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POE farming isn't warframe.


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5 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

This basically means that DE have no idea or vision of what their game is about. Which is a logical precursor to all the issues Warframe has at the date.

That is their biggest issue. DE have plenty of ideas about what Warframe ISNT.

Its not Zone of the Enders. So they tried to make Zone.

Its NOT Rocket League. So they tried to make it Rocket League. 

Its not Minecraft, so they have nothing to draw in the Minecraft crowd. So they tried to MAKE IT Minecraft.

Its Ender's Game...so, yeah...you get the point.

What DE needs now, is a lead developer who knows what Warframe IS, and what it actually DOES want to be, can formulate an underlying design philosophy to get it there, and who will stick to that vision. Because right now the game is lurching from one copy/paste bit of mechanical borrowing to another, trying to ape everything popular without caring one iota about the TWO YEARS of mostly lost time during which they have not touched their core game, and what the effect of that has been.

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1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

That is their biggest issue. DE have plenty of ideas about what Warframe ISNT.

Its not Zone of the Enders. So they tried to make Zone.

Its NOT Rocket League. So they tried to make it Rocket League. 

Its not Minecraft, so they have nothing to draw in the Minecraft crowd. So they tried to MAKE IT Minecraft.

Its Ender's Game...so, yeah...you get the point.

What DE needs now, is a lead developer who knows what Warframe IS, and what it actually DOES want to be, can formulate an underlying design philosophy to get it there, and who will stick to that vision. Because right now the game is lurching from one copy/paste bit of mechanical borrowing to another, trying to ape everything popular without caring one iota about the TWO YEARS of mostly lost time during which they have not touched their core game, and what the effect of that has been.

Steve and the rest of the guys are fine. They're simply trapped by all the people who tell them how amazing they are, while deliberately ignoring the "salty" people. People who don't sugarcoat, don't pay respects after every sentence. To be fair, seeing and accepting critique with gratitude and understanding is a feat of a saint. Almost nobody could do that, unless they deliberately expose themselves to punishment on a regular basis. Oh, and they also don't play their own game, which is, yeah, you can't cook if you don't even know what food is.

 The problem is, people don't change just like that. All of the DE guys are competent enough to do their job, but they are pulling the game in different random directions and don't even bother to define what their game is about in the first place. Warframe is literally screaming of particular genre, traits and directions. But if you don't actually play the game the way everyone does, you'll never know. Devs should be their own consumers, but they aren't.


Or maybe I'm just as naive as the white knights.

Edited by AperoBeltaTwo
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3 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

That is their biggest issue. DE have plenty of ideas about what Warframe ISNT.

Its not Zone of the Enders. So they tried to make Zone.

Its NOT Rocket League. So they tried to make it Rocket League. 

Its not Minecraft, so they have nothing to draw in the Minecraft crowd. So they tried to MAKE IT Minecraft.

Its Ender's Game...so, yeah...you get the point.

What DE needs now, is a lead developer who knows what Warframe IS, and what it actually DOES want to be, can formulate an underlying design philosophy to get it there, and who will stick to that vision. Because right now the game is lurching from one copy/paste bit of mechanical borrowing to another, trying to ape everything popular without caring one iota about the TWO YEARS of mostly lost time during which they have not touched their core game, and what the effect of that has been.


2 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

Steve and the rest of the guys are fine. They're simply trapped by all the people who tell them how amazing they are, while deliberately ignoring the "salty" people. People who don't sugarcoat, don't pay respects after every sentence. To be fair, seeing and accepting critique with gratitude and understanding is a feat of a saint. Almost nobody could do that, unless they deliberately expose themselves to punishment on a regular basis. Oh, and they also don't play their own game, which is, yeah, you can't cook if you don't even know what food is.

 The problem is, people don't change just like that. All of the DE guys are competent enough to do their job, but they are pulling the game in different random directions and don't even bother to define what their game is about in the first place. Warframe is literally screaming of particular genre, traits and directions. But if you don't actually play the game the way everyone does, you'll never know. Devs should be their own consumers, but they aren't.


Or maybe I'm just as naive as the white knights.

Both, right on the ball.

It's not DE bashing, it's not a revelation. It's just a pretty clear fact for anybody who's been playing Warframe for any length of time.

I can only imagine what we could be playing if the game had stayed on course, for the last two years, instead of the wildly,confused direction it has instead taken.

Maybe DE need 2 teams, team A make warframe; while team B make bewildering random, directionless, arbitrary, haphazard bits-and-pieces.


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On 11/12/2017 at 7:08 AM, Prophet_007 said:

And you still can do that in normal mode if you want..just go visit the quills to unlock your focus tree and then everything will be back to normal. Just avoid PoE if u dont like it..Simple as that.

you quoted me ... but you're using what the OP said ... uh are you talking to the OP .. or to me ?

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On 11/8/2017 at 3:28 PM, Shockwave- said:

Warframe is about killing. The Devs have said a number of times on the streams that Tenno should feel overpowerd a bit, like a ninja god cleaving through hordes of enemies. And to farm the things in Warframe we had to do just that. Sure there was the occaionsal rare crate we looked for, or the syndicate medallion, but mostly it was killing, or sneaking, or something.

WIth POE we can now use our uber powerful warframes to:

Mine, by standing around tracing a pattern (that is buggy as all hell when it's not on a flat rock)

Fish: by standing around holding a spear to throw at fish

Stroll on the beach - in order to farm cetus wisps which you need a TON of, you literally have to spend time doing nothing but walking around the shores of lakes.


Not only is the farming more of the "standing around and waiting" type but it is vastly exacerbated by the day night cycle. Fish only come at night (at least the ones you need), and it is reported that wisps spawn better at night, and eidlons are at night. That's a lot of things that happen at night, where as during the day you have nothing, well the 3 rare mods from excursions, but that's it.

I get wanting to stretch out POE content and have it take a while, but farming by standing, especially cetus wisps, is ridiculous, and limiting much of that farming to a day night cycle that many people could simply miss if they log on for 1 hour a day is harsh.


If for one moment I thought POE would be self contained, that you only needed these things for operators and such I'd be fine, but I will bet $1M that in a future patch everyone will wish they had max operator standing with max arcanes and the best amps. I guarantee that even though it doesn't seem like we have to farm these things now, we will in the future. DE seems to be trying to maker operators the central focus of Warframe.


While mining and fishing are marginally tolerable, and tradable (with fish and gems) wisps are not. You simply have to walk around and gather them yourself, doing nothing else.

In reality, DE, the OStrons woudl be selling the fish and wisps and other things for Orokin cells, neural sensors, and stuff we have. How can we be better spear fishers than the Ostrons?

your right, its Minecraft, Warframe edition

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On 11/10/2017 at 7:28 AM, AperoBeltaTwo said:

just hear what you're saying: "What if someday there will be some unknown event that would be designed for operators specifically with amps in mind and also have a decent reward in it?" - it's like four "what if?"-s in a row. It is possible, but it would be too random of occasion to bother farming all this cr@p for. If that happens, personally, I would be much happier without that hypothetical weapon that doesn't even exist yet.

Because there is precedent. Who didn't wish they had a limbo poatoed and formed when the defection event came out, or a Chroma worked up for Eidelons, sure if you hated Limbo or Chroma you could skip those events or do them with other frames but if you really waned to go far competatively in defection having a limbo certainly helped. That's just one example. Going back there are many examples where farming resources and making sure you had a nice stock even though it wasn't needed (oXium for Vauban, Mutagen for Hema) was beneficial, how many people didn't care about getting Oxium until vauban came out then had to farm like mad, or skipped nitain alerts because they couldn't be bothered then suddenly needed nitain and wish they had done more alerts.


EDIT: So just look at plague star, the current operation. You want the standing to get the infested arcanes? You want the hunter mods? You have to farm it, but wait, DE made the mission with points as far apart on the plains as you can get... so guess what, you can farm it twice as fast if you have Archwing charges. Anyone who didn't fish and didh't get archwing charges will have a much harder time getting all the hunter mods, if you want all the hunter mods, or fulmination if you don't have it or whatever you would have been wise to have fished and crafted the archwing launcher and charges... just a small example of what usually happens, and what is likely in the future.

Edited by Shockwave-
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On 11/10/2017 at 2:20 PM, NeithanDiniem said:

Title correction: POE farming isnt what I think Warframe should be

ergo: opinion.

And wisps? learn where they spawn, get an archwing or titania, max your loot radar. You'll find all the wisps on a map in a few minutes and can easily farm dozens of them in an hour.

Actually no. It isn't Warframe. Period. That's not opinion. Up until now that is not warframe. resources have always been dropped by enemies, with the exception of cryotic, but even then to get it you are killing hordes of enemies. If Excavation had no enemies it would be like fishing.


Up uintil now you can hardly name any ways to get resources that don't involve killing and using your warframe abilities. Sure you could do odd missions where you specifically avoided killing or using WF abilities and still manaage to kill some crates and get a few resources but nobody would argue that is the core of Warframe. So no, fishing and mining are not Warframe, they are a definite departure from what warframe was the day before POE was released. To claim otherwise is to be oblivious to what Warframe was over the past several years, or to insist that warframe has no clear identity, despite the fact that it is clearly a horde shooter designed around using weapons and warframe abilities.


You may like the evolution to something new, or not like it but to say it isn't a departure is obtuse.

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I personally like that they are going a different direction with this. I do enjoy trying out different things.


That said though, plains would be 100000x better if they offered CHOICE to people. If you want to kick back and chill spear fishing to get rep and materials then great. You can. But if that isn't your cup of tea, allow a way to get the same materials doing what you want to by slaughtering milliions of grineer instead. This would let you mix it up if you want, or if you absolutely hate fishing / mining then you can still get everything doing the normal warframe stuff. Even if it's way smaller amounts and say gems are only found in crates, that's cool.

IMO this simple change will make both sides very happy and the middle even happier that they can do both.

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1 hour ago, Shockwave- said:

Because there is precedent. Who didn't wish they had a limbo poatoed and formed when the defection event came out, or a Chroma worked up for Eidelons, sure if you hated Limbo or Chroma you could skip those events or do them with other frames but if you really waned to go far competatively in defection having a limbo certainly helped. That's just one example. Going back there are many examples where farming resources and making sure you had a nice stock even though it wasn't needed (oXium for Vauban, Mutagen for Hema) was beneficial, how many people didn't care about getting Oxium until vauban came out then had to farm like mad, or skipped nitain alerts because they couldn't be bothered then suddenly needed nitain and wish they had done more alerts.


EDIT: So just look at plague star, the current operation. You want the standing to get the infested arcanes? You want the hunter mods? You have to farm it, but wait, DE made the mission with points as far apart on the plains as you can get... so guess what, you can farm it twice as fast if you have Archwing charges. Anyone who didn't fish and didh't get archwing charges will have a much harder time getting all the hunter mods, if you want all the hunter mods, or fulmination if you don't have it or whatever you would have been wise to have fished and crafted the archwing launcher and charges... just a small example of what usually happens, and what is likely in the future.

It's like preparing in case of a nuclear war. Sure you'd be glad if you were prepared, but should you really expect that to happen? I mean, It is possible...

p.s. I'm not gonna bother with plague star. The whole thing sounds like a lot of bother for no fun at all.

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The open map instead procedural tilesets with a 1 fixed mission is a great upgrade, the low tech town is´t.

The grinded new focus and operator develop is a waste of time, operatos will never be as powerful as a Warframe with modded weapons.

The farmable fish an rocks is a joke some guy in a position didn´t get.

I´m actually in low hype.

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This is literally what warframe has been for the longest time. Examples : Old Void system, Kuva Farm, Draco(old), Berehenia. 

Tons of people never been doing Draco/Bere, Kuva farming and to a lesser degree Void.

And the term "Void" is vague. Void is a place. Not a single mission. It's literally just a tile and if you don't feel like doing it don't, you can buy prime parts quite easily.


Because there is precedent. Who didn't wish they had a limbo poatoed and formed when the defection event came out


You can do defection with shtton of frames among them is Trinity and Oberon that do hos job even better in many cases. Same with everything else. If you want to do something you don't have to stuff your warframeswith formas just cause.


That's just one example. Going back there are many examples where farming resources and making sure you had a nice stock even though it wasn't needed (oXium for Vauban, Mutagen for Hema) was beneficial, how many people didn't care about getting Oxium until vauban came out

If anything Hema shoudl've teached you that you can't POSSIBLY be prepared since m sampels are such a trash resource that is fing awful to farm and no one had any reasonable amount of it - THAT was the whole point of making it m samples. A resource majority doesn't have so they will have to farm it. The more you "prepare" yourself the higher will be the cost of the future stuff because DE knows exactly how much resources you have. The more you farm the more you will have to farm. All there's to it.


You have to farm it, but wait, DE made the mission with points as far apart on the plains as you can get... so guess what, you can farm it twice as fast if you have Archwing charges.

No sane person would waste charges on that ****. Archwing basically is na emergency. Not something you use to get around in the regular mission even if you have 1000 fish oil lying around. Especially when you have frame like nova and naramon's void dash.

Edited by -Temp0-
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Highly disagree 

I’m on day 2 on console plains and just got the stride so to speak 

When you do your fishing in between incursions it becomes more of a flow. The map shows you landlocked water they’re easy to spot once you’ve dealt with objectives 

Aim is still practiced in fishing so nothing is lost. Same skills used in sniping like wait aim, leading, strafe aiming all apply. 

Just have fun with it 


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15 hours ago, Coldie93 said:

But farmframe is warframe.  It's a close third to fashionframe and fishframe

 No it's not. You're confusing secondary gameplay elements with the actual core gameplay. People don't come to Warframe to play fashionframe or chatframe, or forumframe, or even farmframe and most certainly not fishframe. First of all people come to this game to play Warframe. It's in the title, ffs! It's a third person coop horde shooter. And everything else that isn't a a part of the "third person coop horde shooter"-core of the game better have a good reason to be present in that game.

 You guys are saying "farming" is a part of the game. But farming is a broad term in gameing. "Fariming HOW exactly?" - is the most important question to ask. 99.99999% of the games integrate farming into their core gameplay. Nobody in their right mind would expect you to farm guns in CoD through fishing and gardening gameplay.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Draconis1981 said:

the big question here is why oh why cant we trade resources with the villages for stuff we want ? i have enought alloy play to build a death star you want to trade me some fish for it?

It's too reasonable. And would also mean that all these additional resources were designed for nothing, since we could have just used the existing ones directly.

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Warframe is such a big game that it's absurd to think every player will like every available game mode. If you play Warframe only to slay hordes and rake in loot, the Plains of Eidolon (along with many other features in Warframe) is not for you. If you wanted a change of pace from the horde slaying to explore and do other side-game stuff, Plains was made for you.

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34 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

 No it's not. You're confusing secondary gameplay elements with the actual core gameplay. People don't come to Warframe to play fashionframe or chatframe, or forumframe, or even farmframe and most certainly not fishframe. First of all people come to this game to play Warframe. It's in the title, ffs! It's a third person coop horde shooter. And everything else that isn't a a part of the "third person coop horde shooter"-core of the game better have a good reason to be present in that game.

 You guys are saying "farming" is a part of the game. But farming is a broad term in gameing. "Fariming HOW exactly?" - is the most important question to ask. 99.99999% of the games integrate farming into their core gameplay. Nobody in their right mind would expect you to farm guns in CoD through fishing and gardening gameplay.

You do know that I was not serious when I said that.

So you're saying that fishing, mining and other non-horde shooter stuff should just be gone to the game and basically demand players to just turn their brains off and spend hours and hours of shooting at everything that moves.

PoE is a massive undertaking by DE.  I appreciate that they're still trying to find ways to spice up tis old game.  It's the first a free-roam map of the game and the first step they made into transforming the game from a corridor shooter into something else.  Exaggerating aside, I think that it's smart that DE made PoE resources independent to the starmap resources.  That made PoE contents relatively optional in a sense that you dont need to play it to still enjoy Warframe.

It's been 2 months since PoE is released but until now I still didnt see any PoE related content directly affect any other parts of the game.

I do agree that Operators are getting a more active role in combat (thanks to Focus 2.0) but I still think that the Warframes are the star of the show (it's in the title).

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35 minutes ago, Coldie93 said:

You do know that I was not serious when I said that.

So you're saying that fishing, mining and other non-horde shooter stuff should just be gone to the game and basically demand players to just turn their brains off and spend hours and hours of shooting at everything that moves.

PoE is a massive undertaking by DE.  I appreciate that they're still trying to find ways to spice up tis old game.  It's the first a free-roam map of the game and the first step they made into transforming the game from a corridor shooter into something else.  Exaggerating aside, I think that it's smart that DE made PoE resources independent to the starmap resources.  That made PoE contents relatively optional in a sense that you dont need to play it to still enjoy Warframe.

It's been 2 months since PoE is released but until now I still didnt see any PoE related content directly affect any other parts of the game.

I do agree that Operators are getting a more active role in combat (thanks to Focus 2.0) but I still think that the Warframes are the star of the show (it's in the title).

 Sarcasm doesn't work on the internet.

 No, I'm saying that there should be a clear distinction between core gameplay and secondary activities. It's like locking guns behind mandatory easter eggs farming. In every other action game fishing would just be something you'd do a couple of times for fun and move on with the rest of the game. Core game content should never be locked behind secondary activities that have no relation at all with the primary gameplay. It's just ridiculous. Fishing is a mini-game. Why amps and weapons are gated behind it? Who even thought this would be a good idea? It's like locking planets behind Lunaro score.

 The "something else" you're talking about is a different game, you realize that? I'm not gonna tell anyone what they can or cannot do, but do you seriously think DE would be able to magically transform Warframe into an open-world game after 4 years of beta? Even the biggest AAA studios often screw up the open world, and by what we've seen, PoE definitely isn't an open world. Not by a long shot. It's just a huge tile. A lot of open space with nothing to do in it except fishing and mining. And the "resource independence" of PoE only makes it  even more of a "something else" and completely irrelevant to the core gameplay.

 For God's sake, why waste time and effort creating another game from scratch? AGAIN. That's what they did with the War Within. That's what they did with the ton of quests they released this year. And now the're trying to reinvent Warframe with this open world thing. Instead of working with what they already had on their hands. 

 Instead of working on making Warframe a better game, DE are trying to make another game entirely out of it. AGAIN.

 And operators shouldn't have been implemented the way they were in the first place. Why would you want someone else to fight for you instead of using Warframes? What's the point of having another downgraded platform for doing the same things warframes are supposed to do? As I initially thought, operators were meant to support the warframes. But considering the direction operators took now, they might as well eventually replace warframes completely. Because they're doing the exact same thing warframes are supposed to do, while restricting the use of warframes themselves. Why is this even the case? 

 Operators would have been useful if focus abilities blend seamlessly with warframe gameplay and mechanics, but in their current form operators are an intrusive element that takes away from the core gameplay. 


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1 hour ago, SenorClipClop said:

Warframe is such a big game that it's absurd to think every player will like every available game mode. If you play Warframe only to slay hordes and rake in loot, the Plains of Eidolon (along with many other features in Warframe) is not for you. If you wanted a change of pace from the horde slaying to explore and do other side-game stuff, Plains was made for you.

Fishing is not a game mode. It has nothing to do with the game. It would have been a game mode if Warframe was a fishmonger simulator. But it isn't. 

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