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Fluffy's warframe concepts - weapons and enemies! (Newest concept - 𝑮𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒐𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒆-𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒕!!!!!!)


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6 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

Oh ... That makes a lot more sense actually.


This area is one big functional unit that collapses in on itself mechanically, but like it was on tv and looking for love, because Orokin.


Pretty much!

And it's only the second or third weirdest action I've done on this thread.

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2 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

Reminds me of some of the smaller Tyranid bioweapons. Like how grotesque it looks.

Huh. Does it? I was looking at one of the Alien Barrels from Borderlands 3, but... I did take a quick look at Tyranid guns that day.

Sidenote, you... probably don't want to know what inspired the gross bulbous thing in front of the pistol grip. 

2 hours ago, Cpt_Schnapps said:

I agree....Maybe a 3 selector weapon, drains health, shields or armor?


...That could work. I'd been playing with the Chemical Thrower in Bioshock 1, and I thought it was kind of interesting how the Chemical Thrower can switch between shooting nitrogen, "electric gel," and napalm - but I don't know what'll make it more than just "an unremarkable sidegrade to the Amprex and ignis" or worse, an unremarkable upgrade to both. At once.

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1 minute ago, Cpt_Schnapps said:

Also wanted to let you know the Kuva Chakurr is pretty much the only flintlock rifle in game at the moment. would be a good time to do a hard push for the other flintlock items/ideas, especially considering that Corpus Liches are a confirmed thing.

There are fun things one can do with a flintlock.

...Perhaps I could do a Warframe equivalent of the las-lock*.  I've considered doing that before, but I've never been sure of how to make that fun. (expect a lot of "Never sure of how to make that fun" lol)


*If you've read any Gaunt's Ghosts, a las-lock is a primitive lasgun that only has one shot. Y'know, like a flintlock.

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On 2020-10-14 at 12:12 AM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

There are fun things one can do with a flintlock.

...Perhaps I could do a Warframe equivalent of the las-lock*.  I've considered doing that before, but I've never been sure of how to make that fun. (expect a lot of "Never sure of how to make that fun" lol)


*If you've read any Gaunt's Ghosts, a las-lock is a primitive lasgun that only has one shot. Y'know, like a flintlock.

Is it just me or did they also have a similar concept in Treasure Planet? 

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SIF 'BROTSJOR' EMP SHOTGUNsif__brotsjor__emp_shotgun_by_fluffywolf



“The SIF nickname for me his design -  ‘The Poor Man’s Plasmor’ - originates from pirates and guerrillas in the Jovians. But the nickname doesn’t quite fit. Isn’t it a launcher? It has a blast radius. Is it a shotgun? It has short range and fires multiple projectiles. Is it… a rifle? It’s burstfire, but not too long ranged…”


The Brotsjor fires a three-shot burst of projectiles similar to those launched by the Catchmoon. These have near-infinite enemy punch-through.... and explode on hard surfaces. They can also be remotely detonated in mid-flight!

Its origins are shrouded in mystery. One day, it wasn’t there - and the next, a Level Dawn account released the blueprint over the feeds, saturating the Jovians, Neptunian Plutonian, and even Saturnine systems with access to an open-sourced anti-Proxy weapon that’s required components common or easily fabricated in Corpus jurisdictions. In fact, the magazine is based on a Solaris design specifically from Rude Zuud. 

The barrel recoils with each shot fired.

It’s best used against shielded Corpus, machinery, and various Proxies - Moas and Ospreys and the like. 

Rumors circulate that it was used against ancient machines that ravaged the system, and that’s why it’s so profoundly effective. Much of the Origin System reads this as a belief that it’s meant for use against the Sentients.

But another, stranger rumor suggests that it predates the Orokin Lithic Expansion, in the Long Dark when humanity found themselves scattered across the Origin system on airless rocks with only half-remembered life support machinery to keep them breathing. That before this dark, forgotten epoch, it was built for use against a race of thinking machines that made war with humanity, shattered whatever order  and spurred the Seven Precepts’ prohibition on artificial intelligence.

 Others claim that this is sensationalist marketing for its original creators. After all, the distant past of the Origin System is so poorly understood that little knowledge survives to this day, and little concrete evidence of a war against machines exists.

On the one hand it has slightly better range than the Plasmor. On the other hand, it doesn’t have the shot for shot devastation of the Plasmor’s unmissable boulder of doom.

It’s a common sight among the outer planets - but not on the war zones within Grineer space. While some Solaris United strikers have been known to assemble their own, they prefer kitguns overall due to their small size and ease of disassembly. The Catchmoon may have lower power and range, but it's also extremely easy to hide in a coat... or in a rig, if you're willing to stomach some minor hair loss. A lowered sperm count probably isn't an issue if you're Solaris.

Clicking the right spot on the codex entry will play this secret message:

For the last time, not everything you don’t understand has to be Tau. I get what Grineer rule makes you think. But for the love of the Allfather. It’s not Tau. Anyone could tell you that.
We found the blueprint on Europa. It’s definitely manmade, maybe even oHuman-made. We were off prospecting, using Lalli’s plasma drill, looking for old Aufeis caches. The Burkitshi Osprey* unit we bought picked up… something under the ice. We thought it might be Corpus, right up until we cut a door.
The complex we found was bizarre. It looked Corpus in the same way a Kubrow looks like a dog or a Ganymedean or Iapetan wolf. Broadly similar, but the longer you look, the less alike they become. And it was old. Like… no, old doesn’t cover it. Orokin stuff is ancient, this was… this is older.
The computers were built to the same standards as Corpus tech, but they were… fossils. Most of it, we couldn’t get to work. But we found this blueprint on the computers that did work. Aina, our linguist, they deduced it was written in some kind of creole. There’s a lot of words Aina really struggled to understand. But from what we can tell, it’s some kind of anti-Proxy weapon. 
This weapon is meant for simplicity above all else. There’s a bunch of components we have that are broadly similar, like a communication laser, surge protectors. It plays merry void with shields and proxies. Destroys machinery. It’s perfect for use against the Corpus, even some Grineer. Anyone should be able to build this.
But this thing makes me wonder: What was this used for? I’m sure someone’s going to market it like your average Solaris kitgun, but it’s not made for use against an Osprey or Bursa. Even if it cuts through them like a hot knife through butter. It’s for  some kind of…  ancient proxy. Old as the Orokin, maybe older. And why was it built so simple? I could build this thing in a cave with a box of scraps. Clearly, there was an intent behind that.
I could give this to the Corpus. I could. I’d make a lot of money. But I don’t want to see them finding out about this lost history. And I don’t want to see them prepared for how this gun works.
I want to just open source this terbeyisz and see what happens. I’m not much of a historian, but it’s clear what was meant to happen.


Blueprint Requirements:
X1 Kitgun Loader (it doesn’t matter which)
1 Forma
X20 Fersteel
X5 Dissipator Coil

Slot: Primary
Type: Shotgun

Trigger: Burst
Burst Count: 3
Projectile Speed: 69 m/s
Fire Rate: 4.5
Magazine size: 21
Reload Time: 2.4sEnemy Punch-Through: 4m 
Object Punch-Through: n/a

Damage: 210
90 Impact
Critical Chance: 36%
Critical Multiplier: 2.4x
Status Chance: 15%
Damage Falloff: Full Damage up to 15m
Minimum Damage at 40m
Max Falloff: 60% Max Reduction
Accuracy Falloff begins at 30m

Radial Attacks:
Damage: 75 Magnetic
Critical Chance: 36%
Critical Multiplier: 2.4x
Status Chance: 15%
Radius: 2m


*NOTE: “Burkitshi” is a Mongolian word for a hunter using a Golden Eagle. If Ganymede comes with customizable Ospreys, ‘Burkitshi’ will be a component, likely the main chassis or whatever.

First off: why 36% crit? Why is the crit the way it is? Why is there a bandaid mod? Why didn’t I pile it with status?

Because it’s meant for orange crit or even red crit. Why 36% and the bandaid mod? Cause if I statted it to be able to orange crit without a riven and/or some other mod, the crit chance would get too big. It’d be too easy for it to push itself past 200% crit. The bandaid mod was the best way to do it while keeping it as a shotgun. Why does Rude Zuud sell it? Cause a kitgun loader is a component, and you’d likely be curious as to what this is.

Speaking of which, why am I so insistent on keeping it as a shotgun? Well… it’s burstfire, and I want people to think of it as a shotgun. It’s not meant to be long-ranged. Or even really medium-ranged. They need to think of it as a shotgun.

That out of the way, this was inspired by Lord of Wolves from Destiny, a shotgun that’s burstfire instead of firing buckshot.

Edited by (XBOX)Fluffywolf36
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2 hours ago, Loza03 said:

Please, share with us the great Steak.


Mostly because I don't know what makes it interesting and I'm desperately trying to keep it from having some gimmick reliant on headshots. I feel like I do that a lot. And I want to keep one of the revolvers I've made (the Naga) from stepping on its toes.

I'll probably post it in between the Brotsjor and another gun after I get frustrated due to how long the coloring job is taking :P

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On 2020-10-13 at 5:59 PM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

...That could work. I'd been playing with the Chemical Thrower in Bioshock 1, and I thought it was kind of interesting how the Chemical Thrower can switch between shooting nitrogen, "electric gel," and napalm - but I don't know what'll make it more than just "an unremarkable sidegrade to the Amprex and ignis" or worse, an unremarkable upgrade to both. At once.

Hear me out , what about a hungry gun. It fires its magazine normaly but when it runs out of ammor it changes its firing mode to emiting tentacles to drain enemies. Think of it as a normal weapon but instead of reloading it turns into a ocucor (using infested tentacles intead of energy ones  ) 

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Tenno 'Largo' Pistol


“This Tenno pistol was devised as a simplified Lex, meant to have a lower bore axis and thus less recoil. Unfortunately, this forced them to chamber it for lower-caliber rounds.

Fortunately, said rounds are explosive.”

Special Traits:
Brainstormer - headshots increase explosive damage.


While powerful, the Lex and Lex Prime had some flaws the Tenno weren’t shy about explaining, such as low rate of fire, and high recoil. The Largo was designed to remedy all of this, using an action derived from various rifles to facilitate an extremely low bore axis. Due to its unique mechanism, the slide only reciprocates on the sides, which leaves the sights - and barrel - unmoving while the pistol fires.

It’s always chambered for explosive rounds. On Ganymede, it’s typically compared to the Hiro gyrojet pistol, questionably favorably. It’s much like the current 9mm vs. 45 debate among gun owners. On the one hand, the Largo’s bullets are faster than the Hiro and it holds more shots. On the other hand, the Hiro fires really, REALLY big bullets the same diameter as the average Ganymedean’s thumb.

Though bizarrely, it actually has more recoil than the Hiro, as it shoots actual bullets as opposed to tiny rockets.

Much like the Grineer Argonak, aiming this weapon releases a “laser painter” that highlights targets at short range. Crits with this weapon are near-guaranteed.

This is an exceptionally accurate, usable, robust, aimable pistol. Much like its ancestor, the Lex, it’s a common sight among civilian populations (Corpus or otherwise) that don’t have the money or tech base for energy weaponry.

The Tenno version comes with a small reflex sight that highlights enemies while scoped. Tap the altfire key to use it!

Unlike most Tenno weapons, they’re not made at Tenno foundries. The best source of Largo pistols is Eisenhorn Armory on Ganymede, located near the base of Chitorr Tower in A Bao A Qu.


Fire Rate: 4.6s
Magazine Size: 10+1
Reload: 2.5s
Total Damage: 108

Damage: 54
18 Slash
24 Impact
12 Puncture
Critical Chance: 40%
Critical Multiplier: 2.8x
Status Chance: 21%
Headshot Multiplier: 3.15x

Damage: 54
18 Slash
24 Heat
12 Impact
Critical Chance: 40%
Critical Multiplier: 2.8x
Status Chance: 21%
Blast Radius: 1.6m



This is extremely outclassed by most revolvers I’ve made... if we’re talking headshots. Two sequential headshots from the Depezador will bring it past the Largo’s damage, especially on headshots. The Makina’s headshot damage is ridiculous, the Naga does noticeably more on headshots. If we’re talking body shots, the Largo outclasses them.

The Estampida and Hiro, however, have lower velocity… but much, much higher damage. Especially on headshots.  The Hiro also has a larger blast radius, (which I should buff at some point) and the Estampida’s headshot damage is ridiculous.


Artist Notes

First off: I didn’t want to give it explosive rounds. But the longer I thought about it…. The fewer options I felt like I had.  It was really hard to make this stand out. Probably not helped by the fact it looks more Titanfall than WF.

 I designed it as sort of a lower-damage equivalent to the Lex, and there were a lot of hoops I had to jump through. Has to do less damage on headshots than the Naga (I… don’t know if radial damage from this is included in headshots?), needs to be like a lower-damage Lex, easier to aim, needs to stand out next to the Marelok, Lex, and the Estampida that I made earlier… can’t have a gimmick dependent on headshots because I do that a lot… needs to be user friendly… 

And if I made this just a regular old hitscan pistol, it might feel… boring. Normal, even. I already made a semiauto pistol that loads like a conventional modern-day pistol, with a headshot gimmick and power comparable to some revolvers.

Some of you may be wondering: How would this even work? Why would you draw this so it looks like an upside-down 1911?

And the answer is complicated, but it boils down to: Because it was funny.

To make a long story short, I have a bunch of SLA Industries sourcebooks, one of which has a pistol that looks like a 1911 but almost upside-down save for the pistol grip. I’d been reading up on pistols such as the Laugo Arms Alien and wanted to draw something inspired by it. The Laugo Arms alien, by the way, actually does have a bore axis this low - which opened me up to giving the front of the weapon the same “upside-down-1911” look I saw in some of those SLA Industries sourcebooks.

The real reason the laser painter is there is because I couldn’t decide what else would be there, and I was all like “eh why not.”

It’s honestly a shame I used the name ‘Terminus’ already. This already has a laser sight, it’d be a dope Terminator reference. Then again, more people probably remember the lever-action shotgun than the AMT Hardballer Longslide from the first movie.

Also, Eisenhorn Armory is a reference to, of course, Gregor Eisenhorn from 40k. He has a bolt pistol that loads shells through the pistol grip, and you just gotta ask yourself: HOW BIG ARE HIS HANDS?!

I mean, I’ve seen a shotgun using specialty-made 12-gauge ammo that fits in a pistol grip, but good cripes. Dood must have enormous hands.

Edited by (XBOX)Fluffywolf36
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1 hour ago, Neo3602 said:

like this one a lot, I'm a sucker for more basic weapons and adding explosive rounds just makes it better

Thanks! I was REALLY worried about this one being too boring. This is a huge relief.

EDIT: While I'm here, I might as well post the real-life thing that inspired it:

RECOIL EXCLUSIVE: Alien Pistol from Laugo Arms, the Full Review | RECOIL

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There's actually quite a few designs that have low axis bores (including revolvers). 

Chiappa Rhino, Grach MP443, The Alien (as mentioned)..... the main point behind them is to bring the recoil down by making them more in-line with the hand and arm, although the success of these models depended widely on consumer use, and the only reason why Grach won the Interior Ministry of Defense contract in Russia for the FSB was because there wasn't much in the way of competition, although the pistol is starting to get phased out for the more favorable Glock.

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4 hours ago, Cpt_Schnapps said:

Grach MP443,

I didn't know about that one. Huh.

I just never took a long enough look at the Grach to figure it out. Funnily enough, I actually knew more about some 1910s-ish weapons like the Frommer Stop and a pistol made by Colonel Isaac Newton Lewis, who made the Lewis Gun when I made this.

Though I'm guessing you've figured out by now I'm a big fan of the Chiappa Rhino and Mateba. :PTenno 'Estampida' Revolver by Fluffywolf36 on DeviantArt

(this thing's gimmick is being non-hitscan... but overpenetrating, having ridiculous stopping power, and a +50% headshot damage bonus.)

Even got another, more Mateba-like thing coming soon! Only question is if I made it weird enough. Probably not. I should work on that.

5 hours ago, Cpt_Schnapps said:

and the only reason why Grach won the Interior Ministry of Defense contract in Russia for the FSB was because there wasn't much in the way of competition, although the pistol is starting to get phased out for the more favorable Glock.

huh. The S#&$ you learn.

Though all seriousness, part of the reason I like the Laugo is because it looked so weird. The slide legit reminds me of the Lady Fingerfrom Borderlands 1, and I didn't even know that was possible.

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20 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Which one, the Largo or Estampida?

Cause even if the Estampida is old art, I have a soft spot for it. Not least because it's my favorite revolver in games (the WINGMAN ELITE) exported into WF. And because it's a huge Trigun reference.

Both are beautiful for different reasons. With the Estampida, you have the sleek lines of the Tekelu weaponsmiths which you have captured perfectly. With the Largo, theres a real sense of the smooth but slightly rough and ready for anything finish of Polish Resistance firearms. Only the metal is 100% cleaner and well moulded because future tech and much better working conditions.

Edited by Teoarrk
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