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Reason's Why This Game Is Dying - The Icing Is Wearing Thin - How Can We Save Warframe


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lol that's exactly what I'm doing. I don't really want to quit because I've invested in this game so I'm putting some hope and just hanging around in the forums. Something is not working right with this game, it's giving me the impression that  DE is trying to put stuff out but sticks too close to their comfort zone. It's all too wishy-washy but I hope they step up their game pick up a direction and head that way whether it works or not.

We need PvP. What else will offer an extensive replay value other than PvP? Raids! Seriously difficult boss that has tiers or phases and requires your group to work together rather than a mindless disorganized free for all. 


DE_Steve, I can bank on it. 

Edited by Mythblaze
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We need PvP. What else will offer an extensive replay value other than PvP? Raids! Seriously difficult boss that has tiers or phases and requires your group to work together rather than a mindless disorganized free for all. 


Agree. These things stick close to the core gameplay. Unlike the new weapons and warframes which feels a bit too detached.

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Two thoughts:


1) If moving it into feedback would help, I'd support moving it.


2) If Community Moderators manage to find these threads and post in them, would they not then be able to winnow out the salient points for consideration by DE staffers? 


I'm assuming that 2 already happens a lot, and that CMs are getting tired of feeling like they have to do so much of this particular kind of legwork. Carry on...

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Two thoughts:


1) If moving it into feedback would help, I'd support moving it.


2) If Community Moderators manage to find these threads and post in them, would they not then be able to winnow out the salient points for consideration by DE staffers? 


I'm assuming that 2 already happens a lot, and that CMs are getting tired of feeling like they have to do so much of this particular kind of legwork. Carry on...


 Me and Ced do a lot of #2 whenever we find a good chance. Although the BEST thing to do is to just make sure you get your stuff in the right Feedback section.


 The best odds you'll have at getting feedback seen by the right people is to get that feedback in the right section. 

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I feel like this is relevant for this discussion, a quote from a DE_Steve post yesterday:

"When we started this thing last March I would have laughed if you said people would put 100 hours in. It's terrifying to see how much time some of you have invested in Warframe. I'm not sure where the cynical stuff is coming from "Its Beta!" or "Devs Gotta Eat!" stuff come from - both are true, but we don't try hide behind those. We tend to agree when stuff sucks and publicly so.

The burnout, raging or otherwise, definitely is a problem. I don't have the magic bullet because the answer is hard: diversity. But we're keenly aware of it and we know that our life depends on fixing it. Update 10 won't make it vanish but it is heavily influenced by it - diversifying mission types vs. reskinned button pushing. Surfacing dueling more. But the biggest gains are going to come from hard work - to add systems that gives Warframe more sandbox-style qualities.

I hope you get a bit of relief from burnout with the new location coming. We've reworked RNG and added new enemy types... but for our elder players who see much of this as reskinning - yep, we're guilty of that. But rest assured your voice has been heard. If its too little, too late, sucks for us to lose you, but I understand."

Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1jy9kl/anyone_else_suffering_raging_burnout/cbjmkjl

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Now here is the TL;DR

its your job as a community to help make this game better, you need to put your neck out and give some ideas,

And DE needs to start addressing these. 


New game modes, concepts, systems and elements of warframe.

I have seen so many ideas, so far. and they need to start being put into consideration.

Because in the future, if all we see are new helmets, and warframes, and capes, and dangly bits.

That is just an expensive cover up, hiding the bland core elements of game play.

DE you need to take a step back now, and look back into the core of this game, instead of just releasing the same old content every now and then.



even new modes, concepts , systems and elements of warframe is still "icing"


need real end game. need to introduce that to give this game longevity





First in after DERebecca



**Edit 2***


Endgame, allow me if you will please to give you 1 example of END GAME that will "should" work for this game.


you grab 3 of your best friends. you enter into a mission. the 4 of you split up to fight your way through the map. once all 4 arrive at each door that can only be unlocked if all 4 players simultaneously (while in separate areas in the zone) press the button. 


once opened all 4 players engage a unique boss solo. one can only take damage via melee other has complex AI, another only takes damage from Warframe abilities etc.  "tune" these bosses for 1 v 1 play.


once all 4 die. it unlocks the final boss. where you and your friends will group up again and tackle that one boss with perhaps all 4 powers combined making it a very difficult encounter. 


and make it drop a non platinum purchasable item slightly more powerful then whats out there. but powerful enough to warrant the level of difficulty and RNG required for that drop.

Edited by Rompido
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 But not all discussion is constructive feedback.


 [insert emote]


Yes, yes, you've demonstrated just how well you can copy the second half of my own words, which still doesn't seem to actually have any relevance after the first half.

Edited by FatalX7
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But the biggest gains are going to come from hard work - to add systems that gives Warframe more sandbox-style qualities. -Steve

This statment alone made me regain hope. I love sandboxes!


OP maybe repost this on AsurO forums? I you make a lots of fine points, on all of them I totaly agree.

One would like to see more diversity among enemies. Some wallrunning enemies with lunge attacks to dodge. Eviscerator were a fine addition

Dark Sector had some very enganging enemies with cool mechanics.


But you people complaining about no end game. Make some suggestion with your post. If DE just added some harder dungeons, most of players would go over that and again complain... and the other "half" would complain about P2W ><.

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....But you people complaining about no end game. Make some suggestion with your post. If DE just added some harder dungeons, most of players would go over that and again complain... and the other "half" would complain about P2W ><.



I made a suggestion. I'll re post it


Endgame, allow me if you will please to give you 1 example of END GAME that will "should" work for this game.


you grab 3 of your best friends. you enter into a mission. the 4 of you split up to fight your way through the map. once all 4 arrive at each door that can only be unlocked if all 4 players simultaneously (while in separate areas in the zone) press the button. 


once opened all 4 players engage a unique boss solo. one can only take damage via melee other has complex AI, another only takes damage from Warframe abilities etc.  "tune" these bosses for 1 v 1 play.


once all 4 die. it unlocks the final boss. where you and your friends will group up again and tackle that one boss with perhaps all 4 powers combined making it a very difficult encounter. 


and make it drop a non platinum purchasable item slightly more powerful then whats out there. but powerful enough to warrant the level of difficulty and RNG required for that drop.

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If I may step in here, If you notice my rant thread, although gaining less attention, I have placed placeholders for specific things.


The main thread is my rant.

The second placeholder will be other people's rants.

The third placeholder is suggestions for said rant.


Therefore, anyone that feels like messaging, replying or anything can have their idea promoted without having DE sifting through pages and pages of comments.


For right now my third placeholder only holds stealth, but that's all that's been discussed. There is a new idea that I never heard of that makes so much logical sense I had to add it.


Maybe this thread should do the same!

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The biggest gripe i have with this game is the void. I simply refuse to grind void ad nauseum to get the shiniest toys. I know those weapons are supposed to be exclusive and hard to get, but void is such a badly designed system, it's infuriating. Grind to grind or pay to grind. When void was first introduced I managed to get Latron Prime, but now when I look back on that incredible amount of grind it took to get... no weapon is worth the hassle.


Void is the worst part of this game.. what's supposed to be most interesting part of the game is locked behind grind/platinum and quickly becomes another grind itself. It's very bad design and I think it should be reworked completely.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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Not to be "that guy" but not all of the moderators allow good player discussions either


 I'm just messing around while I watch the thread. I love these threads. 


 Fatal is a regular so I don't considering it a big deal to derp around a bit in response to some of their posts. Some for many of the regulars.

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That's right.. I want to start off with a simple metaphor which I will use to describe the game.


A cake.


Now every time DE releases a new weapon, or a new map, That is just "icing" icing that is super tasty and which we all want to have.

It is like an addiction, to rush through and get all of the new content as soon as it comes out.

And this is now DE makes there money, Plain and simple.


Now the issue with warframe currently, is that the "core" of the "cake" is bland and stale..

The initial game play is repetitive and boring.

Enemies are easy to kill, and no matter how strong you get, you will always be able to face roll enemies like nothing.

Bosses are not challenging th



You're another one of those ignorant guys that don't follow along, aren't you?

I'll use the typical "excuse".


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