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[The Tenno Index] Read First, Read Often


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Fellow Tenno, when I created this Index I had the time and means to keep active in the community and organize this thread. I wanted to try to bring everyone together for meaningful discussion without too much repitition of the same ideas. However, my personal situation outside of Warframe has changed and for the time being I do not have the time necessary to devote to monitoring the forums and trying to keep up with the ever evolving community. In all honesty, the community has done a great job of policing itself and answering common questions and concerns. I'll still get in a few missions here and there, so maybe I'll see you on the Rail.

Good luck out there.

Frank Jaeger

----Archived Index Below----

First, before you read The Tenno Index, be sure to see if your concerns or questions are addressed in the development team's Warframe FAQ. Many of the questions frequently asked are addressed there (imagine that).

The Tenno Index - Warframes & Weapons


An active, updated list of current topics that are trending within the Feedback and Bug subforums, an area to organize and categorize the problems that have the most people talking. There has been a sharp increase in duplicate threads discussing the same problems, and there has been a lot of redundant debate and discussion on solutions, alternatives, and what DE's response is.

The idea is to help players avoid repeating the same problems, and give example threads to help centralize the discussion for solutions. This is also so that the DE team has a go-to resource for getting a feel for what are some of the priority topics within the community without having to read through pages of threads with the same concerns.

Furthermore, as I am one of many members of the Design Council, if specific polls, discussions or votes are brought to the Council, we can look at the Indexes to see what the community response and priorities are to some of these common topics.

This Index will be for the general Gameplay Feedback section of the forums to start. If I am able to regulate and update it enough to be useful, and if DE is so kind as to make it a pinned topic, I will create an Index for each sub-forum.

How To Use This Index

Below are a list of common and frequently discussed topics within the forums. They will generally be judged according to the most recent two or three pages of the relevant sub-forum, and I will be updating them as often as I am able. Please continue to use the forums as they are intended - browse topics and discuss problems, feedback, ideas for new content and more suggestions to make Warframe the game we all want it to be. This is simply an index to let you know if a topic has already been brought to the community's attention, as well as if there have been any response from DE directly. I will also include a few example posts with the main topics so that if you have an opinion you can discuss it in one of the related threads.

This is not meant to be an area for general discussion, flame wars, debate about a bug or issue in the game, or suggestions for new content. That is what the main forums are for. If there is a hot topic that you have seen a DE response for, or that they have released a fix, patch or update to resolve, you may post a link to the thread and note the page the response is on, and I will update the Index accordingly.

Top Gameplay Feedback Topics

1. The Alert System!

Ye gods, have mercy. There has been an ever-increasing amount of rage directed to the Alert system. This is partially related to Orokin drops (See below) but is also about how the system works, the frustration of having to be online at all times to see these alerts, etc. I'll skip right to the DE Response for this one:

Hey guys - keep in mind this is the very first go at the alerts system. There will always be skinner boxes/RNG in games like this, but I agree its very frustrating.

Things we like about the Alerts:

-The small sense of 'life' it adds to the game. Missions are coming and going, even when you're offline. The sense of excitement when a new one pops up.

-One of the few 'one-time-only' items we track in the game, so we don't accidentally give 1 billion copies of item X that we are trying to sell for money to supporters of the game.

Things we do not like about Alerts and thus will be changing:

-How rare the cool stuff is.

-How there is a lack of anticipation (e.g. it would be nice to get some intel on upcoming alerts so you don't need to be ever-vigilant).

-How many are generated with lame rewards.

I get the frustration and I think we're defending the CONCEPT more than the shoddy, first-pass implementation. :)

Hang in there, we get the message, loud and clear!

As of the Valentine's Day update:

Update 6.3 - "Make Love, Not War(frame)"

Increase probability of Alerts dropping blueprints

2. Orokin Reactor & Catalyst drop rates, methods, and related (DE Responded)

There is a very vocal concern regarding how these items are obtained, the "luck" aspect, and how it is negatively affecting gameplay.

Example Threads: Extended Community Discussion Another brilliant response from Ced32ric

DE Response

So, a quick reminder of what DESteve has to say about this topic:

X is too rare in the game! (Not enough reward alerts! Drop XYZ is just too hard to get!)

We are continually looking at the stats and tuning the drop/rarity tables to give players the best experience. As you can imagine for some things we are offering for sale, we need to be tread carefully between frustrating free players and ruining the value of purchases made by players that can support us.

(See FAQ https://forums.warfr...8-warframe-faq/)

As these threads grow, it's clear that we need to indeed tread carefully between free and paid players, and how our system works in respect to both.

We value what's been said within this thread, and while I can't make any promises, I can say that we are listening!

Discussion and feedback are valuable, and as long as all responses stay on topic, we're happy to keep reading.

Additional response on 2.4.13

Our system for now is random Orokin Reactor and Catalyst generations. Our random generation can be tweaked

3. Concerns over the Platinum items, and if the game is "pay to win"

A common concern in Free-to-Play games is that the people who pay money are "paying to win", i.e., getting some game-wrecking advantage that makes it almost not worth playing for free players. The team is aware of some of these stumblings blocks. DESteve recently had a discussion in the community regarding this issue. Check out This Thread for the full conversation. Here are a few highlights --

Regarding paid items taking up a 'free' slot:

We are looking at changing this, I agree it feels like a wall.

And some other comments:

I appreciate it and I'm very open to the feedback. I'm sorry if it seems like stonewalling, it is not. Its weighing options and being cautious of knee-jerk changes. Making sure we react based on what people do vs. what they say they will do. Hope that makes sense!

Be sure to read through the forum for more information.

This is not a guarantee or promise that things will change, but they are aware of the concerns and it can be addressed in the future.

Note: Just because a topic or thread is not listed does not mean it is not equally important to the ones listed above. These topics may have had extensive discussion with 10-20 pages worth of debate, or may have half a dozen threads talking about them. There are plenty of other topics that are being discussed and addressed with every upcoming patch.

Frank Jaeger

Index Keeper

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While I don't always post unless I have something relevant and new to add, I do tend to scope out most of the Feedback forums and skim through the topics so I get somewhat of a bird's eye view at the community opinion. I'm on the forums several times a day and will be making, at minimum, weekly updates if not more.

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I wish we would get another "weapon" category in the form of martial arts. Players could "buy" arts such as ninjitsu, muai thay, judo (for taking down heavies) and switch between them.. also ranking them up and et-cetera.

I'll probably create a suggestion thread about this, and get promplty shot down by haters. But... alas.

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It has been mentioned just a few times.

If the Index gets pinned, the melee topic would be under the Warframe & Weapons Feedback subforum.

Funny thing, the second link contains a few of my ideas. CaptainSleepy and I happened to be discussing it elsewhere on the internet. It is also the reason I'm the first poster in the thread.

Shame people don't seem to like to participate in that sort of thread. I bet the DE guys would probably enjoy some brainstorming among players to go with all the negativity or criticism some threads generate.

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I'm still to the Design Council; I'm not sure to what degree the polls and ideas are discussed would be useful outside of those forums. That said, if there is one of these hot topic issues and a DE responds either by post, poll or comment in the DC, I will make note of it in the Index so that the rest of the community knows it is being addressed.

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this game like other p2p frees is about perks to level faster you pay for and other pay perks and etc.

I don't mind buying my game but I don't get monthly fee games. Shayia I've played hours and hours and got above level 50, no perks. along the way you get better armor, weapons. DE said this kind of game is something like shareware, get the rest of the game plunk a few coins down. You may be able to finish this game free tho, but there may be endless gaming plugged into it which is a good thing, it can be perpetual.

so play on houts and hours.

advancing things by selling some stuff may be part of the design, but you most likely will grind on and level slow...if you don't perk.

Edited by dinwitty
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