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Fun.exe not found on Operation: Plague Star


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Seriously DE, the event that runs for 12 days.... with only one mission with abysmal rep points.... I'm sure many people (esp. casual players who don't spend 3+ hours in the game) wont be bothering once they know this....

I know you have to add something to gain a total rep of 3k but still its small....

I don't get what DE is aiming with there future contents now... 

First, Focus 2.0 feels like its only catered to people who are hardcore farmers or people who do Cheesing exploit.

And now the Operation feels the same... AGAIN! It's only catered to hardcore farmers and for us players who just play Warframe normally/casually will find the operation very boring since you only do 1. pick the toxin 2. put it in a console 3.put in a drone and escort 4.defend from a horde of infested 5. rinse and repeat... It feels like a repetitive grocery hike and every objective is about 600+m away form each other...

Sadly before this update... the game got boring for me and I only log in and do Bounties cause I feel the "Content Drought" and when this update dropped... Im very disappointed of what we get..

So please, if you want more players to enjoy warframe please make something enjoyable and fun to us casual players... Because not all of us have the time for this.




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Honestly, I have put tonnes of time into this game (so tbf i would call myself more of a farmer) but this event is just, yeh boring. It was not even fun the first run as it was just a recycled bounty, which in themselves are boring as they are altered versions of modes already in the game but mashed together and drawn out across the plains instead of small hallways simply making it take longer. I just went on now to start grinding but i saw how far the actual event exclusives were away and I just couldn't be bothered, the event exclusive zaws are locked behind such a large grind wall, and i doubt they are even worth it. unless the dojo toxin combined with the one we can already create gives a massive boost to the points gained then i'm already done with this event. Just a disclaimer i have been doing this solo, which I bet alot of people have, but I don't think that changes anything, i can still use 4/4 of the consumables to gain slightly more points.

The event only seems to cater to people who play warframe like a job, they will grind grind grind (boring busy work) and then sell these items later on for plat (money). everyone else will just be left with a couple formas. 

One last note, this event feels like another part of plains of grind, its should just be put into the plains and not be a limited event, it doesnt feel like an event it just feels like another bounty with another plains specific syndicate. the event adds next to no new gameplay, no new enemies and barely any new rewards. everything just feels recycled. (Again the rewards just feel so bad that it probably wouldn't even change the economy that much if this did become part of the plains, maybe forma? but thats about it.)

Another last note i forgot about the new mod set? barely even knew it was a thing because of the rng bounty pool. doesn't save the event in the slightest. 

Edited by mr_razorite
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Event standing can be exchanged by fish parts, this fix some of PoE' main problem. Now there's the problem is push to a slow (gain rate per bounty) & long (1km distance objective apart) bounty run.

Why can't we gain Cetus standing by killing Tusk grineers? Why can't we gain Operation standing by killing infested in PoE?

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37 minutes ago, low1991 said:

Event standing can be exchanged by fish parts, this fix some of PoE' main problem. Now there's the problem is push to a slow (gain rate per bounty) & long (1km distance objective apart) bounty run.

Why can't we gain Cetus standing by killing Tusk grineers? Why can't we gain Operation standing by killing infested in PoE?

Exactly this.

This is how it should work. Just let us PLAY. You created a big open space...but if we want rewards, you still confined us to tiny little "mission Areas" within it.

So...why put the effort into the big open space in the first place?

Just reward us for exploring and fighting. 

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Got just enough for one forma and I don't think I have the patience to go through this event anymore. First of all, the best way to do it is using Nova and going solo. You reduce the number of bugs, don't need archwing and can do it as fast as the game allows.....but I look at the rest of the rewards and think: What is the point?
I don't care about those awful zaw weapons one bit. Most of the other stuff are some of those new currencies usually locked behind grind walls of those boring mining and fishing minigames, which shouldn't even be the game anyway. That is it. 
Too much hype for this. It is sad.

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Just an update to what i posted on this topic a bit ago today about most of the event just recycling content already in the game, i just solod the third stage of the event by using 4-4 of each consumable and i'm an once again disappointed, we are given another boss we have already fought.... more then once (in both aspects of the phrase). Its sad as the third stage is the only interesting part as if we were fighting a new interesting maybe operator dynamic boss like the eidolon it could of at least saved some interest in the event for me.

Also a PSA and FAQ was posted about changing rep gain which is nice as a bandage i guess, doesn't fix how the event gives palyers nothing new to do and is just more of the same (where events are usually a nice breath of fresh air into warframe, hell i remember years ago when an event was simply, heres survival for a while try and get a high score and heres some unique rewards for getting a good score, it was new and fun maybe even required some skill in surviving as long as possible to get a better score.) The FAQ also stated that all event items we are getting are not even exclusive to plague star and will be in future events so if anyone isn't having fun with this event, honestly don't bother, its not worth it. 

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