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it is real now... Cetus bounties are the ones than do have the relics, did a couple of hieracons and hydrons and not a single relic. i hope they also add em´ to normal mission table drops because if they did not and this is the way DE wants unvaulting to be from now on ill say goodbye to Destinyframe 2 RIP

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Bounties are GREAT for relic farming


...except for all the times I run into matchmaking never letting me in, dropping me unprepared into a solo mission, or dropping me altogether during a host transfer. Really hope they continue to work on the matchmaking bugs as they explore creation of their next open world

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24 minutes ago, Faerren said:

Bounties are GREAT for relic farming


...except for all the times I run into matchmaking never letting me in, dropping me unprepared into a solo mission, or dropping me altogether during a host transfer. Really hope they continue to work on the matchmaking bugs as they explore creation of their next open world

Unless you have to do worthless low level bounties that reward nothing of use to you unless the relic.... or unless you dont enjoy running around the map like a rabbit and 1-shotting lvl 10 enemies which is *sarcasm* sooooooo much fun*sarcasm*


honestly it looks like they made this so all the people who hate bounties are more likely to buy the bundles....

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On 2/3/2018 at 1:50 PM, Ohforf3 said:

It is because English isn't everyone's first language.  The announcement was that they are going to add the relics for the unvaulted primes to the bounties.  People are translating that as the relics for the unvaulted primes will ONLY be from the bounties.

If I am wrong please link me to the announcement from DE saying it is going to be exclusive to the bounties.

In their post they said to check their official droprate site for the updated drop chances and locations.I read your response and had hope. So I went to it (Link to the droprate site) looked for Lith G2 as an example, and yeah. They're exclusive to bounties.

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On 2/3/2018 at 5:49 PM, Chronometria said:

People are going to end up hating bounties. I am sure there are better ways to do this.

Going to?

I started hating them the second week they were available. Its not as if they introduce new and revolutionary game play. They're poorly disguised Escort and Defense missions. The same tired crap we have been fed for years now. 

Getting old? No. they were old months ago. Now, they're just tired, sad excuses for real game play. And they STILL dont even work reliably to boot. 

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Agree with TS. Done 15 runs so far, 0 relics. Given that even if I find a relic its not certain that it will drop what I need, I'll literally will have to do thousands, that is with 3 zeros after, of bounties.

This is just to force us to pay imo...

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This method is jut not good. This is not target-farming this specific relic. Lith and Meso are incredibly hard to get since they have the lowest chance to drop. I've been playing bounties for hours now and only got 1 relic, the rest of the rewards being utter trash. Endo, endo, credits, wisp, endo, wisp, occasional useless mod of which i have 100. I wasted so much time for 1 relic. This is NOT working as it probably was intended.

Now, the syndicate packs. I bought dozens of those today. Used all my medallions I've been collecting for so long. I was getting 1 new relic out of 3-4 packs. With the amount of relics that are in the pool right now, this method is not working either. Lower level players with daily standing cap half of what I could get. are even in more trouble.
  We don't need 1-2 relics from each, DE. No.. we need dozens of each so we get every unvautled part. I personally need all new (for me they are new) items but Ember and Frost. Those I have. I don't want to farm 5-6 hours every day, hoping I'm going to get couple of the relics I need. We have lives outside this game. I don't mind sitting one afternoon and mass farm relics, it's something that I personally enjoy - chill with friends in long runs and vc, but now they just quit on trying to farm anything on Eidolon. During the hundreds of bounties i've done so far, I probably have gotten no more than 20 relics, most, if not all, coming from the highest tier missions.
Something needs to be changed soon.

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i agree. i can enter PoE only when solo and on min settings and i get about 20-30 minutes until game crashes (crappy hardware), but everything else beside PoE runs smooth on medium setting and stable 50fps(locked on). make the relics drop at C rotation on high level spy and caches.

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On 2/2/2018 at 10:01 PM, (PS4)Musicopia said:

So you would rather they add them to the literal dozens of other relics that drop in normal locations so you never get any of them?

i'd rather farm earth excavation for lith G2 where it's a 90% drop chance for a relic rot b+c than run a T2 bounty for a 20% chance AT BEST of getting the relic i want stage 1, 15.49% stage 2, and 0% stage 3. apply that logic to t3 and t4 bounties with io or hieracon and you may understand why most people don't like bounty-exclusive "common" drops

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On 2/3/2018 at 3:01 AM, (PS4)Musicopia said:

So you would rather they add them to the literal dozens of other relics that drop in normal locations so you never get any of them?

Well yes that fun of farm, plus the Cetues is lagging most time in the plains it self and what the drop chance of the relics???? as i like to farm hours in nice/ non-lag play like defence then plains to get the relics will have 2 months to get them no excess and it fast to get a defence then bounty plus with friend or group last long in defence then doing one stuiped bounty that true. 


to me warframe force US to the plains, which not alot of us what do so NO THANK

Edited by forever0not0alone
need to add more
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On 2/2/2018 at 10:01 PM, (PS4)Musicopia said:

So you would rather they add them to the literal dozens of other relics that drop in normal locations so you never get any of them?

I would rather them put the relics in the normal way, everyone is used to that and it wont take 4 hours to get a couple relics. the old system was at least slightly interesting. bounties are the most boring and monotonous task in the game. 

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DE is shoving the plains down our throats, I personally don't even like the plains and don't know if I ever will and plus the bounties don't work half the time. A complete waste of time, I don't know what DE was thinking because this has to be one of the stupidest ideas of 2018.  For the people saying they drop from anywhere else should check the codex. 

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I dont post much but this is really making me mad. I hate the plains so many loading screens and fps drops when I enter the town. Also its not like I play warframe for the open world experience. If I wanted a good open world experience I would just play just cause/gta/mass effect/fallout. This and the removing of raids is making me want to drop the game tbqh. If they tie the arcanes to the aswell plains I'm just gonna drop this game then.

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I will update my situation since yesterday:

30+ lith/meso bounties, still just 1 relic (Meso F1).
I did 5 Axi bounties - 13 Axi L1 and S2 relics. This is good, makes me want to play only this specific bounty cause I won't feel entirely idiotic. But for the rest of the bounties this is not working.

Edited by arimanari
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il y a 3 minutes, arimanari a dit :

I will update my situation since yesterday:

30+ lith/meso bounties, still just 1 relic (Meso F1).
I did 5 Axi bounties - 13 Axi L1 and S2 relics. This is good, makes me want to play only this specific bounty cause I won't feel entirely idiotic. But for the rest of the bounties this is not working.

Yeah,, and this is the real problem.. Lith Meso and Neo Drop Rates are abysmal.. even if you only do the Stage 1 of the bounties.. 20% or less is not acceptable.. and it's becoming lower more the bounty are advancing... 

Axi is 50% at first stage.. That's more than enough.. I never had a lot of Axi.. but right now I have more Unvaulted Axi than the normal Axi.. but as for lith.. i have like 2 Unvaulted total.. Like 4-5 Meso (all by the syndicate), 3-4 Neo (syndicate too )... 

If they really want to make us farm on bounty.. Put them all at 50% and be it.. People will still buy the F*** out of the pack.. because some people dont like bounty at all...  And dont make an argument like 2 month is a lot to farm bounty.. I want to do other thing than farming bounties..  and at this rate I will have like let say 100 Axi's +... something like 30 Lith.. 40-50 Neo and Meso.. that's not a lot.. 

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On 2/8/2018 at 2:43 PM, arimanari said:

I will update my situation since yesterday:

30+ lith/meso bounties, still just 1 relic (Meso F1).
I did 5 Axi bounties - 13 Axi L1 and S2 relics. This is good, makes me want to play only this specific bounty cause I won't feel entirely idiotic. But for the rest of the bounties this is not working.


On 2/8/2018 at 2:52 PM, MunsuLight said:

Yeah,, and this is the real problem.. Lith Meso and Neo Drop Rates are abysmal.. even if you only do the Stage 1 of the bounties.. 20% or less is not acceptable.. and it's becoming lower more the bounty are advancing... 

Axi is 50% at first stage.. That's more than enough.. I never had a lot of Axi.. but right now I have more Unvaulted Axi than the normal Axi.. but as for lith.. i have like 2 Unvaulted total.. Like 4-5 Meso (all by the syndicate), 3-4 Neo (syndicate too )... 

If they really want to make us farm on bounty.. Put them all at 50% and be it.. People will still buy the F*** out of the pack.. because some people dont like bounty at all...  And dont make an argument like 2 month is a lot to farm bounty.. I want to do other thing than farming bounties..  and at this rate I will have like let say 100 Axi's +... something like 30 Lith.. 40-50 Neo and Meso.. that's not a lot.. 

Update From DE

[Shrine of the Eidolon: Update 22.12.0]
"Prime Vault Bounty Relics in Stage 1 have been moved to be rewarded in Stage 2 and weighted accordingly amongst the other Stages. It’s worth noting that Bounty Stage 5 now yields the highest chance of getting a Vaulted Relic. Our intentions here are to alleviate players abandoning the Bounty after the first Stage"



On 2/3/2018 at 10:01 AM, (PS4)Musicopia said:

So you would rather they add them to the literal dozens of other relics that drop in normal locations so you never get any of them?

For me is yeah, we don't want it "lock bounty only"
Anyway good for you, I'm sure you have get a lot set of ember loki frost to sell due to its bounty only.


Edited by kikuapple
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They are to uncommon .. and seriously I prefer it that way.. Because for now,, i got more than it was before the changes and I have "old relics" at the same time.. so possibilty of like 2-3 relics.. 1-2 normal 1-2 vaulted is always nice.. Sure.. you can get **** by RNG.. but right now i prefer it that way

That still a lot of RNG,, but at least I feel like I got some "better" rewards.. 

Edit : sure you can get 0 relics .. sure it still feels like a chore, but the longer bounties are still good since you have multiple chances to get Uncommon reward so better chance at relics.. Problem is still Meso and Lith.. 


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1 hour ago, MunsuLight said:

They are to uncommon .. and seriously I prefer it that way.. Because for now,, i got more than it was before the changes and I have "old relics" at the same time.. so possibilty of like 2-3 relics.. 1-2 normal 1-2 vaulted is always nice.. Sure.. you can get **** by RNG.. but right now i prefer it that way

That still a lot of RNG,, but at least I feel like I got some "better" rewards.. 

Hemm.. I don't know how you calculate. but before update. if you do 1 stage only: for prime vault axi relic you will get 50%
(play solo, use excal range build, use skill 1 to get location in 5sec, finish stage 1, extract or maybe quit mission)

new update to get vaulted axi relic:
stage1: 0%, stage2: 25.97%, stage3: 25.97%, stage4:20%, stage5:40%

ps: in this calculate I use uncommon cetus wisp reward as reference, due to cetus wisp has big % compare with another uncommon kuva reward .
pss: in this calculate I'm refer doc bounty wikipedia (who still not update ) where uncommon reward lvl40-60 only 2 items. with this update uncommon reward become 3 items (you can check by yourself in the game), which means the % to get vaulted axi relic is lower than I have write.
psss: sorry for my bad English. not my first language.

Anyway. Thanks to DE.


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I'm going to go conspiracy theory and say forcing people into the POE with these relics is research/stress testing for their new large area they are making. Anything else makes no sense, force people to play a specific area of the game that is unpolished buggy and in general not interesting or fun. Why draw a big red circle around your weakest part of the game unless it's for a specific reason.

A quick fix of reducing grass and shrub height by 50% would lessen the frustration on the poe for me. Then I could actually see what I'm shooting at since you have the grass at the same height as your foe and aiming reticle. Not to mention brown grass, brow dirt map, brown npcs blue sky. Stacked with the eye bleeding of tiled repetitive textures and the poe instantly subconsciously makes you irritated.

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And i thought I was going crazy. Not only Axi is almost as hard to get now as Neo, Meso or Lith, it seems that it will NOT drop at all on stage A, even being a common drop. I did 4 bounties yesterday for Axi... 4 X 5 stages - that's 20 chances to get a relic, I got 2. Kinda makes me abort the bounty after stage 1 or 2. 
Also, what happened to reducing the 3 minutes timers on "protect the vault" and "liberate the camp"? I got 2 "liberation", 1 protect-the-vault and 2 random each time. Apart from all the running, loading screens, bugs, pre-stage tasks (kill the guards, locate the beacon ..etc) adding 3-4 minutes per stage with a very low chance to get the reward you want, it gets not only boring and repetitive, it makes me wanna break my hardware for feeling so idiotic at my bad luck. 
I have plenty of active players in my clan but NONE OF THEM does the bounties. They either don't care, are not so experienced to battle invisible enemies on lvl 40-60 POE with 10fps gameplay, or it simply takes them 3 to 10 minutes to load the actual bounty only to find out it has "disappeared" as a task the moment they finally get into PoE,
I am left alone, soloing, since playing with randoms is as slow, and sometimes slower, than playing alone. Host migration, leaving squad non-stop, just breaks the sessions. On several occasions I didn't even get the stage reward.

A lot of angry people in the chat. Both because of this and because of the "reworks".

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11 minutes ago, DangleJangles said:

I'm going to go conspiracy theory and say forcing people into the POE with these relics is research/stress testing for their new large area they are making. Anything else makes no sense, force people to play a specific area of the game that is unpolished buggy and in general not interesting or fun. Why draw a big red circle around your weakest part of the game unless it's for a specific reason.

A quick fix of reducing grass and shrub height by 50% would lessen the frustration on the poe for me. Then I could actually see what I'm shooting at since you have the grass at the same height as your foe and aiming reticle. Not to mention brown grass, brow dirt map, brown npcs blue sky. Stacked with the eye bleeding of tiled repetitive textures and the poe instantly subconsciously makes you irritated.

Didn't thought of it this way but it does make sense. Actually decided to just ignore the unvaulted relics especially when thnking it took me 12+ radiant relics parties just for 1 Loki part. 

The previous AXI drop rates were very reasonable imo but the changes now does seems like they're testing the limits.

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The logical thing to make people happy would be take old relics from starmap retire them into the poe, you know that place all warframe players go to retire and fish(It's like the florida of the star chart.) Take the new unvaulted relics and sprinkle it like little stary snow flakes around the  star chart(kuva fortress, od). Done.

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I just did 10 quick waves to check out banshee sq with augment... Even though I got some cancer meso relics, I still feel rewarded and happy. I can spam those into random fissures, get traces, get junk parts.

Now, DE, what do I do with 1000 cetus wisps and Breath of Eidolon?

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