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Archwing in plain of eidolon


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2 hours ago, Vesiga said:

1. Archwing weapons are too heavy, in space the no gravity helps that. So on earth we use our normal guns. 

2. nothing is being scrapped.

its just a new area, they said they plan to have more open world areas, but it's not going to be the WHOLE game. 

calm the negative thoughts

Gonna nitpick...

Officially we can't use archwing weapons in atmosphere because they're too heavy but um... if we want to get all sciency about the reasoning, an object's mass isn't zero in zero G, it just has nothing pulling on it.  Our Warframes have to be hella strong and sturdy to maneuver those guns in space without their arms being ripped off, especially at the breakneck speeds and hair pin turns we pull in Archwing combat.  We're talking a weapon that may weight half a ton at least, our Warframe bolting forward at 500mp/s or what-have-you, and suddenly banking.   That weapon isn't "weightless" in that scenario, it's moving in a direction with a lot of stored energy, and Newton says the Warframe is the one that's acting as a force of resistance to change its course.

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7 hours ago, Vesiga said:

1. Archwing weapons are too heavy, in space the no gravity helps that. So on earth we use our normal guns. 

2. nothing is being scrapped.

its just a new area, they said they plan to have more open world areas, but it's not going to be the WHOLE game. 

calm the negative thoughts

I don't believe anything I've said is a negative thought, just my opinion.

Does feel like DE have all been playing to much breath of the wild thou.

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12 hours ago, ARANDOMGENT said:

Anyone else notice archwings in the above reveal were not using archwing weapons, could this be a sign that they are being scrapped.

Also with our Tenno maturing are the cosmetic we purchased for our Tenno going to be scrapped as well.

struggling to see how this new open world style can co exist with what we currently have as they will play so drastically different.

But I think we are a while off this being release to us, I feel it could be a long wait like we had with "The War Within"

It would seem like archwings being used on PoE function similar to the sparrows of destiny. 

Archwing weapons would essentially be too overpowered to use on PoE therefore for that map it would seem that they are not used. A lore explaination may arise but, frankly I wouldn't care if it was not expressed.

Operator Armor must be craft from the looks of it and seem like they will have a correlation to PoE. if not I doubt they will scrape our current suits. Eithier those suits will be given stats or, simply remain as is.

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2 hours ago, ALEX_IV said:

I am guessing archwing powers are going to be scraped too. They would break too many things and too difficult to balance.

You see powers being used in the reveal, believe it's seeking fire from the Odonata/odonata prime.

If the large sentient is anything to go by, we are going to need them.

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15 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Steve said that it would release late summer. So assuming the routine [DE]lays, expect it to be released in the fall. However, if we get lucky, they may be able to keep that promise, like they did with CoH.


What the fnck is summer? I live in a country where American summer is my fridged and freezing winter and visa verse. So what month is your autumn? And what month does your summer end?

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It is not hard to understand. Archwing mode while on PoE is just the mount mode of any other MMO. You just use it to go fast, but you will be vulnerable to enemy fire. Probably the grineer camps will have AA guns or missile turrets to prevent the archwing loitering from afar + sniping.

Although I'm all in for the arch sniping. My vectis prime is crying in the corner right now.

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1 hour ago, Eviscerador said:

It is not hard to understand. Archwing mode while on PoE is just the mount mode of any other MMO. You just use it to go fast, but you will be vulnerable to enemy fire. Probably the grineer camps will have AA guns or missile turrets to prevent the archwing loitering from afar + sniping.

Although I'm all in for the arch sniping. My vectis prime is crying in the corner right now.

It not hard to understand?

maybe phrase that better next time sounds condescending, no one knows the full extent of what features will be in the update. Various elements could change.

The thread was mearly meant to be a way to voice my thoughts and opitnions and receive others thoughts and opinions in return.

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Just now, ARANDOMGENT said:

It not hard to understand?

maybe phrase that better next time sounds condescending, no one knows the full extent of what features will be in the update. Various elements could change.

The thread was nearly meant to be a way to voice my thoughts and opinions and receive others thoughts and opinions in return.

It wasn't meant to sound condescending. It seemed very clear to me after watching the gameplay that they expect the ArchWing to be the mount of the game, so you could travel from one point to another, but you do your combat the old fashioned way.

I'm sorry if you took it as a personal attack, it was not. English is not my native tongue.

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32 minutes ago, Eviscerador said:

It wasn't meant to sound condescending. It seemed very clear to me after watching the gameplay that they expect the ArchWing to be the mount of the game, so you could travel from one point to another, but you do your combat the old fashioned way.

I'm sorry if you took it as a personal attack, it was not. English is not my native tongue.

No worries, there are very exciting times ahead for us Tenno.

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4 hours ago, Arniox said:

What the fnck is summer? I live in a country where American summer is my fridged and freezing winter and visa verse. So what month is your autumn? And what month does your summer end?

Think of the end of North American Summer as the end of August.  Since North America is a large area the climate change will vary a lot.  DE is in Canada where cooler weather could start as early as August.  While I live in Texas (in the US) and it would stay warm here all the way up to December.

For you, this should be right about when it starts to warm up.  Well, depending on your actual location.  :D

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21 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

No, they literally explained this, and have implied it before in the weapon descriptions: The Arch-weapons are too heavy to use in a planet's gravity; therefore, we're using standard weapons.

Is this only for this plain map? Or global?

Edited by low1991
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2 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Lore-wise? We are incapable of using Arch-weapons effectively in-atmo. It applies to all planetside maps.

So does this means, after plain-patch/update, all players will be able to use archwing (via consumable gear) in any atmosphere (including plain?) . ie, archwing in earth excavation?

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Just now, low1991 said:

So does this means, after plain-patch/update, all players will be able to use archwing (via consumable gear) in any atmosphere (including plain?) . ie, archwing in earth excavation?

No, we will, as far as we know, only be able to use Archwing on Landscapes (open-world maps). Normal missions will not receive this.

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2 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

No, we will, as far as we know, only be able to use Archwing on Landscapes (open-world maps). Normal missions will not receive this.

Woah... what logic... am no longer hyper for plain.

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Just now, low1991 said:

Woah... what logic... am no longer hyper for plain.

Mate, do you want Archwing on normal maps? Because I don't think you'd like smashing into walls every five seconds, due to the claustrophobic tilesets we have right now.

Archwing is made for Landscapes. No need to get less excited.

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21 hours ago, Kyronz said:

I wonder what made DE suddenly decide, people want more archwing?

Because the problem with Archwing is that its current environment isn't appropriate for it. It isn't appropriate for full on space combat. But it *is* appropriate as combat air support, which is how it's used in Plains of Eidolon based on the demo. It's also what I and others have asked for in regards to archwing.

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5 minutes ago, low1991 said:

Woah... what logic... am no longer hyper for plain.


3 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Mate, do you want Archwing on normal maps? Because I don't think you'd like smashing into walls every five seconds, due to the claustrophobic tilesets we have right now.

Archwing is made for Landscapes. No need to get less excited.

Hehe, AW on regular maps is what Titania is for.    :D

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7 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Mate, do you want Archwing on normal maps? Because I don't think you'd like smashing into walls every five seconds, due to the claustrophobic tilesets we have right now.

Archwing is made for Landscapes. No need to get less excited.

Well. i do imagine the possibility of an alternative route to objective in non-open-world-maps, like a route via air (archwing) to infiltrate into corpus base or spy vault.

And not all maps, you will crash into a wall (use trinitia'#4 and timed it, multiplied it by 3 to 4 or something.)

2 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

Hehe, AW on regular maps is what Titania is for.    :D

Well that is no longer AW, that's just a ability only a certain frame can assess to.

Edited by low1991
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Just now, low1991 said:

And not all maps, you will crash into a wall (use trinitia'#4 and timed it, multiplied it by 3 to 4 or something.)


Nah. I'd rather not have Archwing in normal missions. Leave it for the open maps for fast travel and extra firepower, but we have no need for it in normal maps. In fact, it's not even cool. It's just annoying. 

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3 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:


Nah. I'd rather not have Archwing in normal missions. Leave it for the open maps for fast travel and extra firepower, but we have no need for it in normal maps. In fact, it's not even cool. It's just annoying. 

Well, not cool for you. But Cool in space (as a de-attached game)?. Feels the opposite for me. I guess it's all personal PoV.

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31 minutes ago, low1991 said:

Well, not cool for you. But Cool in space (as a de-attached game)?. Feels the opposite for me. I guess it's all personal PoV.

No, I mean that it's less than useless in ground combat, with the exception of the new Landscapes. It's actively detrimental, as it would be clumsy, functionally useless, and frankly annoying to use.

I'm elated that we're getting it for Landscapes, but they're literally no need for it in normal gameplay. 

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