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DE Really? You trash banshee ult


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8 hours ago, Jim22 said:

They changed her augment not her actual ability. its the augment that changes how her ulti works. 

Either way it was a fail. Enemies just wait at the edge of the line of damage or get pushed out instead of entering range without this mod. This mod gave the right amount of range plus allowed for slow growth at a stiff penalty, now it just pushes them out of range and enables them to shoot into the footprint of the ability.

Edited by askaninja
adding quote i was replying to
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8 minutes ago, Jim22 said:

They changed her augment not her actual ability. its the augment that changes how her ulti works. 

the problem is that banshee is a horrible warframe. Unaugmented.

Seriously, ask any banshee main to play without augments and they'll tell you it's impossible. She depends on them to keep her powers relevant. Her 2 is horrific without the augment. Her 3 is an absolute joke of a defensive skill (75 energy to stun enemies once for about 3 seconds on a 20 second cooldown?). Her 1 does 50 base dmg. fifty. granted it can scale up with her 2, but 50. Her 4 is like hydroid 3, or wukong 3 where yes it does stop her from dying because of the cc, but it also doesn't let her do anything, no moving no shooting. Which means the net progress you make is very little. Especially when enemies start to outscale the damage it deals.

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8 hours ago, Obviousclone said:

the problem is that banshee is a horrible warframe. Unaugmented.

Seriously, ask any banshee main to play without augments and they'll tell you it's impossible. She depends on them to keep her powers relevant. Her 2 is horrific without the augment. Her 3 is an absolute joke of a defensive skill (75 energy to stun enemies once for about 3 seconds on a 20 second cooldown?). Her 1 does 50 base dmg. fifty. granted it can scale up with her 2, but 50. Her 4 is like hydroid 3, or wukong 3 where yes it does stop her from dying because of the cc, but it also doesn't let her do anything, no moving no shooting. Which means the net progress you make is very little. Especially when enemies start to outscale the damage it deals.

I think the rework should have actually been to increase the duration of her 3rd to 10 seconds with a 10 second cool down.. .this way if you run with a good group you can ambush mob groups, retreat and ambush again or just run in a straight line attacking getting a hit in here and there and running past the big stuff.

Edited by askaninja
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1 hour ago, askaninja said:

Yes, it is worthless at high level since she is so squishy compared to other more viable options.

Says a lot about you as a Banshee player. In no way, no matter the levels, are her 2 and 3 worthless. Before Chroma, Banshee was the top damage buff Warframe because Sonar is absolutely insane and has always been able to reach ludacris damage numbers no matter the level. Her squish is to make up for the fact that she is incredibly powerful, but that is ONLY if the user is good at utilizing all of her abilities AND the parkour system which essentially allows you to out-maneuver most incoming damage, instead of being a knob who relies solely on her 4 for survivability. Maybe, just maybe... If the PLAYERBASE didn't abuse her 4th and turn her into a Four And Forget (ultimately annoying everyone else who wasn't playing her because SOME of us like to kill things too), then DE wouldn't have had to make these changes that even ACTUALLY good Banshee players can still perfectly utilize.

The only reason these changes came through was because of player feedback. DE listened to their players, implemented a change to a lot of Warframes that increase gameplay interactivity for EVERYONE, and now the same playerbase is cursing DE for not being allowed to Four And Forget anymore. It's sad. If you truly have a problem with the changes, just use a different Warframe since there are "other viable options". 

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4 hours ago, Pizzarugi said:

Good, I'm tired of AFKing because some "press 4 to win" scrub wanted to kill everything in defense. Now we have to actually do something.

Friendly reminder: People who abused room nuking powers, weapons and mods are the reason they get nerfed.

A fun little fact is you choose to afk...you could have quite the mission and got a different group or idk as people like to point out about anything pug related...joined a premade group..suppose complaining on the forums is easyer tho...

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Do she have any survivability like other warframes do?  No! She can't survive end game and She can't even nuke low level too Banshee is not a thing now.

Before DE gave us Resonating quake no one play banshee. She became useful because of her Resonating quake. But now DE took it without buff her other abilities like They do with Ember and Ash so Banshee becomes useless again.

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4 hours ago, Nendos said:

" Can't one-shot level 35 Heavy gunner " kkkkkk

Her is warframe crowd control not DPS or damage.

Crownd control frame ?  She has bad CC  compare to other frames.

Mag 2nd and 3rd, Nova 4th, Frost 2nd augment and 4th, Equinox Peaceful provocation, volt 4th etc.

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OP makes me smile. The fact that you regarded her augment as her ult just shows how you don't really care about the frame but merely how few buttons you have to press. Thing is, Banshee has always been on the higher end of the apm spectrum in warframe, so the augment falls in line with people who dont care for the one skill in her arsenal that allows her to breathe(or people who can't into positioning).

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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Repeating what I said on the feedback section:

Ohohoho DE, you don't know what you've done. To all of you who complain and whine about the RQ change, hear me out.

Banshee's RQ are waaayyyy better than what it used to be. Build it with max range, moderate power, and max efficency, oh, and don't forget Natural Talent while at it, then assign macro for your RQ at your mouse or something, then spam the hell out of it. What you get is basically the old RQ, but now with enabled Energy siphon, Zenurik focus stuff, etc.
The only downside of this is that you can't have the best out of her 2 and 3 anymore. So now, either you go for her Sonar or her RQ, you can't have both anymore.
Sure, back then, I can leave her and grab some snack while she's quaking. Now, I just need to press 4 repeatedly with one hand, while my other hand grab some snack. This is a buff for banshee if anything else. Her ability to farm focus and leave your teamate with nothing to do is still there.

DE, I'm sure that this is NOT what you have in mind. So please. Bring her first rework plan back. I'm really fond of that idea where she drops her RQ and she can cc while shooting. This current change to banshee is not well thought and easily exploitable. It's not good for the player, as basically it's the old banshee all over again, but with some ear cancer because she spams her 4 (yes, i really hate her "DOOOM" sound when she start the Sound Quake if spammed repeatedly). and definitely not good for you who sought to destroy any afk farmers.

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12 hours ago, Pizzarugi said:

Good, I'm tired of AFKing because some "press 4 to win" scrub wanted to kill everything in defense. Now we have to actually do something.

Friendly reminder: People who abused room nuking powers, weapons and mods are the reason they get nerfed.

So wheres trinitys ev nerf?

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From what I heard, the augment is even more useful now. You don't have to stack the damage anymore. The augment is not affected by duration and costs less energy overall. So high power strength + range + efficiency = grofit.

Edited by yles9056
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Ironically it still wrecks at Hydron if spammed, you can do two-three casts and then go and kill heavies but usually one cast is enough to kill pretty much everything there so imo. for focus farming it got better.

I would still rather like it changed to be a cc. so Banshee would have a usable and consistent cc for Sonar focused ranged play to supplement its kit(something similar to Molecular Prime)and Silence could remain as a tool for speedrunning as it's kinda sucky for cc. otherwise unless you're meleeing with a low range setup, Banshee could be a better sniper frame than Nova that way as the Sonar weakspots give a better damage output. (and they could appear at heads so Argon Scope could still work and it wouldn't ruin headshot rates)

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I did several Berehenia runs with a friend using her with the new augment, no buff just a Trin and 2 leeches. It absolutely S#&$ on the enemies, very few issues killing them and a buff would solve that. I really like the changes, she's a lot more fun to play now and still can nuke rooms. I do agree on the cast time though, I really wish that was sped up.

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On 2/10/2018 at 12:56 AM, Pizzarugi said:

Good, I'm tired of AFKing because some "press 4 to win" scrub wanted to kill everything in defense. Now we have to actually do something.

Friendly reminder: People who abused room nuking powers, weapons and mods are the reason they get nerfed.

 But lets be honest here, if you don't want people to mass wipe the room in a starchart defense mission, all you can do is play solo.

If you want to "do something" them i don't know, maybe bring "bad" weapons and keep a dragon key in your gear, because a group of 4 will always be overkill and you'll always be just hitting one enemy or another from time to time.

 Before the "you're defending them because you're one of them" line, no, i do not use Resonating quake, i have always used Sonic fracture.

 But it always pisses me off that someones get in a room and complain about "you're killing all the enemis, leave some for me" or "stop using X ability/weapon", having a random #$&(% yelling at a Limbo or a Zephyr for using their abilities really kills the mood.

 If you're not willing to put up with people doing what they like/want to do, just play solo.

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It falls off really bad at sorties tried it, sortie 1 Mobile Defense, everything went smooth Sonar then Resonating Quake, everything died but at sortie 2 Survival (Elemental enhancement iirc.) it just knocked down Corpus trash mobs with minimal damage, needless to say since the tileset is made of a few small corridors this sortie didn't went well.

This frame needs a scaling cc more than anything or some scaling mechanic at RQ, as the latter would be broken it could just use another Quake augment that changes the ability to be more cc oriented. (not normal Quake type of hard cc that staggers enemies but soft cc that slows enemies and also lets you move around, this would be both useful, balanced and fun)

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On 2/9/2018 at 9:13 PM, askaninja said:

...My feedback is simply this: the minority is complaining. In fact most people liked it before these things were nerfed. After the changes much fewer people are playing these frames. Is it because you don't like the way some people play the game? Is it about control.. only allowing people to play the game in a fashion you like?...

First off, don't claim you know what the majority/minority opinion is, you have no stats to back this up and honestly, it seems that more people complained about it for a long while before the change finally happened (as with all nuke frames that clear rooms with minimal effort). It wasn't until the change that you started to notice the negative feedback thus seeming to be what "most people liked".

Second, you claim that those in favor of the change want to dictate how people should play the game, when really it's the people using these press 4 to win playstyles that dictate how people play in a game everyday. 

Often when these people appear in a squad, the game becomes boring. This leaves players to either resort to nuke tactics themselves to feel like they're at least contributing in some way, or to go afk as they have no hope to participate in the action.

And no, forming groups beforehand is not a viable solution. Too much hassle just to have some simple fun gameplay.

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6 minutes ago, davej83 said:

lol ? u should try it bafore say that.. they changed complety and now it´s totally useles

He's right, her ability suffered no changes, only her augment did. If you remove the augment she will still perform her quake, only with it equipped will she create the quick quake. 

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Am 2/10/2018 um 03:56 schrieb ZirkonX:

Brozime made a build where he basically did the same stuff wth like 300% power strength and zenurik (which looked better than the previous version imo) it was in stream he might upload later to youtube

This. And 200% strength with 100% range is fully sufficient for Hydron (I tested this till round 20). Even Natural Talent is not a must. Just makro her 4, your forefinger will appreciate this and you can go afk again (greetings from good ol' Blind Mirage). DE managed to make this cheesier than ever... :thumbup:

Edit: Link to the Quake Banshee part of the stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/227440673?t=01h17m02s

Edited by radastir
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I am personally seeing banshee players spamming 4 over and over till wave 10  at hydron and try to talk to them "is it fun"

yea is it fun now that you dont have to afk but you just have to press 4 non-stop just to kill enemies
warframe is at its peak with banshee's 4

im glad if banshee's 4 just gone from the game

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On 10.02.2018 at 8:32 AM, Obviousclone said:

the problem is that banshee is a horrible warframe. Unaugmented.

Seriously, ask any banshee main to play without augments and they'll tell you it's impossible. She depends on them to keep her powers relevant. Her 2 is horrific without the augment. Her 3 is an absolute joke of a defensive skill (75 energy to stun enemies once for about 3 seconds on a 20 second cooldown?). Her 1 does 50 base dmg. fifty. granted it can scale up with her 2, but 50. Her 4 is like hydroid 3, or wukong 3 where yes it does stop her from dying because of the cc, but it also doesn't let her do anything, no moving no shooting. Which means the net progress you make is very little. Especially when enemies start to outscale the damage it deals.

did you ever play banshee? her augment on sonar is worthless cus of its stupidly high inner cooldown. the hell are you guys on about?

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