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The PoE Barrier


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31 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

But you asked for ways to buy this stuff. I gave you an answer.
And 20k standing, that's one pack of relics a day. And after farming for 4 days you get another pack. Pretty chill.

cool lootbox story brah. 

6 minutes ago, (PS4)Awesomenisticus said:

What would you think would be a better solution?

this is by their own admission a data collection setup.

its not like they don't have data on hammering in a repetitive mode space already. infested salvage and nidus. defection and corrupted bane mods plus harrow systems.

huh. theres the void. theres the entire lack of variation in capture reward tables(one loot list for every capture on the map). 

there are alternative places to put them, but choice? no because want to draw the maximum people over time window FOR the loot added specifically. 

it doesn't take much to observe the plains focus side benefits they expect to reap as well. more people on plains is more justification for the design which falls to dirt low figures when there is no "event" on them. peak 40 cetus instances down to as low as 2? 

and more people on plains means more chances to catch reports on the bugs that riddle them, and keep recurring or persisting too.


its a closed loop of justification, good intentioned or not, and each reasonable enough step leads to the next until we get this mess of a state of things. road to hell and all that.


so step one is convince them they've made reasonable steps that lead to other justifiable reasonable steps each getting farther from good, and closer to pure arbitrary no choice or variation grinding.

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4 minutes ago, steelblueskies said:

cool lootbox story brah. 

this is by their own admission a data collection setup.

its not like they don't have data on hammering in a repetitive mode space already. infested salvage and nidus. defection and corrupted bane mods plus harrow systems.

huh. theres the void. theres the entire lack of variation in capture reward tables(one loot list for every capture on the map). 

there are alternative places to put them, but choice? no because want to draw the maximum people over time window FOR the loot added specifically. 

it doesn't take much to observe the plains focus side benefits they expect to reap as well. more people on plains is more justification for the design which falls to dirt low figures when there is no "event" on them. peak 40 cetus instances down to as low as 2? 

and more people on plains means more chances to catch reports on the bugs that riddle them, and keep recurring or persisting too.


its a closed loop of justification, good intentioned or not, and each reasonable enough step leads to the next until we get this mess of a state of things. road to hell and all that.


so step one is convince them they've made reasonable steps that lead to other justifiable reasonable steps each getting farther from good, and closer to pure arbitrary no choice or variation grinding.

I think that if they added alternate ways for people to farm these relics, while keeping the "focused" way to farm them through bounties, it would give them a good way to measure how much people care about bounties or PoE. 

If enough people would rather push their luck on Io or Xini instead of PoE, they would have a powerful tool to draw some conclusions regarding the latter.

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2 hours ago, steelblueskies said:

cool lootbox story brah. 

What does my post have to do with loot boxes?
Last time I checked syndicate rewards were standing only and had nothing to do with real life currency.
The OP is the one that wants to buy everything with his money, because he is an adult and his time is valuable.

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4 hours ago, Kyoresh said:

First, People complain that PoE gives no usefull rewards that are worth the effort.

DE puts good rewards in PoE, people complain about DE putting good rewards in PoE.


The problem is that those relics are now locked behind double RNG gate, a time/rotation gate and another time gate, being a time-locked event. I haven't seen Axi L1 in the T5 rotation since Monday. I check every 2 hours... until I have to eventually sleep, or have a life outside PoE.

If the bounty was a 5 min mission (specifically T3 and T4), people wouldn't mind so much but the sheer time and effort wasted and get no relic for few bounties in a row, is not cool. Unless you are a masochist and like to be bullied. 

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As has been said many many times, none of us have an issue with the relics being in the plains, the issue is the fact they're ONLY in the plains (and syndicate packs... thank god for syndicate packs in my case). 

Then to top it all off they only have one of the 2 (apart from lith) relics of each tier available at any one time meaning there are times when you can't even farm the relic you need and I had this A LOT like the post above. 

You could easily argue this is more a case of 'buffing' player numbers on the plains to mask the fact that there isn't actually much to do by forcing us to go there to get the one thing we actually need...even more so for 'higher level' players due to plains being far to focused towards newbies.  If they want to draw us to the plains outside of eidolon hunting, give us better focus gain or xp, better rewards etc, actually make it a place 'high level' players might actually want to spend some time.

And if you don't get a relic the rewards from bounties are anything but rewarding when you've already done them and got everything, plus it's not like they're a quick mission, at least on the starmap most 'relic farms' drop other relics we can use for ducat fodder.

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I really haven't seen what all the hub-bub is about putting relics there, to be honest.

It's not like they made a brand spanking new thing that everybody wants and give you a 25% once a day to have a 2% chance of getting the one you want so that you can start farming resources to get a further 2% chance every two or three missions of it ACTUALLY BEING WHAT YOU WANTED!.  Cuz, well, that'd be dumb.  That'd be rivens.

This is old gear.  Most that have been around forever have all of it.  Some, like me, are missing a piece or two, some maybe three.  For folks like us, the "fresh" content should really be PoE anyway, so it went where we probably ought to be interested in going anyway.  If you've got anything at all to gain from standings yet, it's probably PoE stuff.

For those that are newer and seeing this stuff for the first time, or just plain new enough to not really have all the stuff, PoE is a good opportunity.  It offers a place to progress the PoE standings, get a variety of stuff, and experience a variety of mission types.

Honestly, if it's gotta be one place, I think this is the best one for it.

Incidentally, every single relic I've gotten this time around has been from syndicate points---I haven't succeeded in getting a PoE relic to drop(I haven't tried very hard either, to be fair).  The odds of getting one per relic pack seem to be relatively high and the rate is about the same---three missions for a syndicate with an emblem plus one one for the allied syndicate will get you in the ballpark.  Turn in insignias and you're all but guaranteed to have enough, cap it out and you'll probably have enough for two packs a day with relatively minimal effort---and all the sundry ducat fodder to boot.

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17 hours ago, Kyoresh said:

First, People complain that PoE gives no usefull rewards that are worth the effort.

DE puts good rewards in PoE, people complain about DE putting good rewards in PoE.


We want useful rewards in Poe. In the WORLD.

Not in Bounties. They are low effort filler Missions that were tired and old a week after launch. Not to mention, bug ridden and failure prone. This is just lazy.

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16 hours ago, steelblueskies said:

cool lootbox story brah. 

this is by their own admission a data collection setup.

its not like they don't have data on hammering in a repetitive mode space already. infested salvage and nidus. defection and corrupted bane mods plus harrow systems.

huh. theres the void. theres the entire lack of variation in capture reward tables(one loot list for every capture on the map). 

there are alternative places to put them, but choice? no because want to draw the maximum people over time window FOR the loot added specifically. 

it doesn't take much to observe the plains focus side benefits they expect to reap as well. more people on plains is more justification for the design which falls to dirt low figures when there is no "event" on them. peak 40 cetus instances down to as low as 2? 

and more people on plains means more chances to catch reports on the bugs that riddle them, and keep recurring or persisting too.


its a closed loop of justification, good intentioned or not, and each reasonable enough step leads to the next until we get this mess of a state of things. road to hell and all that.


so step one is convince them they've made reasonable steps that lead to other justifiable reasonable steps each getting farther from good, and closer to pure arbitrary no choice or variation grinding.

Exactly this. This person understands that DE needs to justify the time wasted on this repetitive, pointless bounty hell.

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