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Make Nitain Extract Farmable


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To many people treat this game like its some kind of solo, offline, aaa title that your expecting to put in less than 100 hours in to complete...


THIS IS NOT THAT KIND OF GAME. Your expected to put in hundreds to thousands of hours into it.

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Just now, xXAnrakyrXx said:

I know what i was getting into didnt expect it to be easy but there is a fine line between it being hard abd ridiculously long and hard. Remember trying to farm for the Hema 50k mutegen samples.... Yea no... It shouldnt be like that.

No one is forcing you to farm it. However, you can farm it freely when you want to, you do realize that right? Nitan Extract is not that hard to farm either, you just need to be patient with farming it.

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26 minutes ago, CoreXCZ said:

No, thank you. You want to break game by making rare resource more farmable, it's your opinion. I don't see any reason for Nitain Extract to be more farmable for simple reasons.

One of them is so simple, new players have more than enough stuff to level while affording to ignore crafting with Nitain. Just fact people go after Primes first without even leveling normal ones shows how picky new players are about look (which is bad since Fashionframe is endgame thing). Primes should have been locked behind normal ones (level normal one first, you will unlock ability to play as Prime version).

Really, while leveling stuff and ignoring Nitain dependable crafting, you can do Alerts to actually get it for later. Saying new players have problem with Nitain is poor excuse cause new players never needed Nitain to have something to level (it's becoming need way later, it's pratically end-game resource). Nitain is rare for reason and it should stay that way. 

No thanks. It was hard enough farming Saryn Prime, and a single Saryn piece for Chroma. I don't think I could farm normal Saryn now without going insane.

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26 minutes ago, xXAnrakyrXx said:

I know what i was getting into didnt expect it to be easy but there is a fine line between it being hard abd ridiculously long and hard. Remember trying to farm for the Hema 50k mutegen samples.... Yea no... It shouldnt be like that.

But it's not 50k for Hema. It's 5k at max. There is no reason why someone would farm 50k samples solo.
And getting Nitain is easy. Just run a alert when it's up. You don't have to stress yourself farming one mission over and over again. Just play an alert when it pops up.

Just now, xXAnrakyrXx said:

For all those people who are sayong its not hard or really difficult well im sorry i dont just have 400 nitain in my pocket i dont play this game 24/7 as i cant. Because its alert based i can only get 2 maybe 3 if im lucky.

I attend university and I have a job to pay for university and for my daily life. I'm sitting on almost 500 Nitain, because I do alerts when they pop up. And I don't stress out about such minor things.
If you want Vauban Prime so badly, just buy some platinum and buy Vauban Prime in trade. If you don't want to pay, then you have to wait. That's how this game works. If you don't like it, then that seems to be your problem.
The only thing DE could do, is putting some Nitain in the LogIn-System. Wouldn't hurt that much.

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11 minutes ago, xXAnrakyrXx said:

And the Hema used to be 50k mutegen samples.

The Hema takes 5000 Mutagen Samples. If your clan is bigger, it takes more.

If you run a solo clan and need 50k mutagen samples, you are doing it very, very wrong.


You do not need Vauban Prime. Just do alerts when they appear if you can. You will get enough.


On a side note: I got 5 Nitain Extract in 8-15 missions of Lua Exterminate [Plato] (trying to farm caches for Octavia). My friend who ran it separately reported a similar rate. This was a while ago, so it might have been changed ('fixed') by now.

So, we got about a 33% chance of a Nitain Extract.

Edited by krc473
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1 hour ago, NeithanDiniem said:

If you get a full vauban prime set before you have 20 nitain or before you learn how to get it reliably, your priorities are terrible and you have no one to blame but yourself. MR means nothing and gates little.

Exactly, which is why MR should mean something.
Every player is about Prime stuff now, that is seen as the end goal, not quests or MR or specific materials, Prime, that's where the money is, that's where DE put most of their stock, so you're damn right new players will be gunning for Prime items as a main priority. The main issue is that most ppl don't know you need 20 Nitain for the Vauban P. It's not a good look when a resource you already get very little of suddenly needs a large amount of for a new frames you've been grinding to get and there is no way to get that resource but be on all the time and wait for an alert. (And don't say you can farm it, it's a psudo-farm, I've never seen Nitain Drop from a Sabo).

This is one of the worst time gates in the game as there is little you can actually do about it, you can't grind it out, you literally have to sit an wait, if you're some1 with only a few hours to play, like a whale you should be able to get Nitiain via a better method.

And PS. I don;t need Nitian, I have a tonne and I'm MR 24, I make these posts because I truly think this issue is a detriment to the game and a pain for newer players, and I want more ppl to like this game, not feel it's always gated every time they start getting anywhere.


56 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ultimategamerjr said:

If you do the correct mission then there is a 2% drop chance. Do the wrong mission and there is a 0.67% drop chance. drop tables are here



2%? so basically 2 Nitian drops every 100 missions... Vomit...

Edited by Carnage2K4
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1 hour ago, WhiteMarker said:

Looks like you never heard about the trading chat.

Uhh, you do know you can't traded built parts and only blueprints right?

So even if someone traded for Vauban Prime set he/she stills needs nitain to build it and just in case, nitain can't be traded.

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1 hour ago, Carnage2K4 said:

Exactly, which is why MR should mean something.
Every player is about Prime stuff now, that is seen as the end goal, not quests or MR or specific materials, Prime, that's where the money is, that's where DE put most of their stock, so you're damn right new players will be gunning for Prime items as a main priority. The main issue is that most ppl don't know you need 20 Nitain for the Vauban P. It's not a good look when a resource you already get very little of suddenly needs a large amount of for a new frames you've been grinding to get and there is no way to get that resource but be on all the time and wait for an alert. (And don't say you can farm it, it's a psudo-farm, I've never seen Nitain Drop from a Sabo).

This is one of the worst time gates in the game as there is little you can actually do about it, you can't grind it out, you literally have to sit an wait, if you're some1 with only a few hours to play, like a whale you should be able to get Nitiain via a better method.

And PS. I don;t need Nitian, I have a tonne and I'm MR 24, I make these posts because I truly think this issue is a detriment to the game and a pain for newer players, and I want more ppl to like this game, not feel it's always gated every time they start getting anywhere.


2%? so basically 2 Nitian drops every 100 missions... Vomit...

If vauban was only MR locked then he would be only easier to obtain, changing absolutely nothing about MR. Also, yes, you can grind it out. It has been available for months now and as people have shown, having several hundred by now is quite possible. Alerts are guaranteed daily, and said alerts are tracked by all of the updated alert feeds available, do take your pick. You grind for nitain by doing the missions as they are available, not when you need it now. Doing this it is quite easily possible for a player o have the needed nitain for vauban by the time they have his set. If people chose to go in blind and not look up or ask what is required for a build then that is on them. The info is readily available and easily accessible. Likewise if they chose to not get limited time alerts rewarding something rare that isn't easily gotten, that is again on them. MR as it stands now will mean nothing more by just removing the nitain cost of this frame. It will require a significant change across all weapons and frames in the game as well as a complete overhaul of the test system. If you want actual change that would have an impact and make the game better for new players, don't waste time on making forum posts over topics where the proposed "fix" of the issue is a poorly affixed bandaid. Work on something significant.

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48 minutes ago, Poke007 said:

Uhh, you do know you can't traded built parts and only blueprints right?

So even if someone traded for Vauban Prime set he/she stills needs nitain to build it and just in case, nitain can't be traded.

Whoops, my mistake. Sorry for that. Didn't think about that. You are right.
The other point still stands: The OP should not care about Vauban Prime right now.

A better fix to all of this would be the following:
Aside from needing all the materials to build a Prime, you have to level up the non-prime version to Rank 30.
Then no new player can just buy a Prime and this thread wouldn't exist.

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37 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

If vauban was only MR locked then he would be only easier to obtain, changing absolutely nothing about MR. Also, yes, you can grind it out. It has been available for months now and as people have shown, having several hundred by now is quite possible. Alerts are guaranteed daily, and said alerts are tracked by all of the updated alert feeds available, do take your pick. You grind for nitain by doing the missions as they are available, not when you need it now. Doing this it is quite easily possible for a player o have the needed nitain for vauban by the time they have his set. If people chose to go in blind and not look up or ask what is required for a build then that is on them. The info is readily available and easily accessible. Likewise if they chose to not get limited time alerts rewarding something rare that isn't easily gotten, that is again on them. MR as it stands now will mean nothing more by just removing the nitain cost of this frame. It will require a significant change across all weapons and frames in the game as well as a complete overhaul of the test system. If you want actual change that would have an impact and make the game better for new players, don't waste time on making forum posts over topics where the proposed "fix" of the issue is a poorly affixed bandaid. Work on something significant.

The MR issue is a side note for a different thread not a fix i'm suggesting, my fix is a better way to obtain NE. Stop making out like MR the entire point of my statements, which you completely ignore anyway... "The info is easily accessible" This is another issue, ppl should not need to hit the wiki every time they need to know something they don't know they need to know... That's an extremely poor excuse for the more significant problem of players not knowing a massive wall is upon them if they want something, You can't just assume everyone will go out making sure they know every detail of an item before going after it, that's just not how most ppl play and just saying they "should do something" (they don;t know they need to do) not only ignores the issue itself and solves nothing anyway because you're never going to change a habit... or lack of a habit in this case... You don't need to keep telling me you have 'adequately farm out the NE over time' newer player are the ones that need to know, are you going to tell each one individually? It's a flaw in the game and you wilfully sweep it under a rug because it does not directly affect you.

Resorting to "it's on them" is also a poor 'ignore the issue' answer, if a large group of players run into the same wall, putting your hands over your ears and yelling "LALALALA" only makes it fine for you who dose not give 2 s#!ts about the larger influx of player this game is getting. They need to be heard for the betterment of the game because they are the ones more likely to buy Prime Access in future. 

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2 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

The MR issue is a side note for a different thread not a fix i'm suggesting, my fix is a better way to obtain NE. Stop making out like MR the entire point of my statements, which you completely ignore anyway... "The info is easily accessible" This is another issue, ppl should not need to hit the wiki every time they need to know something they don't know they need to know... That's an extremely poor excuse for the more significant problem of players not knowing a massive wall is upon them if they want something, You can't just assume everyone will go out making sure they know every detail of an item before going after it, that's just not how most ppl play and just saying they "should do something" (they don;t know they need to do) not only ignores the issue itself and solves nothing anyway because you're never going to change a habit... or lack of a habit in this case... You don't need to keep telling me you have 'adequately farm out the NE over time' newer player are the ones that need to know, are you going to tell each one individually? It's a flaw in the game and you wilfully sweep it under a rug because it does not directly affect you.

Resorting to "it's on them" is also a poor 'ignore the issue' answer, if a large group of players run into the same wall, putting your hands over your ears and yelling "LALALALA" only makes it fine for you who dose not give 2 s#!ts about the larger influx of player this game is getting. They need to be heard for the betterment of the game because they are the ones more likely to buy Prime Access in future. 

1: You specifically stated that MR "should be important" when it comes to your complaint that MR should be the only gate for Vauban Prime. So you brought it up. 2: With you bringing it up as a counter to my statement, you opened it to further discussion. Don't do that if its not something you actually meant or cared about in the first place. If you don't mean to make it an important part of your topic, don't use it as a direct counter to something someone says otherwise you end up making it important. 3: Just because something is MR locked doesn't mean that someone who is isolating themselves from information or ignoring what the game is telling you to pay attention to is going to get it any later. If they are blind then they are blind. They would still see that Vauban Prime takes 20 Nitain if it were MR locked behind MR 20 if they are staying under a rock.

Did I only say they needed to go to the wiki? No. I said they could also ask. If they want to go in 100% blind then guess what? Now and again they will be surprised. They aren't clairvoyant nor can they see the future. If they cant expect that a game will give em a curve ball now and again then frankly they are really out of the loop on video games as a whole. 20 Nitain is not a massive wall, not in the slightest. All of his parts come from rare relics and rare drops of those relics. It takes time to get those relics then grind the relics to get the parts that have a 5% drop chance each. If they don't think something hard to get will also be hard to pay for, again, thats on them for either not thinking to look ahead and ask someone, pay attention to people talk about it in chat, or look it up and they end up surprised. *Confetti*

Games do not need to go full on preschool levels of handholding to shepherd the flock of sheep into the fields. Now and again a game should in fact tell you to figure something out for yourself. Its part of growing up, its a part of decent games. Games not telling you every intrinsic detail is nothing new. Hell. Warframe from the beginning doesn't tell you jack S#&$ hardly after the tutorial, leaving you to figure it out. If people are going to get into the habit of blindfolding themselves while they go through a game that will repeatedly stub you in the toe then when something like Vauban Prime's cost comes along it shouldn't be a big surprise anymore. You don't know jack on what any frame is going to cost you. Zilch. Nothing. Vauban isn't special here in this instance. You don't know jack on enemy strengths as a new player, or what bosses are going to do, or what mastery tests are going to challenge you with, or what weapons are capable of after they are max rank, or what mods to couple together, or what secrets a map may hold, and this is what grinds your gears here? That you aren't told in big letters "HEY! Nitain is important mkay? You should get it." Thats why its an Alert. to show you its something specific you can go and earn rather than rely on RNG. Warframe offers players a LOT of things to do. They make the choices they make just like every single other player. We vets are no different when it comes to new content. We don't know what new stuff will throw at us, just like they don't. We go out and figure it out just like they will once they get there, or we look things up in advance. I tend to explore myself and figure it out, hence why I hate grouping up with new content before I have a chance to get a crack at it least I get spoiled on things I hadn't figured out on my own yet.

And newer players? When the hell is a newer player going to get their hands on all of the relics and void traces they need to actually farm for all of Vauban Prime's parts without them first experiencing even a basic lesson Warframe teaches you, that its going to cost resources? Are you thinking these people are dropping from the cryopod like a newborn calf and immediately sprinting down the 10km marathon of relic grind? If a new player is so dang dead set from the get-go to get a Vauban Prime that Nitain farming is a chore to do after they get the frame's parts then they either had more than enough knowledge beforehand on the frame's existence, how to get it, and how to get help to get it quickly, that they would have been more than exposed to the cost of the frame, or were told about it by a friend and practically forced down the path to get it with their friends pushing behind them before they have any chance to play the game for themselves, or they completely ignored the rest of the game. It is not a flaw in the game, it is a distinct flaw in your reasoning that this is an issue. New players will have no exposure to Vauban Prime outside of seeing someone randomly in a relay, Cetus, or mission, where in they would have to find out where it comes from because, as with all the frames you don't own or relics you don't own, they don't tell you jack about it in the game until you go work for the information. In looking for where it comes from they would have to either talk with people, get told where it is by friends, or look it up. I highly doubt that out of all of the new players joining that even discover Vauban Prime exists that a significant enough number of them are stumbling blindly into the farm, grind, and construction of the frame to warrant a change to the system to preschool-levels of handholding. As it is now they aren't told about the frame, its relics, or its cost, of Vauban Prime, or any frame. If they want that info, as DE has built up over the past years, they will have to work for the info. They either get off their mouse pads and use chat to talk to people and ask questions, which many players like myself, yourself, and anyone bored in chat are able to help and answer, or they go find things out for themselves.

Resorting to the arguments that games should tell you every aspect of everything you need to know to get anything there is to get in the game or beat anything there is to beat in a game makes the one doing so look childish, as people doing so are unwilling to go do something for themselves that they are more than capable of doing so. video games, intrinsically, in the online gamer world that we live in, inherently encourage people to go find things out. How they do so is on them to do it, be it talking with people, looking it up, playing with what the game provides. And in today's day and age, everything about big games like Warframe, Destiny, Path of Exile, etc is looked at, dissected, and shared with the world of the internet. They all have it since they are all playing Warframe, so it shouldn't be that large of a stretch for anyone of age to play the game to know that information is available. We don't need that also broadcasted from the stars that the wiki or region chat exists.

This is no different than people, who haven't caused or encountered one of the known and thankfully mostly now fixed soft-locks in the beginning of the game, who go around asking how to do things, basic things like move, that the game either told you already or are basic things they by design were intended to be discovered by simply exploring the surroundings or paying attention. I have seen people complain that the game didn't tell them they could walk into the orbiter and see the rest of their ship because they didn't think to try moving. They just wanted it spoon-fed to them. If one is unwilling to pay attention, then they are bound to get a surprise now and then. If they are unwilling to change this habit, then they are going to get a lot of surprises in life and probably not like video games in general.

Lastly, don't make stupid assumptions about what you believe you know what specific people do or do not care about, it undermines your argument entirely.

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Just want to point out i forget who... But someone told me that i should Get Vauban first because thats what they want me to do uet Vauban is the hardest to get due to it being only available on alerts and it isnt a garunteed alert. Vauban Prime was easier to get than Vauban. All i am saying is buff the percentage make it like 8% if not then 6% that will make it atleast easier. On Newer/ Semi New players. I play this game to have fun. Farming for Nitain is not fun... I have uet complained about farming for anything else because it is fun. Farming for Nitain is really Tedius.

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6 hours ago, xXAnrakyrXx said:

Just want to point out i forget who... But someone told me that i should Get Vauban first because thats what they want me to do uet Vauban is the hardest to get due to it being only available on alerts and it isnt a garunteed alert. Vauban Prime was easier to get than Vauban. All i am saying is buff the percentage make it like 8% if not then 6% that will make it atleast easier. On Newer/ Semi New players. I play this game to have fun. Farming for Nitain is not fun... I have uet complained about farming for anything else because it is fun. Farming for Nitain is really Tedius.

I understand that you want to play Vauban, but if you cannot right now, as a new player, go do something else.

There are a lot of stuff to do in Warframe, frames and weapons are already so much enough for you to kill the time.

You don't have to rush the progress in this game, it is not like you do the speed run in this game and you will be on the Guinness Book record. First, it will make you don't enjoy it and second, rushing will make you don't have anything to do in the end.

For now, focus on using other frames and weapons. After you grab enough Nitain or even you get all parts of Vauban from alerts then you can enjoy your Vauban.

Edited by Cappucchino
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As i said im not a new player. I am not trying to rush and only 4 nitain alerts appear daily not 7. I have also reached the limit of what i can do. It isnt fun trying to get Nitain or get Vauban parts. Its dumb. Hell farming Equinox after awhile was sooo tedius and boreing. I dont want to get other frames because i dont want them. Yea im stubborn but seriously Nitain needs to be easier to get especially if you miss 2 to 3 of them daily because if you are a High School Student.


I never expect this game to be easy but i want it to be fun if its going to be hard and long. Farming for nitain waiting for nitain is just stupid. Why cant they make it like tellurium which is a rare resource but is also not extremely difficult to get.

Edited by xXAnrakyrXx
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On 13/11/2017 at 6:26 PM, WhiteMarker said:

Let's be honest: New players don't have to get Vauban Prime right away. Or any other item that requires Nitain.
They just can wait and get some while playing. And when they have enough Nitain, they just build a new toy.
And if you want an item that requires Nitain right away, then go buy it with platinum. That's what platinum is for.

There are many clan research frame parts and weapons that require nitain to build that cannot be bought, it's even required to craft the sands of inaros quest, also nitain itself cannot be bought with plat.

With each new frame and weapon added that requires nitain to build/research it either needs the alrts increased/ sabotage drop rates increased or make it purchasable with plat on the market.


over the past year i'm lucky if i see an alert like once a month usually on a weekend, because their always on when i'm at work or asleep.

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3 hours ago, xXAnrakyrXx said:

As i said im not a new player. I am not trying to rush and only 4 nitain alerts appear daily not 7. I have also reached the limit of what i can do. It isnt fun trying to get Nitain or get Vauban parts. Its dumb. Hell farming Equinox after awhile was sooo tedius and boreing. I dont want to get other frames because i dont want them. Yea im stubborn but seriously Nitain needs to be easier to get especially if you miss 2 to 3 of them daily because if you are a High School Student.


I never expect this game to be easy but i want it to be fun if its going to be hard and long. Farming for nitain waiting for nitain is just stupid. Why cant they make it like tellurium which is a rare resource but is also not extremely difficult to get.

Well, I'm working now and I don't have time to get any Nitains until weekends.

I seriously have significantly less free time than you, don't use that as an excuse. You have to manage yourself for that.

But I agree that farming Equinox is so boring.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)shadowwraith_666 said:

There are many clan research frame parts and weapons that require nitain to build that cannot be bought, it's even required to craft the sands of inaros quest, also nitain itself cannot be bought with plat.

I'm sure, every clan research that needs Nitain can be bought. 
The only things that can't be bought pre-build are War and Broken War. And the Prime Items.
Considering War and Broken War not that important, the Prime Items remain. They need 42 Nitain. That's not all that much.

2 hours ago, (PS4)shadowwraith_666 said:

over the past year i'm lucky if i see an alert like once a month usually on a weekend, because their always on when i'm at work or asleep.

That's bad, yes. But as I said, I sleep aswell. I attend university and I have a job. It's not like I'm able to play all the time. And even I managed to get a lot of Nitain.
Nitain is meant to be a time gate. There is nothing else to say.

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