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Why mains are absolute nonsense


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1 minute ago, Urlan said:

While I think its great to have a set mindset and established playstyle that is fun for you; I am afraid it is quite incompatible with my own. I find that players having the option to play to their personal playstyle, with the options and tools available and then using what they want and when they want is one of the strengths of Warframe. I think its great that your strategy works for you and its your playstyle, however if someone doesn't do that; it doesn't make them less or more valuable or better a player than you or others. If someone knows how and likes playing Oberon for instance, in everything including spy, it doesn't make it problematic for me. The options are a strength but that flexibility of choice is what Warframe is built upon.

Very true and its fine to ig "default" on a specific load out especially when your in a mission or situation that you may not know what is the best option for. its really just about your reasoning behind it, if you can a do a spy mission without a stealth frame that's fine but your reasoning for making a pick is entirely based on hard bias that's a hindrance, a stumbling stone more so

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5 minutes ago, Tekka_Croe said:

I read your entire post and I can barely understand what you're saying, your syntax and grammar are terrible.  The reason people aren't reading your whole post is because it's way harder to read than it ought to be.  I'm not trying to be mean here.  You need to take the time to write well if you want people to seriously consider a long post.  Dropping your arrogant tone would probably help, too.

there isnt any arrogant tone, people read and assume that its being written in the worst way possible, actually i'm still editing out the grammar, you may see i just edited it a few minutes ago, goggle chrome is great at ironing out the spelling errors but is hopeless with grammar.

Edited by Ragnarok160
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2 minutes ago, Ragnarok160 said:

Very true and its fine to ig "default" on a specific load out especially when your in a mission or situation that you may not know what is the best option for. its really just about your reasoning behind it, if you can a do a spy mission without a stealth frame that's fine but your reasoning for making a pick is entirely based on hard bias that's a hindrance, a stumbling stone more so

Operators Cheese Stealth Missions

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vor 26 Minuten schrieb Ragnarok160:

Warframe is a game that at its core offers diversity and allows for a multitude of play styles.

This includes a playstyle where people choose to main something. 

I think people miss out on so much fun when they main one warframe, one primary or one melee. But that is just my opinion. In the end it is their choice to opt for the - from my perspective - boring way to play Warframe. But who are we to judge what the best way to play the game. Playing a game means having fun and people have different ways to enjoy a game.

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Why, oh why am I even reading such a bullS#&$... Too much free time today, I guess. Now i'm feelin' guilty and need to atone (Tyl Regor approves). OP, sorry that I have to tell you this (nah, not really), but from what i read it seems that you are a S#&$ty player. *insert git gud meme* What are you whining about? Everyone should play as you like? In this game you can basically solo almost everything with almost everything. What's wrong with that if someone mains rhino? I've played this game more than a sane person should, good rhino can do better job than S#&$ty or mediocre *insert whatever*, doesn't matter if its defense, surv or defection. If you don't like what people choose don't play on public, make a pre-made team or you know... solo is always an option.

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6 minutes ago, k05h said:

This includes a playstyle where people choose to main something. 

I think people miss out on so much fun when they main one warframe, one primary or one melee. But that is just my opinion. In the end it is their choice to opt for the - from my perspective - boring way to play Warframe. But who are we to judge what the best way to play the game. Playing a game means having fun and people have different ways to enjoy a game.

its hard to say sometimes, i remember when i was new and i thought volt was the greatest thing ever, then got bored with him and thought i could main pre rework limbo, frankly i think a lot of the times people will master fodder a frame and see flexibility is very fun

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Just now, Ragnarok160 said:

read the last bulletin

I did, even read all of your posts telling people to read the last bulletin.  

You still made a meta complaint and went on a multi paragraph rant about how other people chose to play the game, and basically how they should play the way YOU think they should.


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Im sorry to ruin your fun but you are just another "nobody" from internet like all of us and us such "nobody" you have no right to tell other how to enjoy the game. You say i should play lets say Loki instead of Oberon on spy mission so you could feel better about it? I dont care about you, i play for to have fun and i will do whatever i like and if i can do every mission with every single frame i own i have a right to pick whatever i want. You say that "mains" stop reworks. Didnt it cross your mind that maybe, just maybe they like the frames as they are and others want to change that? Your whole essay boils down to "you are wrong because you dont agree with me". If somebody want to main Atlas, that means they enjoy him more than other frame and you have no right to judge. Just DEAL WITH IT.

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10 minutes ago, Ragnarok160 said:

there isnt any arrogant tone, people read and assume that its being written in the worst way possible, actually i'm still editing out the grammar, you may see i just edited it a few minutes ago, goggle chrome is great at ironing out the spelling errors but is hopeless with grammar.

No matter how much you edit your OP to save face, it does nothing to change the fact that you started off by accusing players of being "cancerous" for choosing to invest their time in one frame rather than several, and used that to lead into a barely-intelligible text wall.  Also, have you considered proofreading and editing your grammar before posting?  That's what most people do to avoid looking completely ridiculous.

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1 minute ago, MagPrime said:

I did, even read all of your posts telling people to read the last bulletin.  

You still made a meta complaint and went on a multi paragraph rant about how other people chose to play the game, and basically how they should play the way YOU think they should.


how is main meta? i was sure not  main was meta

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Just now, kuciol said:

Im sorry to ruin your fun but you are just another "nobody" from internet like all of us and us such "nobody" you have no right to tell other how to enjoy the game. You say i should play lets say Loki instead of Oberon on spy mission so you could feel better about it? I dont care about you, i play for to have fun and i will do whatever i like and if i can do every mission with every single frame i own i have a right to pick whatever i want. You say that "mains" stop reworks. Didnt it cross your mind that maybe, just maybe they like the frames as they are and others want to change that? Your whole essay boils down to "you are wrong because you dont agree with me". If somebody want to main Atlas, that means they enjoy him more than other frame and you have no right to judge. Just DEAL WITH IT.

i was referring to the common flex picker, i wasn't saying that you have to use a stealth frame in spy, i actually said if you can do it without one more power to you also im not saying bring atlas into a mission or main him was wrong i said people are holding him back by not admitting his faults and improving him.

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2 minutes ago, Tekka_Croe said:

No matter how much you edit your OP to save face, it does nothing to change the fact that you started off by accusing players of being "cancerous" for choosing to invest their time in one frame rather than several, and used that to lead into a barely-intelligible text wall.  Also, have you considered proofreading and editing your grammar before posting?  That's what most people do to avoid looking completely ridiculous.

i didnt saying maining was cancer, i said the attitude towards there bias on a there main was cancer, your not cancer for bringing your main, your cancer if the only reason you made a pick regardless of mission type was because you main

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13 minutes ago, Ragnarok160 said:

there isnt any arrogant tone, people read and assume that its being written in the worst way possible, actually i'm still editing out the grammar, you may see i just edited it a few minutes ago, goggle chrome is great at ironing out the spelling errors but is hopeless with grammar.

I would recommend reading and editing your post before you post it. I certainly got an arrogant vibe from it, as did many other players. 

Full disclosure: It didn't really help that you talked about Nyx (one of my favorite frames) like she only has a third ability and nothing else. I couldn't stop thinking "have you ever played Nyx?" for the rest of your post. A more neutral response is - A lot of your "squishy support frame" scenarios are due to player error. "Nyx can die in Chaos crossfire" is kind of like saying "Rhino can die if he gets shot enough." Technically true, but you would seriously question what else was going on (e.g. Why didn't Rhino Stomp? Why wasn't Rhino using Iron Skin? Why was Rhino just standing there?)

As an additional point - DE certainly didn't help the situation by making Focus lenses non-transferable. New players might only have one lens installed in their favorite frame, which can contribute to them "maining" said frame.

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The term "main" annoys me as well. Warframe requires you to play different frames for different situations. I.. have trouble understanding why people would limit themselves to one playstyle when this game clearly is pushing you towards trying different combinations. 

There are games where characters are complex and require a lot of practicing and time to master. In that case, "maining" is kinda appropriate. For Warframe though? What's there to main? Spamming 4 abilities? Meh...

But there's really no point in arguing for such little things. 

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Just now, Ragnarok160 said:

i didnt saying maining was cancer, i said the attitude towards there bias on a there main was cancer, your not cancer for bringing your main, your cancer if the only reason you made a pick regardless of mission type was because you main

So let me see if I have this straight.

I am cancer because I bring Mag Prime to an Infested mission, even though I have an Infested specific build that can wipe the floor in most standard Infested content?  

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1 minute ago, Ragnarok160 said:

i was referring to the common flex picker, i wasn't saying that you have to use a stealth frame in spy, i actually said if you can do it without one more power to you also im not saying bring atlas into a mission or main him was wrong i said people are holding him back by not admitting his faults and improving him.

And again you are neglecting that somebody may enjoy him exactly the way he is now and maybe he doesnt want any changes made to him. This whole topic is you complaining about others playing what they like, my point about spy missions was just example. Who do you think you are? Why do you feel like your style is the only "good way" to play the game? And dont say that you dont feel that way because than this topic would not exist in the first place.

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Just now, MagPrime said:

So let me see if I have this straight.

I am cancer because I bring Mag Prime to an Infested mission, even though I have an Infested specific build that can wipe the floor in most standard Infested content?  

no, its the difference between saying "i know i can clear a mission with this frame and load out" and saying " time for another radiation mission with equinox"

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Does it make you feel good to borderline insult people due to your limited perception?


40 minutes ago, Ragnarok160 said:

1. Warframe was but also was not whole fully designed to be a game that allowed you to play a single style for the lifetime of your play through, its really confusing actually since fighting is really opened to a limitless load out. a good example is spy missions, YES you can do spy missions without stealth frames like ash, ivara, loki, octavia and "ahem" limbo but most people would feel more comfortable using said frames. skill does play a large factor in missions that require unconventional means to the speed shooting style the rest of the game conveys but the higher you go the more common people will or rather should resort to these frame.

Do you need to use a stealth frame in this missions type, NO but it greatly improves your chances, its more so a fact of "just because you can does not always mean you should" and that same quote goes for the rest of the game (at-least referring to higher levels) yes any potato load out you bring into the early game play level 1 - 60 can be useful but i'm more so referring to the very high levels of game play where strategy and smart picks will win over being stubborn and bringing lets say atlas into a level 100 defense mission. the game isn't just about shooting and exploitation but its about doing it the right way. think about your team and what real impact you'll have in a match before you go in.


Suffering from gid gud issue. Do not forget that you don't get a stealth starter - all of the puzzles have non stealth solutions (and no alarms).  Is it as time efficient as going with Ivara and ignoring the mechanics - no. Is it more fun - in personal perception - yes.

Just because you can't do something, does not mean that everyone has the same issues as you. A classic examples are the weekly "Mag sucks/Ember Sucks/Ivara Sucks/Insert name sucks", that come from people that are using one trick and hope it works out for every piece of content in the game. If you can recognize the fact that you can't use a hammer to nail down all challenges, why can't you recognize that mods and loadouts are as important (if not more) than the null value functionality of the skills warframes have?


43 minutes ago, Ragnarok160 said:

2. "Mains destroy there own frame". what i'm referring to is the constant fan boying of certain frames that are holding back said frame and community. i'm talking about the hard fan boys not the people that really care about a frames well being. a long time ago it was oberon mains constantly ranting about how oberon was god tier and everyone else was dumb and lacking in skill when really all they were doing was giving DE a good reason not to buff him. Now a days its nezha and atlas frame which are two very lack luster frames who's powers are greatly over shadowed by other frame. instead of saying nezha's powers could use more synergy and talking about whats wrong with atlas (which would take a separate thread) they need to accept that some frames really are just bad and come up with ways to improve them instead of calling everyone whom talks bad about there frame skill less. i know there are people out there already doing this but i find them to be much smaller compared to the fan boys. think about it, if people didnt see how bad limbo was he would have never been reworked.

You are referring to people that don't have self awareness and confuse feels for facts - they are found in ALL social circles, regardless if it is onlne or not. For example you are fanboying over the notion that "mains are nonsense".


44 minutes ago, Ragnarok160 said:

3. "support mains are the absolute worse". of all the mains i usually encounter the support main is the worst. yes, yes ik you main ev trinity and day form equinox you dont need to say it every two seconds. I see this a lot more in forum posts and support mains make it very clear that they think they are better then everyone.  not a day goes by on the forums that i don't see at least 5 support mains claiming they are the only reason why there team stays alive at level 100. let me burst the big head of support mains " your not needed". will anyone complain theirs an ev trinity on there level 100 team, well yes actually because without chain link they will die in about 1.5 seconds of entering a room and its even worse for equinox players since they have no defensive capability, and don't say 4 is good CC since once an enemy stops for about 3 seconds the CC no longer works on them and nyx users never own up to the fact that even though chaos is decent CC the cross fire will masque squishy frames. news flash yes people don't mind support frames but just like everything else you don't need one in every game.

What a nonsense strawman argument. Are you trying to depict a brand new player and taking pot shots at him?  Any player that has bothered with "level 100" (really don't know why are you hung over level 100 enemies) knows that supports are the busted class in the game. Octavia, Harrow, Trinity, Mag, Nova - all of them pull crazy combination plays.

46 minutes ago, Ragnarok160 said:

i think it was about a year ago that the craze for EV trinity really sky rockets, i remember the recruiting chat wanted a EV for any ol thing but those days have passed and EV is really only needed in grinding missions.


You think is not a fact. EV has always been in high demand from certain players that refuse to play solo. 

46 minutes ago, Ragnarok160 said:

4.  "playing a frame for 100 hours does not make you better with that frame" this one can be up for debate but before you hate me in the comments hear me out. i hate the age old excuse that playing a frame for an ungodly amount of hours in any better then someone playing the same frame for 20 hours, if anything it makes you worse. mechanically every frame in the game is the same (no rhyme intended) they move the same, shoot the same, the only difference between frames is there abilities and passives, the other 80% of there load out is open for everyone. however playing 1 frame in all reality makes you worse at the game overall. imagine you play a lot of rhino and clearly he plays different then a squishy frame since he can take bullets to the chest so a lot of the time when playing rhino your not dashing around so much but moving slowly trying to get head shots and maximize your damage, so now imagine you decide to play trinity, a frame that is very squishy and dies in a few hits, trying to play her in the way you would play rhino will have you dead before you realize you accidentally didn't bring your main, with squishy frames you need to move fast, weaving in and out of cover, but with all this movement its much harder to land head shots and maximize your dps. but lets reverse the roles now. a trinity trying to play rhino isn't used to the standing and slow movement of rhino and has very poor accuracy from never really practicing head shots.

Sorry dude, no matter how much you want to compare basic proficiency with experience it does not work like that. Yes, playing one frame on high level for over 200 hours with over 6 formas would translate in a player that can pull out from that dedicated experience with multiple gear and mod load outs. And you keep on making one fatal mistake, while repeating it like a zealot.

I won't indulge in commenting on the rest of your feel craft, but I will remind you couple of thinks :

a) Main means something you prefer and find enjoyable. Not something you play 100% of the time and please do not assume that, otherwise all of your argument is as solid as a chocolate hammer in the summer.
b) With that said, even with high % you forget basic math. For example @DatDarkOne has around 70% on Ivara (give or take). But this is 70% out of over 50 days. Sure he "mains ivara", but his 2-3% on the other frames still translate in hundreds of hours.
c) Your load out and mod selection matter a lot more than the main frame.
d) Your benchmark of "level 100 enemies" is laughable at best.

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Just now, kuciol said:

And again you are neglecting that somebody may enjoy him exactly the way he is now and maybe he doesnt want any changes made to him. This whole topic is you complaining about others playing what they like, my point about spy missions was just example. Who do you think you are? Why do you feel like your style is the only "good way" to play the game? And dont say that you dont feel that way because than this topic would not exist in the first place.

and this is the reason oberon was never fixed for so long and remained at the bottom with limbo for 3 years

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Just now, Ragnarok160 said:

no, its the difference between saying "i know i can clear a mission with this frame and load out" and saying " time for another radiation mission with equinox"

You keep making statements that you think are supportive.  You do realize the Equinox is not inherently deadly to the team on a radiation mission, right?  When you say these things, it gives the impression you don't know what you're talking about. 

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