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What would rectify the current state of Plains of Eidolon?


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As much as I want to praise DE for this update, I have to admit that Plains of Eidolon have so much problems right now it will most likely drive away newer players. New players gain nothing in terms of core progression of the game. The grindsink are in very bad state right now for veterans. Eidolon grindings are one of the most repetitive things in the game, next to Kuva. Ontop of that crashes and bugs here and there, screwing over both bounties and matchmaking. I could list tons of other problems that haunts this update right now, but that is a topic for another thread.

That being said, what do you think would rectify this update? What would it take to satisfy you--newbies and veterans both, about Plains of Eidolon? What sort of reward are you hoping for? What, would it take for you to forgive all the misgivings of Update 22?

Edited by Twilight053
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Free, instant Archwing. No launcher, no fish oil. Press a button and you jump into the air and summon your Archwing. Wasn't this what we were promised in the trailer?

Look at 0:17 seconds. That does not resemble the current system in the slightest.

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Besides the technical issues (which surely will be resolved shortly as always :) ),

i think the main issue with this update is not the update itself, its the Hype that was created through multiple Livestreams and Tennocon.

They threw with Words "MMO-Like"  "Archwing integration" and so on...so everyone set their inner Clock to "lets-await-greatness".

If this update would have been just another Content update...i think everyone would have been positivly surprised.

But i awaited a "blow-in-your-face-next-gen-feature-we-make-it-better-than-the-rest-mmo-like"...and got just 2 collection crafting professions which other MMOs had 15 years before...

What can we expect next ? Cooking ?

This short Video from Mogamu expresses my personal dissapointment at best:


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complete rework of economy - making it actually rewording and usefull for main game also

complete rework of bounties and missions - bounties should not have timer, mission just bad, even missions in main game are more fun

be reasonable with focus system, THE GRIND should not be that unberrable (and for God sake make operator optinal!)

solo extraction anywhere, anytime, without loosing progress

not stupid oil archwing launcher mess, just make it innate, like on Uranus, give it keybinding or make it something like double jump and you have wings!



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29 minutes ago, Twilight053 said:

As much as I want to praise DE for this update, I have to admit that Plains of Eidolon have so much problems right now it will most likely drive away newer players. New players gain nothing in terms of core progression of the game. The grindsink are in very bad state right now for veterans. Eidolon grindings are one of the most repetitive things in the game, next to Kuva. Ontop of that crashes and bugs here and there, screwing over both bounties and matchmaking. I could list tons of other problems that haunts this update right now, but that is a topic for another thread.

That being said, what do you think would rectify this update? What would it take to satisfy you--newbies and veterans both, about Plains of Eidolon? What sort of reward are you hoping for? What, would it take for you to forgive all the misgivings of Update 22?

1) Free use of Archwing (no fish oil requirement, no charges, more resilient against Hellion fire, and a 3 minute cool-down system in place of the charges)

2) Grounded Grineer Dargyns that we can steal and use, or even a basic land vehicle that we can use - just another travel option besides bullet jumping and archwing - because options are good for sandbox-like open world environments

3) An actual traffic system for the Plains:

a) Ostron civilians traveling through the Plains and fishing and mining

b) Grineer foot and air patrols (Dargyns skimming the ground like in the Tennocon demo and Ogmas/Bolkor flying through the air) through the Plains (not just spawning in right in front of the player)

c) look at GRW and AC Origins as two recent examples of such a system. It'd be much more bearable in Warframe with a smaller map and without cars; Grineer would be on foot and have Dargyns, Ogmas, and Bolkors, and Ostrons could maybe have some mounts

4) Non-Ostron NPCs in the Cetus market - if there were NPCs that were meant to be from across the entire system buying stuff from the Ostrons, and not just us Tenno, it would add more culture to Warframe and make this place truly feel like a market (look at the market in the opening of the Anthem E3 demo as an example).

5) The grass color being changed to green, and the sky during the day being a normal sky blue instead of dark, with more white clouds in the sky. I know this seems like a small thing, but I'm no fan of brown open world environments. Green grass with a bright blue sky and white clouds would make Plains of Eidolon stand out so much and make it so much more appealing imo.

6) Improved running/sprinting animations for the Warframes and Operators while the Amp is equipped. Sorry, but I'm tired of Warframe's terrible movement animations. This is one area where Warframe is especially below industry standard. Better movement animations (motion-captured and IK-based) would make free roam so much more enjoyable to me.


Those are the things I want for PoE. While some of them might seem minor to some or even most people, those things would make me very satisfied with PoE.

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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The fish oil thing is have some sense but this is the same what we have with the kavats and kubrows vs sentinels. The pets dna is degrading "realistic - but unneeded design idea" and the archwing already use no fuel. This one is a step into the realism but totally no reasonable after they already implemented the archwing and it not cost fuel. This and some similar minor-major things what DE add with every updates. They can do fine things but they can do what shouldn't be to do.

I am not to deep into this yet but my major problems the operators seems clunky, the inhabitants of cetus are clones, the same bad face designs everywhere and no emotion on the faces. The youngsters looks horrible like a blizzard children character. If they just copy paste the operator character generator and use to make as citizens, then already would be nicer. 

The zaws are lacks of part and you cannot make whatever you wish but the item renaming is nice but you cannot name all of your items it seems "Not all my melee was renameable".

The rewards are not really worth the time but at least the area is nice and the exploration is cool just feels so short.

What could be nice

- more variety and personality for the cetus inhabitants.

- more places to go.

- better customization for zaws.

- more meaningful rewards and an option to trade with our current base rescources for the cetus rescources.

- better operators with the almost the same functions what warframes can do. (using weapons, better mobility, more urvivability)

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Not being forced to run the same four mission variants over and over.

Kill Commander, capture, sabotage the supply drops and escort - sigh, yes, escort - a drone.

That's it. You can see all the missions on the Plains in a half hour. Guess they were too busy with fishing to make more...

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54 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

The fish oil thing is have some sense but this is the same what we have with the kavats and kubrows vs sentinels.

It is not the same. DNA degradation is a mechanic made to sink credits. All games have it and need it. Credits is a very common ressource you gather in all missions all over the game, you just get it by playing. Fish oil on the other hand requires a dedicated action in a dedicated location with a specific tool for a feature, that was advertised as just an expansion on mevement. No player would think you would need to craft tools with charges, after playing normal archwing or sharkwing missions. The idea itself is agains all common sense the game had prior to it.

The whole economy is just a joke. PoE is completely cut off the main game. All ressourcess needed can only be found in PoE and can only be used in PoE. The ammount of grind needed to progress in PoE is tremendous and equals that of a stand alone game. And when you are done in PoE, you can start from the biggeing for all the other ressources you need for the "old" Warframe content. Now, if we consider PoE is availale to newer players as well, and it easy to get the impression PoE is the main game and you can ignore Starchart, we get a very confused begginer, who unknowingly cornered himself.

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1 minute ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Everyone here would love the update if they could grind everything out in 3 days max.... Then they would complain that there was nothing to do.

No. There is no way to "fix" the update.

Not everyone is a jobless NEET that has 16 hours a day reserved for gaming, the economy of PoE should be linked to the rest of the game and not made separate. All I ever see are the same handful of people advocating that grind is fine, it is worse in other games, blah blah, everything is fine and I can´t help myself but ask, what is wrong with you people that you can not understand the arguments now dozens of people have brought forward and I always come to the same conclusion and the same answer, you can not argue with NEETs.  

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Just now, TwistedDee said:

Not everyone is a jobless NEET that has 16 hours a day reserved for gaming, the economy of PoE should be linked to the rest of the game and not made separate. All I ever see are the same handful of people advocating that grind is fine, it is worse in other games, blah blah, everything is fine and I can´t help myself but ask, what is wrong with you people that you can not understand the arguments now dozens of people have brought forward and I always come to the same conclusion and the same answer, you can not argue with NEETs.  

As I said, the only way they could "fix" it would be to make everything easily accessible over a weekend. Then everyone would be euphoric for a week over accomplishing everything.


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