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Seriously D:

I know, I know. She is influenced by the IPS changes but they could just release her now in my opinion. Sure we will mostly run slash but it will be interesting to see the difference; pre and post IPS changes

Plus I love my vingette too much to not have her there. I may also but two cat noggles to go with her xD

Side note: Can you please make a pet articula! Whee we can select our pet or venari :D

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each time you ask khora/venari when chance is its gonna delayed till Christmas 2018 100% no jinxing here 


inb4 get jinxed...

 just DE pls 

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haha. I know but she really shouldn't be tied so hard to IPS changes. She still has venari, a bind attack and an exalted whip which are *mostly* separate from IPS changes.

1 hour ago, (PS4)i7081277 said:

I know she's like a month away but im still so hyped for her, I wonder what her alt helm looks like.

You guys really think a month away? What makes you think that? is that matching their usual big release schedule?

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1 hour ago, (PS4)i7081277 said:

I know she's like a month away but im still so hyped for her, I wonder what her alt helm looks like.

I'd love her alt helm to change shape along with her IPS equiped. Like buns for impact, pony tail for puncture and bob for slash. You can get really creative. Maybe just something like a hair piece that changes?


Wonder if Venari will get different looks with different skins? Like chroma's effigy etc.

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1 hour ago, Lanying said:

I'd love her alt helm to change shape along with her IPS equiped. Like buns for impact, pony tail for puncture and bob for slash. You can get really creative. Maybe just something like a hair piece that changes?


Wonder if Venari will get different looks with different skins? Like chroma's effigy etc.

id like some sexy 1950's pinup hairstyles.


1 hour ago, Lanying said:

haha. I know but she really shouldn't be tied so hard to IPS changes. She still has venari, a bind attack and an exalted whip which are *mostly* separate from IPS changes.

You guys really think a month away? What makes you think that? is that matching their usual big release schedule?

yeah us consoles get your things like a month or two later. we really enjoy it when we do get it tho.

Edited by (PS4)i7081277
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5 minutes ago, Lanying said:

How do you know she isn't done already but they were keeping her release with IPS changes? or perhaps she is done but they needed to play test her. We don't know

When they release it then it is done. If the model is done but the animations not or the ips changes important to her then she won't be released until they finish the ips changes. 

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IPS changes are important to every game and weapons. It's also important to frames like Ash.

Her bind and Venari are almost completely independent of the IPS changes. They only interact in a minor way. Her whip we don't know what that does yet but I imagine (along with her 1) it will use the IPS but even still they both work in the current game... So saying she can't be released into a system that's working because their proposed system is broken doesn't make too much sense to me. 

The animations were largely done with one bug when she changes IPS and a sound issue on Venari and this was two weeks ago. I am aware I am being optimistic, but they almost did release her before the holidays. I just can't see why she HAS to be released with IPS changes when currently in game IPS works just fine (just not so balanced).

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vor 5 Stunden schrieb Lanying:

How do you know she isn't done already but they were keeping her release with IPS changes? or perhaps she is done but they needed to play test her. We don't know

They are keeping her to be released with IPS changes. That is the whole reason she wasn't released december, because IPS changes had to go back to the drawing board. They want to release her with those changes because she is THE IPS frame.

I'd like for her to be released alone. Everyone will run slash but that is not much of a issue for me.

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1 hour ago, Kalec said:

They are keeping her to be released with IPS changes. That is the whole reason she wasn't released december, because IPS changes had to go back to the drawing board. They want to release her with those changes because she is THE IPS frame.

I'd like for her to be released alone. Everyone will run slash but that is not much of a issue for me.

No body knows that. As I was saying, that was an assumption people have. There's been zero news to even hint that. Just because they were both delayed doesn't mean one was delayed because of the other. DE have never said that.

They just said both were delayed. I know im eager and optimistic but everyone else is making big assumptions based on nothing so... [no offence]

I just want to talk to people about khora to make waiting less frustrating. 


Yeah running slash isnt an issue for me either but it would give me chance to experience her as is IPS wise. They still have effects in game now. They still do stagger and damage reduction... that's still useful.. so I don't see why the current IPS system would mean she can't be released. The suggested system isn't in place yet so that wouldn't hold her back... and if she is released now we cna actually test the differences on her ourselves.

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They said on the Dev Stream they want to release Khora with the IPS changes because she focuses so much around those damage types. Sure, they didn't say Khora delayed because Damage 2.5 delay but it is quite easy and clear to see.

They want Khoras 1 to shine in its full glory and not just be a "use slash or don't bother" thing and it would be without a good Damage 2.5, which the first version probably wouldn't have been, probably since no one got to test it outside of DE.

Khora and Damage 2.5 just are a bundle for DE at the moment. Was hoping for a Stream this week with some news regarding all this but we just have to wait for next week

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2 hours ago, Kalec said:

They said on the Dev Stream they want to release Khora with the IPS changes because she focuses so much around those damage types. Sure, they didn't say Khora delayed because Damage 2.5 delay but it is quite easy and clear to see.

Which devs stream was that sorry?

So it is just an assumption then? Like I said. I haven't seen them say that Khora has to be released with damage 2.5, my assumption was just they were being done at the same time.

Edited by Lanying
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