bring a Smeeta for a chance at double trace pickups), and then it's down to RNG.  I ran Axi G1 in full radiant squads about 14 times before I finally got a Galatine BP.

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6 minutes ago, Retrijeuj said:

Ok, so, no. I often end up using 5 formas a day because I have all my loadout to upgrade, so having one forma per month wouldn't do it.


8 minutes ago, (PS4)Ch1b1N1njaGam1ng said:

Yes. I'd say put it where Orokin Catalysts and reactors are. In alerts and gifts of the lotus (theyre already in sorties so wont gloss over them being there)

NO I need forma .. and a lot later. also  so what if you are not lucky.  the bp is like what 50 plat?   

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20 minutes ago, maj.death said:

I don't think the relic is the thing that's toxic.

Yeah, this is going to end well...

In the spirit of actually helping a bit, I personally found the G1 relic to be a bit...unforgiving. However, it's really no different than the old system when you get down to it. You expose yourself to the drop table that has what you need and if you keep at it, you'll eventually get what you want.

Getting the relic at all was a initially a bit problematic, but eventually I ended up with several dozen of them (this is what Berehynia is for...), and it took something along the lines of a dozen radiant relics to get the GalP blueprint. I don't recall if it was from my own relic or someone else's, but...if you keep at the mission you will eventually get it. I have noticed when farming Banshee PA Axi bits and pieces a fair number of people running G1 relics, so the chance always exists.

You just need to get lucky once.

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On PC, Galatine Prime set is worth maybe 20-30p at most. Let me tell you a crazy method.

1. Do few vault runs

2. Chance of getting a corrupted mod like Fleeting Expertise, Transient Fortitude etc

3. Sell those corrupted mods for 20-30p

4. Buy yourself Galatine Prime Set from the vast amount of sellers either on Warframe or Warframe.market

5. Think, why it wasn't necessary to create a thread.

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)Ch1b1N1njaGam1ng said:

Yes. I'd say put it In alerts and gifts of the lotus (theyre already in sorties so wont gloss over them being there)

That honestly wouldnt do any justice to easily farming forma as GOTL and forma alerts (yes, they already are in alerts) are way too few to seriously consider farming it.


PS. I don't think any dev will consider serious coversation with a guy who is just shouting and breathing fire and brimstone. I'd advise you to change your attitude a bit, because only thing that is toxic here is You.

Edited by --RV--D4VE-
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1 minute ago, Husla said:

On PC, Galatine Prime set is worth maybe 20-30p at most. Let me tell you a crazy method.

1. Do few vault runs

2. Chance of getting a corrupted mod like Fleeting Expertise, Transient Fortitude etc

3. Sell those corrupted mods for 20-30p

4. Buy yourself Galatine Prime Set from the vast amount of sellers either on Warframe or Warframe.market

5. Think, why it wasn't necessary to create a thread.

Bp is MR 13 im MR 9

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