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Damage Idea?


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So i have been putting a little thought in to perhaps how the whole damage 2.5-3.0(whatever you wanna label it) could be resolved, and before i continue on this whole thing i would like to note, that yes, i have done absolutely 0 research on what others have stated so if i say something that has been said before or suggested before i apologize, i am not trying to steal ideas here.Or if i posted this in the wrong spot, i apologize as well. So lets get on with it. 

Instead of reducing stats, i would rather like to concentrate on trying to bring up other damage types and stats to be on par with the Slash proc itself, so slash would be staying the same, however, pierce and impact would get a small retool and adjustment based off their total damage numbers, like slash does with its proc.


Slash:stays the same

Piercing: Gains additional punch through based off a reasonable(and sane) amount of total damage for ranged attacks, melee weapons would gain some type of armor debuff percentage placed on targets hit. Could do both on both types however i am not really sure if punch through really works on melee >.>.

Impact: Gains a chance to cause a daze or stun effect on the target based on total damage of the weapon, something along the lines of every 100 total damage = .01 seconds of stun (adjustable of course considering there are some weapons you can get to ridiculous numbers). Also perhaps give impact weapons even more ragdoll potential on kill, because what Tenno doesnt want to help the Grineer Earth Orbit Initiative.


Now for a bit of fun on the side of random thought in to perhaps making things even more interesting.

Understandably the abilities mentioned below would need to have a little work done to them in order to make sure things arent a jumbled mess when it comes to mixing and matching or just wanting a soul damage type on one weapon or another. 

Combining Damage Types like elemental damage types:

(Slash and Impact) Wounding:  Combining both slash and impact damage allows for both procs to work together at a lower damage and stun scale, however every time the target takes bleed damage it procs a mini stun.

(Slash and Piercing) Lacerating: Combining both piercing and slash not only allows you to cut down the targets in front of you, but those pesky little back liners as well.

(Piercing and Impact) Crippling: Combining both piercing and impact allows your mini stuns to effect every target that the bullet passes through, the ultimate mini crowd control.


And now for one proposed changed that i think most will get mad at me for, if they aren't raging already.

Maiming Strike: Has a chance on hit( say 5%) to grant (15%,20%,25%,30%,35%) critical chance on slide attacks for (2,3,4,5,6)seconds(does not stack or refresh)


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I don't have too many comments on the IPS changes you proposed, they all seem fine.

The change to maiming strike though, is likely to be something much less dramatic. They have already talked about nerfing it, but I see a damage calculation change rather than a mechanical change. Instead of something like 10%+90%=100% like it is now, it will be something like 10% times 1.9= 19%.This would be more than enough to keep it viable on crit weapons, but make its use a lot less common.

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I would prefer if Puncture damage caused weakspots to show up on the enemy like Banshee`s Sonar skill does.

And about that Physical damage combination, its not going to happen since all physical based weapons have 2 or 3 physical damage types that would instantly combine.

Im also in favor of nerfing Maiming Strike. Maybe add a cooldown time on it.

Edited by BiancaRoughfin
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The idea of combining physical damage types is just stupid. It also goes against the idea of what DE was trying to do with the physical damage types and their distribution in the first playce.


regarding impact damage:

tying stun duration to the actual damage instead of the distribution on the weapon is oversimplyfieing the issue, leaves a lot of possibilities to abuse the system, especially if it is hardcapped to not totally get out of control.


as for piercing damage....

it's just terrible that people are really so narrowminded that everybody insists in the physical damage types needing some sort of damage increasing trait.... the physical damage rework, Damage2.5 is LITERALLY not even 1/3 of the whole picture.

just as a reminder, since you seem the have forgotten, we already have an elemental type, which reduces armor, corrosive and nobody knows yet, how DE intends to rework it. having to damagetypes, which do the exact same is simply pointless.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

Why are you trying to make us more overpowered (why are you trying to make slash more overpowered)? No. Try again please. It doesn't work. You don't "combine" physical damage.

The idea isnt to make things "more overpowered" it is more along the lines of bringing the other damage types up to par and perhaps give them a chance and a use that is on par with the one massively used damage type in the game right now(slash). As for Combining phys damage types, why not? it could add a little extra flavor to the game, its not a demanded idea, just something that i put in there to perhaps inspire a little more diversity.



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5 minutes ago, Reilae said:

The idea isnt to make things "more overpowered" it is more along the lines of bringing the other damage types up to par and perhaps give them a chance and a use that is on par with the one massively used damage type in the game right now(slash). As for Combining phys damage types, why not? it could add a little extra flavor to the game, its not a demanded idea, just something that i put in there to perhaps inspire a little more diversity.



It literally doesn't make sense and is literally just an effective slash buff. You can't "combine" damage types when most weapons already have all three. Please give this more thought and actually come up with something that can fit in without another entire weapon rehaul.

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if Slash Status doesn't change, then nothing that is done matters at all.

and for the Nth time, there isn't anything wrong with Meme Strike, Blood Rush is the problem. Meme Strike on it's own is basically a Utility Mod.

Edited by taiiat
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17 minutes ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

It literally doesn't make sense and is literally just an effective slash buff. You can't "combine" damage types when most weapons already have all three. Please give this more thought and actually come up with something that can fit in without another entire weapon rehaul.

Perhaps instead of saying that you can't do something and trying to shut down an idea, instead come up with your own base ideas to fit in with your own perspective on what you think would be a good addition or modification to the game. It is called an idea for a reason, not a demand, and with any idea, or theory (what have you) it requires thought. Coming in to disagree with what i have stated or proposed what i might think be a good change,or a fun change just for the sake of disagreeing without putting any kind of ACTUAL intellectual criticism other and just stating " put more thought in to it" is just silly. 

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1 hour ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

And about that Physical damage combination, its not going to happen since all physical based weapons have 2 or 3 physical damage types that would instantly combine.


I think it's more about the combination of procs, if slash & impact procs at the same time in a short window, or if one enemy has both procs no matter the time between them, the combined proc will happen.

Seems pretty cool to me.

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4 hours ago, Reilae said:

Perhaps instead of saying that you can't do something and trying to shut down an idea, instead come up with your own base ideas to fit in with your own perspective on what you think would be a good addition or modification to the game. It is called an idea for a reason, not a demand, and with any idea, or theory (what have you) it requires thought. Coming in to disagree with what i have stated or proposed what i might think be a good change,or a fun change just for the sake of disagreeing without putting any kind of ACTUAL intellectual criticism other and just stating " put more thought in to it" is just silly. 

I actually already did. I made a separate thread on the topic but didn't feel the need to plug it due to the (valid) reasons I've already provided.

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47 minutes ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

I actually already did. I made a separate thread on the topic but didn't feel the need to plug it due to the (valid) reasons I've already provided.

so you decided to come and be opinionated and give no real input on another topic why then? mostly everyone else has actually put in something interesting to pay attention to, yet you have contributed really nothing of the sorts, are you mad that i decided to put my own ideas up there or something? or are you just that bored? i don't get it, but its whatever, mindlessly complain all you like, at the end of the day, as i stated, it is an idea, not a demand

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and to those who stated that combining damage types cant be done, i ask, why not? we do it with elements,its not a far fetched idea, it seems people are quicker to say " cant" or " wont" rather than perhaps look at other possibilities outside of their own bubbles. its not that i am trying to ignore elemental types, but it would be interesting to help diversify all damage types, allowing for more builds, rather than " oh you want this then you HAVE TO BUILD THIS" but i suppose not everyone is going to see that. 

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10 hours ago, Reilae said:

so you decided to come and be opinionated and give no real input on another topic why then? mostly everyone else has actually put in something interesting to pay attention to, yet you have contributed really nothing of the sorts, are you mad that i decided to put my own ideas up there or something? or are you just that bored? i don't get it, but its whatever, mindlessly complain all you like, at the end of the day, as i stated, it is an idea, not a demand

Did you literally just ignore the second part of my post or are you just that stuck in your ways with thinking that your idea is good? I said I already contributed valid reasons as to way you should come up with something new.

10 hours ago, Reilae said:

and to those who stated that combining damage types cant be done, i ask, why not? we do it with elements,its not a far fetched idea, it seems people are quicker to say " cant" or " wont" rather than perhaps look at other possibilities outside of their own bubbles. its not that i am trying to ignore elemental types, but it would be interesting to help diversify all damage types, allowing for more builds, rather than " oh you want this then you HAVE TO BUILD THIS" but i suppose not everyone is going to see that. 

No, we did see this, you just blatantly ignored when I said:

17 hours ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

You can't "combine" damage types when most weapons already have all three. 

Because you're so stuck with wanting your idea to be liked that you ignore logical reasoning and common sense.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

Did you literally just ignore the second part of my post or are you just that stuck in your ways with thinking that your idea is good? I said I already contributed valid reasons as to way you should come up with something new.

No, we did see this, you just blatantly ignored when I said:

Because you're so stuck with wanting your idea to be liked that you ignore logical reasoning and common sense.

You seem to be stuck with trying to give as little input as possible and be completely vague about everything to try and draw attention away from the topic, so in reply,i will quote myself in my original statement:

Understandably the abilities mentioned below would need to have a little work done to them in order to make sure things arent a jumbled mess when it comes to mixing and matching or just wanting a soul damage type on one weapon or another. "

these mean exactly what was stated, there are things that can be done with damage numbers and the like in order to prevent this, putting a required amount or percentage on mixing, or you know, perhaps making it so mixing doesn't mix until a specific mod is applied, it also wouldn't be completely hard at all to just straight remove the non dominate phys types from each weapon but that is a bit too much work to be done and requires a massive change to weapons and such right? 

here is everything you have posted on this thread:

22 hours ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

Why are you trying to make us more overpowered (why are you trying to make slash more overpowered)? No. Try again please. It doesn't work. You don't "combine" physical damage.


22 hours ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

It literally doesn't make sense and is literally just an effective slash buff. You can't "combine" damage types when most weapons already have all three. Please give this more thought and actually come up with something that can fit in without another entire weapon rehaul.


16 hours ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

I actually already did. I made a separate thread on the topic but didn't feel the need to plug it due to the (valid) reasons I've already provided.


4 hours ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

Did you literally just ignore the second part of my post or are you just that stuck in your ways with thinking that your idea is good? I said I already contributed valid reasons as to way you should come up with something new.

No, we did see this, you just blatantly ignored when I said:

Because you're so stuck with wanting your idea to be liked that you ignore logical reasoning and common sense.

at this point i am just going to read everything you put down on this thread like its someone who decided to just slobber all over their keyboard, cause honestly, thats what it has sounded like for the past day


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7 hours ago, Reilae said:

You seem to be stuck with trying to give as little input as possible and be completely vague about everything to try and draw attention away from the topic, so in reply,i will quote myself in my original statement:

Understandably the abilities mentioned below would need to have a little work done to them in order to make sure things arent a jumbled mess when it comes to mixing and matching or just wanting a soul damage type on one weapon or another. "

these mean exactly what was stated, there are things that can be done with damage numbers and the like in order to prevent this, putting a required amount or percentage on mixing, or you know, perhaps making it so mixing doesn't mix until a specific mod is applied, it also wouldn't be completely hard at all to just straight remove the non dominate phys types from each weapon but that is a bit too much work to be done and requires a massive change to weapons and such right? 

here is everything you have posted on this thread:




at this point i am just going to read everything you put down on this thread like its someone who decided to just slobber all over their keyboard, cause honestly, thats what it has sounded like for the past day


This is exactly how not to respond to feedback. ^

You're still either completely ignoring what I'm saying. Either that, or you're not understanding. I shouldn't be forced to type a paragraph for me to get out a point, because that's what you're asking for. I've made my point, now it's up to you to decide what you do with it.

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

This is exactly how not to respond to feedback. ^

You're still either completely ignoring what I'm saying. Either that, or you're not understanding. I shouldn't be forced to type a paragraph for me to get out a point, because that's what you're asking for. I've made my point, now it's up to you to decide what you do with it.

its how i am choosing to respond to a childish troll on a forum who thinks their own opinion is more important than others to the point that when someone posts a different idea, that is contrary to what they personally believe, they instead of actually providing some kind of useful information insist that other ideas are stupid, and that you cant do a certain thing like they are the developer themselves, even though it was stated time and time again that said ideas where not demands, but ideas, i dont know how many times i can reiterate this for you but, at this point i really don't care for your ' feedback' because it is useless on this thread, so from here on in, i am just going to ignore, have fun, or simply, you know, step back and perhaps provide something positive instead of childish challenges and trying to pick a fight, great ideas often come from cooperation, not from one person saying no to everything and then trying to make a stand where they have none with no actual input.

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1 hour ago, Reilae said:

its how i am choosing to respond to a childish troll on a forum who thinks their own opinion is more important than others to the point that when someone posts a different idea, that is contrary to what they personally believe, they instead of actually providing some kind of useful information insist that other ideas are stupid, and that you cant do a certain thing like they are the developer themselves, even though it was stated time and time again that said ideas where not demands, but ideas, i dont know how many times i can reiterate this for you but, at this point i really don't care for your ' feedback' because it is useless on this thread, so from here on in, i am just going to ignore, have fun, or simply, you know, step back and perhaps provide something positive instead of childish challenges and trying to pick a fight, great ideas often come from cooperation, not from one person saying no to everything and then trying to make a stand where they have none with no actual input.

When exactly did I troll? Because you seem like you're picking the fight here. This is what I said:

On 2/21/2018 at 2:14 PM, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

It literally doesn't make sense and is literally just an effective slash buff. You can't "combine" damage types when most weapons already have all three. Please give this more thought and actually come up with something that can fit in without another entire weapon rehaul.

And you're making it sound like I'm the person you've yet to address yet.

19 hours ago, (PS4)rooster33 said:

These type of threads are pointless and make no sense. The changes are already in the works, and making hyperbole over something DE already has plans for is silly. 

It is worth talking about what's going to change under 2.5/3.0, or at the very least discussing what we think will change. 


On 2/21/2018 at 2:06 PM, Walkampf said:

The idea of combining physical damage types is just stupid. It also goes against the idea of what DE was trying to do with the physical damage types and their distribution in the first playce.


regarding impact damage:

tying stun duration to the actual damage instead of the distribution on the weapon is oversimplyfieing the issue, leaves a lot of possibilities to abuse the system, especially if it is hardcapped to not totally get out of control.


as for piercing damage....

it's just terrible that people are really so narrowminded that everybody insists in the physical damage types needing some sort of damage increasing trait.... the physical damage rework, Damage2.5 is LITERALLY not even 1/3 of the whole picture.

just as a reminder, since you seem the have forgotten, we already have an elemental type, which reduces armor, corrosive and nobody knows yet, how DE intends to rework it. having to damagetypes, which do the exact same is simply pointless.

And what I've said is combining physical damage does not make sense, I gave you the reason why, and yet you still call me ignorant and a troll. If you can't accept feedback that isn't in your favor, you're going to get nowhere in the forums, and most assuredly-- no where in life. So either grow up or leave. Don't call me a "troll" when I'm giving valid feedback you can't accept, even if I don't write ten paragraphs like you want me to explaining why. Address the people who literally called you stupid more making it, or accept that you've been completely contradictory and that you've targeted me the entire time for no reason.

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lets go to your first post in this thread then, which i adressed, and i call you a troll because you continue to go on and and on and on after every single thing i have answered with replies that are actually fair insulting," put more thought in to it" like i was not thinking about this in the first place, or calling your own ideas "(valid)". Or how about implying that i think my ideas where good and that i wasnt able to take feedback, when, i clearly showed that i was responding to you in a timely manner, and also questioning you back on the whys, but you consistantly stayed vague. But it kind of makes sense, either way, i am done arguing with someone who claims to be a writer and an artist but cant even come up with a creative username. So, do me a favor, and do everyone a favor and just let this topic fade off in to the old pile, specially if its such a terrible idea to begin with.


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vor 6 Stunden schrieb (PS4)ArtPrince17:

And what I've said is combining physical damage does not make sense, I gave you the reason why, and yet you still call me ignorant and a troll. If you can't accept feedback that isn't in your favor, you're going to get nowhere in the forums, and most assuredly-- no where in life. So either grow up or leave. Don't call me a "troll" when I'm giving valid feedback you can't accept, even if I don't write ten paragraphs like you want me to explaining why. Address the people who literally called you stupid more making it, or accept that you've been completely contradictory and that you've targeted me the entire time for no reason.


1. Chill.

2. I wasn't talking to you, i was giving feedback to the damage idea from Reilae...

Good god, you have some serious issues if you get this mad about something that is not even aimed at you....

Dear Lord... learn how to read a forum, whould you?

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4 hours ago, Walkampf said:


1. Chill.

2. I wasn't talking to you, i was giving feedback to the damage idea from Reilae...

Good god, you have some serious issues if you get this mad about something that is not even aimed at you....

Dear Lord... learn how to read a forum, whould you?

I know you weren't talking to me and I'm not mad at all, I was just making an example....

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10 hours ago, Reilae said:

lets go to your first post in this thread then, which i adressed, and i call you a troll because you continue to go on and and on and on after every single thing i have answered with replies that are actually fair insulting," put more thought in to it" like i was not thinking about this in the first place, or calling your own ideas "(valid)".

I didn't call my ideas valid, I called my reasoning valid...

It's starting to show that you didn't understand what I was saying in the first place, especially since I never actually shared my own ideas with you.


10 hours ago, Reilae said:

Or how about implying that i think my ideas where good and that i wasnt able to take feedback, when, i clearly showed that i was responding to you in a timely manner, and also questioning you back on the whys, but you consistantly stayed vague.

No, this is what you said:

On 2/21/2018 at 2:07 PM, Reilae said:

As for Combining phys damage types, why not? it could add a little extra flavor to the game, its not a demanded idea, just something that i put in there to perhaps inspire a little more diversity.

Which was a respectful response, so I responded with:

On 2/21/2018 at 2:14 PM, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

It literally doesn't make sense and is literally just an effective slash buff. You can't "combine" damage types when most weapons already have all three. Please give this more thought and actually come up with something that can fit in without another entire weapon rehaul.

Which was valid reasoning for you to come up with something new. I never said that your idea was trash, and I never tried to immediately shoot it down. I just gave a quick response. You respond with:

On 2/21/2018 at 2:42 PM, Reilae said:

Perhaps instead of saying that you can't do something and trying to shut down an idea, instead come up with your own base ideas to fit in with your own perspective on what you think would be a good addition or modification to the game. It is called an idea for a reason, not a demand, and with any idea, or theory (what have you) it requires thought. Coming in to disagree with what i have stated or proposed what i might think be a good change,or a fun change just for the sake of disagreeing without putting any kind of ACTUAL intellectual criticism other and just stating " put more thought in to it" is just silly. 

Which is just attacking me for absolutely no reason. I gave you a response, and you come back with sudden hostility? I said put more thought into it because it simply doesn't work.

Seriously, I was just looking to see if you could come up with something like this, but can also be put into the game and make sense. The idea is nice, but it doesn't work.


This part was my favorite:

11 hours ago, Reilae said:

But it kind of makes sense, either way, i am done arguing with someone who claims to be a writer and an artist but cant even come up with a creative username.


Nice job roasting (or attempting to roast) a username I made when I was ten years old. You apparently don't know how PSN works. I've grow up, I'd change it if I could, it why I don't go by it on any other platform. I'd roast yours, but i have no idea what it means and I'm not that petty. Thanks for the profile view however!

11 hours ago, Reilae said:

So, do me a favor, and do everyone a favor and just let this topic fade off in to the old pile, specially if its such a terrible idea to begin with.

It's probably going to happen for you since you turned this into an argument thread instead of taking criticism like a normal person. I'd just suggest making another thread already, and please just give it more thought next time so it can fit into the game and make sense, especially since it has lots of potential.

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