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Why doesn’t Warframe let players play while the game is downloading?


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I was wondering. This game is pretty large when you think about it. So when the game is doing updates, and the player has already downloaded the most essential parts of the game, why doesn’t DE let the players go ahead and play while the new updates are loading?


This last update was like 16GB, It would take ages for me to download that. To make things worse, if my wifi (which is already pretty S#&$ty) fails for even a second, then I’ll have to start  the download all over again. That really sucks, so why can’t I just be playing the game while it’s downloading?


P.S: DE, it would be nice if you can do something about the start-over thing.

And you might have to move this thread. I suspect this is the wrong forum.


Edited by Darenxps
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4 minutes ago, Myscho said:

16GB have whole game, not an update

Can be plenty reasons why, maybe engine is not builded for that, collides with saving progress, etc....

I'm sure as heck that this latest update was at least 14GB. I've downloaded the game already.

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Because most of the times an update will replace the older files. And playing the games will also require connection, so if you have a bad connection, playing the game while downloading means you will suffer even more connection problem.

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Actually I had and I assume I still have pretty bad internet connectivity. This has some noticeable affects to downloading game. When something goes wrong with internet connection the update restarts itself and even if I have downloaded like 15.9/16GBs it goes back to 0/16GBs. For me 16GBs is quite a lot and it takes couple hours to download and when this kind of sh*t happens it get really annoying..

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Why doesn’t Warframe let players play while the game is downloading?


Because they have enough hotfix to make without this, thank you.

You can drink a hot soup or read a book while downloading, it's a bit old fashioned i know but it works.


Edited by Stonehenge
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37 minutes ago, Marl_Boro said:

Actually I had and I assume I still have pretty bad internet connectivity. This has some noticeable affects to downloading game. When something goes wrong with internet connection the update restarts itself and even if I have downloaded like 15.9/16GBs it goes back to 0/16GBs. For me 16GBs is quite a lot and it takes couple hours to download and when this kind of sh*t happens it get really annoying..

That is because the game first checks back on every data it already downloaded, making sure there is no corruption that occurred. 

At least that's how it felt from my experience when downloading the game, three years ago, and when I doubled up on my laptop for moments when I'm not home. 

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1 minute ago, Cyriann said:

That is because the game first checks back on every data it already downloaded, making sure there is no corruption that occurred. 

At least that's how it felt from my experience when downloading the game, three years ago, and when I doubled up on my laptop for moments when I'm not home. 

If the launcher would just verify files wouldn't it take way less time than downloading?

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41 minutes ago, Darenxps said:

My god, that's why I'm asking for a fix.

A fix that cannot be done because of how datas are handled. 

Most of your datas are server stored, and the server won't communicate properly, if at all, with an outdated version of the game, simple as that. 

Therefore you cannot play since your datas could end up corrupted in one way or another potentially creating lethal bugs to your progression.

Do you want to take the risk of having to restart from scratch because you could not wait a second for your update? 

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42 minutes ago, InDueTime-EN- said:

wait.. which game allows this?

Mostly single player games, but some games like War Thunder allow you to play once the most important parts of the update are finished downloading at the cost of having reduced textures and models.

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2 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

Mostly single player games, but some games like War Thunder allow you to play once the most important parts of the update are finished downloading at the cost of having reduced textures and models.

Quite a few MMO's, as well.

As to why Warframe doesn't, it's almost certainly down to two points: Their procedural generation is incompatible with doing so, and the potential for using partial downloads to create exploits for generating items.

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