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New Warframe Idea (The Passive Frame)


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

I Came Up With Starter Ideas. But You Also Have To Think About This. You Cant Make A Completely Op Frame Because Then There Will Just Be A Team Of Nothing But Turtells.

then I can't wait until you figure out some new reworks on this frame.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

1st Passive: Area Of Effect Slow That Can Be Effected By Ability Strength And Range Mods.

2nd Passive: Area Of Effect Giving You And Allies Double Armor.

3rd Passive: Area Of Effect Taunting All Enemies To You.

4th Passive: Area Of Effect Health Regeneration Given To You And Nearby Allies.

The Name Of The Frame I Have Is Turtell The Turtle Frame.

The only real problem is that it takes the buff from a lot of other frames. Takes the slowdown/taunt from equinox and the slowdown from MP, the armor buff from valkyr, Oberon, and Octavia, and the health regen from Oberon as well.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

You Use Blessing And Energy Vampire All The Time And Never Have Anytime To Use Your Own Weapons If Your In A Team Support Role.

Incorrect. That's what "Ability Duration" mods are for.

11 minutes ago, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

Im Trying To Come Up With Abilities That No Other Warframe Has. No Other Warframe Has A AOE Taunt Or AOE Armor Buff.

Atlas has an AoE taunt, and Frost Chroma has an AoE armor buff.

13 minutes ago, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

How Many Times Have You Got Tired Of Staring Of How Many Seconds You Have Left On Your Abilities And You Want To Support The Team But You Dont Want To Be The Squishy Frame And You Just Want To Use Your Weapons You Worked So Hard To Build Up.

Never. I multitask. I memorize my abilities. I know that Blessing lasts exactly 15 seconds. I know link is around 22, but with that ability, the visual is more of an indicator. I also never "just want to use my weapons". If that's really how you feel, pick Rhino. All you have to do is cast Iron skin and use your weapons. Nobody even expects you to roar or stomp, just shoot away.

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As The Warframe Player Base Is Not Just You. They Dont Work Like You. They Just Click A Power And Watch The Seconds Tick Away Until They Need To Use It Again. As I Know This By Listening To The Players And Only Posted This Idea After Consulting 15+ Other Players And Have Been On This Idea For Quite Sometime. Sharing This Idea To Players I Just Met Aswell As Friends. And Each Person I Spoke This Idea To Says This Idea Of A Passive Frame That Takes Aggro Away From Defend Targets And Squishys Is A Great Idea. I Admit That The More I Think About It Double Armor Seems Abit To Much. By Having More Than One Turtell in A Team You Wouldnt Take Barely Any Damage From Attacks.

Edited by (PS4)AnthonyHawks
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1 hour ago, JSharpie said:

I find Ember, Frost, and Trinity to be incredibly fun. They actually have abilities that do things. Even if some of them are just caster based abilities. In high end play Trinity is insanely fun.

See, usually boring is subjective, but for a frame to have no active abilities really comes close to be objectively boring.

Yo you must have very low expectations when it comes to warframes!!

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Just now, (PS4)DragonBane500440 said:

Yo you must have very low expectations when it comes to warframes!!

It's clear you and OP are friends, and it's fine you want to defend his idea, but I think it's pretty bad and nothing either of you have said has swayed my opinion. In fact you've just strengthened the idea that this idea is bad.

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43 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

It's clear you and OP are friends, and it's fine you want to defend his idea, but I think it's pretty bad and nothing either of you have said has swayed my opinion. In fact you've just strengthened the idea that this idea is bad.

It was a idea and i don't see you guys coming up with anything, because the only thing i see you guys are doing is hating instead of being supportive and giving ideas on how to make the idea better. So excuse us on trying to make ideas of frames that could be a thing or just a idea we want to share.


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4 minutes ago, (PS4)DragonBane500440 said:

It was a idea and i don't see you guys coming up with anything, because the only thing i see you guys are doing is hating instead of being supportive and giving ideas on how to make the idea better. So excuse us on trying to make ideas of frames that could be a thing or just a idea we want to share.


my man, just because I don't like your idea doesn't mean I hate you. I'm not going to coddle you because you don't want to hear real feedback. I don't like the idea at it's core. All passives is a bad idea no matter how you spin it.

You're free to share any idea, but you have to be prepared for criticism. If you take it all to heart, you're going to have a very bad time not only in these forums, but in the entirety of your life.

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Im not against the idea of a passive frame, but i do think that having no special mechanic makes it less interesting. As a rough idea, why not something like:

Passive: Frame can maintain 3 ribbons at once, and 2 orbs. When a new ribbon or orb is created when the capacity is full, it replaces the earliest.

1st ability: Produces a red orb which floats above the warframe, gives health bonus to frame and nearby allies, heals health over time for a few seconds when created.

2nd ability: Produces a blue orb which floats above the warframe, gives shield bonus to frame and nearby allies, restores shields when created.

3rd ability: Produces a yellow orb which floats above the warframe, gives wall grab / glide bonus to frame and nearby allies, grants reduced slide friction for a few seconds when created.

(The bonus's last a sort time, the orb remains until replaced or consumed)

4th ability: Combines any two active orbs together, producing a ribbon that orbits the frame. The colour of the ribbon alters its affect and is determined by the colours of the orbs used to create it. The orbs are consumed.

Red & Red = Red: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives small health regen bonus. Stacks.

Red & Yellow = Orange: Creates an aura centered on the frame, deals damage over time to enemies in AoE. Stacks.

Yellow & Yellow = Yellow: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives % movement speed bonus. Stacks.

Yellow & Blue = Green: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives speed debuff to enemies within the aura. Stacks.

Blue & Blue = Blue: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives small shield regen bonus. Stacks.

Blue & Red = Purple: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives damage debuff to enemies inside the aura. Stacks.

(Stacking note- The ribbons can stack with others of the same colour. For example, if the Red ribbon gives a .5 health regen per second, having 3 ribbons would give a 1.5 health regen.)


So this way you can get your passives set up, your 3 ribbons, and just leave them like that for the whole game, using the orbs as quick support tools. Alternatively there's a nice spot of micro management available for those who want it.

Interesting modding potential too. Altering power strength would change the values or the auras, continuity would change how long (and thus how much bonus is gained) the orb bonus would last. Efficiency would alter the cost per cast, allowing cheap builds to continuously cast orbs and swap ribbons. Range would effect aura range and orb buff aoe.

Something like this could be good as far as i can see.

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5 hours ago, chaotea said:

Im not against the idea of a passive frame, but i do think that having no special mechanic makes it less interesting. As a rough idea, why not something like:

Passive: Frame can maintain 3 ribbons at once, and 2 orbs. When a new ribbon or orb is created when the capacity is full, it replaces the earliest.

1st ability: Produces a red orb which floats above the warframe, gives health bonus to frame and nearby allies, heals health over time for a few seconds when created.

2nd ability: Produces a blue orb which floats above the warframe, gives shield bonus to frame and nearby allies, restores shields when created.

3rd ability: Produces a yellow orb which floats above the warframe, gives wall grab / glide bonus to frame and nearby allies, grants reduced slide friction for a few seconds when created.

(The bonus's last a sort time, the orb remains until replaced or consumed)

4th ability: Combines any two active orbs together, producing a ribbon that orbits the frame. The colour of the ribbon alters its affect and is determined by the colours of the orbs used to create it. The orbs are consumed.

Red & Red = Red: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives small health regen bonus. Stacks.

Red & Yellow = Orange: Creates an aura centered on the frame, deals damage over time to enemies in AoE. Stacks.

Yellow & Yellow = Yellow: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives % movement speed bonus. Stacks.

Yellow & Blue = Green: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives speed debuff to enemies within the aura. Stacks.

Blue & Blue = Blue: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives small shield regen bonus. Stacks.

Blue & Red = Purple: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives damage debuff to enemies inside the aura. Stacks.

(Stacking note- The ribbons can stack with others of the same colour. For example, if the Red ribbon gives a .5 health regen per second, having 3 ribbons would give a 1.5 health regen.)


So this way you can get your passives set up, your 3 ribbons, and just leave them like that for the whole game, using the orbs as quick support tools. Alternatively there's a nice spot of micro management available for those who want it.

Interesting modding potential too. Altering power strength would change the values or the auras, continuity would change how long (and thus how much bonus is gained) the orb bonus would last. Efficiency would alter the cost per cast, allowing cheap builds to continuously cast orbs and swap ribbons. Range would effect aura range and orb buff aoe.

Something like this could be good as far as i can see.

Yes i kinda like that idea it sounds great. I actually like that a lot

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6 hours ago, chaotea said:

Im not against the idea of a passive frame, but i do think that having no special mechanic makes it less interesting. As a rough idea, why not something like:

Passive: Frame can maintain 3 ribbons at once, and 2 orbs. When a new ribbon or orb is created when the capacity is full, it replaces the earliest.

1st ability: Produces a red orb which floats above the warframe, gives health bonus to frame and nearby allies, heals health over time for a few seconds when created.

2nd ability: Produces a blue orb which floats above the warframe, gives shield bonus to frame and nearby allies, restores shields when created.

3rd ability: Produces a yellow orb which floats above the warframe, gives wall grab / glide bonus to frame and nearby allies, grants reduced slide friction for a few seconds when created.

(The bonus's last a sort time, the orb remains until replaced or consumed)

4th ability: Combines any two active orbs together, producing a ribbon that orbits the frame. The colour of the ribbon alters its affect and is determined by the colours of the orbs used to create it. The orbs are consumed.

Red & Red = Red: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives small health regen bonus. Stacks.

Red & Yellow = Orange: Creates an aura centered on the frame, deals damage over time to enemies in AoE. Stacks.

Yellow & Yellow = Yellow: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives % movement speed bonus. Stacks.

Yellow & Blue = Green: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives speed debuff to enemies within the aura. Stacks.

Blue & Blue = Blue: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives small shield regen bonus. Stacks.

Blue & Red = Purple: Creates an aura centered on the frame, gives damage debuff to enemies inside the aura. Stacks.

(Stacking note- The ribbons can stack with others of the same colour. For example, if the Red ribbon gives a .5 health regen per second, having 3 ribbons would give a 1.5 health regen.)


So this way you can get your passives set up, your 3 ribbons, and just leave them like that for the whole game, using the orbs as quick support tools. Alternatively there's a nice spot of micro management available for those who want it.

Interesting modding potential too. Altering power strength would change the values or the auras, continuity would change how long (and thus how much bonus is gained) the orb bonus would last. Efficiency would alter the cost per cast, allowing cheap builds to continuously cast orbs and swap ribbons. Range would effect aura range and orb buff aoe.

Something like this could be good as far as i can see.

I Like The Idea. Only Problem I Saw Was There Was No Way To Explain On How To Obtain Said Orbs. Only Way I See Each Passive Giving Orbs Is To Have Each Passive The Ability To Acheive A Max Stack Of 100 In The Powers Window. And Once The Stack Hits 25 An Orb Appears Above The Warframe And Every Innital Stack Of 25 Increases The Power Of The Orb To A Maximum Of 100 Total Stack Much Like Rhino Has A 100 That Shows After Casting Iron Skin. The 1st Passive Would Be Based On The Number You Hit With A Melee. 2nd Passive With A Primary Weapon. 3rd Passive With A Secondary Weapon. 4th Passive Based On The Ammount Of Hits You Or Allies Take.

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I don't like this idea. Not just because having no active ability and basically being a walking buff is incredibly boring, but also because this skills set does not present any form of variety gameplay or mod set up. As mentioned earlier we already have chroma which pretty much plays like a passive warframe, but with him, there are still varying builds that you can play with. Not all of them is popular but at least they are there.

With your suggestion, the build is maxed range and max power strength. That's about it. He wouldn't even need any survivability either because his team would generally be around him to revive him when he is downed. 

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22 minutes ago, InDueTime-EN- said:

I don't like this idea. Not just because having no active ability and basically being a walking buff is incredibly boring, but also because this skills set does not present any form of variety gameplay or mod set up. As mentioned earlier we already have chroma which pretty much plays like a passive warframe, but with him, there are still varying builds that you can play with. Not all of them is popular but at least they are there.

With your suggestion, the build is maxed range and max power strength. That's about it. He wouldn't even need any survivability either because his team would generally be around him to revive him when he is downed. 

Ok now im thinking your just hear to hate and there is nothing thats referencing chroma in the new idea so why are you talking about chroma. If you dont have a idea then dont hate. People like you who just hate in Warframe make me hate Warframe sometimes and sometimes i think think the haters shouldnt even play Warframe if they want to be negative. You people who just hate make some things not fun in Warframe and I'm getting tired of it.

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1 hour ago, InDueTime-EN- said:

I don't like this idea. Not just because having no active ability and basically being a walking buff is incredibly boring, but also because this skills set does not present any form of variety gameplay or mod set up. As mentioned earlier we already have chroma which pretty much plays like a passive warframe, but with him, there are still varying builds that you can play with. Not all of them is popular but at least they are there.

With your suggestion, the build is maxed range and max power strength. That's about it. He wouldn't even need any survivability either because his team would generally be around him to revive him when he is downed. 

Who Said He Was Gonna Be Squishy? And There Is Multible Ways To Build A Passive Warframe. Just Because You Think That Its A Bad Idea Doesn't Mean It Is. Alot Of Players Dont Like Trinity Cause You Spam Blessing And Energy Vampire At All Times And Ember Is Boring Cause You Put World On Fire And Run Around And Kill Everything. Which Alot Find Boring When Farming Exterminates But Nescessary. Or Playing The Support Role With Trinity Casting 2 Abilities At All Times. But Some Like Playing These Roles Of Support Or Aggressive Warframes. Im Not Here To Please One Person Nor Dead Set On My One Idea To Break The Mold And Be The Abilities We Settle On. But When You Sit Here And Completely Trash The Whole Idea And Not Give Possitive Feedback To Further Better The Idea It Just Makes You Look Like A Punk Not Even Worth Replying To. Throw Around Ideas To Make The Idea A Thing Or Beat It. I Have Multible Ideas To Throw Around. For Example:

Overall Passive: Immune To Nullifier Effects.

1st Passive: 25 Primary Weapon Hits Create A White Orb That Appears Over Your Warframe That Gives Primary Weapon Ammo Regeneration And Damage To You And Nearby Allies That Increases For Each 25 Hits You Deliver (Max 100)

2nd Passive: 25 Secondary Weapon Hits Create A Blue Orb That Appears Over Your Warframe That Gives Secondary Weapons Reload Speed And Status Chance To You And Nearby Allies That Increase For Each 25 Hits You Deliver (Max 100)

3rd Passive: 25 Melee Weapon Hits Create A Red Orb That Appears Over The Warframe That Gives Melee Weapons Increased Range And Attack Speed To You And Nearby Allies That Increases For Each 25 Hits You Deliver (Max 100)

4th Passive: 25 Enemy Hits Dealt To You Creates A Black Orb That Appears Over The Warframe That Gives Armor And Health Regeneration To You And Nearby Allies That Increases For Each 25 Hits You Take (Max 100)

As You See I Took A Possitive Comment Someone Posted Earlier And Put My Own Flare Into It And Created An Idea That Can Also Be Good Or Improved.

Edited by (PS4)AnthonyHawks
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59 minutes ago, (PS4)DragonBane500440 said:

Ok now im thinking your just hear to hate and there is nothing thats referencing chroma in the new idea so why are you talking about chroma. If you dont have a idea then dont hate. People like you who just hate in Warframe make me hate Warframe sometimes and sometimes i think think the haters shouldnt even play Warframe if they want to be negative. You people who just hate make some things not fun in Warframe and I'm getting tired of it.

Hate seems to be a strong word. I said I don't like it and outlined why. It's called feedback. A better response from you would be to add some variety to build by tying the abilities to stats. Here let me give you an example : 

On 8/16/2017 at 4:36 AM, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

1st Passive: Area Of Effect Taunt  With Slow (Scales with duration)  And Area Of Effect Armor Buff That Is Given To You And Nearby Allies That Increases As The Number Of Affected Enemies Increase. (Scales with power strength)

2nd Passive: Area Of Effect Giving You And Nearby Allies Single Target Half Spread Damage(Im guessing this is splash damage on attacks). (Single Target Damage Spreading To Other Enemies But Half The Damage) (Bonus AoE is affected by range)

3rd Passive: Area Of Effect Status Chance And Duration Given To You And Nearby Allies That Increases Based On The Ammount Of Enemies In Your Area. (Bonus status chance affected by STR, status duration is affect by power duration, and AoE affected by range)

4th Passive: Taking A Certain Ammount Of Status Damage Summons A Effigy That Deals Area Of Effect Damage Depending On The Status You Takin. (Damage multiplier affect by str and AoE is affected by power range)


The Name Of The Frame I Have Is Turtell The Turtle Frame.


Here's another suggestion to give him a more active play style. How about giving additional bonuses when certain actions are performed. Like, headshots increases the uhm.. "Single Target Half Spread Damage". Or ground slams actually triggers the taunt. 


This mentioned chroma :

On 8/16/2017 at 5:17 AM, Krion112 said:

A universal Passive Warframe already exists: Chroma

In fact, most of your abilities are effects Chroma already has, just out of order, or not necessarily shared with Allies.


Are you two related?

18 minutes ago, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

Who Said He Was Gonna Be Squishy? And There Is Multible Ways To Build A Passive Warframe. Just Because You Think That Its A Bad Idea Doesn't Mean It Is. Alot Of Players Dont Like Trinity Cause You Spam Blessing And Energy Vampire At All Times And Ember Is Boring Cause You Put World On Fire And Run Around And Kill Everything. Which Alot Find Boring When Farming Exterminates But Nescessary. Or Playing The Support Role With Trinity Casting 2 Abilities At All Times. But Some Like Playing These Roles Of Support Or Aggressive Warframes. Im Not Here To Please One Person Nor Dead Set On My One Idea To Break The Mold And Be The Abilities We Settle On. But When You Sit Here And Completely Trash The Whole Idea And Not Give Possitive Feedback To Further Better The Idea It Just Makes You Look Like A Punk Not Even Worth Replying To. Throw Around Ideas To Make The Idea A Thing Or Beat It. I Have Multible Ideas To Throw Around. For Example:


Can you show me multible ways to build this passive warframe though?

And by the way.

I meant builds with mods not building a new concept for a warframe. I did not say he was squishy, I'm saying that survivability mods like Vitality, Redirection, and Steel Fiber can be ignored due to the nature of the skills.


Overall Passive: Immune To Nullifier Effects.

1st Passive: 25 Primary Weapon Hits Create A White Orb That Appears Over Your Warframe That Gives Primary Weapon Ammo Regeneration And Damage To You And Nearby Allies That Increases For Each 25 Hits You Deliver (Max 100)

2nd Passive: 25 Secondary Weapon Hits Create A Blue Orb That Appears Over Your Warframe That Gives Secondary Weapons Reload Speed And Status Chance To You And Nearby Allies That Increase For Each 25 Hits You Deliver (Max 100)

3rd Passive: 25 Melee Weapon Hits Create A Red Orb That Appears Over The Warframe That Gives Melee Weapons Increased Range And Attack Speed To You And Nearby Allies That Increases For Each 25 Hits You Deliver (Max 100)

4th Passive: 25 Enemy Hits Dealt To You Creates A Black Orb That Appears Over The Warframe That Gives Armor And Health Regeneration To You And Nearby Allies That Increases For Each 25 Hits You Take (Max 100)

As You See I Took A Possitive Comment Someone Posted Earlier And Put My Own Flare Into It And Created An Idea That Can Also Be Good Or Improved.


I like how you took his idea and butchered it. 


Is... is everyone from the PS4 community like this? 


On 8/16/2017 at 5:05 AM, (PS4)abbacephas said:



On 8/16/2017 at 6:28 AM, (PS4)abbacephas said:

This Way Of Typing Is Incredibly Obnoxious. Please Reconsider Your Formatting.

Oh thank god they're not.

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1 hour ago, InDueTime-EN- said:


I Saw Nothing But Critism And No Possitive Feedback To Make This Warframe Better Or Your Own Ideas. Thats Why The Guy That Commented With A Different Look Of A Passive Warframe And Gave Possitive Feedback Is A Grand Master And Your A Silver Disciple With 300 Posts. And You Saying I Butchered His Idea Is A Kids Way Of Thinking. I Simply Added Alternate Ways You Can Alter The Idea He Gave. Coming Up With An Idea That Most Players Will Like But Not Completely Make The Most Broken Character Ever Is Difficult. You Have To Think Of A Warframe That Doesnt Copy What Other Warframes Do And Then You Have To Factor In What Other Warframes Will Do When Hes In The Squad Of All The Different Frames And Come Up With A Theme For The Warframe That Will Have An Interesting Back Story To Draw The Players In. I Have Had Multible Job Invitations Cause I Can Think Of Ideas And Quick Fixes On The Fly. But My Habit Of Capitalizing Every Word And Spelling Is Not Adequate Enough To Substain The Job. Now Please Stop Wasting Our Time And Come Up With Ideas To Further Progress And Impliment A Passive Frame. Or Have The Last Word Like A Kid And Storm Off. Cause I Grow Tired Of This Punk Talk That Solves Nothing.

Cause The Example You Gave Was Just Extra Added Stuff That I Gave That Would Show Up In The Powers Menu Anyways. I Dont Care If DE Takes My Idea Or Build A Warframe Simular To It. But You Telling Me To Make It So Detailed Im Gonna Do There Job.

Edited by (PS4)AnthonyHawks
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8 minutes ago, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

I Saw Nothing But Critism And No Possitive Feedback To Make This Warframe Better Or Your Own Ideas. 



1 hour ago, InDueTime-EN- said:


1st Passive: Area Of Effect Taunt  With Slow (Scales with duration)  And Area Of Effect Armor Buff That Is Given To You And Nearby Allies That Increases As The Number Of Affected Enemies Increase. (Scales with power strength)

2nd Passive: Area Of Effect Giving You And Nearby Allies Single Target Half Spread Damage(Im guessing this is splash damage on attacks). (Single Target Damage Spreading To Other Enemies But Half The Damage) (Bonus AoE is affected by range)

3rd Passive: Area Of Effect Status Chance And Duration Given To You And Nearby Allies That Increases Based On The Ammount Of Enemies In Your Area. (Bonus status chance affected by STR, status duration is affect by power duration, and AoE affected by range)

4th Passive: Taking A Certain Ammount Of Status Damage Summons A Effigy That Deals Area Of Effect Damage Depending On The Status You Takin. (Damage multiplier affect by str and AoE is affected by power range)

Here's another suggestion to give him a more active play style. How about giving additional bonuses when certain actions are performed. Like, headshots increases the uhm.. "Single Target Half Spread Damage". Or ground slams actually triggers the taunt. 




8 minutes ago, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

 I Have Had Multible Job Invitations Cause I Can Think Of Ideas And Quick Fixes On The Fly. But My Habit Of Capitalizing Every Word And Spelling Is Not Adequate Enough To Substain The Job. 


Hmm.. So.. You Can't Keep A Job Just Cause You Capitalize The First Letter Of Each Word? Isn't The World So Unfair?  What Company Fired You For Such Measly Reasons? I'm Sure We Can Find A Respectable Lawyer That Can Bring Them Down And Get You Compensation. You Can Probably Start Your Own Company With The Money You Get From That. A Fair Company, A Company That Will Allow People To Work Whether They Capitalize Their Words Or Not. 

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29 minutes ago, InDueTime-EN- said:



Hmm.. So.. You Can't Keep A Job Just Cause You Capitalize The First Letter Of Each Word? Isn't The World So Unfair?  What Company Fired You For Such Measly Reasons? I'm Sure We Can Find A Respectable Lawyer That Can Bring Them Down And Get You Compensation. You Can Probably Start Your Own Company With The Money You Get From That. A Fair Company, A Company That Will Allow People To Work Whether They Capitalize Their Words Or Not. 

I Appreciate Your Concern But Im Not Worried About It At This Point And I Apologize For Being A Jerk. I Just Want To Focus On This Passive Warframe Idea And All Of Us Come Up With A Bunch Of Cool Ideas And Combined Great Ideas For This New Warframe Idea. 

Edited by (PS4)AnthonyHawks
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8 hours ago, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

I Like The Idea. Only Problem I Saw Was There Was No Way To Explain On How To Obtain Said Orbs. Only Way I See Each Passive Giving Orbs Is To Have Each Passive The Ability To Acheive A Max Stack Of 100 In The Powers Window. And Once The Stack Hits 25 An Orb Appears Above The Warframe And Every Innital Stack Of 25 Increases The Power Of The Orb To A Maximum Of 100 Total Stack Much Like Rhino Has A 100 That Shows After Casting Iron Skin. The 1st Passive Would Be Based On The Number You Hit With A Melee. 2nd Passive With A Primary Weapon. 3rd Passive With A Secondary Weapon. 4th Passive Based On The Ammount Of Hits You Or Allies Take.

Firstly, to many capitals.

Secondly, you should re-read the abilities. Each of the first 3 abilities produces an orb. The orbs are a visual thing, however as you can only have 2 at a time, the number of each orb could be shown over the ability (like rhinos iron skin, but only going up to 2).

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5 hours ago, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

Overall Passive: Immune To Nullifier Effects.

This passive doesnt make any sense. Most passives are thematic to the warframe or part of its abilities. 'Being immune to an enemy mechanic' feels very arbitrary.

5 hours ago, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

1st Passive: 25 Primary Weapon Hits Create A White Orb That Appears Over Your Warframe That Gives Primary Weapon Ammo Regeneration And Damage To You And Nearby Allies That Increases For Each 25 Hits You Deliver (Max 100)

This is way to subjective. If ive got an Ignis, 25 is too low, but if ive got a bow, 25 is too high. Also, does the bonus decay? Does the ability have a duration? If not, you'd only need to cast it once, so 25 energy is way to low.

5 hours ago, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

2nd Passive: 25 Secondary Weapon Hits Create A Blue Orb That Appears Over Your Warframe That Gives Secondary Weapons Reload Speed And Status Chance To You And Nearby Allies That Increase For Each 25 Hits You Deliver (Max 100)

Same question as above, but also, does this stack with the first? Can i have both up? Also, how do the two abilities interact, wheres the synergy?

5 hours ago, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

3rd Passive: 25 Melee Weapon Hits Create A Red Orb That Appears Over The Warframe That Gives Melee Weapons Increased Range And Attack Speed To You And Nearby Allies That Increases For Each 25 Hits You Deliver (Max 100)

Again, the same questions apply, but another becomes apparent. Do your allies hits add to your own count? Do your allies have to be near when its cast to get the bonus, or do they get it when they get close to you? If the latter, do they loose their hit stack when the leave the AoE and return? If the former, if they arnt near when you first cast it will they never get the buff?

5 hours ago, (PS4)AnthonyHawks said:

4th Passive: 25 Enemy Hits Dealt To You Creates A Black Orb That Appears Over The Warframe That Gives Armor And Health Regeneration To You And Nearby Allies That Increases For Each 25 Hits You Take (Max 100)

Whats the point of the 'orbs' if you dont do anything to them mechanically? In my own idea, the orbs and ribbons were visual aids to the abilities. Visual references to the abilities, which were the priority. I developed the idea of the mechanic, while the visual orbs idea came secondary (and after 3 variations). Your own version seems to have taken the idea of the orbs, and tried to build a concept around them that is mechanically uninvested and to be honest, uninteresting.  Youve just given 4 boosts, with no recognition to DE's Warframe format, game mechanics or balance. But more importantly youve simply dumped your rough idea out onto another concept, instead of shaping your theme as you build your own concept, refining as you go. I didnt simply hash out my own idea, i made 3 complete re-edits before publishing it. Im not trying to belittle you here, but trying to get you to think about your concepts more and take pride in your ideas.


So, ill give a very quick re-look at your idea for a passive warframe.

Passive: Starts with 100 units of 'charge', spread evenly through all unlocked abilities (first 3 only). This charge is channeled into abilities while they are activated (via toggle), and is siphoned from all other abilities. Allies who enter a small AoE around the frame gain a % of the active bonus's for a short time.

Ability 1: Grants weapon damage and reload speed bonuses to the warframe based on the charge amount.

Ability 2: Grants Health and Shield bonuses to the warframe based on the charge amount.

Ability 3: Grants movement speed and melee attack speed bonuses to the warframe based on the charge amount.

Ability 4: Expends all of the 'charge from the frame, delivering effects to enemies in an AoE based on what abilities the charge was invested in. The charge then recharges back up to 100. The affects are as follows:

     - Ability 1: Enemies take damage based on the charge amount.

     - Ability 2: Allies are Healed based on the charge amount.

     - Ability 3 Enemies are stunned, duration based on the charge amount.


This way we can create a frame that buffs itself passively. Each of the first 3 abilities drains energy over time to use, while the 4th costs a set amount of energy to cast. Players can set their passives and leave it, or micro manage it for maximum impact. The 4th ability is powerful and versatile. However it leaves the warframe without its aura for a few seconds while it recharges, making careful use rewarding. Charge being transfered can allow for the buffs to be powerfull, as the player has to choose between them, you can have it all. Allies can use the warframe like a 'boost totem', jumping into range ti receive the boost, then getting back to the fight.

Modding wise, strength would effect how quickly charge is transferred. Range affects the passive AoE and the AoE of the 4th ability. Duration affects the duration of the passive, and how long the 'charge' takes to re-generate. Efficency effects the drain over time and set costs of abilities.

And not a single mention of orbs.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)DragonBane500440 said:

Yes i kinda like that idea it sounds great. I actually like that a lot

Visually is was thinking something like this:



Bear with me here.

So think of a warframe like octavia visually. Its got a wide oval hat like helmet and a long closed coat. On its off-hand arm it has a wide device, with 4 coloured buttons on it, on red, one blue, one yellow and one white. When one of the first 3 abilities is pressed the frame presses the corresponding button (as the cast animation). When the 4th ability is cast, the frame touches the white button.

See. Painter frame XD

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Well to be honest we do kinda lack defense specializing warframes. No damage just CC, protection of area and etc. Sure we have frost but he is kinda getting old now (Not saying it is a bad thing. Hell he is probably the god of all defense missions) but an optional Frost kind warframe. Wouldn't be so bad.

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I Just Want To Say That Coming Up With The Idea Based Off Your Idea Wasnt Easy. You Have To Look At How Much Will The Other Warframes You Have In Your Party Not Be Invincible By Having This Warframe In Your Party Or How Having An Entire Team Of This Warframe To Make It Completely Brake The Game. I Made Its Overall Passive Immune To Nullifier Effects Cause It Was Not Established That His Powers Would Not Be Effected By Nullifier Effects Allowing Him To Be Useful In Law Of Retribution Nightmare And High Level Nullifier And Nullifier Skaters. It Would Piss Off Alot Of Players To Work Hard On Creating Stacks Of 100 Just To Have A Nullifer Strip It Away In A Second. Then I Based The Other Passives On Weapons In Mind So That You Can Have Fun With Certain Weapon Builds Cause There Is Some Primarys That Lack Damage But Have High Status. Some Likeable Secondarys With Slow Reload. Some Fun Weapons Like Fragor Or Scindo That Hit Hard But You Dont Want To Waste Beserker Or Primed Fury On A Mod Slot. You Can Either Go Solo And Only Concern Yourself With 2 Orbs And Focus On A Single Weapon Or Create All For Orbs For Teamplay. Having The Orb Created At 25 Hits Is Balanced As Multible Weapon Mods Have Multishot Allowing You To Hit 3 To 15 Shots With Bows And Rivens. Ignis Ticks For Multibe Hits And Would Have No Problem With Achieving 25 Stacks. You Also Need To Concider The Pvp Standing. If We Are Making This Warframe Passive. Bringing Him Into Conclaive Needs To Be Balanced Cause He Doesnt Need Energy. And Speaking Of Energy, Alot Of The Players That I Have Spoke To Before Releasing This Idea Said, How Are You Gonna Have A Warframe That Has No Energy? And I Say, Who Said He Wouldnt Have Any Energy? In Fact It Would Be Good If He Had Plenty Of Energy. Cause Alot Of The Community Forgets About The Channeling Mechanic On Warframe. Infact I Almost Put Channeling Efficency Into His 3rd Passive. Infact If  He Was Already Immune To Nullifier Effects Without The Overall Passive Saying So I Would Say That His Overall Passive Be While Aiming With Secondary Or Primary You Also Channel. And I Just Want To Say That 1st Of All I Loved Your Idea As I Said In An Earlier Post. The Orbs Grabbed Me And I Loved It. However, The Moment You To Talked About Combining Colors You Lost Me Cause To Do Something Like That. You Would Need Alot Of Programming And Have A Higher Chance Of Glitching As We Know By Experience With Prisma Shade And Creating Lag Based On All The Alterations Happening When Creating New Color Ribbons Aswell As Having More Than One Passive Frame In A Party. And My Idea Was Just A Rough Draft As I Was Just Adding An Alternate Idea To Your Original Idea. I Could Of Added That Each Passive Grants Bonus Effects By Having A Certain Ammount Of Orbs Out. But Again, We Gotta Make Sure You Dont Become The One Man Army Or Remove Any Other Ideas For A Second Passive Warframe After The 1st One. 

Edited by (PS4)AnthonyHawks
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