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DE -Please help new players not feel overwhelmed, and want to leave game after just a few hours of play. They are missing out on one of the best Gaming Experiences EVER!


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First off I want to say I absolutely LOVE THIS GAME!

Quick little history of my experience with Warframe…
4 years ago I started playing with Real Life Friends, I logged just over 100hours total then quit the game.  I was beyond lost, and overwhelmed with what I was supposed to do.  If I ran missions with my RL Friends it was fun to a point but again I didn’t understand why or what we were doing I was just following along.  Don’t get me wrong I loved the gameplay and fighting style from shooting to slashing.  But again did not know what the heck I was supposed to be doing really.  So I left.

Then 45days ago, I watched SkillUps review and it had me so re-interested, I started watching some more youtube videos on it and decided to give it another go.  So in 45 days I have now logged over 350+ hours and I cannot get enough. BUT and it’s a BIG, BUT, because of the research I did and from playing in past I knew it was going to be overwhelming and I had to push past it.  Look, even with over 450+ hours I am still learning new stuff every single day!  There is just that much to this game and that is great and amazing! But I do feel there is not enough guidance within the game itself to help new players.  Warframe is losing so may players because of this.

So, my point is, and I know others must have brought this up, the game in the start is just so overwhelming and confusing, EVEN with the new added little tutorial they added since launch of game back in 2013.  Players just feel lost and don’t understand what to do.

I have 2 Real Life Friends that just started playing this week, both gave up on Warframe.  They had noticed I had been hours on end every day via Steam and they both called me to ask me about Warframe, on the same day too, it was weird, anyways.  Both stating they were overwhelmed and lost. One of them had even uninstalled it after only couple of hours of play.  I convinced him to reinstall and jump on and I will try to help both of them answer any questions they had and work with them.  I also told them right up front,  the game just has so much to it and its extremely overwhelming but once you can get past that feeling and with some answers to your questions it will day by day make sense.

So last night me and another RL Friend jumped on discord with these other 2 RL friend of mine and worked with them for over 2 hours answering questions doing a few of their missions.  I know both of these guys and they are still feeling overwhelmed and lost and I get it, I was there myself.  They do feel better than they did yesterday.

 I am not sure of the answer or how to fix it, but DE something needs to be done to help new players not want to up and leave game after only a couple hours of play.  It hurts you and personally I believe it’s hurting them, because they are truly missing out on one of the best gaming experiences EVER, and I been playing video games for over 30 years now.  And Warframe is just amazing, if you can get past that WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO period which last quite a while.  Look 2nd Dream, the War Within are just amazing, but you got to push through maybe 70hours or so of playing and being lost til you get there. To get to it.

I know there is the wiki (it’s amazing), the Community (also pretty amazing), forums and youtube, but if people can’t get past first couple hours without wanting to leave most are not going to do that research. 

Sorry for the length of this message.  I just wanted to make clear I know thousands no millions have experienced the same thing my friends and I experienced. 
Love the game, and love the complexity of it, just wish you could figure a way to help people through the start of it more, educate them more on how stuff works.

Yours truly,


Edited by NavyElk
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They've been steadily improving the new player experience over time but the problem is that in order to keep the veterans satisfied they need to keep adding new features and content constantly. The Codex was added at some point to lessen the reliance on the wiki but at the rate the game keeps expanding there's no chance for these features to catch up. It's been mentioned on many occasions and I believe the issue is being taken seriously and they're always looking for ways to improve the new player experience at DE and hopefully they'll come up with something but I at least unfortunately can't think of anything that would really help with this.

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It's definitely an issue.  The game kept expanding and adding new features, the players already here knew the base game and got the new stuff a piece at a time, so learning a single new feature at a time was easy for them.  The thing is that new players at hit with it all at once and it's confusing for them.  Having lots of options is great but so many that they don't really know what to do makes some of them think it's unfocused, a lot of them get confused and take off.


The game tutorial hasn't kept up with all the new features as far as new players coming in and what things they should learn in certain orders.  Again for the old players they had a much smaller game to start with (I know, I was there as a Founder) and as we got new stuff it was easy to figure out.  For new players it's a lot to be hit with at once and feels like "Where's the direction?".


The game is obviously doing well anyway and we get enough staying to play for it to be commercially viable, but you do have to wonder how many more players we'd keep of those that take off confused.  I know some people will feel that if they can't figure it out they'd rather they weren't here, but a lot of those people didn't get hit with the same huge game we have now all at once, and also that's not really fair.  Our normal gaming experience is crazy hand holding to the point of being annoying, this one goes the opposite way and people are lazy and don't want to go research how to play.  They want to see it all there in the game.


Yes, it's hard to keep up with adding new features for the old players and revamp the new player experience as well, but the investment of doing so would be worth it in the end.  Even if they have to hire on new people to work on the new player experience (they're opening a new studio a few hours away right?  Borrow some of those new programmers to help out), The return of keeping more players here and more players putting money into the game would seem to make it a good thing to do.


If you stay you can figure it out yes, but there are so many game choices out there that especially with a free game people who don't get it right off lose nothing to immediately go away and forget about the game and move on to something that's easier for them to get into.  The game isn't difficult or confusing once you learn it, the issue is when you first start you are semi directionless (even with the new tutorial) and there are so very many systems to learn. 


Obviously those of us here stayed and learned it (or were old players who learned a little at a time) so it may be hard to empathize with them but it really is overwhelming for new people and we need those new people for the game to have growth and replace people who eventually leave.

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While I certainly think that it is important to have a good new-player experience, at the same time, I don't think we should be coddling everyone with all they need to know as well. I'm one of those people who absolutely hates long tutorials that tell me everything. I want to learn things myself, which is what I love about Warframe. You get a great starter mission that teaches you the buttons, a great starter quest that introduces you to the basics of WF mechanics, and then you're left to find things for yourself. I like it that way.

As far as direction goes, I think the new Starmap is quite good as it is. The old one was pretty bad for telling you where to go, but the new is specific in its locations, and has clearly distinguished paths between nodes. I'd say the new-player experience is decent enough at the moment.

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53 minutes ago, MewmewGirl said:

It's definitely an issue.  The game kept expanding and adding new features, the players already here knew the base game and got the new stuff a piece at a time, so learning a single new feature at a time was easy for them.  The thing is that new players at hit with it all at once and it's confusing for them.  Having lots of options is great but so many that they don't really know what to do makes some of them think it's unfocused, a lot of them get confused and take off.


The game tutorial hasn't kept up with all the new features as far as new players coming in and what things they should learn in certain orders.  Again for the old players they had a much smaller game to start with (I know, I was there as a Founder) and as we got new stuff it was easy to figure out.  For new players it's a lot to be hit with at once and feels like "Where's the direction?".


The game is obviously doing well anyway and we get enough staying to play for it to be commercially viable, but you do have to wonder how many more players we'd keep of those that take off confused.  I know some people will feel that if they can't figure it out they'd rather they weren't here, but a lot of those people didn't get hit with the same huge game we have now all at once, and also that's not really fair.  Our normal gaming experience is crazy hand holding to the point of being annoying, this one goes the opposite way and people are lazy and don't want to go research how to play.  They want to see it all there in the game.


Yes, it's hard to keep up with adding new features for the old players and revamp the new player experience as well, but the investment of doing so would be worth it in the end.  Even if they have to hire on new people to work on the new player experience (they're opening a new studio a few hours away right?  Borrow some of those new programmers to help out), The return of keeping more players here and more players putting money into the game would seem to make it a good thing to do.


If you stay you can figure it out yes, but there are so many game choices out there that especially with a free game people who don't get it right off lose nothing to immediately go away and forget about the game and move on to something that's easier for them to get into.  The game isn't difficult or confusing once you learn it, the issue is when you first start you are semi directionless (even with the new tutorial) and there are so very many systems to learn. 


Obviously those of us here stayed and learned it (or were old players who learned a little at a time) so it may be hard to empathize with them but it really is overwhelming for new people and we need those new people for the game to have growth and replace people who eventually leave.

I think MewmewGirl - does a much better job of explain it then I did.  Thanks

I am not disagreeing that I personally like the fact you have to figure things out or research it also, again I am still here, BUT still remains the fact that they have and will continue to loss Many Many new players. As mentioned most games now adays completely hold your hand no actaully pin point where exactly you need to go to collect or kill something.  This game does not have nor should it the QUEST HELP or the games now adays.
Again I did state I do not know the Fix to this issue, but I am simply saying that this game is amazing but there are Millions that have registered and tried it and left because of the lack of direction.  I know its not for everyone but it would be for most if they did not FEEL LOST or OVERWHELMED! again after you get it if you stick around long enough its absolutley AMAZING!  I can not deny that at all.  I LOVE IT, and CAN NOT GET ENOUGH OF IT.  But I was one of which 4 years ago left because of overwhelmingly lost.  Again came back 45days ago, and did all the tuturial and still was pretty lost.  Me and friends kinda worked and figured it out together with youtube and research.  Again not saying its wrong but I believe its to much for any beginer to comprehend and most if not coached or told how amazing this game is and you need to push through the overwhemlingness, will leave.  If they leave its again loss to the Player of such an amazing gaming experience and loss to DE on so much money and more success in having so many people enjoying their game!

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the problem i had with this game is the interface is one of the worst ive ever seen in a game. everything is tucked away in random menu's and nothing that needs explaining is explained. i often find myself wanting to check how much credits i have with no fast way to do so, icons popping up in the top right have no mouse-over tooltips and you're left to simply guess what they mean. i think the interface of this game is the biggest issue adding a unnecessarily big learning curve. take the ayatan treasure button in the mod section for example. what the hell is it doing there? why is there no tutorial window for that? how is a new player suposed to know wtf it means? To this day and age i still dont know how many inventory slots i got or bought,


then theres this whole issue i got with things that i've already crafted but dont show up as 'owned' or 'maxed' for individual crafting parts after i made a weapon or warframe. so after some time you forget what relic items you need, and which you already got.


edit: another fun one is ability descriptions. it took me a while to figure out that they contain about 1/10 of the information of what they actually do. and if you want to know what a ability actually does, youre better of reading the wiki.

Edited by GrandTickler2
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2 minutes ago, GrandTickler2 said:

the problem i had with this game is the interface is one of the worst ive ever seen in a game. everything is tucked away in random menu's and nothing that needs explaining is explained. i often find myself wanting to check how much credits i have with no fast way to do so, icons popping up in the top right have no mouse-over tooltips and you're left to simply guess what they mean. i think the interface of this game is the biggest issue adding a unnecessarily big learning curve. take the ayatan treasure button in the mod section for example. what the hell is it doing there? why is there no tutorial window for that? how is a new player suposed to know wtf it means?

You bring up an excellent point on the user interface not sure its one of the worst but its wonky or not in anyway familar compared to other games.  I think most players over look the flaws of it because of the game experience is so great once you get past that "what the hell do I do now".
but you are right simple things like credits having to go into different screens to see it, or the Buffs and not know what they are or no way to mouse over to tell, again all things that add to the new player overwhelmingness.  Its is a wonky user interface but I think most users will get past that but I could be wrong.  It took some getting used to having to have to hit esc for everything. To even accept an invite or vote on starting a mission.   But even if you corrected the interface wonkyness not sure that would resolve the new players leaving do to being overwhelmed with all thats presented and not knowing where or what to do next.

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Threads like this, make me want to try making a new account to experience how the games starts out.

I can see how the UI can use more polish. As long time player, when something new gets added like Ayatans and adding stars, there was a bit of a learning curve, so I can get a sense for how overwhelming it may feel for a brand new player to Warframe.

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39 minutes ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

Threads like this, make me want to try making a new account to experience how the games starts out.

I can see how the UI can use more polish. As long time player, when something new gets added like Ayatans and adding stars, there was a bit of a learning curve, so I can get a sense for how overwhelming it may feel for a brand new player to Warframe.

Is a great idea,
But will you truly feel waht a new player would?  You can not erase the knowledge you have now. there for might look at the new start differently then a new player would. 

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I am aware of this.

I expereineced that 4 years ago, And even after 100hours(and having friends that just brought me on missions all over the start map) I was so lost on waht to do I just left the game.

I am in my 40's I have been gaming well over 30+ years and I agree most games today do to much hand holding, but I am not asking for hand holdign all the way through the game, I am stating they need to do better job at teaching people basics (and there are so many aspects of this game that need be learned and shoudl be taought).

When I came back to the game 45days ago, and did Vor's Prize, yes there is a tuturial and yes its so much better then 4 years ago, BUT IT STILL LEAVES NEW PLAYERS LOST! and hence Warframe has lost and is still losing millions of players that would love this game if they just explained more.

My friends did the Vor's Prize other night, and still had no idea how to obtain new weapons. Or what to do with Mod's.  My friends are also in their 40's and have been gaming well over 30's.
Damaged Mods? why? People will spend precious endo on them in begining (yes some will argue well they are a bit more cost efficent in start, but really, do you think people should ever spend any endo on Damaged Mods?) or why can they not be repaired? or upgraded?

I have no problem helping and trying to pass on what knowledge I have painfully obtained and or leanred in some cases, with my friends or the community.  BUT again, I believe we loose way more then stay, WAY MORE, and its SAD!  because Warframe again is absolutly amazing, if you can get past the pit falls in starting the game.  MOST again WILL NOT and DON'T and leave!

Edited by NavyElk
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7 minutes ago, Kletse said:

After 25 yrs of gaming, coming from pong console to 2017, this is the best game i played. And i played them all (almost).

I honestly have to agree.  30+ years of gaming, once you get past the begining issues, and learn what to do, its one of the best if not best game and gaming experience I have played.  Again start is RUFF!  Have to force yourself through the learning curve and its HUGE!
Second Dream & War Within, incredible!

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While enhancing the new player experience is always a good thing, DE is also concerned with keeping veteran players in the game too. They're still a small team though, and they've managed a great job with what they've got.

But as current players wanting to help new players, we can always do more ourselves to keep their interest. Each player I've gotten into the game was on a one on one basis, like master and apprentice sort of thing. Honestly, I think this made my enjoyment of the game that much greater as well.


2 hours ago, Volinus7 said:

Warframe is overrated.

Must be why you spend so much time on the forums, you're clearly not interested in the game at all.

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17 minutes ago, NavyElk said:

I honestly have to agree.  30+ years of gaming, once you get past the begining issues, and learn what to do, its one of the best if not best game and gaming experience I have played.  Again start is RUFF!  Have to force yourself through the learning curve and its HUGE!
Second Dream & War Within, incredible!

Such learning curve turned WF into repetitive monotonous snoozefest through Powercreep though. 

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I have a guess as to the reason behind the learning curve and lack of any real clear instruction in the game's mechanics: aside from large changes being made to the game fairly frequently as far as mechanics are concerned, it's actually forced the community to work together in a sort of friendly 'us versus them' setup.

Almost all of the information in the game that's made to help players was discovered and provided to players by players on external sites and resources before incorporated into  the game. All information in the codex, on the mods, weapons, warframes, and enemies that we're given in the game was a feature added after the community had already completely fleshed them out and provided them to the rest of the players.

Even if we bemoan the difficulties in the game, we have to admit that they have resulted in a strong overall community. A sort of good-in-spite-of-evil where the 'evil' isn't mean-spirited or even antagonistic, but rather meant to facilitate this teamwork.

Then again, I may just be talking out of my @$$ and heaping undeserved praise in this regard. But even so, the game is great, the player's community is undoubtedly the best I've been a part of, and I can't wait to see what's next.


Anyone else who wants to take this same journey with us is welcome to.

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5 hours ago, NavyElk said:


The problem is that the game is a huge pile of disjointed elements and mechanics that don't add app into a singular expierience. You have void here, index and rathuum there, conclave, raids, starchart, sorties, kuva and in front of this all THE GREAT WALL of the Solar Rails that halt your progression and force you to fulfill weird unintuitive goals that were randomly generated by (i assume) a bot. The game would be practically unplayable without Wiki and Youtube and DE don't seem to have any clue how to solve this problem. Well, it is a hard one, I'll give em that. I don't have a clear solution myself - I guess I'll think about it, if that offers you any solace. But I doubt anything will be done at this point. DE seem to be in the process of remaking the whole game AGAIN. So we're probably moving in the direction of only having the big maps like PoE away from the current Starchart system. 

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