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Too late for a returning noob?



Hi, first of all i used to play a bit of Warframe 2 years ago, uninstalled and just kept tabs on the game.


Currently i've just reinstalled Warframe because Destiny2 doesn't seem ideal as a shooter of this genre. And i like the customization options on this game. But i have a question i'd like to ask you veteran players.


Is it too late for me to begin playing on a game that has been out for years? I don't mind purchasing the Oberon package. Money is not an issue although i do not particularly enjoy the idea of flushing it into games to gain instant gratification. Would it be impossible for me to "catch up" to enjoy end-game content and PvP even if i'm just putting in average hours and not going hardcore to compensate for my late entry to this game again?


Would love to hear your feedback, thanks guys.

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No, you're good. New players join pretty much everyday and do just fine. If you are returning you would have an advantage over them, so you are even more likely to do well. 

That said, I would recommend making friends with people who have been active for awhile, join a clan, and do some research. 

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1 hour ago, xFur24 said:

Hi, first of all i used to play a bit of Warframe 2 years ago, uninstalled and just kept tabs on the game.


Currently i've just reinstalled Warframe because Destiny2 doesn't seem ideal as a shooter of this genre. And i like the customization options on this game. But i have a question i'd like to ask you veteran players.


Is it too late for me to begin playing on a game that has been out for years? I don't mind purchasing the Oberon package. Money is not an issue although i do not particularly enjoy the idea of flushing it into games to gain instant gratification. Would it be impossible for me to "catch up" to enjoy end-game content and PvP even if i'm just putting in average hours and not going hardcore to compensate for my late entry to this game again?


Would love to hear your feedback, thanks guys.

Well first off, don't worry about "catching up". Warframe is going to be around for a very, very, very long time, and this game is only hard for like the first 200-300 hours or so, if you're playing very unefficiently and without an in-game support system (like a good clan). Once you're over the barrier, the game gets boring, so savor the time you when you still have stuff to do.

I would suggest doing this: first start playing the game and don't put any money in. Farm everything and join a good clan. Then, when you run across a plat discount, buy some plat, but not too much. Use the plat to buy COSMETICS, not warframes, weapons, potatoes, etc. Having a good-looking warframe can mean a lot, because there's a saying that in Warfarme that the "fashionframe is the true endgame". 

Here's how I break it down, from my experience. (MR = mastery rank)

MR 1-6: Quite the noob. 

MR 8-12: Learning the ways. You can start doing endgame content by this time if you have some good frames/weapons. 

MR 12-16: This is when the game gets fun and boring, because there's nothing left to do. 

MR16+: This is when you become a true master of the game. 

This game is very complex, and believe it or not, I would suggest making a list of goals you want to achieve in game. List how much time you want to spend on the game each day/week/month, and chart out a way to get there. Don't plan on getting to the top for at least another year or so, if you're not going to go all out. Remember that Warframe is more of a lifestyle, not a one-time game. It's the kind of game that you keep playing for years in the background, even when you play other things. Just remember to take it slow and not to burn yourself out because Warframe can be a very emotionally exhausting game to play. 


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Thanks guys for the response CrazyBikerDude watt4hem Miser_able.


And thank you UmbraCorporation you're basically saying WarFrame is like your sidechick lol. But thanks i get that. I also agree with you that fashion plays a huge role if not one of the pillars of the game structure at this point.


i recently saw a trailer where they were pushing for a semi-open world for Warframe and it looked really hype. I'm sure a lot of people like me who used to dabble in Warframe would come back.

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23 minutes ago, xFur24 said:

i recently saw a trailer where they were pushing for a semi-open world for Warframe and it looked really hype. I'm sure a lot of people like me who used to dabble in Warframe would come back.

Hype is an understatement lol

It's pretty much on par with umbra's reveal (which's pretty hyped considering people waited gears for him)

best part is, it's coming relatively soon ~(°—°~)

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3 hours ago, xFur24 said:

Thanks guys for the response CrazyBikerDude watt4hem Miser_able.


And thank you UmbraCorporation you're basically saying WarFrame is like your sidechick lol. But thanks i get that. I also agree with you that fashion plays a huge role if not one of the pillars of the game structure at this point.


i recently saw a trailer where they were pushing for a semi-open world for Warframe and it looked really hype. I'm sure a lot of people like me who used to dabble in Warframe would come back.

lol that's one way to put it.

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There's no endgame, at least it's too dumb to be called such in Warframe by my standard. Once you reach high lvl it's just all about meta check, bullet sponge and one-hit fest.

You can't use PVE mods in PVP.


PoE might be good(get core problems fixed altogether) or just another ssdd, don't fantasize too far.

Edited by Volinus7
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It's never too late when it comes to warframe, although, PVP has changed over the years and can say that PVP is not something to look forward to in warframe. If PVP is one of the content you really want to play, warframe is not it. To me, end game is fashion frame.

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It's never too late to get back in! I'd even go to say it's even easier to get back in. Due to them complete changing up how alot of things work and the new tutorials it makes it easier to relearn what you need.  Lots of QoL changes and such also very helpful.

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Thanks guys so much for the responses. I just bought Oberon Reckong and played a bit of Warframe and it appeared so much more fun compared to where i last left off. Thanks for giving me the confidence to begin playing again. I hope to see you guys ingame when i've reached a level remotely close to all of you!

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1 minute ago, SirFurholden said:

Thanks guys so much for the responses. I just bought Oberon Reckong and played a bit of Warframe and it appeared so much more fun compared to where i last left off. Thanks for giving me the confidence to begin playing again. I hope to see you guys ingame when i've reached a level remotely close to all of you!

Welcome back, Tenno. If you have any queries regarding game mechanics, you can always approach the Forums, Wiki or Chats for assistance. Enjoy!

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