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Void Relics/Keys


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2 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

People have given you solid feedback. Your presumption that everyone somehow, even perhaps secretly or furtively, agrees with you has been shredded, but even past that you are seeing responses detailing how people like the Void tileset, but were burned out on it by constant grind of all Prime parts through diluted drop tables there. There are people who wish the return of Rotation C drops in Void Endless, but those people are not the majority.


So, leaving aside the issue of item drops altogether, you may notice that people do want something interesting done with the Void! It’s just that you will not find much support for the idea of putting all Prime grinding back there.

And how does anything you said relates to what you quotes...
Just leave it be, ffs...

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Same opinion as Miser_able here.

But I don't get why people keep calling Void "useless" ?   Useless would be if there is nothing unique to be found there that can't be gotten elsewhere. If they find Void "useless" now, then what is considered "useful" nowadays?

Void has Argon crystals and Corrupt Vor drops. And those hidden obstacle courses are a great source for high amount of rare mods for new players, that reason alone is the part I liked about Void years ago when I was new; the horrible rotation reward system on the same tile set over and over and over?  hated that. Void fatigue.

Useless would be several other planets I never ever visit. Like Mercury or Saturn for example. Before we got the randomized Fissure storms and Kuva siphons, did we ever go back to any of those planets? It'd be a shame if 90% of a game map is content you go over once and never give a second glance ever again. I like the fissure relic system  + Kuva missions because now I go everywhere around the star chart, not just the void, void, void, void. Variation is the key to keeping people enjoying your game, this prevents burnout.

Edited by MystMan
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On 1/8/2018 at 1:04 AM, Acersecomic said:

Now, we can all agree that we liked the Void Keys much more than relics


No, we can't.  Part of the reason I save up for Prime Access is that I don't consider mindless grinding and *hoping* for a random drop to be very compelling.  Or, in fact, even slightly compelling.  I'd rather spend my limited time using a new weapon or frame to thump Grineer than to spend hours thumping Grineer hoping a random piece falls off.

Additionally, I personally don't know anyone that plays this game, and I have *no* interest in random public groups.  And I'm not awesome enough to solo Void Interception or high level Void Survivals.  (Tried Mot a couple of times, I reliably get destroyed before I even reach the first 5 minute mark.)

Please don't start your presentation with the assumption that everyone agrees with you.  They don't, and half of them have left the room before you'll get a chance to say anything else.

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Relics are a much better system with being able to choose from other players opened relics, vaulted are kept so you can still get those items if you didn't haven't time to farm, and the mission variety that give a reason to hop around the star chart. The void was starting to get stale right before relics, so many times you can run a T3 Sab before you can predict every cache location and it becomes a chore to run. Also there's still a reason to go to the void Argon crystals.

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On 8.01.2018 at 10:04 AM, Acersecomic said:

Now, we can all agree that we liked the Void Keys much more than relics 

Sorry to say but ... no, we cannot.
In my opinion Void Fissures scattered around the entire solar system and replacing regular Void missions as a source of Prime gear and Formas was one of the best decisions DE ever made. Apart from the obvious reason of improving the loot targetting, it gave a new life to some forgotten tilesets.

On 8.01.2018 at 10:04 AM, Acersecomic said:

Remember using a Void Key and entering the Towers? Feeling awe while there because of the design, music and the strangness of the place? Knowing you can only go there if you use a consumable key? Feeling a sense of urgency and unfamiliar danger no matter how many times you enter thr place?

Yes, you're right, that feeling was there indeed. At least a first couple of times being there as a new player gave that omnious feeling of being an intruder in a strange, dangerous place.

That for me was the best part of the Void Tower missions and with them being turned into regular missions I feel that sense of iminent threat has been completely lost. That atmosphere of divinity and perril...

But then the threat and atmosphere were completely gone after doing the same mission over and over again.

I must say though I really loved doing these little secret room challenges, so maybe that idea could be explored further to refresh the Void lifespan.


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10 hours ago, Autongnosis said:

I personally think that the easiest way to fix what you say would be to make all Void nodes into permanent fissures. 

I would personally love that. 

And for what little it matters, I personally would hate it.  The Void Fissure mechanics are fine for "once in a while" play.  But the fact that the entire map is in a permanently alerted state greatly impacts how I prefer to play solo - by stealth.  Alerted enemies don't give bonuses for being attacked by surprise, which *greatly* impacts how much damage I can do with sniper weapons or single shot pistols like the Lex Prime, and removes the opportunity to stealth kill enemies with melee attacks for most frames.  It also removes the possibility of gaining the stacking affinity buff for chaining together stealth kills.  Turning the Void into "permanent fissure missions" would, for me personally, change it from a location that I visit very rare to one that I avoid at all costs unless there is an Alert with a *very* tempting reward.

I have no opinion on the parkour rooms.  I don't have the reflexes for Warframe's parkour system, and I don't have the correct path through those rooms memorized.  For me, they are a complete and total waste of time to attempt.  This is not helped by the fact that the rewards for completing them are relatively useless to me.  I think there might be a couple of rare mods that are exclusive to them, but they are A) still insanely rare, and B) tradeable.  I'm far more likely to grind at my "real life job," which I have to do anyway, and use the results of *that* grinding to get something I can simply exchange to a player who has *already* spent their time grinding for surplus copies.

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