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Vauban or Limbo? Who's better in Hierachon


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So my previous team had a limbo an vauban on it. They were arguing the whole mission on who's the best cc frame in hierachon. Decided to put a thread in here so you guys can discuss too. :)

For me, I pick Vauban. Limbo is cool but I just hate cataclysm as you can only use melee weapons on it. Vauban gives you lets you move freely, specially a bastille vauban in Hierachon.

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Limbo is easier and less reliant on other teammates. You just have to go into rift for energy, press 2 then 4 then 3 and everyone is cc'ed. You don't really need to kill anyone, only carriers so it's not that big of a deal not being able to use guns.

As for Vauban, he's reliant on energy, and with strength builds to cc more enemies, you'd probably have to sacrifice efficiency or duration, which is costly either way. So you're gonna need some pads or an EV where as Limbo would only need himself. He's less annoying in the case of the gun issue, but without that, Limbo is just much easier to use.

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Well, putting aside the effects of Stasis on your teammate's firearms, Limbo's Cataclysm + Stasis is the ultimate crowd control, and it utterly trivializes Infested missions that requires the defending of one objective.

The keyword here, is one. Limbo can only put one cataclysm at any one time, so in Excavation missions where there can be scenarios where you can be defending more than one objective, he may have some trouble. But hey, that is what you have 3 teammates for, isn't it?

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2 minutes ago, X3Evanescence said:

Well, putting aside the effects of Stasis on your teammate's firearms, Limbo's Cataclysm + Stasis is the ultimate crowd control, and it utterly trivializes Infested missions that requires the defending of one objective.

The keyword here, is one. Limbo can only put one cataclysm at any one time, so in Excavation missions where there can be scenarios where you can be defending more than one objective, he may have some trouble. But hey, that is what you have 3 teammates for, isn't it?

An all Limbo Hieracon Squad would probably last longer than an all Vauban Hieracon squad. And if you're running solo, even as Vauban and energy isn't a problem, it still isn't easy to manage 2 excavators at a time. 

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Yeah good points guys. But I personally like running Vauban in Hierachon. I got no issue in terms of energy as I'm using the LENZ. I just blow away those infested who sucks your energy. And yeah, one thing that I like about Vauban is he many bastille and can defend 2 exca at the same time (if there are close to each other). 

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It's been a little while since I played Limbo.  But I thought Cataclysm only *required* melee if you use Stasis?  I seem to remember that you can shoot anything inside the rift with you just fine.  You can also shoot *at* them with Stasis active, but that requires that a Limbo who uses Stasis also turns it off sometimes.  But as I said, it's been a while since I played Limbo, so they could have changed it since then.

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50 minutes ago, Spartan336 said:

Take a look at my profile picture and tell me I prefer Vauban. 


You prefer Vauban and your profile picture is actually a wanted poster for Limbo because he's a Troll.

On the other note, I would normally run Vauban with Zenurik. I would build for Strength and Repelling Bastille mostly because it would help with controlling the enemies that are coming directly at you. Limbo can do this but he's pretty limited in the Scenario mostly because of his lack of other control skills. Limbo doesn't really have the ability to help you kill the enemies. He will just pause them. Vauban on the other hand, has a grenade that makes them kill each other. I think I would rather have a group of gathered enemies because of his Vortex. Plus, Limbo gets down the moment he steps out of the Rift. Overall, Vauban = Kill Infested easier. Limbo = Defend and not have energy problems.

Edited by (PS4)godlysparta
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1 minute ago, (PS4)Axlethegamer said:

Well there is a obvious answer to this...



its nidus he is the all king of CC he can carry a team to victory even though he would rather leave you all to die 

No he can't. When you get to 3k in hierachon, it becomes chaotic that you really need to stop enemies from coming. Nidus larva is nowhere near Limbo's cataclysm+stasis combo or vauban's bastille+vortex+grenades.

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7 minutes ago, AshenOne07 said:

No he can't. When you get to 3k in hierachon, it becomes chaotic that you really need to stop enemies from coming. Nidus larva is nowhere near Limbo's cataclysm+stasis combo or vauban's bastille+vortex+grenades.

I know I'm joking nidus can easily survive on his own but wont be able to kill them all  honestly from what I seen from both of them (I don't have either frame) I say it depends on the situation 

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1 hour ago, SeaUrchins said:

The best CC frame in the game is Frost.


I'm not sure if you're kidding. Later on, his Bubble will go down the moment you put it up. Also, the Infested can one shot the excavator. His avalanche costs too much and there will be lots of Leeches to prevent you from casting any abilities consistently. Before you get enough energy to cast Avalanche once, the Excavator would already be dead. Unless you have a very good Trinity, Frost can pretty much go and be useless especially at such high levels. He is sortie worthy but with so many leeches, he can't do much.

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40 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

I'm not sure if you're kidding. Later on, his Bubble will go down the moment you put it up. Also, the Infested can one shot the excavator. His avalanche costs too much and there will be lots of Leeches to prevent you from casting any abilities consistently. Before you get enough energy to cast Avalanche once, the Excavator would already be dead. Unless you have a very good Trinity, Frost can pretty much go and be useless especially at such high levels. He is sortie worthy but with so many leeches, he can't do much.

Then its just you, my frost is not having any issues at 4000+++ Cryotic. 

Imo, frost is better than vauban even vs infested. 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

Also, the Infested can one shot the excavator.

Oh, so you are one of those people who thinks Limbo's stasis is so good?

Lemme show you how lame it is vs Infested:



and how lame it is vs anything that shoots:



which means if your thesis infested can one-shot the excavator is true, then they will do it if it is guarded by a Limbo, because unlike Frost, Limbo can't interrupt an attack that has been queued to occur (Frost interrupts this sequence by forcing unfreeze animation on Avalanche targets when they recover from the frozen state).


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5 hours ago, SeaUrchins said:

The best CC frame in the game is Frost.


Frost is a good CC frame but calling him as the best CC frame in the game... Well, I beg to differ. Just like limbo, he's reliant on his bubble and 4th ability for survivability in high level content. If those goes down, then bye2x frost. Specially in high level. There are no best cc frame in the game IMO. It's just a matter of using a cc frame fitted for that mission.

Edited by AshenOne07
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I will say it this way:

It all depends on how skilled the player behind the warframe is.

A skilled player is able to effectively CC any mobs with preety much any Warframe. (I mean the warframes that are acutally capable of any CC)

On the other hand an unskilled player can bring an Umbra-Prime-Turbo-Maxxed-Out Booban/Limbo and force the team to run away at 500 cryo.

In other words, for some players a better option will be Vauban, for some Limbo, for some weirdoes it may even be Frost (although that usually is only for Frost players themselves... ), for me personally... my best ever Hieracon run was with 4 melee-only Inaroses. (like a walk in the park :thumbup: )

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13 hours ago, secret9005 said:

Limbo is easier and less reliant on other teammates. You just have to go into rift for energy, press 2 then 4 then 3 and everyone is cc'ed. You don't really need to kill anyone, only carriers so it's not that big of a deal not being able to use guns.

As for Vauban, he's reliant on energy, and with strength builds to cc more enemies, you'd probably have to sacrifice efficiency or duration, which is costly either way. So you're gonna need some pads or an EV where as Limbo would only need himself. He's less annoying in the case of the gun issue, but without that, Limbo is just much easier to use.

I usually do heiracon with a max range, low strength Vauban with Repelling Bastille. Sure, it only holds like...4 enemies in the air, but it prevents other enemies from passing through.

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