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Favorite Primary Weapons and Why


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Tiberon: The standard assault rifle I have been using for almost majority of my missions. Goes back to the days where I was a huge fan of  the M16A4 from the Modern Warfare series. Firing the Tiberon felt almost similiar to the M16A4, which suits my play style despite the low crit chance and status chance. Decent damage if modded decently, godly if modded properly with 5-6 formas, I had a Riven on this gun, which increased the damage by a crap-ton.

Dera/Dera Vandal: What is there not to like about a standard, plasma spitting assault rifle?

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Sobek because acid shells and shattering justice.  Ferrox because I like the throwing function and I have a nice riven for it.  Rakta Cernos just cuz.  And my guilty pleasure weapon....Dera Vandal.  I just love that gun.  Something about it is just so satisfying. 

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The Zenith - the design is nice, decent damage, and I really like the sound when it fires (it sounds like I'm really firing flesh-shredding bullets). Plus, the fact that enemies get sliced and cut up every few shots really make a satisfying feel. A little too bad the ammo economy is not too good, but Ammo case got that covered.

Ferrox - Disintegrating enemies with each kill really put it in my top list. I was drawn to it by it's thrown mechanic, and it doesn't disappoint. Nyx Chaos + Ferrox tether = bar brawl, even more against Infested. Also, it's a Railgun on a stick.

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SomaP most content

Ignis farm content

TigrisP Index type content

Synoid Simulor specifically just for the defense riven challenge. No damage to objective, no pizza. 

Anything else is for fun mechanics or warframe synergy like bow for ivara. 

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I love several primaries, use them according to the mission/mood swings.

Grinlok - very satisfying to use, sounds great.

Rakta Cernos - best bow around.

Harpak - best (most fun) burstfire rifle, sounds awesome, pulls dudes.

Prisma Grakata - one of the most fun full-auto rifles.

Stradavar - Latron which is also a Braton, very nice sound.

Sobek - AoE decimator.

Javlok - cool, powerful, pure elemental, packs a punch.

Miter - lawnmower,  makes Corpus cry.

Sorry for so many.

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The Daikyu, because not only does it look gorgeous, I love how it's almost hit-scan. The high precision, high flight speed and the almost non-existent arc trajectory means it's very reliable for headshots. It rewards being accurate with it and punishes missing arrows, which I really like for a bow. Landing headshots makes a huge difference for it. The recent knockback effect and the 100% status chance also helps. I'm now trying to get a good reroll on my rivens for it to make it more competitive with bows like the Dread or the Rakta Cernos.

Soma Prime also deserves a mention. Not much I need to say about it. It's probably my best primary right now, but I prefer bows.

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Sancti Tigris is my love. She always solves my problems in two or less shots gun.

Supra vandal just feels nice as you spray a light show into thier faces.

Javlok cause i think of it as a futuristic staff casting fireballs with a satisying feel with the throw. 

Sybaris series cause i love burst weapons in general.

(Sorry for the list but there so many good weapons to play with)

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