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Volt's Discharge is still nothing but a CC ability


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3 hours ago, FitzSimmons said:

so shock sucks? speed sucks? electric shield sucks? discharge sucks? i dont even need serration to kill lv 100 enemies with soma in transistor shield setup

what are you saying? slash stays like it always is. read it. btw do people even need slash proc to kill boss? even 


There is a massive nerf coming to slash: ''before, a Slash proc would scale based on the weapon’s total base damage output. Now, all procs will be calculated using ONLY the damage type of the proc that is being inflicted''

This means that slash procs will only be calculated from slash damage, and not the total base damage. This means that Hunter Munitions, for example, will become completely useless on anything with low or no slash damage. Currently you can use it on things like Amprex, Synapse, Phage and Lenz, but those weapons after the changes will deal absolutely no slash procs with Hunter Munitions because the weapons have no base slash damage.

3 hours ago, giovanniluca said:

There are frames that can kill them with the fishing spear.

If you've watched the 8 Fishing Spear raid video, FYI, they used way more buffs than just Banshee to kill Hek lol.

This is all off-topic tho.

4 hours ago, FitzSimmons said:

btw electricity chain damage is awesome when it procs from weapons. 

It's cool visually but in high level missions the damage gets reduced to oblivion. In infested missions Ancient Disruptors grant nearby enemies 90% damage reduction to damage dealt by abilities, and in Grineer missions electricity is bad against armor. Electricity is pretty much only good against robotics but they do have pretty heavy shields in level 100 and above. It does clear rooms in low level missions but pretty much everything else can do that as well with even larger range and quicker cast time.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Wyrmius_Prime:

There is a massive nerf coming to slash: ''before, a Slash proc would scale based on the weapon’s total base damage output. Now, all procs will be calculated using ONLY the damage type of the proc that is being inflicted''

This means that slash procs will only be calculated from slash damage, and not the total base damage. This means that Hunter Munitions, for example, will become completely useless on anything with low or no slash damage. Currently you can use it on things like Amprex, Synapse, Phage and Lenz, but those weapons after the changes will deal absolutely no slash procs with Hunter Munitions because the weapons have no base slash damage.

Why has noone pointed out yet how slash mods would calculate after basedamage? Say you have a seration with 165% basedamage and a Riven with basedamage too that raises it to like 350%, then a Slash mod or second riven stat with 120% would more then DOUBLE that value. 840%off 80% > 350%off 100% no?

Best case, DE takes the opportunity to actually make the other two good by themselfes too..

But yeah...hunter ammo. Buhu...

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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1 hour ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Best case, DE takes the opportunity to actually make the other two good by themselfes too..

They said that puncture will just  stack to reduce damage more and impact will make enemies fly away more so you lose dps.

Slash will be nerfed to make the other 2 look decent.

So amazing changes.

Edited by giovanniluca
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7 hours ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

There is a massive nerf coming to slash: ''before, a Slash proc would scale based on the weapon’s total base damage output. Now, all procs will be calculated using ONLY the damage type of the proc that is being inflicted''

im not math master but from what i tested since soma has really low base stat for impact and puncture and IF the change on slash won't use total damage and volt's passive flat damage but uses slash damage only, hunter munition still going to wreck high level enemies. 

 Primed bane mod will boost a lot for slash damage. btw thats without multishot

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Problem 1:  We don't actually know what DE intends to do with Damage 2.5 yet, but virtually everyone who reads English at basic highschool level should note the deception in saying Slash will remain unchanged, but that procs will scale differently.  The other suggested changes were also basically useless AT BEST.  As practically everyone with a brain said these changes were NOT for the better, DE may shift gears.

It's also worth noting that forced procs weren't even addressed at all.  The impending death of Rapier weapons may well prevent the current version of Damage 2.5 from ever seeing the light of day, or it could save Hunter Munitions from the same fate as an entire category of melee weapons.

Problem 2:  Discharge is underwhelming DPS because of a damage cap, lack of stackability, and issues with rapid spamming.  It's piss-poor CC because they boosted the DPS without touching the cap, cutting the lockdown to the baseline 4 second minimum, AND because the skill's range isn't that good.

I've called for a proper rework of Volt in general.  There are issues with ALL of his skills, not just one.

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb giovanniluca:

They said that puncture will just  stack to reduce damage more and impact will make enemies fly away more so you lose dps.

Slash will be nerfed to make the other 2 look decent.

So amazing changes.

As i've pointed out: Slight nerf for an abusive meta, overall buff to slash.

And they're appearently holding it back on purpose now...probably because they've adressed the issue. Have a lil trust in the people who made this game.

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8 hours ago, FitzSimmons said:

im not math master but from what i tested since soma has really low base stat for impact and puncture and IF the change on slash won't use total damage and volt's passive flat damage but uses slash damage only, hunter munition still going to wreck high level enemies. 

 Primed bane mod will boost a lot for slash damage. btw thats without multishot

I'm not sure what you tried to showcase there, because that's extremely slow. And slash only makes 50% of Soma Prime's total damage, meaning that after the changes it will take twice as long for the procs to kill the enemies.

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15 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Why has noone pointed out yet how slash mods would calculate after basedamage? Say you have a seration with 165% basedamage and a Riven with basedamage too that raises it to like 350%, then a Slash mod or second riven stat with 120% would more then DOUBLE that value. 840%off 80% > 350%off 100% no?

That's how it currently works, expect for the OVERALL base damage. Soon it will be slash only.

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1 hour ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

I'm not sure what you tried to showcase there, because that's extremely slow. And slash only makes 50% of Soma Prime's total damage, meaning that after the changes it will take twice as long for the procs to kill the enemies.

thats fast for a weapon setup that doesn't use elemental mod and transistor shield buff, only rely on slash damage proc. and against lv 150 heavy unit with huge armor without armor debuff. didnt even use multishot and fire rate mod 


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22 hours ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

''Surprisingly'', first impression do matter. Atlas's 1 being single target also made me laugh.

Surprisingly, (and this is probably not ironic for you), this is a discussion not a PR advice website, and your continuing deflection on discussing the actual subject made me laugh. We are supposed to address other people ideas and provide arguments as to why they may be wrong, but you are still ignoring what I said and again nitpicking on a matter that doesn't affect my argument at all to ignore everything else, because apparently discussing ideas and arguments is something you adamantly try to avoid.

Those 4.5m on Atlas's 1, which is only for the last hit may be technically not single target, may be an AoE, but let me reframe it: it doesn't make everything around you die, only what you are targeting and in a very small area. So, please, show some intellectual honesty if you actually believe in your point.


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vor 6 Stunden schrieb Wyrmius_Prime:

That's how it currently works, expect for the OVERALL base damage. Soon it will be slash only.

That is NOT how it currently works. (except it was patched with the announcement)

Current slash proccs only take basedamage, crits and direct multipliers (mostly combo, stealth and headshot really) into consideration and ignore slash mods. For it to get adapted to "slash damage" and calculating before armor (how everythig in this game is handled really) would make them stronger on corresponding builds. By a lot. See wiki entry for reference.




Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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Y'alls spending quite a bit of time talking about Slash damage for a Discharge thread.

Remember, Damage 2.5 is supposedly going to do quite a bit with all the procs in game.  I'm willing to suppose that the Electric proc is part of that change, given that it's nominally considered a damage type.  As this is true, I wonder how skills with guaranteed procs are going to change in general, and for Volt in particular.

If the Electric proc scales up in it's AoE, for instance, then it could be that we'll soon have this "potent alternative" we've been waiting years to have.  Subsequent procs could add CC elements to Discharge we're not expecting right now, not to mention another dimension of raw damage.  I'd like to see something like that.

I think we've chewed the cud on the nerfs to Impact and Slash already, and nobody seems happy about the complete irrelevance of Puncture, both now and in Damage 2.5.  I'm trying to imagine what it'll look like for under-performing damage types to start seeing alterations for the first time in YEARS.

It's gonna be messy.

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On 2017. 12. 23. at 4:08 PM, Wyrmius_Prime said:

It's base range is far too small and casting speed is far too slow. If a players mods Volt for proper range and casting speed, there's not many slots left for power strength or for Volt's own durability. Not only is a CC build far more cheaper to build for, it is also far more useful in keeping Volt alive. Looking at Saryn and Rhino for example, they are both tanky and effective at dealing damage and CC. Also the casting speeds of Stomp and Miasma are nowhere as long as Discharge's. Ember's WoF doesn't leave me vulnerable, because I can move and use weapons freely while it is active, which massively improves her survivability even though she has barely any armor.

I would like to see Discharge's base range buffed at max rank to at least 25 meters and the casting speed improved MAJORLY.

What about giving Volt the frostglobe treatment?

While casting every point of damage is absorbed into a fast wave of magnetic energy what is released just before the initial overcharge shockwave appears.

It would not only look good but can give volt more damage and survivability without removing the cap from disharge.

The wave would have double the range of the discharge and would lose damage every meter it moves.

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