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The Roadmap: Glassframe Quest & the Plains of Eidolon!


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On 10/7/2017 at 5:45 PM, ShadowExodus said:




Are people so blind or iliterate that they couldn't see the tex that said that you will still be able to get Gara parts from cetus rewards when POE is released and that the Quest for Gars is probably delayed, PROBABLY because of scheduling conflicts with one of their voice actors. As they stated.  I really want to know how did you guys come up with such twisted idea of something that was clearly stated thinking that it is some 'screw you' just because they are releasing Gara for plat on POE release? Take this as however you want but don't be saying crap on something you clearly didn't fully understand. I suggest reading over the original post before making misleading comments like it's the new law

Yes you can farm the parts all well and dandy but the blueprint will be locked behind the quest which still means that the frame will be unobtainable unless you pay for it which is pay to win no matter which way you slice it.

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13 minutes ago, SnivicDelta said:

which is pay to win

It's "pay to skip waiting" which is basically Warframe monetization model. Though I agree that with rivens for buying frames and now Gaara it's getting shadier and shadier.

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3 hours ago, SnivicDelta said:

Yes you can farm the parts all well and dandy but the blueprint will be locked behind the quest which still means that the frame will be unobtainable unless you pay for it which is pay to win no matter which way you slice it.

omg, really how is it p2w, tell me? Having scheduling problems with an actor is p2w? Not being able to get the blueprint on release is p2w? How is the frame unobtainable? they clearly stated that the quest might not be released with POE and if it was delayed we are gonna get the quest regardless. DE always release a warframe ready to buy with plat, didn't bother you guys before shouldn't bother you guys now. Just because we are getting the quest later you guys are crying p2w "screw you" move by DE because other players are gonna be spending plat to get Gara? Well it's either pay up or shut up and wait. Even if you did get the blueprint on release and got all the parts the same day won't you still have to wait 3 days to build a warframe which clearly means the players who are paying would still get Gara before you regardless. 

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Just now, Nyaa314 said:

It's "pay to skip waiting" which is basically Warframe monetization model. Though I agree that with rivens for buying frames and now Gaara it's getting shadier and shadier.

Pay to win also covers skipping a long time wait and a week is a decently long time.

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14 minutes ago, ShadowExodus said:

omg, really how is it p2w, tell me? Having scheduling problems with an actor is p2w? Not being able to get the blueprint on release is p2w? How is the frame unobtainable? they clearly stated that the quest might not be released with POE and if it was delayed we are gonna get the quest regardless. DE always release a warframe ready to buy with plat, didn't bother you guys before shouldn't bother you guys now. Just because we are getting the quest later you guys are crying p2w "screw you" move by DE because other players are gonna be spending plat to get Gara? Well it's either pay up or shut up and wait. Even if you did get the blueprint on release and got all the parts the same day won't you still have to wait 3 days to build a warframe which clearly means the players who are paying would still get Gara before you regardless. 

Guess I have to repeat myself. It is power that will only be obtainable through buying it which is pay to win. Now I get this is temporary but the fact they are doing it in the first place is scummy, DE is basically saying "want to play the new frame when it comes out? give us your money". Now I know the parts will still be farmable during this downtime but the blueprint will still be locked behind the quest as the reward for said quest. Simply put they should just delay the frame with the quest until it's ready (which they said would only be about a week) that way there won't be any question of pay to win (It wouldn't be in this case) and also it would honestly benefit them too. You see if they would stagger this content a little bit we get enough time to digest PoE before the frame and quest and It will retain players longer because they are waiting and expecting this new frame which in turn means the player is playing longer which gives DE more opportunists to get the player to buy something which would benefit. So to be completely honest them releasing the frame early is not just a boneheaded move in the sense of P2W but also in the sense that they could make more potential money this way as well.  

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Not sure if anyone asked these questions before (22 pages and I assume most are hype posts):

1) I see the map divide into 27 cells, and back then I heard reports that the map is 3x3km (9km2).  However, this 27 cells seems to be more inline with 27km2 (9x9km).  Which is it?

2) Did you do modular approach? (Making each cell separately and put them together instead of 1 big map).  If so, did you build it as static mesh or procedural generated.

3) From the trailer I see you can go archwing, what prevent you from going archwing and shoot down the big monster?

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5 minutes ago, Hueminator said:

Not sure if anyone asked these questions before (22 pages and I assume most are hype posts):

1) I see the map divide into 27 cells, and back then I heard reports that the map is 3x3km (9km2).  However, this 27 cells seems to be more inline with 27km2 (9x9km).  Which is it?

2) Did you do modular approach? (Making each cell separately and put them together instead of 1 big map).  If so, did you build it as static mesh or procedural generated.

3) From the trailer I see you can go archwing, what prevent you from going archwing and shoot down the big monster?

1. the map is actually closer to 2.5km by 2.5 km before the caves are counted.

2, no clue

3. the teralysts require you to use an operator to weaken them, thats all we know, oh, and archweapons cant be used.

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22 minutes ago, SnivicDelta said:

Guess I have to repeat myself. It is power that will only be obtainable through buying it which is pay to win. Now I get this is temporary but the fact they are doing it in the first place is scummy, DE is basically saying "want to play the new frame when it comes out? give us your money". Now I know the parts will still be farmable during this downtime but the blueprint will still be locked behind the quest as the reward for said quest. Simply put they should just delay the frame with the quest until it's ready (which they said would only be about a week) that way there won't be any question of pay to win (It wouldn't be in this case) and also it would honestly benefit them too. You see if they would stagger this content a little bit we get enough time to digest PoE before the frame and quest and It will retain players longer because they are waiting and expecting this new frame which in turn means the player is playing longer which gives DE more opportunists to get the player to buy something which would benefit. So to be completely honest them releasing the frame early is not just a boneheaded move in the sense of P2W but also in the sense that they could make more potential money this way as well.  

dude they've just done it cause waiting 1 more week just for the sake to have a quest when the true star is the plains of eidolon is nonsensical, and btw having a new frame is not pay to win, pay to win means that you get something exclusive that advantage you that you bought it instead of other players, this is just a new frame, like we had 30 before, it's not gamebreaking is not an advantege is just a new character, so buddy stop being stupid and don't accuse DE for something that they never, never, never did. they have many downsides but this is just not a thing, so shut up if you want to buy it with plat like i will do cause i want to support them do that, if you want to build it just wait 1 week, meanwhile you can even farm the parts, but pls stop *@##$ing about a problem that doesn't even sussist.

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3 hours ago, SnivicDelta said:

Guess I have to repeat myself. It is power that will only be obtainable through buying it which is pay to win. Now I get this is temporary but the fact they are doing it in the first place is scummy, DE is basically saying "want to play the new frame when it comes out? give us your money". Now I know the parts will still be farmable during this downtime but the blueprint will still be locked behind the quest as the reward for said quest. Simply put they should just delay the frame with the quest until it's ready (which they said would only be about a week) that way there won't be any question of pay to win (It wouldn't be in this case) and also it would honestly benefit them too. You see if they would stagger this content a little bit we get enough time to digest PoE before the frame and quest and It will retain players longer because they are waiting and expecting this new frame which in turn means the player is playing longer which gives DE more opportunists to get the player to buy something which would benefit. So to be completely honest them releasing the frame early is not just a boneheaded move in the sense of P2W but also in the sense that they could make more potential money this way as well.  

My question is why? De has long said that Gara is going to be released with POE and that is exactly what they are doing. The quest is delayed so what about it, you can farm the individual parts until the quest is ready. If you couldn't now that would've been a different story.As I said before DE has always released a frame ready to be bought with plat. Look at sands of inaros, that quest can only be bought from baro ki'teer, if you miss him gotta wait 2 weeks or pay for him with plat. I don't see people bi***ing about having to wait two weeks to get a frame and as Beppe93 said the frame isn't even the important part of the game POE is. All I see in your comments and others is saltiness because the people are gonna be running around in Gara before you can, whether the quest would be released with POE or not people were gonna buy her in a heartbeat anyways. Hell you don't even need to take money out of your pockets plat is tradeable. Trade items get plat so your thinking that they will make more money off releasing Gara at her  intended time even when the quest getting delayed just screams "i'm mad that others are going to get Gara before me." People like you need to just calm down instead of slandering DE with this P2W bs. If you're not gonna pay shut up and wait as it always been waiting for the common player in warframe Leave the people who have the money or the plat and buy the frame if they want it. They're contributing not you.


Edited by ShadowExodus
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3 hours ago, NightBlitz said:

1. the map is actually closer to 2.5km by 2.5 km before the caves are counted.

2, no clue

3. the teralysts require you to use an operator to weaken them, thats all we know, oh, and archweapons cant be used.

I thought only the operator can defeat a teralyst

Edited by ShadowExodus
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2 minutes ago, ShadowExodus said:

I thought only the operator can defeat a teralyst

I think so, but maybe it's like other sentient enemies, maybe it can be killed with warframes and weapons as well.

Edited by kantapon
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3 hours ago, OkamiA said:

UPDATE! Gara's quest voice lines are DONE. They were done TODAY.

Gara's quest just got a higher chance to drop with POE. It may be Canada's Thanksgiving but they are still working their asses off!

You mean it probably will drop with PoE, because the voice actor problem was the only major thing holding Gara back.  Let us give thanks for this news.  I guess.  I mean it won't drop the sheer NaCl levels but still.

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2 minutes ago, Sintag said:

You mean it probably will drop with PoE, because the voice actor problem was the only major thing holding Gara back.  Let us give thanks for this news.  I guess.  I mean it won't drop the sheer NaCl levels but still.

Indeed. I saw the update from the sound guys and thought this would be a good place to update with said news. As of my post not only Gara's Quest lines done so is the rest of PoE's lines too.

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15 hours ago, (PS4)A007Bear said:

Color me excited. Also happy for Neoyoshi to have rejoined the fold. 


Thank you, it's nice to be back.  :)


I drew this this evening as a small piece of Anti-ratmaze propaganda (not to be taken seriously, hehe).  XD

In all seriousness, this is really just in part of my excitement for a open-world zone, and the increase in more open-world zones in the future.

One thing i'd really REALLY love to see happen if at all possible is a larger more complex deep-space Archwing zone, as i absolutely LOVE Archwing missions. I'm a big Zone of Enders fan.



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8 hours ago, ShadowExodus said:

omg, really how is it p2w, tell me? Having scheduling problems with an actor is p2w? Not being able to get the blueprint on release is p2w? How is the frame unobtainable? they clearly stated that the quest might not be released with POE and if it was delayed we are gonna get the quest regardless. DE always release a warframe ready to buy with plat, didn't bother you guys before shouldn't bother you guys now. Just because we are getting the quest later you guys are crying p2w "screw you" move by DE because other players are gonna be spending plat to get Gara? Well it's either pay up or shut up and wait. Even if you did get the blueprint on release and got all the parts the same day won't you still have to wait 3 days to build a warframe which clearly means the players who are paying would still get Gara before you regardless. 

Haha dude you are right 100% 

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19 hours ago, SnivicDelta said:

Pay to win also covers skipping a long time wait and a week is a decently long time.

Is waiting for a few days or maybe a whole week this big of a deal ?! Just go fishin' and minin' and BP will be released in no time.

Edited by UcanDomates
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7 hours ago, Neoyoshi said:

Thank you, it's nice to be back.  :)


I drew this this evening as a small piece of Anti-ratmaze propaganda (not to be taken seriously, hehe).  XD

In all seriousness, this is really just in part of my excitement for a open-world zone, and the increase in more open-world zones in the future.

One thing i'd really REALLY love to see happen if at all possible is a larger more complex deep-space Archwing zone, as i absolutely LOVE Archwing missions. I'm a big Zone of Enders fan.



Now make a counter group of frames demanding non-newtonian ratmazes.

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14 hours ago, OkamiA said:

UPDATE! Gara's quest voice lines are DONE. They were done TODAY.

Gara's quest just got a higher chance to drop with POE. It may be Canada's Thanksgiving but they are still working their asses off!

Saw this on Twitter and really made me wonder whether or not Gara's quest is actually coming with PoE. Would be nice if we got some confirmation somewhere from a dev

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32 minutes ago, EchoesOfRain said:

Saw this on Twitter and really made me wonder whether or not Gara's quest is actually coming with PoE. Would be nice if we got some confirmation somewhere from a dev

Except for the part where they said the quest wouldn't be dropping with update, just the frame itself.

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