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Dear DE, after 17 months it's almost time to get the Furax Wraith back in the wild


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Everytime I check my profile I see that hideous grayed spot on the Furax Wraith.

So I was wondering about when DE will make Furax Wraith available again for people who missed Rathum because they weren't playing yet.

Last event weapon brought back from Baro was the Vulkar Wraith.

From my researches on the wikia, the Vulkar Wraith was rewarded in Shadow Debt Operation which was deployed on January 26th 2016.

Baro brought back the weapon on March 24th 2017, which is around 14 months.

Operation Rathuum was deployed on April 29th and we're now well into September, which means 17 months have passed from Ratuum.

So I think it's quite about time to make Furax Wraith available in the best way DE sees fit (Baro? Invasions?)

Same-ish could be said for original Snipetron, but at least that one doesn't show up in the codex as incomplete for new players that weren't around at it's release. XD

(In b4 MR fodder replies :D )

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Boar was removed from the market on Oct 9th 2013.
Its blueprint returned as a drop on Oct 14th 2015.

Snipetron was removed on May 23th 2013.
We had a chance to get its blueprint on Oct 2-5 2015 from a Tactical Alert.

That's 2 years gap worth of missing weapons. Maybe that's their standard waiting time for removed weapons?   
October 2017 is coming up.  Maybe they'll give us a chance again to get the Snipetron in POE?   You're calmly fishing, you hook something and instead of a fish... it's a discarded Snipetron!!:cool:

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