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(No longer works) Farming the new relics faster


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( T means Tier )

Hello guys, with the new relics being part of bounties, many people will suffer on the T2, T3 and T4 ones, since for now, T5 bounties got only two Common items, one of which is the relic. While T4, T3 and T2 has 5 Common items. Which means your chances on getting the relics are lower on T3 and T4.

Can we make it faster?

Of course


Stage one bounties are the only ones that have solely common rewards.


Common rewards are where the relics are.


Relics have highest chance to drop on first stage.


So, what to do?

Do only stage one, and extract.

( Please don't do it in a public squad, it is a betrayal and will probably cause the inability to finish the bounty if you were the host ).  

The calculations are inside the spoiler, open at your own risk


Let's do the math on each stage, if the percentages are the same as those of the relics before the unvaulting.

Using probability laws:

T2: Stage one: 20%, Stage two: 15.49%

If you do both stages, your chances of getting a relic are = 0.2 + 0.1549 - 0.2*0.1549 = 0.3239

That's 32.39%

If you do only stage one twice, your chances of getting a relic are = 0.36

That's 36%

A difference of 3.61%

And a relative difference of 11.14% from original chances.

T3, T4: Stage one: 26.03%, Stage two: 19.39%, Stage three: 19.39%

If you do all three stages, your chances of getting a relic are = 0.2603 + 0.1939 + 0.1939 - 0.2603*0.1939 - 0.2603*0.1939 - 0.1939*0.1939 + 0.2603*0.1939*0.1939 = 0.51.93

That's 51.93% to get a relic if you extract at the end of stage 3, since stage 4 has 0% chance to drop a relic.

If you do only stage one three times however, your chances of getting a relic are = 0.2603*3 - 0.2603*0.2603*3 + 0.2603*0.2603*0.2603 = 0.5952

That's 59.52%

A difference of about 7.59%

And a relative difference of 14.61% from original chances.

T5: Stage one: 50%, Stage two: 32.47%, Stage three: 32.47%, Stage four: 25%

If you do all four stages, your chancees of getting a relic are = ( long math ) 82.89%

If you do only three stages, your chances of getting a relic are = 77.19%

If you do only stage one four times, your chances of getting a relic are = 93.75%

If you do only stage one three times, your chances of getting a relic are = 87.5%

A difference of about 10.86% from if you do all four stages.

And a relative difference of 13.1% from original chances.

A rise of about 10.31% from if you do only three stages.

And a relative difference of 13.35% from original chances.


Relative difference = difference / original chances *100

Meaning how more likely are you to get a relic.


It should be noted, that those numbers are in the case of the average stage being the same in all methods.

Being selective about which stages you do will rise efficiency significantly.

Having a slow Internet connection/Computer will  reduce the time significantly.



By using this method, you are about 11%~14% more likely to get a relic if you repeat stage one instead of doing all the stages.

So ask yourself, if it's worth the time added by exiting and entering the planes for each stage.


Of course, this can be further complicated with extra tips:

1- If you have a good net and Pc, You can choose to do stage one only if it's a short one ( like capture, hostage, drone, cashes ... ) otherwise extract right as you enter.

2- If stage 2 bounty is short, you can choose to do it instead of leaving immediately ( stage 2 still drop relics but with lower rates ).

3- Hit abort, you don't have to go to back to the door. After that, open the menu and choose fast travel to konzu.

4- Avoid doing the last stage if you are farming relics, since it can't drop any common rewards, including relics. ( By CriticalFumble ).

5- Copy this 

[lith g2 relic] [meso e1 relic] [meso f3 relic] [neo f1 relic] [neo e1 relic] [axi l1 relic] [axi s2 relic]

Paste it in clan chat ( Use ctrl+V ) since that one doesn't get deleted till you exit the game.

When you click on any of the links on the chat, it'll show you the rewards + how many relics you have.


Any more tips mentioned in the comments will be added here with their owner's name.


And good luck.

Edited by Akram-The-Reaper-Panda
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16 minutes ago, Akram-The-Reaper-Panda said:

3- Going solo is ur best choice, get a dps frame that can sustain damage to finish quickly. 

and hope and pray you dont have bloody tusk napalms (died 3 times in a t5 just now due to them......ridiculous lol) firing at you or a ogms..(turrets sre OP)

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4 minutes ago, Kalvorax said:

and hope and pray you dont have bloody tusk napalms (died 3 times in a t5 just now due to them......ridiculous lol) firing at you or a ogms..(turrets sre OP)

Tusk Napalms? You mean the nice guys who fill energy bar on my Saryn from 100 to 850 in 5 seconds?

For real tho, Rage + Hunter Adrenaline is amazing


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il y a 3 minutes, Kalvorax a dit :

and hope and pray you dont have bloody tusk napalms (died 3 times in a t5 just now due to them......ridiculous lol) firing at you or a ogms..(turrets sre OP)

I decided to remove that XD telling people what to take is rediculous. Some might find themselves better with stealth frames. And yeah, only today i noticed that Mesa's shield is useless against those rockets with the hard way.

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il y a 11 minutes, (Xbox One)Timidobserver a dit :

So, you are saying the fastest farm method is to go into a t5 bounty and quit after 1 or 2 stages.

Not only T5, but T4 and T3 too, since each will probably have different relics. In all three tiers do just one stage. Since stage one has highest relics drop rate chance.

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il y a 14 minutes, Zerdfer a dit :

When people consider not completing a mission more rewarding ... you know there is a problem ...

I don't see it that way. Every stage is its own mission with its own reward. Consider it like the stages of sorties. And i certainly don't see the problem as long as u don't go pub with this. 

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After playing around with this, I've found it to be significantly less efficient than just doing the full bounty. The amount of additional overhead it generates far outweighs the tiny additional percentage chance of getting a relic. I can maybe see this for Axi relics as the percentage drop is steeper there, but for Meso and Neo this is a patently awful idea.

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il y a une heure, 666CN a dit :

This is unfair to the player who wants to continue, and the official should not put the remains together, and we hate host migration.

It can be used in solo, public or in a premade squad, i can see it as unfair only if used in public.

il y a 57 minutes, Khift a dit :

After playing around with this, I've found it to be significantly less efficient than just doing the full bounty. The amount of additional overhead it generates far outweighs the tiny additional percentage chance of getting a relic. I can maybe see this for Axi relics as the percentage drop is steeper there, but for Meso and Neo this is a patently awful idea.

Might be true. I added the maths to the topic to help peopple decide what to do.

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Doesn't work on consoles - the loading time in and out of the plains will make it totally inefficient. I'd venture a guess that even on PC where your change is from ~32 -> ~36, that small increase of less than 4% will not make up for the loading time, travel time back to the gates which may be further than the next stage, combined with how quick some of these stages are.  But whatever works for different people.


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il y a 54 minutes, (Xbox One)Tucker D Dawg a dit :

Doesn't work on consoles - the loading time in and out of the plains will make it totally inefficient. I'd venture a guess that even on PC where your change is from ~32 -> ~36, that small increase of less than 4% will not make up for the loading time, travel time back to the gates which may be further than the next stage, combined with how quick some of these stages are.  But whatever works for different people.


The small increase can be quite deceptive though. You see, if the chances were 1% and the method made it 2%. The increase is just a small 1% but it doubles your chances. I added that after your comment. That increase of less than 4% that you mentioned, is actually a relative increase to your chances by 11.14% from the original. You are 11.14% more likely to get a relic. Yes, that still might be small for the trouble to go through. Like you said, it's up for the players to decide.

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Eh, with loading times the difference between this meta strat and playing as normal is insignificant. We have two months to get these things and they're all common, and we can get up to 5 per Bounty run anyway, which is just fine for me considering we also can refine Relics and do Radshare. It's not like minmaxing  Bounties is really needed to get all the Prime goodies (RNGesus willing).

Besides, I need to grind out Cetus Standing for more Zaws parts, and I still don't have all the rare Set mods yet. Better for me to just play the game.

Edited by SenorClipClop
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