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Economy disconnect between Eidolon and the rest of earth (and the Warframe universe)


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One of the things that really bugs me about the Plains of Eidolon is the complete disconnect of resources. It is Earth and I expected at least the Grineer containers having the same content as on the rest of the planet. 

The current mineral system is a missed opportunity in terms of lore and of reusiblity for newer players. The mineral we mine should be non-refined versions of minerals we already have in the game. Mining for crude rubedo that can either be refined in rubedo crystal to trade with the Ostron or rubedo to be used for building stuff would make more sense. Why can we not mine for Detonite splinters that can be fused into Detonite crystals for Ostron trading and distilled into an Ampule for building stuff later in the game. You could go through many resources we already have in Warframe and let us mine crude versions of them. And because some of the stuff we find there is Orokin origin we could even find Argon traces that we could grow into argon crystals over a certain time. Such a huge opportunity.

I do love finishign in the plains (I come for the space ninja but stayed for the fishing) but the economy surrounding the fishing does not fit anywhere in the current techo-mage / warlock / space ninja universe. There is no additional use beyond the plains for anything we get from fishes and there is nothing that connects any of it to the rest of the game. We could at least build something that will smell so badly it will scare Corpus away. 

And the last thing is what we get from Operator mode. I had hoped that if we have to use our operator in a Grineer infested area that we might come across some Kuva. Not much but just enough to logically connect this operator mode to the other operator related mode (Kuva siphon farming) we already have in Warframe. Maybe 10-20 Kuva in small tubes that can be found in Grineer strongholds. 

Overall I just miss "lore" continuity in the Plains of Eidolon. I get that from a game dev point of view you want veterans not rushing the content in a few hours. But instead of inventing new resouces that do not fit into the Warframe universe PoE should have introduced side-grades of resources we already have. Thus giving new players a chance to make the grind worth their while.

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You can't find bananas growing in Antarctica, right? Different places, different resources. IMO over time DE should move from procedurally generated missions to different open-area tilesets on the same planets. Just imagine snowy mountains we've seen in TWW with some Leagues of Assassins style temple acting as a relay.

Edited by Ksaero
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All major update introduced new materials which have no any base lore at all. (oxium, nitain, kuva, coordinates etc) All new update introduce new materials to keep us grinding and collect something new which is not a problematic in this case because these stuffs easier to collect than a nitain or tellurium or kuva. The whole idea behind new materials is expanding the farming cycle for the newer players and veterans aswell. Otherwise it could be the same minerals there but it will be nothing new then peoples simply just cry because we farm these stuffs already. Same with the void where there are control modules, rubedo and ferrite. These totally no need there and instead we could get argon there and some other rare material instead of ferrite. Don't try to find logic or lore behind this, this is just how DE utilize the grind in this game. 

The game basically a full of collectibles so implementing new is not problem until those are obtainable. If they make them like nitain or kuva then noone wishing to go there to do with pleasure.

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My biggest problem with the economy of plains is that everything costs standing, but we're still in a capped state. So you're looking at being able to buy as much in Cetus as you're allowed to earn in the daily cycle. So if you're trying to upgrade your rank, you're screwed pretty much for the day as far as getting anything else. Want to make more bait? Too bad. You've already hit your earn cap for the day and you've just upgraded your rank or bought a bunch of other stuff that you needed. Need parts so you can try out the other Zaws? Too bad, you're out yet again and you can't earn more even if you do have a truck load of fish.

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Fishing I get. Osterons rely on it. So it's in. Makes sense, in universe.

But the ming...I agree with the OP. The lack of overlap with the main game means grinding PoE will put new players WAY behind in the rest of the game.

Either you play Warframe...or you play Plains of Eidolon. No one has the time to play both, unless you're a vet who has everything. But if this is the target for PoE, why is it the fourth mission in?

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Mining is simple/easy and the mats from it are used to alloy with normal mats to make new materials for building Gara and Zaw pieces, as well as the flares to extend affinity ranges out in the wilds (which extends your aura's range to work on team mates as well, as that is now locked to affinity range) as well as for gene masking kits for both kavats and kubrows, that don't need ducats, or S#&$ loads of credits for, nor do we have to wait 2 weeks between the CHANCE for us to get them, and even then not garunteed, as well as other nice decorations for the Landing craft, and the 'masks' are cosmetics you can equip to your operator.


I do agree though the standing for consumable blueprints (dies/baits) is stupid, the trophy being a one time use is all gravy, but 500 standing for 10 dies which are NEEDED for fishing in the ocean since the water is darker than tar is dumb, those should be a multi use bp (like the alloy/gem cuts are) even if that meant they'd cost the same as the miner bp's (1000 instead of 500 for the 't1' iirc).  Especially with the 'daily caps' although that seems to be only for turning in gems/fish, I think bounties ignore that.

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I was thinking that maybe a few of the plants on Earth tilesets would be rare on the plains.

So would be nice to see some plant crossover in a future update.

As for raw materials, they could eventually make their way into certain tilesets, where they'd make sense to find.

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On ‎10‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 2:38 AM, Ksaero said:

You can't find bananas growing in Antarctica, right? 

Except gems, ores, natural elements and as such they aren't living things that are dependent on climate to form. They're formed by geological processes such as volcanic activity and plate tectonics, to name a few things.

Yes I should be able to find Ferrite and Rubedo along with all the all the other resources introduced to the PoE area, because, you know, consistency?


Edit: Would love to see Rubedo and Ferrite formations show up in the caves from time to time. That's really an ideal place for them!

Edited by MirageKnight
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2 hours ago, DeltaPangaea said:

I mean, the thing I found the silliest is...

We got Coprun. Okay, it's Copper. We have Auron. Plainly gold.

But we also got Ferros, our iron analogue. But we already had Ferrite. So now we have TWO Iron-analogues.

For what purpose?

I think Ferros is Carbon-enriched iron, whereas Ferrite is more raw. Hence why Ferros can be made into an alloy, and why the armor the Tusks make from it is more sturdy than most Grineer units.

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On 10/16/2017 at 3:39 AM, Sziklamester said:

All major update introduced new materials which have no any base lore at all. (oxium, nitain, kuva, coordinates etc) All new update introduce new materials

Yes. But this time they added a ton at once!

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