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Supports in WF


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Gonna Throw this Out there, OP you can play a support and still manage a decent amount of kill count and in  some cases   "Top Kek" so using being a support as the reason for low kill count , is  flawed, case an  Point , the build I use on frost , is used  to  boost guild mates , and and   protect Pugs , on a Usual Run   with  pugs   its  not suprising to see at the  end of  wave 30 on  a defense  the entire  squad  with 0 damge taken, and I'm usually NEVER last in Kill count.

But that said   You play the game  your way, just as a support   Protecting and keeping people  alive with your abilities  is  one  thing, But your Guns are not just there  for extra  flair , point and shoot


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Unlike a bevy of other games out there, Warframe strikes me as the kind of game built around the principle of "play how you want." With 51 frames, all the weapons, and so many mods the build possibilities are enormous. Granted, certain missions might warrant specific approaches (Loki for Spy, Frost for Defense, etc.) and taking low-rank frames and weapons into high-rank missions is generally a bad idea, but if you're sufficiently geared and skilled you can take any frame into any situation.

So OP, I'd say play how you want. Build your frames to suit your playstyle and have fun.

39 minutes ago, Seele said:

But I also don't see people flame much. Even when I carry games hard I don't care, it got done. When I get carried people don't bother me about it or gloat. It's friggin warframe, no need to get sweaty over it. OP's issue is an isolated, unfortunate, uncommon instance, as he said.

I am by no means a great player: I'd call myself barely average. I've been carried through many missions simply because my teammates outran me and wiped whole rooms before I could get there. I feel bad for not helping, but what can you do? Never have been flamed for it. I've not carried often, but when I do I don't comment. I just move on to the next mission.

Honestly, Warframe's community has been very positive in my experience.

Edited by Sentinel-14
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I play a high range 74% slow Peaceful Provocation Equinox build mostly.  The reason why it's good is because while the CC is constant, it doesn't clash with other players all that much.  The CC is purely limited to my immediate area, so unlike MP and nova, I won't  slow enemies coming in from a mile away, and if the mission demands being sped up I can simply turn my CC off.

Alot of warframe has to do not only with what you contribute, but how you contribute it.  Bring a slow nova to a defense and sure you're "Helping", but you're also a hindrance since most defenses won't fail if you just stood there doing nothing and they'd actually go faster.

Another example is that I can/will cast sleep (and can actually spam it almost non-stop), but I don't.  Most people who want to melee don't want to go into a finisher animation ever single attack.  It takes time and maybe they just wanted to get a quick hit/kill in.  Sure sleep is a CC and it is 'helping' since enemies 100% cannot attack anymore.  But again, most the time it's a hindrance.  So I limit using sleep for when I want to revive/if I'm going to kill the target myself(with CL).


CC and support have their uses but depending on how/what you use it could severely clash with what your squad-mates want to do/are doing.   Case in point: Limbo.

Limbo is great(I don't play him, but I can agree), but 99% the time he just doesn't work well for most missions.  Most of his abilities rub people the wrong way.  Great support but also a great hindrance if deployed improperly.

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On 10/8/2017 at 10:52 AM, Fivey55555 said:

Today I got flamed for playing Hydroid as a support, getting called lazy and useless. I did explain that my low kill count comes from the fact that I play him more as a CC support, applying corrosive on lvl 80+ Grineer and healing allies with Curative Undertow (which did save people when they revived others), but apparently playing support frames is considered stupid and worthless. And there was multiple cases of this. 

Made me want to ask the question: What are your thoughts about supports in Warframe? I know that the flamers are a tiny minority, but still I wanna know what people think about supports here.

People are idiots. Move on.

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I play mostly as oberon buffer and healer relying in rage to maintain it. So at medium lvl missions some times it get annoying when I try to have a heavy gunner shot me up or something similar and another player comes in and kill them before  getting 50 energy=P.

But that problem goes way at higher lvl tho as a single hit can restore alot of energy.

Most times I might have 2-300 kills while the nukers got 800-1k kills.  But as I play vazarin I  can allso constatly pick up the team if they don't die like flies to fast. So they can keep killing.

To me a mission success is better then the kill count. High kill count and mission failiure is still a failiure.

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I think you just got that one group that seems to be stupid. Most groups I'm in don't care what you do. Hell I was running a defense with an afk and we didn't even notice till wave 13 that we had a guy afk the whole time. And all that was said was "is this guy afk?".


Most of my interactions with the Warframe community have been nothing but pleasent. Though some people will talk about what builds they "believe" to be best about your Warframe lol.

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My overall thought is just play what you want, how you want, that's how warframe is designed, and its done very well. I'll always support a Tenno doing it their way because they enjoy it.

From the other side though, it does raise a bit of a problem for support; by playing support your aim is to help others, thing is, they didn't ask for your help, and if they know what they're doing, don't need it.

I go into any mission fully prepared to do it single handed if nesessary, even leveling, I bring one maxed weapon that can clear up if I need to.

Fine if you want to support, I won't stop you or complain, but 99% of the time it doesn't make my life easier, everything dies in 1 second, making it have less armour when in dies in 1 second doesn't make a difference really.

In an organised team, yeah it matters, and rolls can be planned, but for pugs, dropping everything as fast as possible is what most people want. 

Edited by (PS4)BabylonCandleUK
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On 10/8/2017 at 1:57 PM, JSharpie said:

This isn't a MOBA. You can support your team, but mostly you should be contributing to kills. Just stopping enemies doesn't do much if everyone else still has to work hard to kill them.

since when did this ever matter? im being serious. at what point did people care on how many kills that another person got? if ANYONE literally judges a person that has less kills in the scoreboard then i urge you to rethink why youre playing this game. 

also dont listen to this as if youre giving major CC and the "team" has a problem in still killing enemies then its not the person thats CCing at fault. play the game YOU want to, dont let others pressure you into playing a way THEY want. 

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5 hours ago, Noble_One said:

since when did this ever matter? im being serious. at what point did people care on how many kills that another person got? if ANYONE literally judges a person that has less kills in the scoreboard then i urge you to rethink why youre playing this game. 

also dont listen to this as if youre giving major CC and the "team" has a problem in still killing enemies then its not the person thats CCing at fault. play the game YOU want to, dont let others pressure you into playing a way THEY want. 

I don't judge people, but I do enjoy people who can contribute kills and support at the same time more than people who sit back and just hit the CC button the entire match. It makes the mission go by a lot more smoothly. But hey if you're happy with people just using stomp and only stomp, good for you champ.

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Due to how WF's lack of balance is (as in; everything is superbursty), supportive roles need to be very extreme to be noticeable:

  • If your healing or team-tank-buff doesn't make the team nigh invincible or is provided quickly - it's basicly useless. Due to the bursty nature of the game.
  • If your debuffs take time to take full effect - they're basicly useless. Once again, due to things being superbursty
  • If the supportive benefits have short range - they're basicly useless. A big part of this is due to the high speeds we move at. Imo, fixing this could be the easiest way to aid many supportive moves in WF. If every supportive move was applied more easily (as in, by having vastly bigger range), I think more people would appreciate the supportive stuff in WF a bit more.
  • Only thing that people tend to appreciate even when provided in small amounts, is energy (like how Limbo or Octavia provides energy). This is because people tend to use abilities very frequently, and any energy gained can make a difference.

Trinity, as the supreme example, fulfill most of these "extreme" needs (Strong and instant tanking buff, full heal instantly, lots and lots of energy, all at very long ranges. She can even aid to speedily killl tough targets with an EV-build), which is why people tend to appreciate her support.

A frame with slow debuffs (like Hydroid's augmented TB) isn't noticeable until very, very lategame where enemies lasts more than a few seconds. And his augmented Undertow is so bad right now; It's a slow heal, only noticeable on lower-ish levels, where you can kill everything in the blink of an eye anyway. Not to mention, the pool is abysmally small, making it hard to get any use of anyway...

Take any other "supportive" thing you can think of. Say, Nezha's Blazing Chakram. If you kill an enemy struck by it, it provides an AoE heal. But it's useless. Why? First and foremost; Its range is pitiful. Second, healing which is not instant-full-health, is generally not all too useful (arguable for mid-high content, ofc). It's not ultrafast, so for emergency healing, it's also bad.
If it had a HUGE healing range, maybe if overhealing restored shields (into overshields), and possibly even repaired the Warding Halo (including the augmented ones for allies), possibly also by healing a big chunk more, then it could at least be a nice little aid here and there. But no, it just had to be made useless, numerically.

So, TL;DR:
If the "support" you provide isn't extreme, it's generally considered useless in Warframe, due to the game's imbalanced and bursty nature.

Edited by Azamagon
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18 hours ago, JSharpie said:

I don't judge people, but I do enjoy people who can contribute kills and support at the same time more than people who sit back and just hit the CC button the entire match. It makes the mission go by a lot more smoothly. But hey if you're happy with people just using stomp and only stomp, good for you champ.

the only thing i dislike is people sitting at the start doing nothing at all. if a person is running through doing CC, they are helping. if a person is shooting a gun and hitting the enemy, then they are helping. if they are dashing forward to get to the objective and clear it, then they are helping. i cant ever recall a single moment a person has EVER said something to some one not have as many kills as them. i mean lets be honest how can some compare to others when they are blowing up the room?

so if their main thing is bring loads of CC to the table so WE the the rest of the team can kill the enemies, then they are doing awesome. as i said if 3 people cant kill enemies and looking at the person thats CCing as the problem, then yeah you may be looking at the wrong problem.

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Just now, Noble_One said:

the only thing i dislike is people sitting at the start doing nothing at all. if a person is running through doing CC, they are helping. if a person is shooting a gun and hitting the enemy, then they are helping. if they are dashing forward to get to the objective and clear it, then they are helping. i cant ever recall a single moment a person has EVER said something to some one not have as many kills as them. i mean lets be honest how can some compare to others when they are blowing up the room?

so if their main thing is bring loads of CC to the table so WE the the rest of the team can kill the enemies, then they are doing awesome. as i said if 3 people cant kill enemies and looking at the person thats CCing as the problem, then yeah you may be looking at the wrong problem.

I guess my only problem is people who go into akkad and spam, say, bastille and that's it. Sure it might help, but it's still kind of leechy. If they claimed they were playing the "support" role, then I would be kind of miffed.

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2 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

I guess my only problem is people who go into akkad and spam, say, bastille and that's it. Sure it might help, but it's still kind of leechy. If they claimed they were playing the "support" role, then I would be kind of miffed.

i dont know why as it with the mod it keeps all mobs in one spot and makes waves easier to go through. seriously why get at miffed at that? i had a booben do that a couple days ago and loved it because we tore through waves with no chaos of mobs everywhere.


best mind set as its been said is ALWAYS go into pug matches as if you can solo them if your team wipes. the ONLY people to get miffed or mad at are ones that go hide in a corner and/or sit/stand and do nothing.

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1 minute ago, Noble_One said:

i dont know why as it with the mod it keeps all mobs in one spot and makes waves easier to go through. seriously why get at miffed at that? i had a booben do that a couple days ago and loved it because we tore through waves with no chaos of mobs everywhere.


best mind set as its been said is ALWAYS go into pug matches as if you can solo them if your team wipes. the ONLY people to get miffed or mad at are ones that go hide in a corner and/or sit/stand and do nothing.

Because it's leeching. They're pressing one button and then sitting there. It takes longer unless they're contributing to damage too, and it's just lame to do most of the work and have them get benefit too because they pressed one button.

I'm saying I've met people who will cast one CC ability and that's it. They don't fire their gun and will occasionally melee, most of the time they just run in circles.

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I love supports especially those who support the team however kind of build or wacky hybrid they come up with. However, I assume this is a public matchmaking and simply, everyone has different goals. If you randomly get into a squad you run into a conflict of interest in which some want to get the mission done faster or others want to farm as much as possible. There are blatant behaviours that are attributed to leeching such as pure cc and very little else. It stresses the rest of the team (or what is left of it). Of course, this does not mean you are actually leeching. It is possible your squadmates are simply not aware of the roles you are contributing. They may not notice you picking off high enemy types or trying to maintain squad health. Maybe you're really unlucky and they simply just don't know the mechanics. ("Hey EV Trinity, why are you only doing 10% of team damage?")

It's a risk you always run but as long as you keep communication open and have a good sense of self, these incidents should be few and far between. 

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