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Revamp Slots - I Think It's About Time


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Warframe is a success. It's been around for a long time now and it's going to stay. I can't talk enough about how fair and inviting the systems of Warframe feel considering it's a free to play game... But the one thing that gets me is the warframe/weapon slots. Whenever I'm trying to convince friends to try out Warframe I either tell them about slots or they go off and research and find out about it for themselves and from there its a no. I feel like with Warframe's success right now you'd bring in more players if you revamped or removed the slots system. I don't think you guys need it. It's a huge barrier for people who don't trust free to play games and to be honest is the only thing that ties your game to the typical genre of free to plays who really push you into spending money if you want to really feel free to explore the game.

You guys can be better.

Edit: Seems like this thread got a bit of feedback. Perhaps don't remove the slot system all together. I think it all comes back to the lack of explanation at the start of the game. I feel like new players need to be informed as soon as possible about slots and how after a few hours of play they'll be able to earn plat through trade to buy more slots. It's more about the impression of a FTP game egging you into spending money. People don't like feeling like a game is doing that so more effort should be put into preventing that train of thought at the very least. How many new players do you think start playing Warframe, spend their free plat on something useless and then quit because of slots? When I first played I definitely didn't spend my free plat on slots. I think this system is the one thing holding the game back from being more than a 'typical free to play game' (because this really is a typical free to play game kind of system) and I believe the game at this point would surely be making enough money to overhaul this system OR remove it if that was an option.

Edited by LykaJoss
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on one hand i agree. on other not so(need some more info from them themselves) 
its not much about getting paid from slot trading. then preventing from hording all equipment.
do you understand that each piece of equipment add weight for database, each fromaing, each coloring of it. skins. that and this. and its all add up to a not so small size of "save file"
Rivens. are abomination and nightmire of database %) and well 50plat (tho for 3 slot)

But i agree. its need some change. or maybe giving slots for rang etc.

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Yes, I agree. And the same time: What?

The slots is a common issue for new players. I would like it if DE would give a couple more free slots to everybody. That would make it easier on new players, and some extra slots are never bad.

So, your starting platinum, use it on slots. It is the only sensible option.

On the other hand... it is slots we are talking about. They are a convinience, but won't make you weaker or stronger in game. You can and are supposed to try out different stuff and stick with what you want. Now, once you got something you do not want to let it go, I get that. Well, farm something you can sell for plat and sell it, then use the plat to buy more slots. Is this off putting?

On one side you are going to farm something that you can sell for platinum. Visit warframe.makert, it will give an idea of the prices and will help you find a buyer. On the other side, somebody else paid you platinum for the time and efford you put into farming the stuff you sold to get that platinum. They are getting a fair deal too.

Addendum: Let me expand on that...

You farm stuff. You sell stuff. However - at least when it comes to prime gear- there is stuff being vaulted and unvaulted on a regular basis. And stuff that is vaulted, is stuff that is scarse, and stuff that is scarse is stuff that you can sell for a higher price. Thus, sometimes it is better to not sell right away. Do this right and you will have excess platinum. Note: something similar applies to primed mods, as they are only available when Baro sells them. Also, have a look at wftrader.com for the riven market.

Edited by theraot
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I understand your point of view, in fact I almost have the same idea but I just think there would be a problem and that is the fact that DE still needs to find way to make people pay the platinum to get whatever they want in the game.

Usually one way that players have to get platinum without paying it with real money is by trading something for it with other players but that just tends to become an extremely slow process, I mean it literally feels like fishing but not with a fishing spear where you can just hit it and get at least a garanteed catch but rather with a fishing rod where... you basically are just waiting for them to bite it. I mean, seriorusly, I really don't like the way the trading system works because getting platinum is nearly impossible, so much that it only makes me feel like it's rather better if I just contribute some of my real money (whenever I get the chance and a good discout) to help DE making Warframe better than just losing my time in getting platinum.

There're times where I feel like that the slots for warframes, weapons, archwings and archwing weapons, sentinels, pets, riven mods and apms should be reworked at some point or something. Sure most of those slots aren't that expensive but even then what happens is that I believe that the game is all about trying out new weapons and new warframes and such to progress through the game and getting better at it, not to slowdown the players by in many cases "forcing" them to grind for things that take forever to do. Not only that we just happen to have so much kinds of fashion and other stuff on the market that could actually work as a replacement for the slots somehow but I'm not sure.

I think that the reasons why the slots are there are because DE doesn't want players to rank up too fast or something but I just don't know. In fact, now that I'm talking about it, do you know those packs of mods people can buy to get 5 random mods? Why the hell are those still in the game? You can just get all of them by playing the game.

But yeah, I DEFINITELY understand your point of view and there were times where I really wanted to have better way to get new warframes and weapons and such without having to pay platinum for them. But who knows? We are talking about DE, we know they must at least have a way to sustain themselves but who knows?

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I was about to make a post about this.

I believe one step forward they could do and that wouldnt hurt them that much is to make MK1 weapons slot-free. This way new players can experience different guns while not needing to worry about slots at least from the very beginning. Another good thing would be to increase the initial slots players are given from the start. An additional Warframe slot and two weapon slots wouldn't hurt that much and will surely make newcomers more hooked to the game as well as they will not encounter the slot barrier right in the very beginning of the game. Increasing the amount of players that continue to play will always be better even in the short term.

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1) There should be more slots at the start of the game, especially warframe slots.

2) It would be nice to add slots to the MR system. With each new rank, they could give out one of the different slot types (warframe and weapon at first, later on sentinel, archwing and archwing weapons, and for high MR even the occasional riven slot).

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2 hours ago, LykaJoss said:

Warframe is a success. It's been around for a long time now and it's going to stay. I can't talk enough about how fair and inviting the systems of Warframe feel considering it's a free to play game... But the one thing that gets me is the warframe/weapon slots. Whenever I'm trying to convince friends to try out Warframe I either tell them about slots or they go off and research and find out about it for themselves and from there its a no. I feel like with Warframe's success right now you'd bring in more players if you revamped or removed the slots system. I don't think you guys need it. It's a huge barrier for people who don't trust free to play games and to be honest is the only thing that ties your game to the typical genre of free to plays who really push you into spending money if you want to really feel free to explore the game.

You guys can be better.

I do get tired of having to add the caveat of "except for slots" whenever I talk about how free2play the game is.  It does encourage free players to trade and paying players to pay, but that's not really in line with their design philosophy.  Maybe not removing it altogether, but giving new players 1 or 2 more.  Cause like we're given a reasonable amount really if spending the starter plat on slots, but how many players do?  I didn't.  That was spent on catalysts and reactors before I even knew plat was the premium currency.

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given that you can earn plat in game via trade. you could offer to help your friends out in that aspect and get them to go on some runs for some.of the easy to sell items like corrupted mods and such. slots are rather cheap in the plat spectrum but i do agree that they should be a little more generous with the starting amount of slots. and correct me if i am wrong but i thought i had gotten some extra slots when i hit some certain mr markers for free.

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5 hours ago, LykaJoss said:

I don't think you guys need it.

Guys, he doesn't believe they need it. I guess they don't need it, then.

5 hours ago, LykaJoss said:

to be honest is the only thing that ties your game to the typical genre of free to plays who really push you into spending money if you want to really feel free to explore the game.

It's almost as if the entire game is free but there must be something that makes people want to pay money for it. Funny how that is a feature of all games that people pour hundreds of hours into to create and expect to be able to make a living off it.

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Would it be possible to make a blueprint available for each kind of slot? Make them purchasable via the market for both platinum and/or credits. So those who have platinum can acquire them that way. While the newer players and everyone else will have to do a bit of grinding for the cost to get the print and then the parts to make them. Have them take a day to construct perhaps? It would be up to DE weather or not to make the slot prints one use or reusable. Maybe even both with single use prints dropping uncommonly/rarely via alerts and/or relics. While the reusable prints would be found in the market for a somewhat expensive price. I will leave it to the developers to figure out a good resource requirements per print balance, but my vote for the rare resource requirement is on control modules.

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39 minutes ago, KayAldren said:

Would it be possible to make a blueprint available for each kind of slot? Make them purchasable via the market for both platinum and/or credits. So those who have platinum can acquire them that way. While the newer players and everyone else will have to do a bit of grinding for the cost to get the print and then the parts to make them. Have them take a day to construct perhaps? It would be up to DE weather or not to make the slot prints one use or reusable. Maybe even both with single use prints dropping uncommonly/rarely via alerts and/or relics. While the reusable prints would be found in the market for a somewhat expensive price. I will leave it to the developers to figure out a good resource requirements per print balance, but my vote for the rare resource requirement is on control modules.

So with my mountain of Credits and Control Modules, I could get enough slots for every frame without paying a cent?

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There definitely still needs to be slots, I won't argue that. However, the number of starting slots needs to be increased. It's still at the same number as when the game first launched, except now we have ~10x the content, making the pitiful 2 Frame and 8 Weapon slots feel quite restrictive. I'm thinking a good number is probably 5 Frame and 10 Weapon slots. The Frame slots is the big one here though, because your starter is going to take up one obviously, and so that leaves you with a single slot for a Frame you want. Considering that we also still have quest Frames that cannot be acquired again if sold, this can be a bit problematic. Having more Frame slots and a couple more weapon slots allows players to get a better feel for the game, and progress further before a paywall is hurled at them, making them less likely to leave out of frustration.

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It is quite upsetting that for a new player enjoyment is constantly hindered by lack of slots... while for a veteran like me the concerns about slots are totally unexistant. I have enough frame slots untill 2019 and i could buy dozens if i really wanted.

I am pretty sure some balance could be put in place.

Also its silly how often you find out that you sold a weapon that was supposed to be a component for a weapon. Or they release a weapon that requires a weapon you deleted a year ago because it was 'MR fodder'. Well, why did i delete that weapon? Probably because i needed weapon slots.


On the same note, leveling MR is a bit underwhelming. What was the max rank rivens again? 16 or whatever? Then what am i really getting out of MR after that? Im slowly working towards 23rd and i have no clue.

I mean MR is a good indication of how much content you have 'mastered' and its the only indication of that, but at this point i meet plenty of lower MR players who are better equipped to deal with lets say eidolons. There is no way of knowing how well equipped to deal with content people are. Sure you can always speculate that for the most part ~MR8 players hardly know anything. But could you guess that i am totally underequipped to deal with eidolons at MR22? No you couldnt.

I know the topic of MR is quite different one, but i feel like it related to general progression of the game and overall its quite messy.

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37 minutes ago, Manslaughter666 said:

Can we buy infinite weapon/frame slots? I was under the impression I could collect and level every weapon/frame in the game. To be honest it kinda broke my heart when I learned there was a maximum amount of weapons and frames you could keep at one time.

You can and you can.  It just takes plat.  If you want to do it for free you have to trade.  It's not really hard to do at all especially long term.  We're only really talking about new players.  (although it's actually pretty easy for them as well)

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