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Livestream #12 - Dev Q&a On August 14 @ 2 Pm Edt!


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Will the alert system be getting some changes?  Currently I feel like these alerts which only reward credits are pretty much dead and no one does them.  I know we can't have 24/7 BP alerts, but perhaps just adding some materials or something to the alerts which are credits only would be a good start.  Although with the new drop rates that might not be a great solution either.  Maybe a point system where you can earn points for doing alerts and there are daily/weekly tiers of rewards for that?


Also, will you ever introduce a cooldown system for abilities? It seems it would be far easier to balance warframe abilites using a cooldown system than the current RNG energy system, which with current energy drops/energy siphon/energy vamp is pretty much broken.  I feel there needs to be some major balancing in this area.


How about unlocks for dojo statues/decorations through things accomplished in game? For example, we can unlock a fusion Moa statue after the clan has killed x# of fusion moas? 


How about some sort of salvaging system for weapons that you are going to get rid of?  Or being able to recover potatoes from weapons that are obsolete? ( example i have potatoed latron, once i have latron prime, i have no reason to have a regular latron).  You could have the salvage system introduce some sort of chance to get materials back, which would of course cost credits to use.  ( which would add another much needed credit sink to the game).  As far as recovering reactors/catalysts, perhaps it could be a dojo workshop room which would take special tools and materials to do.  (IE you need to build the room/make 1-2 tool items/then spend some materials to get the potato back.. the room/tools would be permanent once built).  I think a system like this would be far better than the current way which is you build a weapon, max it, then if you dont want it anymore you just sell it for a tiny amount of credits. 


just a few ideas.


EDIT: perhaps extend the transmutation system to include BP/parts/maybe tower keys?

Edited by MadMartign
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Question: Have you considered added a new tab to the chat box for glitches? There is a lot of glitches in this game (open beta after all) and many of them go unreported. My thinking was if there is an obvious an easily accessible method of reporting these glitches you'll be made more aware of them. For example I cannot count the number of times that I have gotten stuck in doors or enemies have walked inside a wall etc. etc.

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Game type suggestion: Pac-man mode!, You are being chased by REALLY tough ancients, or shielded Moa's. The only way to attack them would be finding a Special item or artifact which enables you to attack the enemy. The goal is to collect all of another secondary item or artifact.

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A Question.
Will you be implementing a mod "locking" system?
As in, if we lock a mod, it makes sure we can't fuse it by accident without a prompt coming up on screen or something?
Can't count the amount of times I have listed mods to fuse and when quickly checking, realise I have a fully ranked rare mod in there somehow.
Would be nice to make it safer for us.

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Hi, sorry for my bad english ...

1 : Why the Ash use melee weapons instead of he's Blades ? Since everybody wants a "melee based frame" i think it would be a good start. You could "mod." the Blades, increase the "fire rate", adds some elementales damages ect... BUT does not change "Blade Storm" (damages are NOT increase for exemple)

2 : About mods., why not some mods. with positives AND negatives effects ? Like +XX% Damage/-XX% Fire rate ?


3 : A Giant Desert Skate ? : )

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Q1 Will there be more BP like for Miter ?

Q2 What is here in this game for me, i am rank 12?

What is the point of ranking, what all guys who are above rank 8?

Oh i almost forgot, will you fix a drop chance for Miter blade ?

Edited by histori
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1. Will there be a possibility of Alternative equip for body armor/torso with stats similar to helmets?

2. Are there still plans for the Male Female frame crossover skin customization? (Example: Female Frost, Male Nyx, Female Ash, Male Nova)

3. Will you be adding more Planets/Moons with each major patch or will we have to unlock them similar to Phobos?

4. With future updates will more boss types get personalized looks and unique drops like Vor's Seer?

Edited by Boxen
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Q1: When can the nanospores be used for something other than bragging rights on the mass amounts?


Q2: With the inclusion of the New Loot Tables, is it possible to go into the dynamics of how the loot is calculated per enemy? Just some clarification to those of us that did not understand it beyond "Table for Enemy X has entries 1,2,3"


Q3: Will we ever shave Sheldon?


Q4: The new outposts are a nice addition to the gameworld, and shows that it is pretty easy to expand on what's already in place, but a few things come to mind: Will we be limited to only the moons and planets in our solar system at this moment, and does that mean only so many additions to the map?


Q5: With the new helmets, alot of them take away from what a warframe is, by sacrificing the primary stat to increase a stat that isn't exactly needed on the frames (Speed on rhino at cost of :IIRC: health/armor). They look pretty, but can we get the ability to mix and match helmets in a similar way you can mod a warframe? What I'm saying is... Helmets are cosmetic, but let the current stats become mod-cards (flat bonus, no ranks) that can be changed, with a set of stat boosts/penalties. That way if I like how it looks, I don't have to sacrifice my vital stats for it.


Q6: Can we have the ability to skate on skates?

Edited by vladsnakedragon
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Q1: Do you plan on getting some new prime weapons to the old void (raid/exterminate) drop tables?I think than this would give some reasons to pick the older objective void keys again.


Q2:knowing than a lot of people are complaining about some clantech weapons being not powerful enough, (example:the spectra wich can only be fired 5 seconds per clip and 26 seconds in total or the ignis that cant hit multiple target because the damage is done at the crosshairs only and not the whole fire dealing damage) would we get some buffs on some clantech that are not worth to get compared to other clantech like the acrid,the flux rifle and the ogris or some bugs that make a weapon not as powerful as it should be?(ignis damage mechanic working kinda like a flux rifle)?


Thanks for reading my post and keep up the good work that you do on warframe

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1. Will there be a possibility of Alternative equip for body armor/torso  with stats similar to helmets?

2. Are there still plans for the Male Female frame crossover skin customization? (Example: Female Frost, Male Nyx, Female Ash, Male Nova)

3. Will you be adding more Planets/Moons with each major patch or will we have to unlock them similar to Phobos?

The devs already talked that this idea isnt in their plans anymore on an earlier livestream

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Will we ever see a Heavy Weapon type, that was discusses a few times?

What about stationary weapons in defense?

What happened to the grappling hook?

Will we have the chance to get the "missed event mods"?

What about Puncture?


Sneak Peak of the next frame?^^


What about Toxic Mods?


Will we see bigger bosses with more parcour elements? (giant machines where we need to destroy weapons, armors etc)

Edited by LazerusKI
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Guest tomekkk1

1: with the current fusion system, can we expect a credit-based fusion? I got over 3M and I don't have anything to spend it on.


2: with the current transmutation system, can we expect a greater chance of getting rare or already upgraded common/uncommon mods? my clanmate got a maxed iron skin out of 4 ammo drums but that was after a bazillion other transmutations...


3: are we going to see a new sentinel/sentinel weapons? and are you going to remove any sentinels (WYRM? - Dethcube is a straight-up upgrade)


4: are the said multi-boss/multi-stage boss battles coming in update 10? sure we have phobos dual boss, but I'd like to see some multi-level fights, (Krill is a pain-in-the-butt BTW, great job with remaking him:))


5: are you going to address the fusion core droprate and grineer commanders (mini Heks)?


6: are we going to get mastery rewards? (I'm rank 11, must have something for all that effort:))

Edited by tomekkk1
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Question about Dojo Rebuilds, currently the Dojo requires a rebuild of a great many rooms, but the labs and such do not.  I know that the halls and connectors get a 100% refund on these units, but the decorations in them do not get a full refund. So the question is do the labs and such also not get a full refund? also does the research stay so when we rebuild the labs we don't have to re-research?  or will we have to re-research all the weapons to get the blue prints?   

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