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New Anti-air In Plains? #instakilltitania


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So I was doing a 20-40 lvl bounty in the plains and I noticed that when going into razor wing with Titania I am now being insta killed from some strange anti-air the Grineer have suddenly acquired. Does anyone have any information on this? And why the *&%^ was this implemented with little to no mercy? I have absolutely no time to react at all aside from not using my 4... which completely defeats the point. 

I have now seen what the "change" is (could have been there from the start and I had never been targeted by one). Either the mortar battery can now also fire a salvo of seeking rockets or there is a new turret added much like the mortar turret that will fire salvos of seeking missiles. The damage these things do need to be adjusted for frames like Titania who aren't dargyns or archwings which are meant to be taken away from players when hit. 

Edited by OtisSpunks
typo, Update
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2 hours ago, Sitchrea said:

There's always been Grineer AA guns near main camps.

Thats not what I am talking about. You know those grineer that jetpack into the air and shoot the salvo of rockets that have a short seek time? Its like those but that dont seem to come from a ground unit grineer and they seek you for much much much longer distances and they hit like a freight train.. or rather enough to 1 shot her razorwing butterflies or a Titania using a fully ranked vitality. 

My guess is like what LSG501 said. With the introduction of dargyns they gave the gineer greater anti air since the dargyns is offensive much like the arch wings can be. However they seem to forget one crucial detail. When I am shot out of my archwing im not dead, I fall to the ground but am still alive and effective. An inconvenience sure, but I wasnt insta-gibed. 

Others should try this and see if they experience the same. Get into razorwing around bases and see if you get absolutely rekt'd by a mysterious mass of missiles.  

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Tusk Grineer have two anti-air weapons which have always been there since Plains released:


-The automated rocket turrets.
-Glowy-red rockets from Bombards and Hellions.
Both of which home on you like mad and, upon impact, will forcibly turn off Archwing or Archwing equivalents.

The solutions, so far:


-Kill everything.
-Don't use Archwing. Use Dargyn instead (if you have the opportunity and enemy levels aren't over 40, as Dargyn weaponry does not scale, which is the same case with Ramparts).
-Use :naramon: SPOILER to enhance SPOILER to zip across the Plains faster, if Archwing and/or Dargyn are not viable (enemies dealing too much damage or otherwise).

Edited by Koldraxon-732
Formatting corrections.
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If nothing was changed then I am experiencing these mechanics for the first time despite the 50+ hrs I have spent in the plains these past 2 weeks on Titania doing max level bounties. I still believe something fundamentally has changed, but its completely possible I am wrong.    

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Hmm yeah did take her out on the plains today and i definitely experienced far more "Surprise! You're dead!" Deaths than i think I've ever experienced. 

The only other thing that provides as much cheap death are the lvl 100 Sapping Osprey mines from the sorties. Tho at least they give you an indication of the death zone a second or so before they just kill everything. 

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2 hours ago, Oreades said:

Hmm yeah did take her out on the plains today and i definitely experienced far more "Surprise! You're dead!" Deaths than i think I've ever experienced. 

The only other thing that provides as much cheap death are the lvl 100 Sapping Osprey mines from the sorties. Tho at least they give you an indication of the death zone a second or so before they just kill everything. 

I think I have figured it out. I'm in the plains now and I saw what looked like a standard mortar turret shoot a slavo of seeking rockets right at me as soon as I entered razorwing. Took me from 300 shield 740hp down to 14hp and some of them missed. Its absolutely insane now, not 5 secs after entering my 4 this thing rocked my world. 

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11 minutes ago, OtisSpunks said:

I think I have figured it out. I'm in the plains now and I saw what looked like a standard mortar turret shoot a slavo of seeking rockets right at me as soon as I entered razorwing. Took me from 300 shield 740hp down to 14hp and some of them missed. Its absolutely insane now, not 5 secs after entering my 4 this thing rocked my world. 

That might be it I do recall some turret that started with a V that seemed to go ham on me in one of the larger camps but something was doing a similar job in one of the smaller camps. It might have just been lucky (or unlucky as the case may be) fire from normal grineer but if the AA turrets are targeting her I wouldn't be surprised of other cheap AA weapons are being triggered by it.

Also at some point it bugged out my Sentinel which ended up simultaneously invulnerable while dead, even resurrecting didn't unstick it. 

But at least they fixed the sprint/spacebar problem.....


Edit: You mentioned the drones dying in the other thread yes? 

I wonder if that is because they are also using the cheap AntiArchwing weapons on those too. Cause I rarely see those die anywhere else, actually I didn't even think they could until today :P 

Edited by Oreades
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It's most likely a bug..


it's coming from the vruush or whatever it's called the grineer turret in the camps (the one that shoots several bullets per second).


Before update 22.12.0, these same turrets would throw the homing missiles only when you were in archwing. The damage is supposed to be absurd so that it one-shots you in archwing, instantly sending you back to normal mode.


Seems like with patch 22.12.0, titania got this bug where she is now considered a target when in razorwing, for those turrets. Since the turrets are supposed to one-shot our archwings and send us back to normal, it will also one-shot us in razorwing. Except we don't go back to normal form, we die. That simple.


I hope they fix this bug asap... first the ascend bug, now this... when will titania be properly playable? :v

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2 hours ago, devildevil21 said:

It's most likely a bug..


it's coming from the vruush or whatever it's called the grineer turret in the camps (the one that shoots several bullets per second).


Before update 22.12.0, these same turrets would throw the homing missiles only when you were in archwing. The damage is supposed to be absurd so that it one-shots you in archwing, instantly sending you back to normal mode.


Seems like with patch 22.12.0, titania got this bug where she is now considered a target when in razorwing, for those turrets. Since the turrets are supposed to one-shot our archwings and send us back to normal, it will also one-shot us in razorwing. Except we don't go back to normal form, we die. That simple.


I hope they fix this bug asap... first the ascend bug, now this... when will titania be properly playable? :v

Thankyou so much, this makes a lot more sense. +100

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when you know that there is anti air neat by, fly "under the radar" aka close to the ground. they tend to target you a lot less when you are at the same height as a normal on foot soldier. works with archframes as well. I notice ALOT less anti air when I stick low. but ya, since the plains released that anti air would one shot a Titania (surprisingly shield block the dmg better than vitality from my experience)

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