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DE, please implement this aiming functionality in Warframe!


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For as long as I can remember, practically all first-person/third-person shooters are locked into aiming from one side only--hence the term "right-hand advantage" was coined when aiming around cover.

And then, when you experience being able to switch which side you're aiming from... well, it seems like such a minor thing, but it's impact on gameplay is profound.  I would really love to see this functionality implemented in Warframe--DE, please make this happen!


(BTW, I know that game controllers are running out of buttons to add new features to, perhaps this could be done by pressing and holding the "Context Action" button, in the same way that pressing and holding the "Switch Weapon" button activates the Melee-Only mode?)

Edited by (PS4)Knightfyre
Added suggestion on how to add this functionality on console controllers.
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Thanks for the responses, I'm glad to hear that DE already has included this in the PC verson--how long has that been the case? 

if this is already implemented on consoles, I was completely unaware and have no idea how to do it.  If it hasn't yet been implemented on consoles, perhaps my suggestion to make it so that pressing and holding the "Context Action" button would make this happen.

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   It's been implemented on PC for quite a while now, although unlike the Mass Effect Andromeda example it does not switch stances. This can actually be a good thing though, if you use weapons like the Staticor, which can be hard to see through when charging, or if you use Saryn's deluxe skin, which has a giant flower on the shoulder.

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I had posted this before in the forums and even a video on YouTube demonstrating it.

Link to video:

AS a TL;DR, it does exist on console but it isn’t bound to any button. I switched out Inspect for it and that was that.

Edited by (PS4)Aerik93
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50 minutes ago, Sitchrea said:

This has been in the game since release.

And yet it is never explained or hinted to anywhere whatsoever throughout the entire game.

I showed people on the higher end of MR20 how to do this and they didn’t know about it beforehand.

The only way anybody would ever know that this exists or what it does is if they check their controls - I discovered it switching my R2 and L2 trigger functions so L2 fires and R2 aims, because I’m a lefty I can tap L2 faster than R2 so I can fire high rate of fire semi-automatic weapons faster and more efficiently.

When I did that I explored all the other settings. We don’t have Reverse Camera bound to a button by default because we don’t have that many buttons to bind.

Even so, Inspect is useless and easily replaceable by Reverse Camera.

If you know that this feature exists in the first place.

Which a lot of players don’t. Even veterans and top-Mastery players don’t.

Edited by (PS4)Aerik93
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4 hours ago, (PS4)Aerik93 said:

I had posted this before in the forums and even a video on YouTube demonstrating it.

Link to video:



AS a TL;DR, it does exist on console but it isn’t bound to any button. I switched out Inspect for it and that was that.


Thanks for sharing that, Aerik93!  I was completely unaware of the functionality of the Reverse Camera option; I figured it was the same as the Reverse Camera option I've seen in a few racing games I've played which showed you a view of what was directly behind you--something I didn't find very useful in those racing games where that option was available! 

The problem I still run into, though, is that I have nowhere left to map that on my controller -- See my controller setup below:


As you can see, every button has already been assigned with some important function. 

In order to have quick access to all abilities at all times, the abilities really need to stay on the D-Pad as I have it set up... when I first got the game, they were mapped to the swipe directions on the Sensor Pad, but that proved to be unreliable as the Sensor Pad is apparently not precise enough to read swipe inputs accurately 100% of the time, and I would frequiently end up activating a different power than I had intended because the controller read my swipe incorrectly.  Since I reassigned the abilities to the D-Pad, that problem has been alleviated... and now that some powers have variable input types (such as Vauban's Minelayer, Ivara's Quiver, or Hydroid's Tentacle Swarm, for example), swiping the Sensor Pad simply does not allow for that, making the D-Pad mapping all the more important.  The same goes for the "Show Level Map" command--in order to be able to utilize the Enhanced Overlay Map functionality recently introduced in Plains of Eidolon, that has to be mapped to a button that can be pressed and held; the swipe directions on the Sensor Pad will not work. 

I would map Reverse Camera to one of the Sensor Pad's swipe directions (in place of the "Inspect and Activate Selected Power" option, but for whatever reason, DE has not allowed for mapping that function to the Sensor Pad at all.

So, DE, if you could please enable us to map Reverse Camera to the Sensor Pad swipe directions --AND/OR-- implement my suggestion of giving us the option to activate Reverse Camera by pressing and holding the "Context Action" button, it would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by (PS4)Knightfyre
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