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New frame


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Hello fellow Tenno,


just wanted to brag a bit. It may be trivial for you, seasoned players, but for a new guy (like me, 38 hrs so far, little over a week with this game) it's quite an accomplishment. So, without any further ado...


Oberon frame is currently under construction. As a matter of fact, at the moment of writing this it should be finishing as I ordered parts assembly yesterday evening. Now I need credits only to start that 72 hr frame assembly. I'm excited.


Long story short. Few days ago, while doing some Earth's easy missions, optics dropped. Didn't pay attention as I was leveling my Excalibur, learning the ropes. Later I noticed BP in my inventory and investigated on the Wiki. Turns out (as you all know) Eximus have 1% chance to drop parts BPs for Oberon. Well, knowing my luck it will probably take some time before I see another drop. For the sake of completion I checked Oberon's page to see what kind of frame he is. I liked and decided to build him when I get all the parts, in far future.


Fast forward few days to yesterday. I'm doing some progress mission on Mars. Jumped into a pack of enemies and slashed them. My son, who was watching then said: dad, Oberon chassis dropped. Me was like: O_o? Really? Checked progress and he was right. I didn't even noticed there was Eximus mob, nor the drop itself. Yay, 2 BPs out of 3 needed. Well, I said to my son 3rd one will take some time as it has just 1% per Eximus and those are not common ones. And even if it drops something it may be another chassis or optics, no guarantees that I get systems I need.


Fast forward to evening, same day yesterday. Decided to do last one mission before log out. Mobile defense. Despite Excalibur being 30 and weapons 20-27 range I'm struggling with 11-13 difficulty level. Defending first console and bam! Oberon systems drop. I'm out of shields, half HP, lots of enemies around and 2 consoles to go. I *NEED* to finish this mission. It was hard, died 2 times and 3rd console was a nightmare - couldn't see anything over the swarm I had on me. Escaped with less than 70 HP but finished with a success and could order parts construction.


I was so happy that I'll have new frame that I forgot I'm short on credits. Right now parts are assembled and I have everything ready, part the credits. So instead of Thursday it may be weekend when I get my new frame. depends on how fast I'll earn 30k. I'm really excited because of Oberon since I was working towards Rhino. Got all BPs from Jackal (7 runs I believe) and all I miss are Plastids. Still on Mars and trying to unlock Phobos. While doing so I managed to get Oberon so in few days I'll have 2 new frames, instead of one.



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Actually, I'm impressed. 38 hrs in and you already got a full Oberon set? Lucky you, I think I got mine one hundred hours in.

Anyway, congrats. Oberon is a good jack-of-all trades that could get you up to speed of various roles in this game. I hope you can enjoy using him.

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Soon you'll be able to take the plains with you anywhere you go! Unleash the might of nature with righteous shrubbery as you and your allies are rejuvenated by your cleansing light.

Get the Phoenix Renewal augment if you plan on being a support player! It'll save lives and also give you (and team) a second chance.

Edited by PsiWarp
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Rhino is the next step for your next frame, he is a beast. he has got movement and cc on his 1st, near invulnerability on his 2nd (i say near as iron skin can run out of health and cause you to take damage if it runs out, which you can just recast it if it does), a big team damage buff on his 3rd, and some strong cc on his 4th. HE IS REALLY GOOD.

oberon is honestly a frame that was buffed but not enough, he has it in him to be strong, but he is missing a few percentage points and some additional mechanical advantage in his powers to make him compete with other supports.

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Thanks guys (and gals). I too thought that Oberon will take long time, especially with that 1% off the mobs that aren't that common. More luck than brains here.


From the reading about frames I'm sure I want (no particular order):

- Oberon (nearly there, just a bit more credits and 72 hrs away)

- Rhino (probably next frame as I'm just plastids short)

- Valkyr (prime goal, regular frame, not Prime. Tho Valkyr Prime ... one day as I got BP from relic already...)

- Nidus (freaking cool, literally)

- Nekros (because why not)

- Chroma

- and let's stop here. Not even two weeks in the game and I think I should focus on rising my skills and still learning the game, not jumping into frame hunting. Especially when 2/3 of planets are still locked.


Thanks for the credit tip - this will help much.


As for frame builds - right now I'm going solo. Not a social person really. I feel way too unexperienced, undergeared and underskilled for team play. I don't wan't to be dragged along, when I team play I want to contribute. I don't mind little boost but overall I feel bad when joining team just to leech them off. I'm in a nice clan (looks so) but don't have enough guts to participate or ask for help. Still lots of things to learn.


Well, in a few days I'll have new frame to level so I can go back to planets I'm familiar with so problem with higher level activities will be postponed. Hehe.

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5 minutes ago, RadmaKanow said:

Thanks guys (and gals). I too thought that Oberon will take long time, especially with that 1% off the mobs that aren't that common. More luck than brains here.


From the reading about frames I'm sure I want (no particular order):

- Oberon (nearly there, just a bit more credits and 72 hrs away)

- Rhino (probably next frame as I'm just plastids short)

- Valkyr (prime goal, regular frame, not Prime. Tho Valkyr Prime ... one day as I got BP from relic already...)

- Nidus (freaking cool, literally)

- Nekros (because why not)

- Chroma

- and let's stop here. Not even two weeks in the game and I think I should focus on rising my skills and still learning the game, not jumping into frame hunting. Especially when 2/3 of planets are still locked.


Thanks for the credit tip - this will help much.


As for frame builds - right now I'm going solo. Not a social person really. I feel way too unexperienced, undergeared and underskilled for team play. I don't wan't to be dragged along, when I team play I want to contribute. I don't mind little boost but overall I feel bad when joining team just to leech them off. I'm in a nice clan (looks so) but don't have enough guts to participate or ask for help. Still lots of things to learn.


Well, in a few days I'll have new frame to level so I can go back to planets I'm familiar with so problem with higher level activities will be postponed. Hehe.

Good luck and remember embrace Clem RNG embrace u :clem: 

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I suggest you get Nekros Prime instead of vanilla one cuz it require farming a lot and more praying for RNGesus.

As for Nidus, it's not that hard to get but it was locked in Eris which is among the last 2 planets to unlock.

Rhino is low level boss slayer and a nice choice against infestation.

If you ask me which one I suggest, I suggest you to try Nova. Not the best but one of the most fun to play.

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I was dying to get oberon in my early day... those eximus are stonk for a newb like me

Took me a week to get all part

Yes it pretty good but i think it doesnt suit my style... still try to get obi p tho

Next obj for u.. rhino

This stonk tanky flem wont dissappoint u

Just 2 and stomping  around

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19 hours ago, Whooohooo said:

Next obj for u.. rhino

Ay ay, sir. :laugh:

Progress check:

- Rhino Neurooptics BP: check

- Rhino Chassis BP: check

- Rhino System BP: check

- Rhino Frame BP: check

- credits: 30k/70k

- materials: plastids 0/600, rest is: check

- Phobos access: Mars' cephalon 2/3, rest is: check


By the time I unlock Phobos Junction and gather enough plastids I'll surely will have enough credits for final assembly. I'm giving myself a week and Rhino will be added to my humble collection.


Oh, and Oberon is under construction. Ran few missions yesterday and secured enough funds for that. About 60 hrs left and counting.

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