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[SPOILERS] Man In The Wall


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Also, yes, its part of the quest.

"Hey there Kiddo"

Bonus fact: if you switch to operator fast enough you can have 2 operators in the same room, you and the "other".

Edited by Elvangreen
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1 hour ago, Kaotyke said:

I'm a bit sad the Operator didnt say anything in this Quest

Agreed. Some form of response considering it all, or attempt to, would sit better than the abject silence.

Sure. Sometimes there are no words. But there were at least a few points a prompt could work.

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I didn't manage to get a screenshot, because I was honestly a bit stunned and thought it was a glitch at first. But mine was sitting behind the ramp leading down into the main compartment, cross-legged. Also looked like she was dozing, head bobbing up and down. Then she snapped up and said that and dipped. Spooky.

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If you look close, you can see the "man in the wall" version of the Tenno has black sclera.
Also, DE should add it as a standard thing now, after we complet the quest, so at random times when you return you'll se this thing just sitting there, looking at you to vanish in a few seconds.

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If the man in the wall is essentially supposed to be Warframe's equivalent of a Warhammer 40k Chaos God; doesn't this mean he is the ultimate source of corrupted vor's powers?  Would that not mean that the man in the wall can create even longer speeches than Vor himself? /Jokepost.

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Hello everyone here a little theory for you

I was thinking about that and what if the voice that we heard in the War Within quest and the new quest called Chain of Harrow is like some sort of a god like being of the void. Let me know what you think about that

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1 minute ago, LDragon12 said:

Hello everyone here a little theory for you

I was thinking about that and what if the voice that we heard in the War Within quest and the new quest called Chain of Harrow is like some sort of a god like being of the void. Let me know what you think about that

It does seem like there are hints of some otherworldly thing in the void, like when Rell called it the man in the wall

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There's a lot of evidence pointing that the mysterious voice belongs to whatever the warframes are.

It's a sentient entity awaken recently. Likely a hivemind. Strongly connected to kuva. And to the Tenno.

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The voice is our father, In the war within , Inside the mountain. Our tenno say that our father called all other children "kiddo".

sorry for my bad english

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8 minutes ago, yual said:

The voice is our father

Not quite. The person who called us "kiddo" was our father, but the thing that calls us "kiddo" now is not him. It's a different entity. But who knows, perhaps the father became the thing.

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2 minutes ago, Raniu said:

Not quite. The person who called us "kiddo" was our father, but the thing that calls us "kiddo" now is not him. It's a different entity. But who knows, perhaps the father became the thing.

It's space dad!

On a serious note, it's probably the man in the wall trying to get to us, like he did to Rell

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