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Sybaris Prime is a Nerf


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5 hours ago, Tamirn said:

Heres a picture of a perfect Crit weapon

Now if you can do the math Red Crit Multiplier = Crit Level × (Crit Multiplier − 1) + 1
So by my math 2 x (5.3-1) + 1 = 9.6 x base damage (2620.8+145.8+145.8+9259.9) = 116,850.24

which can one shot anything below lvl 100 easy add in a buff and you can even kill thing almost lvl 200

ew what is this garbage 5% status get it out of my face its disgusting.

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3 hours ago, Tacritan said:

Guys.. Just look who are you arguing with..


oh wait, this one was funny :crylaugh: Really, if you want to have some laugh read those.

I dont want to be mean.. but really, there is no point to argue with him. He is very "special".

And yea, sybaris p. is upgrade to dex, but im not even going to try to explain that guy why is it better, he wont understand anything anyway

Special doesn't even begin to describe my dismay at ...well.. whatever THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is!?

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One of the reasons I think they should stray from priming weapons that already have another version out there is because of situations like this. You're most likely going to be let down by it when you compare the two. In reality, there's nothing wrong with having two pretty good versions of the same weapon but it's not really satisfying to level weapons like that IMO since part of the excitement of a brand new prime is seeing what it can do when it is fully maxed and in this case I leveled the prime a bit and went back to the dex sybaris and aside from the new look to the prime version, I'm already ready to let it collect dust. This is just me of course. This is the kind of weapon that needed some sort of gimmick--an alt fire or something to make you play with it a bit more than the other or to warrant it being a prime, otherwise I would rather have a weapon primed that hasn't had the luxury of having a variant made of it. Still happy it was made for Sybaris fans though, would never take that away from them but I hope DE thinks about situations like this a bit more. 

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)AllOrNothinDays said:

One of the reasons I think they should stray from priming weapons that already have another version out there is because of situations like this. You're most likely going to be let down by it when you compare the two. In reality, there's nothing wrong with having two pretty good versions of the same weapon but it's not really satisfying to level weapons like that IMO since part of the excitement of a brand new prime is seeing what it can do when it is fully maxed and in this case I leveled the prime a bit and went back to the dex sybaris and aside from the new look to the prime version, I'm already ready to let it collect dust. This is just me of course. This is the kind of weapon that needed some sort of gimmick--an alt fire or something to make you play with it a bit more than the other or to warrant it being a prime, otherwise I would rather have a weapon primed that hasn't had the luxury of having a variant made of it. Still happy it was made for Sybaris fans though, would never take that away from them but I hope DE thinks about situations like this a bit more. 

Considering the Prime version will always do more damage than the Dex, your lose.

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Reading your posts here I sincerely doubt you actually do end-game content. Otherwise, you either do not test things before you start gnawing at your keyboard, or simply do not know how to mod weapons.

Please try a hybrid crit+status build before raging, thanks.

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8 hours ago, Tamirn said:

The Sancti Tigris was good but compare to the Tigris Prime it's nothing 

Yea okay, I think you really need to re-evaluate what you think you know. Sancti Tigris has a health and corrosive proc. That alone puts it on the same level as the Tigris Prime. Seeing as how you believe that you can only do end-game with "100% top tier weapons" shows that you really don't actually know what you're talking about and have probably never even tried doing endgame content with anything you deem less superior because of crit or status stats.

Please just take the advice of the many people who commented here and do proper research into these things.

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9 hours ago, Tamirn said:

So I compare the Dex Sybaris with the Sybaris Prime and it has less crit chance about 5% which means you can't mod it for 100% unless you have a riven mod. So if the weapon isn't perfect for ether 100% Crit, Status or high raw damage that means it isn't work your time. Please note when you do end-game content you need the best OP weapons to kill high lvl mobs like on sortie, Kuva Flood or Endless fissure so if the weapons your holding isn't perfect that it isn't worth your time. Thank DE you ruin another good weapon.


8 hours ago, Tamirn said:


Yeah the Status chance on Sybaris Prime is only 20% so you can't mod it for a 100% status chance.

its funny you think you need 100% to do good. 
I'm not going to waste time going in to details on why you're wrong, because it's not worth the effort.
but its funny

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Every thread the OP starts is pure gold troll thread... Think the last one had to be locked by mod. I don't see them as I put them on my ignore list after the  2nd thread. But it sure is a fun read. 

Edited by Kusungphak
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