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Reasons Why Passive Energy Generation Should Be a Thing


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11 hours ago, Gurpgork said:

If you're new, energy ridiculously scarce. If you're a veteran, energy is basically a nonexistent limitation.

Thing is, in the early levels, Warframe abilities are incredibly powerful. In Vor Prize, Pull can kill a decently large cone of Grineer forces, because they're all at Level 3-5. Most #1 skills are free and immediate kills. It's justified that we can't spam them early game.

Edited by SenorClipClop
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9 hours ago, BasKy said:

You can give a passive energy regen to every/some Warframes. It does not need to be as high as Zenurik, and it does not need to be the same value for every Warframe (actually it shouldn't). And I should be able to not starve energy without Harrow and Trinity, and without relying on RNG.
If you don't want to just "gift" passive energy, then remove energy orbs.

I understand that managing energy adds a layer of depth to the game. I just wish we could manage it without relying on something else. It doesn't mean that we will have infinit energy, I don't want 4 energy per second. Never happend to you that you have 100hp left and no energy, and you play really carefully but end up getting killed because you didn't get orbs? Let the player cast one skill to try and overcome that situation. Or just place some pizzas.
Besides, adding passive energy opens up other mechanics like mods and skills that improves the regen rate.

I never liked the pizza. You build it (low cost as you said), place it and now you AND your squad can spam. It makes most missions easy. You don't sacrifice anything besides mobility but it's not like you just can't stand for a second in this game even if it is fast peaced.
The only tool we have to regenerate energy that I like is Rage, but that one doesn't work on every Warframe.

If you want, you can have infinite energy already. You just have to pay the cost. Energy restores are cheap, but if you rely on them too much, they'll eat up all your polymer bundle. They involve a cost. Not that great, but it's still a cost. I used to rely on them a lot until I made my own clan and had to pay resources for research. Now I know better. Energy Syphon also involves a cost. It's just the aura slot, it's not build breaking, but it still involves a cost. Energy orbs are earned, too. They don't just drop out of the air. You have to kill enemies to get them. If you want energy, you have options. They're so good, they nearly break the game. I don't see the reason to add free passive energy restore. Might as well give us passive bullet restore, because sometimes I run out of bullets.

In the early game, energy is a valuable, overpowered resource that lets you clear the entire area with any one skill. In the late game, it's a much less valuable resource, but it's alright because skills are nowhere near as overpowered against lvl 50 enemies as they are against lvl 5 enemies.

In the early game, this resource scarcity taught *me* to manage my resources. In the late game I know if I run out of energy, it's because I made a mistake or I came unprepared. That makes it my fault, and I can fix that. If you have cleared the star chart and are still running out of energy and that bothers you, it's your fault and you can fix it. You have so many great options.

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2 hours ago, QuietBiro said:

If you want, you can have infinite energy already. You just have to pay the cost. Energy restores are cheap, but if you rely on them too much, they'll eat up all your polymer bundle. They involve a cost. Not that great, but it's still a cost. I used to rely on them a lot until I made my own clan and had to pay resources for research. Now I know better. Energy Syphon also involves a cost. It's just the aura slot, it's not build breaking, but it still involves a cost. Energy orbs are earned, too. They don't just drop out of the air. You have to kill enemies to get them. If you want energy, you have options. They're so good, they nearly break the game. I don't see the reason to add free passive energy restore. Might as well give us passive bullet restore, because sometimes I run out of bullets.

In the early game, energy is a valuable, overpowered resource that lets you clear the entire area with any one skill. In the late game, it's a much less valuable resource, but it's alright because skills are nowhere near as overpowered against lvl 50 enemies as they are against lvl 5 enemies.

In the early game, this resource scarcity taught *me* to manage my resources. In the late game I know if I run out of energy, it's because I made a mistake or I came unprepared. That makes it my fault, and I can fix that. If you have cleared the star chart and are still running out of energy and that bothers you, it's your fault and you can fix it. You have so many great options.

Well what you're saying isn't entirely accurate. There are frames that have a HUGE upper hand over others, and that would be tank frames. My Valkyr, Chroma, Frost, Nidus, Inaros, Saryn (even Mesa), NEVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT ENERGY PERIOD. I just use rage. With their ability to take hits, tanks don't generally even care about energy economy, it's given to them with one mod in droves. When I'm playing tanky frames, even infested eximus sorties can't keep their energy pool down. The only ones who will be affected by this are caster frames that tend to be squish and rely on abilities to survive and can't afford to take hits to make use of rage. I have to spam magnetize bubble with mag and spam pull for stray enemies, I have to hall of mirrors with mirage as well as her light/dark ability.I have to spam chaos with nyx, and anti-matter absorb + mp with nova. List goes on for caster frames, and unlike my tank frames they do run out of energy. Because energy orbs are RNG I vividly recall the plethora of times when I was frantically looking for an energy orb from a container or a locker because I need to cast a cc ability. I do have pizzas and I'll use them in emergencies, but I don't like the "potion" concept. I was very pleased with an alternative option available in the game and I hope such an option will still be present after PoE is released.

Given that DE had zenurik in-game, implies that for over a year they were okay with players having an energy regeneration choice. Thus they should still be okay with it, and like I perviously said, it shouldn't be as strong as zenurik, but it should be better than energy siphon. Either bring up energy siphon to 1en/s or as op requested add energy regeneration as a warframe stat that can vary warframe to warframe. Casters can have it slightly higher than non casters.

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2 hours ago, TaylorsContraction said:

There are frames that have a HUGE upper hand over others, and that would be tank frames. My Valkyr, Chroma, Frost, Nidus, Inaros, Saryn (even Mesa), NEVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT ENERGY PERIOD. I just use rage. With their ability to take hits, tanks don't generally even care about energy economy, it's given to them with one mod in droves. When I'm playing tanky frames, even infested eximus sorties can't keep their energy pool down.

These frames are still sacrificing something to have this free type of Energy regen. First they need to dedicate a mod slot to an upgrade that gives them the energy regen (Rage). Then they need to sacrifice Health in-mission, which some of these frames have no way of healing (Mesa, Chroma, Ash, etc, though Nidus and Valkyr are fine although essentially designd to take damage). They have access to things that allow for Health regen (Life Strike, Rejuvenation), but then you need to be giving up space in your loadout for those things. There's always a trade.

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3 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

These frames are still sacrificing something to have this free type of Energy regen. First they need to dedicate a mod slot to an upgrade that gives them the energy regen (Rage). Then they need to sacrifice Health in-mission, which some of these frames have no way of healing (Mesa, Chroma, Ash, etc, though Nidus and Valkyr are fine although essentially designd to take damage). They have access to things that allow for Health regen (Life Strike, Rejuvenation), but then you need to be giving up space in your loadout for those things. There's always a trade.

Yes, one mod for unlimited energy. You get hit regardless, and I intentionally walk onto an osprey mine or toxin cloud just to top myself off. Squish frames have nothing like this available to them in comparison. I'm okay with non passive Regen as long as it's as good as rage. Anything less is ridiculous honestly, you give passive Regen which is great for caster frames, tanks don't really need it. Then you take it away and one again casters are pizza dependent while tanks are self sufficient.


Also my tank frames all have arcane Grace helmets, and unless I'm doing something stupid their health rarely drops below max. While a separate issue this particular arcane is amazing in tank frames because it's procced on hit, and is thus always active on frames that can take a hit. Casters have to use victory which is a small chance in headshots gg no re.

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The only reason that counts is this:


The gamepaly revovles around HORDES of enemies piling in, and about the player frames having cool, fun to use powers.


Now the developers conceit, apparently, is that powers should be used sparringly. At those fabled "moments where they count ".


However the have build instead a game that sends in hordes of mooks at you, a game that is about grinding. A game that always suffered from that energy issue until zenurik became a thing.


There are no moments of opportunity, thre are hordes of targets. Removing the warframes most fun features (ie: the powers) is leaving us with a horde shooter that just has lost one if its fun components.


Heck, many warframes are basically build around using their powers often (due to either one shot effects or short durations) and in conjunction: something impossible without a steady regen.


Heck, everyone ACKNOWLEDGES THIS by having neergy siphon or  a trinity. One player is forced to play the trin.  So the others can play their frames.

Everyone needs powersiphon so the team gets some regen going.

Zenuiriks passive adressed this issue. It allowed every frame to be played properly, with the usage of their powers.


You want us to manage energy, and yet build a game that simply does not allow for that and actually gets worse if you cannot use what makes your frame special.



Removing the palyers ability to us his frame powers is not a solution to a problem that only exists in your head. You are ruining fun here. Fun. The one thing Warframe has over other loot-shooters.  You are ruining it. You are S#&$ting in your own soup.





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I haven't tried it yet (as I was relying on pizzas until recently), but you can use Equilibrium. In theory it should work, especially if you equip a kubrow. Equipping a companion that can get damaged should allow you to pick up health orbs and thus allow you to regen your energy even if you're at full health. This is my next thing to test out. Also it's expected that some frames will excel in solo play, while others will excel in group play. That's not a problem. People wanting infinite energy are given infinite options and are still saying "But that's not what I wanted. This only meets 99% of my criteria, it's not good enough"

If you want energy, you can have all the energy you want with no effort. There's zero need to trivialize energy further. So far everything in this thread is people trying to come up with scenarios in which they can't recover their energy. 

A game is all about working around the mechanics. If you don't have to work around the mechanics, there's no real game to be played. You won't be able to make choices that matter, because everything will play the exact same. Sure, the particles of different frames will be different, but if we equalize everything, then when do you get to make a choice? You already have unlimited choice about energy, and you still refuse to do it. So it's not fair to conclude that the underlining thread here is that there should be less choices to make and you're masking it under the guise of "but it's about more choice". When you even out everything, when different frames don't have different advantages and disadvantages, there's no choice to be made. You're not trading anything for anything. And these trades are the only choice that matters. 

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3 hours ago, TaylorsContraction said:

Yes, one mod for unlimited energy. You get hit regardless, and I intentionally walk onto an osprey mine or toxin cloud just to top myself off. Squish frames have nothing like this available to them in comparison.

I guess the trade-off there is being more in harm's way? I never suggested that frames have equality in Energy economy, only that they all need to dedicate something in their loadout to it if they want to have lots of it. I'm against having bunches of energy passively for free because that immediately makes the currently-existing Energy regen mechanics in-game meaningless, and also it would make this game even easier. It seems that to you, Energy is important. You have ways to give yourself this important thing.

If you (or anyone else) are scared about DE removing the Zenurik Passive and reworking Arcanes in the upcoming update, try not to be so ill at ease. They stated they're going to give us Energy-related mechanics in the updated systems.


2 hours ago, ReynoldsXD said:

Removing the palyers ability to us his frame powers is not a solution to a problem that only exists in your head. You are ruining fun here. Fun. The one thing Warframe has over other loot-shooters.  You are ruining it. You are S#&$ting in your own soup.

Maybe you need to go outside. Or you need a hug. Nobody's removed a frame's ability to use its powers. Energy economy as it is is a limiting factor that prevents us from cheesing the game even harder than we're capable of cheesing it already. If you want to spam, you have to customize your character for that. There are many tools available for a player to do this. Letting us spam for free (while at the same time freeing up space in our loadouts for more damage) would make this game easier than Candy Crush.

Have you thought that perhaps other people do not attach the same importance to constant power use that you seem to have? If anything other than very frequent power usage is no fun for you, that's okay. Mod for what makes the game fun for you. I don't feel the need to use powers very frequently with several of my loadouts, and so Energy economy is not an issue. So I Mod in a way that makes the game fun for me.


The OP is essentially saying "make me stronger for free". But the Warframes are already strong enough.

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7 minutes ago, QuietBiro said:

I haven't tried it yet (as I was relying on pizzas until recently), but you can use Equilibrium. In theory it should work, especially if you equip a kubrow. Equipping a companion that can get damaged should allow you to pick up health orbs and thus allow you to regen your energy even if you're at full health. This is my next thing to test out. Also it's expected that some frames will excel in solo play, while others will excel in group play. That's not a problem. People wanting infinite energy are given infinite options and are still saying "But that's not what I wanted. This only meets 99% of my criteria, it's not good enough"

If you want energy, you can have all the energy you want with no effort. There's zero need to trivialize energy further. So far everything in this thread is people trying to come up with scenarios in which they can't recover their energy. 

A game is all about working around the mechanics. If you don't have to work around the mechanics, there's no real game to be played. You won't be able to make choices that matter, because everything will play the exact same. Sure, the particles of different frames will be different, but if we equalize everything, then when do you get to make a choice? You already have unlimited choice about energy, and you still refuse to do it. So it's not fair to conclude that the underlining thread here is that there should be less choices to make and you're masking it under the guise of "but it's about more choice". When you even out everything, when different frames don't have different advantages and disadvantages, there's no choice to be made. You're not trading anything for anything. And these trades are the only choice that matters. 

You miss the point:


Fun is getting ruined here.

You have the option to opt out of power regen. You can scale the game to your liking.

With zenurik gone, i can not opt ouf a game that takes away what is fun.


For example, take Octavia, clearly build to at least use her first 3 skills in unison. thats a load of power gone every time.

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18 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

I guess the trade-off there is being more in harm's way? I never suggested that frames have equality in Energy economy, only that they all need to dedicate something in their loadout to it if they want to have lots of it. I'm against having bunches of energy passively for free because that immediately makes the currently-existing Energy regen mechanics in-game meaningless, and also it would make this game even easier. It seems that to you, Energy is important. You have ways to give yourself this important thing.

If you (or anyone else) are scared about DE removing the Zenurik Passive and reworking Arcanes in the upcoming update, try not to be so ill at ease. They stated they're going to give us Energy-related mechanics in the updated systems.


Maybe you need to go outside. Or you need a hug. Nobody's removed a frame's ability to use its powers. Energy economy as it is is a limiting factor that prevents us from cheesing the game even harder than we're capable of cheesing it already. If you want to spam, you have to customize your character for that. There are many tools available for a player to do this. Letting us spam for free (while at the same time freeing up space in our loadouts for more damage) would make this game easier than Candy Crush.

Have you thought that perhaps other people do not attach the same importance to constant power use that you seem to have? If anything other than very frequent power usage is no fun for you, that's okay. Mod for what makes the game fun for you. I don't feel the need to use powers very frequently with several of my loadouts, and so Energy economy is not an issue. So I Mod in a way that makes the game fun for me.


The OP is essentially saying "make me stronger for free". But the Warframes are already strong enough.

Maybee you shoudl go outside and take your "hardcore" gamer attotude with you. I am here for fun space ninja's with magick.


What YOU feel about power is totally irrelevant. YOU ar free to play however you want, as should I. And i love to spam powers because that and space parkour is what makes Warframe FUN to me.

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18 minutes ago, ReynoldsXD said:

Fun is getting ruined here.

You have the option to opt out of power regen. You can scale the game to your liking.

No, it isn't. Maybe the problem is that Zenurik is such a meta build, that people adopted it without learning the game, without exploring all the other options they have. As I said - you have endless energy without it, too. So what's the problem?

And no, it's not about options. Energy runs out, sure. But so do bullets and HP. Resource management is part of the fun. As I said - decent energy regain over time at a decent cost is good. Having it at no cost at all is not good. It effectively removes choice from the game. 

When you have a game that lets players essentially get cheats for free, and you give us the option to opt out... sure, I will opt out. But I'll still end up playing with people who didn't. People who don't know the basics on how to play the game, because it's given them so much "fun", that it never bothered to teach them how to manage their resources, how to survive and how to make effective choices. Warframes are already powerful enough. If you want to feel like an immortal space ninja, just go to a lower level planet.

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15 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

Thing is, in the early levels, Warframe abilities are incredibly powerful. In Vor Prize, Pull can kill a decently large cone of Grineer forces, because they're all at Level 3-5. Most #1 skills are free and immediate kills. It's justified that we can't spam them early game.

So what? in the early levels, pretty much everything dies by simply looking at it. Early levels should not be the balancing measure when most people spend their time between MR 4 and 16 (the unlock of sorties, and the max MR requirement of rivens).  Most people finish Vor Prize without even reaching lvl 10 on their frames, this isn't a problem.

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9 hours ago, ReynoldsXD said:

What YOU feel about power is totally irrelevant. YOU ar free to play however you want, as should I. And i love to spam powers because that and space parkour is what makes Warframe FUN to me.

If you love to spam powers, do it! Find what's fun for you. What I'm saying is that we have the tools to let you do that. We don't need more for free.

My preferences are relevant. To me. I feel my choices for my own energy economy suit me, and that's okay too. Are you getting mad at me because we have different styles of play, or is there something else?

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31 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

If you love to spam powers, do it! Find what's fun for you. What I'm saying is that we have the tools to let you do that. We don't need more for free.

My preferences are relevant. To me. I feel my choices for my own energy economy suit me, and that's okay too. Are you getting mad at me because we have different styles of play, or is there something else?

How exactly having energy regen would prevent you from making those choices?

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22 minutes ago, el_chanis said:

How exactly having energy regen would prevent you from making those choices?

I think you quoted the wrong reply, or maybe you're confusing me for QuietBiro, because the response you quoted of me doesn't address the prevention of player choice at all.


But okay.

Right now, a player can choose to put some kind of Energy return mechanic into their loadout if they want more energy during a mission. If we received that bonus passively, those return mechanics would be overlooked since they're no longer a choice. That's how it would limit choice. Players choose to build for any combination of X, Y, Z and/or Energy. Giving us all more Energy for free reduces the build choices to X, Y and/or Z. Not bad for those who feel the constant need for heaps of Energy, but for those that manage their Energy just fine right now it's a buff to everyone but them based on others' spammy playstyles. There's nothing wrong with having a spammy playstyle, but there are plenty of players out there who don't use it. If we want something to cater specifically to spammy playstyles, we already have those tools.

If we want more of them, that's fine, but asking to have it for free on everything without building for it or earning it makes this thread a "buff me plz because I want it" thread.

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15 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

I think you quoted the wrong reply, or maybe you're confusing me for QuietBiro, because the response you quoted of me doesn't address the prevention of player choice at all.


But okay.

Right now, a player can choose to put some kind of Energy return mechanic into their loadout if they want more energy during a mission. If we received that bonus passively, those return mechanics would be overlooked since they're no longer a choice. That's how it would limit choice. Players choose to build for any combination of X, Y, Z and/or Energy. Giving us all more Energy for free reduces the build choices to X, Y and/or Z. Not bad for those who feel the constant need for heaps of Energy, but for those that manage their Energy just fine right now it's a buff to everyone but them based on others' spammy playstyles. There's nothing wrong with having a spammy playstyle, but there are plenty of players out there who don't use it. If we want something to cater specifically to spammy playstyles, we already have those tools.

If we want more of them, that's fine, but asking to have it for free on everything without building for it or earning it makes this thread a "buff me plz because I want it" thread.

thats all nice and good... until you realize that blind rage is a thing. Unless you stop playing to cover the floor with pizzas, no amount of energy siphon o arcane energizes will keep those builds viable, and "stop playing" kinda defeats the purpose of "playing the game". Also, streamline was dropable thanks to it, if you remove passive regen, streamline becomes mandatory once again.

Also..."there are plenty of players out there who don't use it"... I will condescendingly disagree and point out that from the 15 passive nods and over 50 in total, only shadow step and energy overflow were specificaly stated as "no longer exist", and i quote, from devstream "we have the numbers on this. If you were truly optimizing your play, you either invested in shadow step in naramon, or zenurik's energy overflow"). I don't give a single F*** about your opinion in this matter, because this isn't a matter of opinion, CLEARLY the huge majority of the players want/need passive energy.

There are plenty other aspects of the game were the players should be more limited (like multishot), but energy, as it is right now without energy overflow, makes no @(*()$ sense.

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I would like to point out that enemies do have options for draining a frame's energy to zero. Magnetic traps for the Grineer, Energy Leech/Parasitic Eximus units, Nullifiers and Combas can strip buffs that you spent energy on, Disruptor Ancients and their allies can drain energy with each attack, and can proc magnetic to flatline your energy instantly. Footage from the recent Devstream indicates that either the Grineer have new units that inflict magnetic, or the eidolon can with its massive AoEs.

Combas and energy leeches are particularly troublesome with how there is very little counterplay available. You have to shoot them when they round the corner, long after their auras have affected you.

These changes are part of why I'm taking my Sahasa Kubrow out to the Plains. Energy, health, and ammo renewal with little fuss on a large map with few resources.

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I'm not really for or against this kind of idea, but I have long thought it could be an interesting balance point as a new stat for warframes. It would be interesting, for example, to have a low-energy pool, high regen 'nuke' frame, or perhaps a low-energy pool/regen warframe with a energy vampire passive.

What I'd really like to see is some kind of streak-breaker tech on energy orb drops. I think that'd be enough, just something to make sure we don't get stuck with no energy orb drops from kills for extended periods. Had that happen to many times!

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Passive energy regen must be a thing. Thats for sure. How we get it is a completely different matter. Personaly, i think it should be tied to some sort of progress, like MR o frame level (huge difference, i know, just examples). 

Power use should be encouraged, and the best way to do it is providing some free energy to spend (with build options for heavy spammers). 

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1) Nothing refreshes the spirit like a post where the OP dedicates the entire first paragraph to not only strawmanning anyone who disagrees, but also creates an entirely arbitrary image of what this game is designed as.

2) Completely irrelevant point. Energy is a pick-up dropped by enemies. Warframes have abilities that generate energy. There are consumables that generate energy. There are at least three Warframe mods that generate energy. You've got means to generate energy falling from the sky. Appealing to the fact that other games have passive regen is meaningless. This game isn't other games, which makes that a false equivalence.

3) One player can also hoard all energy pick ups they can get their hands on in Conclave, and each player that takes that energy makes it inaccessible not only for their enemies but also for their allies. For all the ways there are to generate energy in PvE, all of those are gone in Conclave.

4) For a group of people that seem to have black somatic corruption eating their faces you sure are quick to assume that they can pull as much energy from the Void as often as they like and as much as they like with no negative repercussion. You're also assuming that warframe abilities are solely the domain of the Tenno and their connection to the Void. This may not be the case, as the Stalker and his Acolytes use Warframe abilities despite not being Tenno.

5) Here's the weakest of them all, the appeal to personal preference. I've heard it a thousand times. "What if I don't WANT to use weapons other than the Tonkor?" "What if I don't WANT to have to aim my weapon?" "What if I WANT to spam Simulor everywhere and kill everything?" The only answer I've got for you is "tough S#&$," because that's the only answer you need.

Since we're misrepresenting our dissenters' viewpoints with our own assumptions, I think I'll have a go at it: All I see is a bunch of people who have been using a playstyle of chugging energy and spamming abilities desperately clutching at that playstyle because it's about to get harder to pull off. This is the last remnant of the Old Draco Dilemma, and I'm glad it's finally getting the axe.

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I will only add to all of this, that if developers didn't want us to have passive energy regen, Energy Overflow wouldn't even existed. And they had many chances to change it (like the absolute crap Systemic override"fix").

I guess they will implement it somehow, i just hope doesn't disrupt other options, i don't want to chose a basic need vs a new mechanic.

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geez, some of the people arguing against passive energy regen sure are taking a high horse stance.

Having 1 energy regen / sec translates to what exactly? I run my Banshee with streamline on, that means casting silence for 30 seconds costs 53 energy. In the 30 seconds of silence duration I'd have recovered 30 energy, that's not even the full cost of one ability. I like to cast sonar occasionally too, and sonic boom while I'm at it. That's just one example. People arguing against passive energy regen seem to be blowing things out of proportion in the same way some players claim that they won't be able to use their abilities anymore and their fun is gone.Having energy regeneration does NOT mean we can spam skills forever non-stop without a second thought.

Players can suggest whatever rate they want for energy regeneration, be it 4 en / sec, more, or less. DE can come up with a fair number. It also doesn't have to be "passive", boosting energy siphon so that it is 1 en / s at max rank would be a good enough compromise for me personally.

I've played this game for years before zenurik and for about a year with zenurik. I can say with complete certainty I enjoyed it a lot more with energy regeneration than I did without. That is all that matters to me.

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