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Limbo's Stasis: A change to improve team play.


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When it comes to Limbo, there's a very noticeable divide in the community about this frame. Some love him, some want him deleted.  The question is, Why do people want Limbo gone?


In parties, most limbos you will see will run high range, high duration, enveloping the entire field in cataclysm, and freezing time with stasis. For limbo, this synergy is amazing, but for party members, it's infuriating to see your attacks no longer work and have to resort to melee. Which leads to anger, which leads to the reasoning that people want the frame gone. So what if there was a fix for that. What if allies could unfreeze their shots in stasis without limbo?


The idea is this: When a limbo uses stasis, time only moves when you do. Think along the lines of Superhot. Allies see their bullets frozen? all they have to do is move a bit and boom, their shots land. Allies want to land three headshots all at the same time? all they have to do is turn to the enemies, aim, fire, then scoot back and watch them all fall at once. As for Limbo, his skill wouldn't change for him. He can still run around and organize all his shots in weird places, and snap his fingers whenever for everything to go back into motion.


This fixes one of the key complaints on Limbo in parties, while still keeping the time mechanic in mind. It doesn't greatly change what is there currently, but  it gives players a choice to opt in or not. 

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3 minutes ago, Server said:

When it comes to Limbo, there's a very noticeable divide in the community about this frame. Some love him, some want him deleted.  The question is, Why do people want Limbo gone?


In parties, most limbos you will see will run high range, high duration, enveloping the entire field in cataclysm, and freezing time with stasis. For limbo, this synergy is amazing, but for party members, it's infuriating to see your attacks no longer work and have to resort to melee. Which leads to anger, which leads to the reasoning that people want the frame gone. So what if there was a fix for that. What if allies could unfreeze their shots in stasis without limbo?


The idea is this: When a limbo uses stasis, time only moves when you do. Think along the lines of Superhot. Allies see their bullets frozen? all they have to do is move a bit and boom, their shots land. Allies want to land three headshots all at the same time? all they have to do is turn to the enemies, aim, fire, then scoot back and watch them all fall at once. As for Limbo, his skill wouldn't change for him. He can still run around and organize all his shots in weird places, and snap his fingers whenever for everything to go back into motion.


This fixes one of the key complaints on Limbo in parties, while still keeping the time mechanic in mind. It doesn't greatly change what is there currently, but  it gives players a choice to opt in or not. 

This is a good idea but it doesn't fix the limbo trollers, which unfortunately, this game has a great number of them.

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Would improve the situation for allies where their guns no longer work, but doesn't solve the problem where Limbo makes the mission incredibly boring when enemies literally cannot do anything to you or impede your mission progress. You'll still have Limbos that cast Stasis and then tune out to watch cat videos any time there is a static mission objective.

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2 minutes ago, Momaw said:

Would improve the situation for allies where their guns no longer work, but doesn't solve the problem where Limbo makes the mission incredibly boring when enemies literally cannot do anything to you or impede your mission progress. You'll still have Limbos that cast Stasis and then tune out to watch cat videos any time there is a static mission objective.

As a posed the several other frames you can do that with. Facile Argument.

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Would be more beneficial (for everyone on the squad and overall fun), if time stopped only for limbo and enemies.

It would incentivize players to work as a team with limbo. Furthermore, i think all buffs given to limbo, from both skills and augments, should apply to the whole team.

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1 minute ago, tCartmant said:

As a posed the several other frames you can do that with. Facile Argument.

"A and B are bad gameplay, therefore we should allow C which is also bad gameplay because there is a precedent"

I do not accept this.  Remove bad things at every opportunity.

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Just now, Momaw said:

"A and B are bad gameplay, therefore we should allow C which is also bad gameplay because there is a precedent"

I do not accept this.  Remove bad things at every opportunity.

So what is good game play, face tanking while shooting? So sure, I can get rino out with all his strentgh mods and face tank and shoot all the enemies. Make sure I have arane guardian for even more armor, just bring it all. Literally stand there and be unkillable redoing iron skill with a good amount of duration and energy pizza's. Sounds like a blast.


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Interesting take on how to solve the Stasis dilemma in teams. If you're playing normally moving about as you shoot, then a Stasis-ed Rift won't feel much different than the material plane, except enemies become immobile target practice dummies.

Does it feel a bit overpowered? Probably. There's not much reason to not have Stasis on 24/7 unless the Limbo himself wants to use guns once in a while. Not that it isn't already the case today.

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2 minutes ago, RangeConjure said:

There's actually only one big issue with it after thinking about it for a while, but for this to work, wouldn't you need to actually convert all hitscan weapons into projectile ones while they're within the rift?

For that matter, who determines when the bullets move? Does each person control their own bullets? This seems like a neat idea with no real place for it in this game.

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i just ran a survival where a limbo that wouldnt stop following me using "his whole kit" i dont know limbo i will NEVER play limbo! i ask him not to! and i move away he follows! i will report every limbo i play with that plays that way for harassment until i am banned or he gets removed or i quit! i came here to escape abusive behavior and i will go elsewhere because of his ability to effect other players so DRAMATICALLY. no i am not going to change what i can do in a mission to accept that thing on a "Team"... ive posted on this alot but here are some more reasons where making his abilities was a Singular mistake... When it puts that void fissure rift cut thing in specific spots that are either impossible to avoid a pain to avoid,... putting me in void ok i roll out,... but whats this a nully or a minus duration or something and im back in because it was recast maybe ... repeat... or whats the deal with the enemies being in the void, trying to attack me, and i cant hit them at all from outside... i wont look it up, i wont play the quest i will uninstall very soon! :( you can have my name back!

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Every frame that can troll will have that one guy just troll the whole time. Easy solution. Find a new party. Valkyr can also troll you pulling you into endless pits. If you don't want a Limbo who trolls, just get yourself a Pox. His stasis can't hold them. Limbo is great when you don't troll with him though. Even Frost is kind of trolly. You can't shoot into his bubble from outside. They should fix Snowglobe to act like Gara's ult tbh.

Edited by TwilitAngel
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