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What's the point of Warframe?


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I'm a die hard challenge seeker, so my approach to warframe will be different than most. My primary goal is to create interesting builds that can succeed in all content but that require excellent mechanical skills. No boring one-shot full map clears here. I want to build characters that others would try to play but fail without practice. Warframe is an experience sandbox in this way. What you get out of it depends on what kind of sand castles you want to build - assuming you want to build castles at all.

Edited by Frosthaven83
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19 minutes ago, bioned said:


I mean, what's the point of playing any video game unless you're a Pro Gamer? to have fun

Oh don't stop there! That is where the conversation truly starts to get interesting, as everyone's perspective of what is fun can be drastically varied and personal!

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6 hours ago, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

Yea I started playing the game almost 4 years ago, I was no where near as big then. I couldn't imagine just jumping in as a new player right now.


Then allow me . May be a bit lengthy...


I started this game exactly 1 week ago. My played time is 25 hrs total, my frame (Excalibur) is 27, MR 2, weapons are: mk1 Bo, Lato, starting rifle (Braton?). Bought and built Vasto and mk1 Paris. From missions I got BP for Boltor and build that. From Dojo I got Daikyu - should be available for claiming as I started construction yesterday. Right now I'm doing missions on Mars which was just unlocked. Haven't tried space missions yet.


I came to this game from Destiny 2. Well, free trial to be exact. Generally shooter games are not my type anymore, prefer RPGs, MMO-RPG, RTS and space sims to some extent. But recent D2 caught my eye and I wanted to try it. High purchase price kept me away, reading all that drama tied to this title made me hesitant. Then trial hit and I was able to play it. Visually it's beautiful. There's some story to justify shooting (tho not that deep as in Mass Effect trilogy). I played a bit, not even to trials boundaries while reading info about game. How people are disappointed, how Bungie cheats and lie, etc. And every discussion under D2 had this comment: just play Warframe, it's better and it's free.


I knew Warframe as a  title since it's beginning. Seen trailers (quite nice, I thought), seen initial game play (not my type, I thought, too arcadey). I thought that visual concept is disturbing, but in a positive way. Bio-mechanical. Despite finding it intriguing I passed on it. But D2 sparked long extinguished flame. So I decided to give Warframe a try. And I must say, I like it so far.


Not knowing anything about lore, mechanics, gameplay, literally nothing I just made an account, log in and start playing. First thing that comes right away are visuals. Very nice, detailed and vivid. Not a D2 level but not far behind tho. General graphics remind me Mass Effect (which I consider top in term of RPG-Shooter genre). Tutorial was nicely done (I especially liked all the tip prompts). Later it turned out that game failed to sufficiently show initial weapon choices so I finally picked Bo and now I'm waiting to unlock Phobos to get last needed components for Skana, but let's don't rush the facts.


I didn't noticed when tutorial exactly finished. Transition from "press W to go forward" to full game was so seamless. I just followed Lotus' guides, found a ship, retrieved missing modules and proceed to get rid of Vor. In the meantime I started to read a lot. Wiki, some tips and guides. General info gathering. Learned what are mods, what they do. Mods started to drop, I started to equip those, making my frame stronger. And also I practiced my movement skills. I must say, I enjoy this parkour style much. YT vids helped with few maneuvers and right now I'm travelling fairly quickly. When I need, otherwise I just simply run and admire locations. And I like what is possible while moving. Glide shooting is nice feature. Shooting while running away (can't name other title that allows this). Additional moves that can get you places.


My first credits went into the market - bought Skana and Vasto BPs (I just like revolvers). Sadly Skana requires materials I don't have access to yet. So I bought mk1 Paris and right now it's my weapon of choice. Got sick for Daikyu but seeing how it's available for platinum only was a bit disheartening. Luckily later research showed Dojo way. And I was lucky enough to get an invite from one. Had materials, few missions provided needed credits and it's waiting to be claimed.


Weapon wise I like the idea that you must level your weapons. Finally a reason to visit "low level" areas. This makes whole content relevant. Big plus for that. Also - the idea that every weapon is a good weapon (unlike other shooters I played where starting pistol was good for first 2 missions and later it was used when you run out of ammo for your other rifle). Reminds me of Mass Effect (again) when you could spec into a weapon and it was always a good choice and equally viable compared to different loadout. Here is the same. Wan't to play space cowboy with a revolver? No problem. Sniping bow ninja? Be my guest. Rambo-like rifle pew-pew. Whatever float your boat.


As I said earlier - 25 hrs on the clock so far. Visited few planets, managed to kill 2 bosses (3 if you include Vor for removing that ankle thingy). Explored Codex, sneaking through Market, watching things. Everything has platinum tag on it and platinum prices aren't encouraging (I'm EU but non € zone and currency exchange rate makes Market prices a bit too high for what I treat as cosmetics, vanity and QOL microtransactions). Luckily items aren't Market exclusive and can be obtained via just playing game. Sure - it will take lots of time and resources (which translate into even more time) but I don't mind. As long as it's available, game isn't designed to "encourage" buying things (read - forcing by providing such abysmal chances for obtaining it than virtually any mean to get it it's via in-shop purchase).


Now, to finally answer OPs question. I play it for fun. For exploring something new. For enjoying my build around a weapon of choice. For unlocking new things. For collecting new frames. I'm an explorer / collector. Game can be grindy but this doesn't bother me. 

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10 hours ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:



6 hours ago, (Xbox One)Trumps W2 Form said:

A relief to my deep depression. 


6 hours ago, (Xbox One)Trumps W2 Form said:

Both legitimate reasons .

I agree that these are both legitimate reasons and, for me, Warframe has helped me get out of my depression. It really sucks not being motivated to do anything. It's probably the worst feeling in the world, and the worst part is that, when it's happening, I never really knew that I was depressed. Playing a game with a purpose, even if it's just to shoot mobs and jump from wall to wall, it reignites the fire of life and maybe it let me realize that I can just set goals and go after them in life just like I do in the game(s).

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I love the Magic: The Gathering meets Borderlands aspect to the game where so often a new mod, weapon, or idea means I get to slaughter things in a whole new way.



Also: The community is AMAZING.  I spend a lot of time in PUGs and while humans are humans the overall level of grooviness is pretty great, and DE makes it easy for even a mid level player to really help out somebody new.  It's very rewarding.

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8 hours ago, EmissaryOfInfinity said:

To kill all the things, and find the most interesting and entertaining ways to do so. Most recently, using an experimental cluster bomb setup on the Ogris. Multishot and -accuracy leads to some interesting results...

I’d love to see a video of that. Sounds really interesting. One of my goals in warframe is to tinker with those kinds of builds and i’ll get around to it when I’m not so busy farming resources and leveling weapons :p

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I made a Helminth Charger yesterday. My first. I called him Snugglebutt. Snugglebutt is a sweetie. And hardcore. Snugglebutt eats grineer as snacks between eximus meals. Snugglebutt is awesome. Fear Snugglebutt.

Yesterday, I discovered something awesome. Snugglebutt. Who knows what I will discover tomorrow. 

I love this game. 

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On 12/13/2017 at 8:41 PM, Ada_Wong_SG said:

It's more about enjoying the journey than to be totally bothered with the destination.

Missing out the scenery while thinking there is a final objective is kind of pointless ?

While you are certainly not having fun enjoying the moment but endlessly contemplating about the future ?

The final objective is what you make it.

And some of the objectives are self made like my 100 Dragon Nikana.

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13 minutes ago, Brorelia said:

The final objective is what you make it.

And some of the objectives are self made like my 100 Dragon Nikana.

I am still trying to run for 100,000 corpus kill and 
1 million overall kills. While pushing my Aklex Prime as my most used Secondary weapon from 2.8% to 21%

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On 12/13/2017 at 11:21 PM, (PS4)Boomstickman98 said:

To have fun, XD

This is very “zen” and hard to achieve but I agree.

If you stay in the moment and follow what’s trying to happen then maybe the fun can happen 

But once you get stuck in the past (reliving past glory or defeat) or fixate too much in the future (rushing acquisitions), fun will be out of reach. 

I realize that there’s a period of acquiring gear but I also want to enjoy the stuff I acquired, not just cycle through them. 

One way I do this is by learning frames I already own like Nezha, Valkyr, Excal while still playing my favorite Mag and leveling the newer ones. This way, it doesn’t get stale or stuck. 

Forums, wiki, YT help in this “skill acquisition”.

Arranging them by usage instead of rank helps see what is being left in the inventory to dust. 

Fashion frame is fun in itself. With the colors,  accessories, helmets and skins offering various possibilities to refresh your outlook of the frame.

Make them angelic or angsty, cosmic or earthly, western or anime it’s fun to role play especially with the abilities and weapons as props.

TLDR: by refreshing both function and form I have fun with the game in a new way 


Edited by (PS4)Chel-El
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On 12/14/2017 at 12:36 AM, Joelol said:

I love the way you wrote this. 

The only way to keep a game fresh is to become a part of it and its community. That’s what I love about warframe. The reason why I believe in this game and I’m committed to it is because of its community and the way DE interacts with it. This communication allows me to believe in the future and longevity of the game, so even when people do get MR 25 and have experienced everything the game has to offer, we can still have fun together and experience new content as it’s released.

Oh! Uh. . . um, thanks? I was not expecting such a compliment. I, uh. . . um. . . thanks.

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